View Full Version : Stephen Curry stronger than Michael Jordan? (Curry 400+ pound deadlift confirmed)

11-29-2015, 08:49 PM

This is more than I have ever heard of Jordan doing.

Steph Curry is stronger than MJ?

11-29-2015, 08:50 PM

This is more than I have ever heard of Jordan doing.

Steph Curry is stronger than MJ?

Ordan was a scrawny wimp, so that's not much of a feat

11-29-2015, 08:51 PM

This is more than I have ever heard of Jordan doing.

Steph Curry is stronger than MJ?

How much did you hear of Jordan doing?

11-29-2015, 08:52 PM
You made this thread like 2 months ago

Still good thread tho

11-29-2015, 08:56 PM
Is a 400 pound deadlift suppose to be immpressive?

Spurs m8
11-29-2015, 08:57 PM
Curry stans are becoming quite painful.

Instead of boring us with these threads, just go get ya Curry load out of ya balls and spare us this kinda shit tbh

11-29-2015, 08:59 PM
400 trapbar deadlift is 300 conventional lol

11-29-2015, 09:02 PM
400 trapbar deadlift is 300 conventional lol
The advantage is not that extreme

Curry would have no problem putting up 315 conventional for a few reps

11-29-2015, 09:11 PM
Is a 400 pound deadlift suppose to be immpressive?

This is where I'm confused. When I played bball I did that without much specific deadlifting training

Big Cheese
11-29-2015, 09:14 PM
This is where I'm confused. When I played bball I did that without much specific deadlifting training

obvious OP doesnt lift :lol

11-29-2015, 09:15 PM
We went over this 1 month ago

A 400 pound deadlift is impressive for all males alive... And probably skinny lightweight point guards

I'm not saying it is by any means hard to accomplish if you wanted it

Just a perspective of all things considered

11-29-2015, 09:18 PM
We went over this 1 month ago

A 400 pound deadlift is impressive for all males alive... And probably skinny lightweight point guards

I'm not saying it is by any means hard to accomplish if you wanted it

Just a perspective of all things considered

Exactly... :oldlol:

People acting as if a 4 plate deadlift isn't impressive and is common place. :oldlol:

Funny how all the people that actually post in the fitness thread in the OTC are the ones impressed, where as the ones you never see post in there come out of the woodwork claiming huge numbers.

I bet everyone on here benches 315lbs too. :oldlol:

11-29-2015, 09:22 PM
Curry stans are becoming quite painful.

Instead of boring us with these threads, just go get ya Curry load out of ya balls and spare us this kinda shit tbh

To be fair to other Curry stans, warriorfan has never even once made a quality post.

11-29-2015, 09:25 PM
Exactly... :oldlol:

People acting as if a 4 plate deadlift isn't impressive and is common place. :oldlol:

Funny how all the people that actually post in the fitness thread in the OTC are the ones impressed, where as the ones you never see post in there come out of the woodwork claiming huge numbers.

I bet everyone on here benches 315lbs too. :oldlol:

Well a body weight bench press is not that impressive. :rolleyes:

11-29-2015, 09:25 PM
We went over this 1 month ago

A 400 pound deadlift is impressive for all males alive... And probably skinny lightweight point guards

I'm not saying it is by any means hard to accomplish if you wanted it

Just a perspective of all things considered
But we are talking about professional athletes not your average fat slob American

When I got paid to play bball via money for education I was in good shape. Squat 400x10 deadlift 400 and bench 275...this was all at 6"4 205. Telling me that a professional athlete deadlifts 400 pounds is far from impressive

11-29-2015, 09:27 PM
So he still got bullied by dellevadova for half the finals that it cost him the finals MVP.

11-29-2015, 09:27 PM
But we are talking about professional athletes not your average fat slob American
Not when you are making criticism's of Curry's deadlift by comparing it to yourself

Which is exactly what the main criticism has been...

11-29-2015, 09:29 PM
We went over this 1 month ago

A 400 pound deadlift is impressive for all males alive... And probably skinny lightweight point guards

I'm not saying it is by any means hard to accomplish if you wanted it

Just a perspective of all things considered

no it's not. i'm the same size as Curry and I deadlift 500.

11-29-2015, 09:30 PM
Not when you are making criticism's of Curry's deadlift by comparing it to yourself

Which is exactly what the main criticism has been...
When I played college bball I was stronger than Stepj Curry...it's means nothing because he is 10000 times better at basketball but his dead lift isn't impressive. There are a ton of impressive things about him but not this...

