View Full Version : Want to know why Dwight Howard sucks at posting up?

12-10-2015, 08:37 PM
Look how skinny his wrist and ankle are compared to Blake Griffin.


12-10-2015, 08:38 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

12-10-2015, 08:39 PM

34-24 Footwork
12-10-2015, 08:39 PM
Blake Griffin also has a better base. Dwight standing straight up like a fvckin manikan.

12-10-2015, 08:40 PM
Skinny arms and ankles arent the reason

Duncan has skinny arms and ankles

Its his chicken legs, he cant back people down, look at his legs compared to Cousins, Bynum, Al Jefferson, and Shaq

He cant get post position


Smook A.
12-10-2015, 08:43 PM
What the hell does having skinny wrists and ankles have to do with how you post up? :oldlol:

Do you not remember how skinny Hakeem, Kareem, McHale were? Pau Gasol has really skinny ankles and wrists too. So does Anthony Davis. Dwight sucks in the post because he moves like a god damn action figure. Stiff as ****. And his GOD AWFUL mechanics & low-post IQ make it even worse.

12-10-2015, 08:49 PM
the true answer is because he has chicken legs. can't back anyone down when you skip leg day.

12-10-2015, 08:53 PM
What the hell does having skinny wrists and ankles have to do with how you post up? :oldlol:

Do you not remember how skinny Hakeem, Kareem, McHale were? Pau Gasol has really skinny ankles and wrists too. So does Anthony Davis. Dwight sucks in the post because he moves like a god damn action figure. Stiff as ****. And his GOD AWFUL mechanics & low-post IQ make it even worse.

funny thing is, he was the only one that managed to save rockets' playoff run. cant believe u guys dissed the only competent player like this. hypocrite.

12-10-2015, 09:05 PM
has nothing to do with that. he's just not mechanical. post moves just aren't natural to him. even then though, he was still a good post scorer in orlando

12-10-2015, 09:10 PM
I think it's both. Chicken legs don't help, but he basically has no post game. Kevin McHale was a twig and was a destroyer in the post. People talk about how painful he was to play against because he was all bones. So most of it IMO comes down to knowing how to use your body. But chicken legs aren't gonna help any....

12-10-2015, 10:27 PM
he sucks posting up because he has no awareness. doesn't know when to pass and when to back up. he doesn't see the double coming.

12-10-2015, 10:30 PM
No he basically just doesn't have the touch

He looks stiff and awkward

12-10-2015, 10:40 PM
can't back people down? Can't get position? did any of those idiots saying that actually watch him in his prime?

He used to be able to back down and get position fine he just had poor footwork and co ordination once he got in a good position. He used to make up for this with his raw strength and athleticism (he had a couple of post moves that were ugly but effective as well; one was the running hook/lob thing he'd do the other was a spin that worked and he'd use those or just over power people) but now that he has back problem and is aging he's struggled to alter his game.

Post moves just don't come natural to him, his decline started when he tried to alter his game to use more fluid moves that he just could never get right. Doesn't matter how quick or strong you are if you don't have the balance and co ordination for post moves it's tough to learn them.

Look at a guy like Nicholson, he's one of the slowest players in the league but this season he's scoring in the post purely using his balance and timing. Sometimes it looks like he's in slow motion when he's posting up but he gets the defender to fall for things or be off balanced.

Nick Young
12-10-2015, 10:45 PM
can't back people down? Can't get position? did any of those idiots saying that actually watch him in his prime?

He used to be able to back down and get position fine he just had poor footwork and co ordination once he got in a good position. He used to make up for this with his raw strength and athleticism (he had a couple of post moves that were ugly but effective as well; one was the running hook/lob thing he'd do the other was a spin that worked and he'd use those or just over power people) but now that he has back problem and is aging he's struggled to alter his game.

Post moves just don't come natural to him, his decline started when he tried to alter his game to use more fluid moves that he just could never get right. Doesn't matter how quick or strong you are if you don't have the balance and co ordination for post moves it's tough to learn them.

Look at a guy like Nicholson, he's one of the slowest players in the league but this season he's scoring in the post purely using his balance and timing. Sometimes it looks like he's in slow motion when he's posting up but he gets the defender to fall for things or be off balanced.
D-Coward apologists popping out of the woodwork like termintes:lol

12-10-2015, 10:49 PM
D-Coward apologists popping out of the woodwork like termintes:lol
I've said it 100 times here, Dwight is a piece of shit and I hate him. Things came too easy to him early on based on his physical gifts and he never matured or developed his game/attitude. He has zero loytaly and all signs point to him being a dickhead off the court in his day to day life as well.

But unlike the stanboys here I can put my dislike of him aside and comment on how he plays on the court and he used to be an effective scorer in the post. Love him or hate him there was a time when he was the best big man in the league and he had ways of scoring, he used to put up 20+ ppg getting double teamed whenever he touched the ball down low. Couldn't do any fancy post moves but it worked because of his power. He was never going to age well with that kind of game.

12-10-2015, 10:53 PM
he was good in orlando. He started sucking because the lakers happened.

12-10-2015, 10:55 PM
he was good in orlando. He started sucking because the lakers happened.
He hurt his back at the end of his last stretch in Orlando and was injured going in to his time in L.A.

It was also widely reported that the reason he waived his opt out and stayed that extra time in Orlando was because he'd been told if he didn't he was being traded to L.A and he didn't want to go play in Kobe's shadow because he's a diva he wants all the attention and doesn't want someone holding him to a high work standard.