View Full Version : Kobe Bryant is Captain Ahab and the white whale was Michael Jordan

11-30-2015, 04:16 AM
Ahab spent years hunting the white whale that haunted his dreams... But in the end it destroyed him and his ship

He didn't know when to quit

"And he piled upon the whales white hump. The sum of all rage and hate felt by his whole race. If his chest had been a canon. He would have shot his heart upon it"

- Moby Dick

11-30-2015, 04:20 AM
That new movie has too much CGI. Kids these days and their overblown CGI. Avatar was done right, but most of the other movies are over to the top. Like the Hobbit. Doesn't even look real. And they killed off the Dragon beggining of the third movie. Not that it should have been three movies. Fuking hollywood. Hunger Games shouldn't have been four either. What a let down. It's three mother fuking books, not four.

Don't even get me started on the most recent Star Trek. What an abomination. JJ Abrahams blows. That's not Star Trek.

11-30-2015, 04:22 AM