11-29-2015, 09:30 PM
roy hibbert 540 for reps


i doubt he would be able to do 405 for 3 conventional

11-29-2015, 09:31 PM
no it's not. i'm the same size as Curry and I deadlift 500.
You just made my point

I've pulled 550 for a double conventional with a deadlift bar

I've done 500 for reps deficit

Go into a gym

Inspect the population of the world

400 pound deadlifts aren't abundant

11-29-2015, 09:33 PM
Stephs about a buck seventy soaking wet.

11-29-2015, 09:33 PM
You just made my point

I've pulled 550 for a double conventional with a deadlift bar

I've done 500 for reps deficit

Go into a gym

Inspect the population of the world

400 pound deadlifts aren't abundant

But go to the weight room of a college basketball or NBA team... You'll see they are nothing special. If you think it's special then should we lost everyone's lifts too?

11-29-2015, 09:33 PM
roy hibbert 540 for reps


i doubt he would be able to do 405 for 3 conventional
That's a rack pull trap bar dead

Do you realize how much a difference rack pulls makes to overall poundage lifted? Dudes can rack pull 1000+ pounds for reps

Cali Syndicate
11-29-2015, 09:35 PM
Is a 400 pound deadlift suppose to be immpressive?

Anyone who Can pull 8 plates is pretty damn strong. Yes that's impressive, or I guess it's relative depending who are you comparing that to?

11-29-2015, 09:35 PM
That's a rack pull trap bar dead

Do you realize how much a difference rack pulls makes to overall poundage lifted? Dudes can rack pull 1000+ pounds for reps
step curry probably does the same thing brah

11-29-2015, 09:36 PM
I've seen two people in my gym deadlift more than 4 plates.
I've seen two people squat more than 3 plates in my gym.
I've seen one bench more than 3 plates.

11-29-2015, 09:37 PM
Anyone who Can pull 8 plates is pretty damn strong. Yes that's impressive, or I guess it's relative depending who are you comparing that to?
The point is they are comparing it to themselves

Unless you guys are secretly the defensive line for the Miami Dolphins, then we compare it to the average population

11-29-2015, 09:37 PM
step curry probably does the same thing brah
It's not specified so we can only assume it is a normal trap bar dead

Cali Syndicate
11-29-2015, 09:38 PM
400 trapbar deadlift is 300 conventional lol

Oh, he did this on a trap bar? Well ok then....not as impressive lol. Still pretty strong in my book.

11-29-2015, 09:38 PM
For people who lift constantly, let alone an NBA athlete, a 400 pound deadlift isn't THAT impressive.

11-29-2015, 09:38 PM
To be fair to other Curry stans, warriorfan has never even once made a quality post.

This was quality:

11-29-2015, 09:40 PM
Anyone who Can pull 8 plates is pretty damn strong. Yes that's impressive, or I guess it's relative depending who are you comparing that to?

Anyone. Doesn't matter who you're comparing too. Less than 1% of the worlds population would be able to pull 400lbs.

A bunch of guys in here who have no concept of athletic performance, but simply pick up weights and put them down feel as if it isn't impressive because they can get close to it or do more.

Dude is literally pulling two of himself off the floor, and it somehow isn't impressive. :oldlol:

We went over this before with some of the other people in the thread last time, and it was funny how both myself and GIF were some of the few who found it impressive, despite both having recorded 550lbs deadlifts ourselves. :oldlol:

11-29-2015, 09:44 PM
roy hibbert 540 for reps


i doubt he would be able to do 405 for 3 conventional

So you don't even really know what a deadlift is... :oldlol:
And yet you're claiming something like 100lbs difference based on the type of bar you use. :oldlol:

Yeah... Steph Curry probably doesn't do it that way. When you're 7'3 like Hibbert, I can see why he sticks to rack pulls.

11-29-2015, 09:44 PM
You just made my point

I've pulled 550 for a double conventional with a deadlift bar

I've done 500 for reps deficit

Go into a gym

Inspect the population of the world

400 pound deadlifts aren't abundant

not ipf approved brah.

11-29-2015, 09:44 PM
Anyone. Doesn't matter who you're comparing too. Less than 1% of the worlds population would be able to pull 400lbs.

A bunch of guys in here who have no concept of athletic performance, but simply pick up weights and put them down feel as if it isn't impressive because they can get close to it or do more.

