View Full Version : Sooo.......Who's Growth Is Kobe Stunting Again?

12-11-2015, 05:57 PM
Who? Vander Blue? Marcelo Huertas,Anthony Brown? Larry Nance, Jr? Russell and Clarkson already get plenty of playing time.

I figure, Lakers would suck this year whether Kobe was there or not. Just let the guy play out his last season, if he wants to shoot 20 times per game, so what? The team is garbage. I don't really care either way but all this talk about him stunting another player's growth is garbage.

12-11-2015, 05:58 PM
nobodies. that's how sad life is in LA these days.

12-11-2015, 06:07 PM
Yah. With or without him they'll suck. If he didn't bring that many rings of course not. But LA just gotta suck it up

12-11-2015, 06:07 PM
nobodies. that's how sad life is in LA these days.
So why do people have such an issue with him shooting? It is his last season....:confusedshrug:

12-11-2015, 06:08 PM
Yah. With or without him they'll suck. If he didn't bring that many rings of course not. But LA just gotta suck it up
Yeah, I figured for a great player that has been great for the franchise, Laker fans sure are being hard on him. I could see if there was a great young SG sitting on their bench but there isn't...

12-11-2015, 06:12 PM
The Los Angeles Lakers as a team and organization as a whole.

12-11-2015, 06:14 PM
So why do people have such an issue with him shooting? It is his last season....:confusedshrug:
Teaching bad habits can last forever. Russell/Clarkson/Randle see how this is how an all time great handles himself and then they start justifying their own bad decisions. I haven't shit on Kobe as much as some others but he should still have that lead by example mentality because these youngins look up to him.

12-11-2015, 06:18 PM
It's not about stunting growth. It's about tanking. Kobe and Byron Scott purposefully have tanked the Lakers into prime lottery territory already. That is why Kobe is now letting the younger guys play now that the tank is secure. Kobe and Scott have been watching out for the future of the organization and the Lakers are going to be in good shape going forward from here.

12-11-2015, 06:21 PM
Teaching bad habits can last forever. Russell/Clarkson/Randle see how this is how an all time great handles himself and then they start justifying their own bad decisions. I haven't shit on Kobe as much as some others but he should still have that lead by example mentality because these youngins look up to him.
So they're going to ignore Kobe's first 19 years and just focus on his last season? Which is obviously kind've a send off/thx for the memories type of season? I doubt that. One thing I've learned is that NBA players don't give a shit about 90% of the stuff that fans think is a big deal.

12-11-2015, 06:22 PM
Teaching bad habits can last forever. Russell/Clarkson/Randle see how this is how an all time great handles himself and then they start justifying their own bad decisions. I haven't shit on Kobe as much as some others but he should still have that lead by example mentality because these youngins look up to him.
And this is kind've the point I just made. If what he's doing is so bad, then why would ANYBODY be looking up to him at this point? Maybe the players themselves could care less. Thats what I honestly think.

12-11-2015, 06:28 PM
So they're going to ignore Kobe's first 19 years and just focus on his last season? Which is obviously kind've a send off/thx for the memories type of season? I doubt that. One thing I've learned is that NBA players don't give a shit about 90% of the stuff that casual fans think is a big deal.
One thing I've learned is if your boss/leader/captain whatever in your workplace starts getting complacent (even using an excuse like "I'm retiring this year"), a lot of your co workers will begin to develop that same complacent attitude, especially if they're trying to learn from you.

I don't really doubt that Kobe tells them the right things, shares wisdom, etc. But I do know that most times actions speak louder than words and people follow by example. Kobe's not setting a great example with his play style or attitude on the court. Can't deny that.

12-11-2015, 06:30 PM
And this is kind've the point I just made. If what he's doing is so bad, then why would ANYBODY be looking up to him at this point? Maybe the players themselves could care less. Thats what I honestly think.
Respect. They look up to him because of respect.

And they could care less, you may be right. Doesn't stop bad habits from subconsciously being formed.

12-11-2015, 06:35 PM
Doesn't stop bad habits from subconsciously being formed.

true. but it could also have the opposite effect. they learn how to not act/play through the bad example kobe has set. thinking like that is part of being an adult, which despite their young age, they are.

12-11-2015, 06:36 PM
Respect. They look up to him because of respect.

And they could care less, you may be right. Doesn't stop bad habits from subconsciously being formed.
I understand what you're saying, I just disagree for the most part. These guys are grown, even though still young, they're not children. If I see someone going about something the wrong way, Id try my best to do the complete opposite. I could see subconscience habits forming if they were way younger but not as grown men. I mean, Kobe's always played the same way. Thats what I don't get. He hasn't changed his style, he's playing the same style he's always played except he's shooting more 3's...True, his talent is nowhere near good enough to play that way anymore but I mean, he's always been who he is.

12-11-2015, 06:39 PM
true. but it could also have the opposite effect. they learn how to not act/play through the bad example kobe has set. thinking like that is part of being an adult, which despite their young age, they are.
True. I'm not saying this is set in stone how it's going to happen, but I think I'd rather have him tone it down and try to set a good example as opposed to doing what he is doing and hoping the rookies see it that way.

12-11-2015, 06:40 PM
The Los Angeles Lakers as a team and organization as a whole.
I missed this. Please explain?

12-11-2015, 06:46 PM
I understand what you're saying, I just disagree for the most part. These guys are grown, even though still young, they're not children. If I see someone going about something the wrong way, Id try my best to do the complete opposite. I could see subconscience habits forming if they were way younger but not as grown men. I mean, Kobe's always played the same way. Thats what I don't get. He hasn't changed his style, he's playing the same style he's always played except he's shooting more 3's...True, his talent is nowhere near good enough to play that way anymore but I mean, he's always been who he is.
I get that, we can disagree, it's an opinion not something that's really fact based. You see someone doing something the wrong way and you try to do the opposite, not everyone thinks that way. Some people think "oh he does it this way, that means I can too" or "he does it this way, I don't like that, I'm going to try to correct him" or a multitude of other thoughts.

The best way to avoid those types of thoughts around you are by doing it the right way. Part of what made Kobe so great was his stubbornness, but that's also part of what has made him so unbearable to watch this year.

I get it, if you know Kobe you should know this is just how he is and you should have seen this coming but it doesn't make it anymore excusable imo.

12-11-2015, 06:50 PM
I get that, we can disagree, it's an opinion not something that's really fact based. You see someone doing something the wrong way and you try to do the opposite, not everyone thinks that way. Some people think "oh he does it this way, that means I can too" or "he does it this way, I don't like that, I'm going to try to correct him" or a multitude of other thoughts.

The best way to avoid those types of thoughts around you are by doing it the right way. Part of what made Kobe so great was his stubbornness, but that's also part of what has made him so unbearable to watch this year.

I get it, if you know Kobe you should know this is just how he is and you should have seen this coming but it doesn't make it anymore excusable imo.
I agree with this. I just don't know who should be really upset. The Lakers are bad and they've been bad for a while now. Part of is Kobe taking up a large chunk of the salary cap but the other part just seems like bad management/planning for the future.

Even now they have Clarkson and Russell, Russell more a PG but they're both pretty interchangeable. Then there's Randle. I've always liked Randle, I just don't know why the Lakers took him. They should have drafted somebody that could give them help on both sides of the ball, immediately.

12-11-2015, 07:05 PM
I missed this. Please explain?

The absurd cap-killing contract. The alienation of marquee teammates. The scowl.

All detriments to growth.