Dude is literally pulling two of himself off the floor, and it somehow isn't impressive. :oldlol:

We went over this before with some of the other people in the thread last time, and it was funny how both myself and GIF were some of the few who found it impressive, despite both having recorded 550lbs deadlifts ourselves. :oldlol:

You know less than one percent of the population isn't a good qualifier. Imagine if we used that metric to pretend like other things are impressive.

You comparing him to a bums at planet fitness is the real issue. If the object is to be more impressive than them then someone should start a thread about 99% of NBA and NFL players.

11-29-2015, 09:45 PM
So you don't even really know what a deadlift is... :oldlol:
And yet you're claiming something like 100lbs difference based on the type of bar you use. :oldlol:

Yeah... Steph Curry probably doesn't do it that way. When you're 7'3 like Hibbert, I can see why he sticks to rack pulls.
stack calls those deadlifts, the same can be said about whoever wrote steph's article

11-29-2015, 09:45 PM
not ipf approved brah.
jesse norris natty tho

11-29-2015, 09:46 PM
jesse norris natty tho

that's like saying all the olympic medalist are saints. :roll:

11-29-2015, 09:47 PM
You know less than one percent of the population isn't a good qualifier. Imagine if we used that metric to pretend like other things are impressive.

You comparing him to a bums at planet fitness is the real issue. If the object is to be more impressive than them then someone should start a thread about 99% of NBA and NFL players.
No you're missing the point

Impressive implies a level of comparison

The comparison is being made by criticisms in this thread. Guys are saying that the deadlift by Curry is not impressive, because "I deadlift this much"

The comparison is to the general population because none of you scrubs are pro athletes

11-29-2015, 09:48 PM
stack calls those deadlifts, the same can be said about whoever wrote steph's article

Sound logic. We can all start calling board taps as dunks now because some guy at Rucker Park said so.

11-29-2015, 09:49 PM
No you're missing the point

Impressive implies a level of comparison

The comparison is being made by criticisms in this thread. Guys are saying that the deadlift by Curry is not impressive, because "I deadlift this much"

The comparison is to the general population because none of you scrubs are pro athletes

Why would the relevant conparison of a pro athlete be to a guys aren't pro athletes?

I don't compare my professional skills to people in different professions and pretend that makes them impressive.

11-29-2015, 09:51 PM
Why would the relevant conparison of a pro athlete be to a guys aren't pro athletes?

I don't compare my professional skills to people in different professions and pretend that makes them impressive.
You once again miss the point and shift the goal posts

How many NBA point guards deadlifts do you know? Not many.

Then you will go on to say..."But I deadlift this much and I played ball so Curry's deadlift is not impressive"

Stop moving goal posts and assuming things because of your own personal experience deadlifting

11-29-2015, 09:52 PM
You know less than one percent of the population isn't a good qualifier. Imagine if we used that metric to pretend like other things are impressive.

You comparing him to a bums at planet fitness is the real issue. If the object is to be more impressive than them then someone should start a thread about 99% of NBA and NFL players.
Agree. 99% of the people there are only there for the free pizza on Tuesdays

Cali Syndicate
11-29-2015, 09:53 PM
Anyone. Doesn't matter who you're comparing too. Less than 1% of the worlds population would be able to pull 400lbs.

A bunch of guys in here who have no concept of athletic performance, but simply pick up weights and put them down feel as if it isn't impressive because they can get close to it or do more.

Dude is literally pulling two of himself off the floor, and it somehow isn't impressive. :oldlol:

We went over this before with some of the other people in the thread last time, and it was funny how both myself and GIF were some of the few who found it impressive, despite both having recorded 550lbs deadlifts ourselves. :oldlol:

I agree. I do legit work with like 5 people who can deadlift 405+lbs though...plus the handful of people I've seen at my gym who can pull 10+ plates. These guys are straight up elite class from the rest of us. Pulling 400lb isn't some everyday feat. Lol at ish is full of powerhouse gym rats....fcuk noooo lol

I was just saying relative to the perhaps div 1 football players I used to "workout" with who were close to pulling 600lbs, sure it's not as impressive. That's all I meant by it.

11-29-2015, 09:54 PM
You once again miss the point and shift the goal posts

How many NBA point guards deadlifts do you know? Not many.

Then you will go on to say..."But I deadlift this much and I played ball so Curry's deadlift is not impressive"

Stop moving goal posts and assuming things because of your own personal experience deadlifting

I'm not moving the goal posts...I'm placing them in the only logical place. If we don't have he information to qualify his 400 pound deadlift then so be it...from my time around division 1 athletes...I don't find this impressive.

11-29-2015, 09:54 PM
again a 405 conventional deadlift is pretty impressive but he's doing it with a trapbar which equates to about 315 conventional hardly impressive

11-29-2015, 09:56 PM
If you want to compare it to professional athletes, then you need to be specific. You can't group Curry with a 280 pound linebacker

Pro athlete is a broad term

How many pro NBA players deadlifts do you really know? Answer: You don't know that many. So how do you know what's impressive? We don't.

But then you'll say something about yourself deadlifting? Alright, we'll make the comparison with the general population then.

11-29-2015, 09:56 PM
Exactly... :oldlol:

People acting as if a 4 plate deadlift isn't impressive and is common place. :oldlol:

Funny how all the people that actually post in the fitness thread in the OTC are the ones impressed, where as the ones you never see post in there come out of the woodwork claiming huge numbers.

I bet everyone on here benches 315lbs too. :oldlol:

I swear this thread is daja vue, but yeah a 185 athlete should be able to do 405 conventional easily. That is below average level for such a person.

11-29-2015, 09:57 PM
400 trapbar deadlift is 300 conventional lol

again a 405 conventional deadlift is pretty impressive but he's doing it with a trapbar which equates to about 315 conventional hardly impressive


Cali Syndicate
11-29-2015, 09:57 PM
For people who lift constantly, let alone an NBA athlete, a 400 pound deadlift isn't THAT impressive.

400lb deadlift may not be impressive to powerlifters but they would still regard that as a strong pull by anyone who is able to, which is kind of the point here.

11-29-2015, 09:57 PM
I've seen two people in my gym deadlift more than 4 plates.
I've seen two people squat more than 3 plates in my gym.
I've seen one bench more than 3 plates.

what gym are you a part of? All of those are minimal level strength...ok deadlift is 5 plates for min strength is any gym. Do you have professional athletes in your gym?

11-29-2015, 09:58 PM
Why would the relevant conparison of a pro athlete be to a guys aren't pro athletes?

I don't compare my professional skills to people in different professions and pretend that makes them impressive.

Because it is impressive either way, and comparatively.

Same thing as if a 250lbs guy does a backflip, and then a 150lbs guy does it. Doing the same thing, but one is more impressive clearly. Either way, both are impressive.

11-29-2015, 09:59 PM
what gym are you a part of? All of those are minimal level strength...ok deadlift is 5 plates for min strength is any gym. Do you have professional athletes in your gym?
Missing the point

Understand what impressive means, and what it is accrued from

It is simply a matter of perspective

11-29-2015, 09:59 PM
Anyone. Doesn't matter who you're comparing too. Less than 1% of the worlds population would be able to pull 400lbs.

A bunch of guys in here who have no concept of athletic performance, but simply pick up weights and put them down feel as if it isn't impressive because they can get close to it or do more.

Dude is literally pulling two of himself off the floor, and it somehow isn't impressive. :oldlol:

We went over this before with some of the other people in the thread last time, and it was funny how both myself and GIF were some of the few who found it impressive, despite both having recorded 550lbs deadlifts ourselves. :oldlol:


easily 50% of the population can in 10 years training pull 500. 5-10% of those who train hit 500 in 3 years. Give me a break. These are NORMAL numbers!

11-29-2015, 10:01 PM

easily 50% of the population can in 10 years training pull 500. 5-10% of those who train hit 500 in 3 years. Give me a break. These are NORMAL numbers!
Just because it can be done, does not mean it is being done

Theoretical assumptions are nice

But not everyone's goals are to deadlift 500 pounds

Have some perspective

Cali Syndicate
11-29-2015, 10:01 PM
I swear this thread is daja vue, but yeah a 185 athlete should be able to do 405 conventional easily. That is below average level for such a person.

Most nba players train for muscle conditioning to endure a long season, not for max gains. I'm sure they max their lifts here and there for strength but let's not act like monta Ellis is the gym daily training power lifts. Nate Robinson and earl boykins probably did though do to shorter range of motion.

Cali Syndicate
11-29-2015, 10:03 PM

easily 50% of the population can in 10 years training pull 500. 5-10% of those who train hit 500 in 3 years. Give me a break. These are NORMAL numbers!

500lb pull is normal? Do you realize the kind of discipline and consistency one has to go day in day out to get to that leevel. 400lb is one thing but 500 is not normal...I've seen plenty of my fair share of guys who are that that level but they are not "normal."

11-29-2015, 10:04 PM
If you want to compare it to professional athletes, then you need to be specific. You can't group Curry with a 280 pound linebacker

Pro athlete is a broad term

How many pro NBA players deadlifts do you really know? Answer: You don't know that many. So how do you know what's impressive? We don't.

But then you'll say something about yourself deadlifting? Alright, we'll make the comparison with the general population then.

A good deadlift is 2.5x body weight. An athlete should be over 3x body weight. If your arms are short relative to height less than 3 and if they're long relative to height more.

Curry has very long arms. For him at over 200 a 600 would be an impress deadlift. 400 is well below what one would should expect assuming he trains for them. 400 with minimal training is about what I'd expect.

My first deadlift when I trained at 170 was 365. I couldn't bench 250 nor could I bench 250 when I did it. I do have longer arms, but not curry length. Again conventional. Not trap bar which is easier.

11-29-2015, 10:05 PM
Just because it can be done, does not mean it is being done

Theoretical assumptions are nice

But not everyone's goals are to deadlift 500 pounds

Have some perspective

I do...about 1/4 of people who lift in a gym hit 500 in their early 20's. 500 deadlifts are common place in gyms with athletes.

11-29-2015, 10:07 PM
A good deadlift is 2.5x body weight. An athlete should be over 3x body weight. If your arms are short relative to height less than 3 and if they're long relative to height more.

Curry has very long arms. For him at over 200 a 600 would be an impress deadlift. 400 is well below what one would should expect assuming he trains for them. 400 with minimal training is about what I'd expect.

My first deadlift when I trained at 170 was 365. I couldn't bench 250 nor could I bench 250 when I did it. I do have longer arms, but not curry length. Again conventional. Not trap bar which is easier.
No you are continually missing the point

We base impressiveness on the comparison we so choose


11-29-2015, 10:08 PM
500lb pull is normal? Do you realize the kind of discipline and consistency one has to go day in day out to get to that leevel. 400lb is one thing but 500 is not normal...I've seen plenty of my fair share of guys who are that that level but they are not "normal."

I'm fat. I have never benched over 300 pounds. I have had cronic back pain DAILY for 5 plus years. I could pull 400 with a trap bar tomorrow no problem. I'd likely feel it for a month but it is a NOTHING LIGHT weight.

I workout outside of walking a few miles a day 1-2 times a week.

We're seriously talking about weights than girls who workout can pull while still having a figure model look...

11-29-2015, 10:09 PM
A good deadlift is 2.5x body weight. An athlete should be over 3x body weight. If your arms are short relative to height less than 3 and if they're long relative to height more.

Curry has very long arms. For him at over 200 a 600 would be an impress deadlift. 400 is well below what one would should expect assuming he trains for them. 400 with minimal training is about what I'd expect.

My first deadlift when I trained at 170 was 365. I couldn't bench 250 nor could I bench 250 when I did it. I do have longer arms, but not curry length. Again conventional. Not trap bar which is easier.

only manlets obsess over bodyweight when talking about lifts. Any midget can have impressive lifts relative to their weight.

11-29-2015, 10:11 PM
400lb deadlift may not be impressive to powerlifters but they would still regard that as a strong pull by anyone who is able to, which is kind of the point here.
I'm not disputing that. Maybe I am not making myself clear. To 99% of the popular, this is impressive as hell. I'm not taking that away. What I am trying to say is that for a professional athlete this isn't eye popping or something that other professionals would be in awe of.

11-29-2015, 10:11 PM
No you are continually missing the point

We base impressiveness on the comparison we so choose


405 is good for a guy who will never make a division one sport team if he's under 180.

I'm sorry but 405 is seriously not even trying weight for anyone who lifts. Especially with Curry's build....

11-29-2015, 10:12 PM
Impressiveness is dependent on comparison

Let's please get this concept thru your heads

11-29-2015, 10:12 PM
only manlets obsess over bodyweight when talking about lifts. Any midget can have impressive lifts relative to their weight.

just giving super generic numbers to put things in context....nothing more nothing less.

11-29-2015, 10:14 PM
just giving super generic numbers to put things in context....nothing more nothing less.
And the problem with that is impressive requires comparison and specificity

You wouldn't compare a football player to a basketball player

11-29-2015, 10:17 PM
500lb pull is normal? Do you realize the kind of discipline and consistency one has to go day in day out to get to that leevel. 400lb is one thing but 500 is not normal...I've seen plenty of my fair share of guys who are that that level but they are not "normal."

FYI, I thought we were talking about a profesional athlete at the top .000000000000000000000000000000000001% of his sport in the history of said sport.

But yeah of those training for 5-10 years the majority hit a 500 deadlift. Getting beyond that level is where the real "CRAZY" stuff happens.

I never got there due to back problems. I hit the 400 squat and 300 bench goals I had, but at about 450 my deadlift stopped and I had to stop doing them beyond about 365 due to issues. At that time my squat was 365, I got it over 450, but I just could never get myself to deadlift more due to back pains. I'm guessing most people don't spend 15-20 minutes getting out of bed some morning due to pain in their back. So I'm guessing I'm more a minority than those who can train a few years and hit 500. I certainly didn't have any friends in teh gym who didn't get there if they wanted it. None of my friends ever were pro athletes. Now I knew pro powerlifts but they are whole other mutants. Same with the few body builders I knew.

11-29-2015, 10:18 PM
That is actually very impressive... especially when considering his range of motion. I don't think MJ could have done it.

11-29-2015, 10:18 PM
Sounds like you had shit form and had an overdominant back

11-29-2015, 10:19 PM
And the problem with that is impressive requires comparison and specificity

You wouldn't compare a football player to a basketball player

Athletes are athletes man. Football and basketball are both explosive sports. You just carry less mass in basketball. Thus why I used weights to lifts.

Now if basketball was all endurance (it isn't) that might change a bit all be it, Curry is a mutant so he likely excels in both.

BTW MJ was a mutant and was a freak in strength. I recall Robert horry talking about how MJ was one of the strongest guys he ever played against and how freakish his strength was.

11-29-2015, 10:24 PM
Sounds like you had shit form and had an overdominant back

My back is weak. I had good leverage. As for form, very possible i had issues. Squating is actually what messed my back up though. I fixed my form there and can squat no issues, even with pain walking. Deadlifts flair it up when I go heavy. Had a few good strength coaches around to help with form since back when the pain started and I have had some good runs with deadlifting but I've just learned to take less risks in life.

I'm sure I'm 100% to blame for my issues. That's life. We make mistakes and we live with them. I taught myself how to lifit long before I asked for help. If you want me can both go insult 16 year old me....

11-29-2015, 10:26 PM
Well no shit who else would be to blame

99% of injuries in the gym come at the expense of poor movement patterns and muscular imbalance facilitating that

Cali Syndicate
11-29-2015, 10:27 PM
I'm fat. I have never benched over 300 pounds. I have had cronic back pain DAILY for 5 plus years. I could pull 400 with a trap bar tomorrow no problem. I'd likely feel it for a month but it is a NOTHING LIGHT weight.

I workout outside of walking a few miles a day 1-2 times a week.

We're seriously talking about weights than girls who workout can pull while still having a figure model look...

You're being quite pretentious here.

First of all, What does being fat have to do with anything? There's a guy at my gym who is fat. Dude straight up jiggles when he walks. He reps 315 on the incline without a spot. I'm talking 5-8 reps almost like its nothing. On the flat bench he maxes close to 400. Yes he's fat but he's strong as shit.

Second, some people are strong through genetics. I've known people who never stepped a foot in a gym but tossed up 225 on the bench. Like how the ****? One of the guys I know who can pull 400for reps told me the first time he did a deadlift, his friend was maxing out on 285 and he, just for laughs tried, and lifted it with ease. I think his max is at 455 and he weighs like a buck fifty.

11-29-2015, 10:28 PM
Bodyfat % matters in a strength context

Especially for the bench

11-29-2015, 10:32 PM
You're being quite pretentious here.

First of all, What does being fat have to do with anything? There's a guy at my gym who is fat. Dude straight up jiggles when he walks. He reps 315 on the incline without a spot. I'm talking 5-8 reps almost like its nothing. On the flat bench he maxes close to 400. Yes he's fat but he's strong as shit.

Second, some people are strong through genetics. I've known people who never stepped a foot in a gym but tossed up 225 on the bench. Like how the ****? One of the guys I know who can pull 400for reps told me the first time he did a deadlift, his friend was maxing out on 285 and he, just for laughs tried, and lifted it with ease. I think his max is at 455 and he weighs like a buck fifty.

Being fat is great for squats and bench. It make leverage on a deadlift difficult. So it's meaningful.

As for genetics I do have good leverage for pulling. Curry's arm length however makes him FAR more gifted in that respect than me. I don't build muscle well. I don't have dominate fast twitch muscles. I'm not a professional athlete. I'm also western European which is not a group that generally is gifted in power sports if you want to get into genetics.

Cali Syndicate
11-29-2015, 10:43 PM
Being fat is great for squats and bench. It make leverage on a deadlift difficult. So it's meaningful.

As for genetics I do have good leverage for pulling. Curry's arm length however makes him FAR more gifted in that respect than me. I don't build muscle well. I don't have dominate fast twitch muscles. I'm not a professional athlete. I'm also western European which is not a group that generally is gifted in power sports if you want to get into genetics.

Curry's arm length and being fat making it harder for leverage, i can agree with. But from the sounds of it, you are naturally a strong guy. being fat probably hindered your potential but regardless, genetically you had a head start over the most of us and even a few times a week increased your gains. As far as fast twitch muscles, Curry doesnt really have strong ones either. For a pro athlete, his combine metrics are pretty weak.

11-29-2015, 11:08 PM
Curry's arm length and being fat making it harder for leverage, i can agree with. But from the sounds of it, you are naturally a strong guy. being fat probably hindered your potential but regardless, genetically you had a head start over the most of us and even a few times a week increased your gains. As far as fast twitch muscles, Curry doesnt really have strong ones either. For a pro athlete, his combine metrics are pretty weak.

Dude trust me. I'm a hard gainer. I have good leverage for deadlifting because I have long arms. Curry has longer arms relative to his body height. Getting fat is the result of me drinking too much and for the past 3 years working 80+ hours a week and then going out after with co workers to drink/eat bar food. I was always the weakest guy in the gym until I spent YEARS and YEARS working on it with guys who could help me. Deadlifting however I did have some advantages and had a good one early on, but honestly even of the guys in high school who did it, most were pulling 350+ at 17-18 who I was around.

Now again TOTALLY get that's not the norm for 17-18year olds. I should also point out I took me a year of lifting to bench 135 when I was 17. Not middle school. The genetically gifted guys did 225 at 14 their first time...

And even with all that getting from 365 to 405 was a LOT and I mean a LOT of work. It's not an easy thing to do, but again we're talking about gym goes. If you hadn't noticed the majority of people in the gym aren't average. Average people stop going to the gym cause they suck at it. I am definitely in the "average" group as a whole all be it with crap genetics too look good lifting (lacking fast twitch muscles).

But if we're talking people in the gym (which I think we are) 405 is pretty average if not the norm for those who keep showing up. 500 is pretty common for the guys who put in 10+ years.

Most guys in the above groups, are NOT professional athletes.

BTW all the above is about a conventional deadlift. Trap bars give most people a nice bump, but guys with LONG arms get a HUGE bump, like 100 pounds.

I mean look if you workout at an LA fitness and are around a lot of guys on tredmills perhaps you're missing the guys in their who lift and are confusion lifting with showing up at a "gym". If that's the case then yeah 405 is above average. But why would we compare a pro athlete to guys who show up 2x a week to walk on a tredmill?

11-29-2015, 11:13 PM
If it is a proper Deadlift than 400 pounds or 180kg is a pretty solid deadlift for most.

I see your average Joe at the gym maybe peaking at 100kg or 120kg.

However, for a guy that has trainers, nutritionists etc etc, 400 pounds or 180kg is not that impressive imo. And if it was a rack pull.. than it is even less so.

11-29-2015, 11:17 PM
If it is a proper Deadlift than 400 pounds or 180kg is a pretty solid deadlift for most.

I see your average Joe at the gym maybe peaking at 100kg or 120kg.

However, for a guy that has trainers, nutritionists etc etc, 400 pounds or 180kg is not that impressive imo. And if it was a rack pull.. than it is even less so.

where in europe do you live?

11-30-2015, 12:44 AM
where in europe do you live?


Im Still Ballin
04-01-2016, 10:27 AM

05-26-2016, 12:14 PM
:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

05-26-2016, 01:39 PM
:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:
:roll: :roll:

05-26-2016, 02:06 PM
:lol :roll: :oldlol:

05-26-2016, 02:13 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: