View Full Version : Trump has to go after black people if he wants to win the presidency...

12-12-2015, 05:41 PM
Black people aren't going to vote for him, regardless.

If he goes after blacks, specifically those rioting, protesting, etc...he will get the vote of the whites that are tired of being blamed for everything the blacks do.

If Trump tells the blacks they're profiled because of their enormous crime rates in comparison with other races, the racist whites and possibly even just the smart whites will think hard about voting for him.

I would NEVER vote for Trump because i'm basically black...disenfranchised, poor, etc. I ONLY vote Democratic. But Trump doesn't need to be concerned with my vote.

12-12-2015, 05:49 PM
Nah it's all about the Mexicans and Muslims.

12-12-2015, 05:49 PM
Blacks know better. Bernie tryna win the blacks over with legalizing weed

12-12-2015, 05:52 PM
listen here shrimp dick keep our race out of your mouth before we stick 9.5 inches down your wife's throat.

im so nba'd out has spoken

12-12-2015, 06:12 PM
If it fits in her throat
It's not big enough

That's what I always go by

12-12-2015, 06:50 PM
"Black people" isn't politically correct. It's "the blacks" now.

12-12-2015, 07:01 PM
Black people aren't going to vote for him, regardless.

If he goes after blacks, specifically those rioting, protesting, etc...he will get the vote of the whites that are tired of being blamed for everything the blacks do.

If Trump tells the blacks they're profiled because of their enormous crime rates in comparison with other races, the racist whites and possibly even just the smart whites will think hard about voting for him.

I would NEVER vote for Trump because i'm basically black...disenfranchised, poor, etc. I ONLY vote Democratic. But Trump doesn't need to be concerned with my vote.


12-12-2015, 07:02 PM
You're a meatball.

12-12-2015, 07:55 PM
I would NEVER vote for Trump because i'm basically black...disenfranchised, poor, etc.


12-12-2015, 09:22 PM
trump already has the white nationalist vote locked tho

in fact he should turn blacks against the illegals and hispanics in general cause they are stealing the exact jobs that could lift blacks outta their shit over the next two-three generations - that's obviously a fantasy - nothing can help blacks cause they won't work, but if his economic/immigration rhetoric somehow reached them, he could sway their vote away from hillary and her handouts

if he got 25% of the black vote by some miracle, the election would be his

12-12-2015, 09:49 PM
I would NEVER vote for Trump because i'm basically black...disenfranchised, poor, etc. I ONLY vote Democratic. But Trump doesn't need to be concerned with my vote.

LMAO thinkin the DEMS give a fukk about black people. Textbook ass you are. :lol

Patrick Chewing
12-12-2015, 09:54 PM
No more black people into the country.

longtime lurker
12-13-2015, 01:46 AM
Trump is number one with white supremacists. That tells you everything you need to know about the peope that support this moron.

12-13-2015, 01:51 AM
You're a meatball.
I'm the only meatball here. Get that right and don't ever disrespect me like that again.

12-13-2015, 02:05 AM
Send them back to Africa. Send every Obama voter back to Africa as well.

12-13-2015, 02:19 AM
Black people aren't going to vote for him, regardless.

Right, but he may go from them not voting at all to them deciding they should vote against Trump.

12-13-2015, 02:23 AM
Send them back to Africa. Send every Obama voter back to Africa as well.


12-13-2015, 04:51 PM
Trump is number one with white supremacists. That tells you everything you need to know about the peope that support this moron.
What party do you think Islamists vote for? It's strange. Left-tards always claim that Muslim "fundamentalists" are "right wing", yet in every western country, these people exclusively support the left wings parties.


12-13-2015, 04:59 PM
you can be thankfull living in the US. You just have your Mexican-Border. You make war all over the world but you dont deal with the resultant problems like refugees

All the future refugees from Africa, Middle east, Afghanistan etc will come to Europa (which means Germany, because we have the highest social standards).

And there will be millions in the next decade due to lack of perspective and birth surpluss.

so usa is making the war and germany welcomes all migrants:lol :lol :facepalm :facepalm

edit: stalkerforlife you seem to be a cool and seriously intelligent person. but you also seem to have an addiction to blacks and black *****. are you cuckholding or what?

Tarik One
12-13-2015, 06:49 PM
Blacks know better. Bernie tryna win the blacks over with legalizing weed
Black weed smokers don't even vote anyway

Nick Young
12-13-2015, 07:03 PM
Do black people vote in high numbers?

12-13-2015, 07:09 PM
The real key difference is this. The republicans are an American party. The democrats are an internationalist party.

12-13-2015, 08:09 PM
It depends if we like who's running. Black people know that honkies are looking to only help other honkies so what's the point on voting for a honky.

How ya doing today hun?

Let me know if u need anything

12-13-2015, 08:17 PM
The real key difference is this. The republicans are an American party. The democrats are an internationalist party.

This is a bit generous.

They're really just anti-America.

They have such an angsty-teen anti Goliath complex, they literally hate the very Goliath THEYRE a part of.

But only when it's still very safe and comfortable to hate it and pull it down. Once it starts hitting them directly at home, like for instance if liberals themselves had to shelter the illegal muslim immigrants they advocate for, then they'd turn their policy around quickly. If they had to give up as much of their own paychecks as they want others to give up, they'd turn their policy around quickly.

It's all about maintaining their own nice cushion, relative to the rest of the world - but making anyone who dares to make more and have higher status than theyve achieved, into the villain. The line between 'making a living' and 'greed' is always coincidentally found just a hair above whatever the liberal's earnings and lifestyle are. Amazing how that works.

It's ALL posturing. It's not about the long term health of their society in general. It's ALL about a niche for them to build an identity around. Not too many people excel at the highest level as athletes, business people, musicians, or individuals in general. So everyone else is trying to figure out how to get their recognition. How to get their 15 minutes with the spotlight on them, looking super saintly and advanced and sensitive and progressive. But these people don't have their own IDEAS. They're just repeating the social dogma. Like motherfvckers in the NBA forum talkin bout volume scorers. ESPN says it's true, they repeat it and pass that shit off on their own. Liberal idiots hear what the media tells them, then just repeats it and passes it off as their own. They have taken ZERO time to actually EXAMINE their own values, and the funny thing is they have absolutely no clue. They rail against the morals of others as being antiquated and based on ancient hocus pocus, yet ask them to logically explain their own views, and they cannot do it. They avoid the question like the PLAGUE. I've done it with LJJ, DonDadda, Ridonks. LJJ ducks it entirely, DonDadda responds with something snarky, Ridonks buries a bunch of logical fallacies inside an extremely tedious wall of text and hopes you dont notice. And of course theres no point in mentioning losers like deucephag, longtime lurker, phantomcreep. Those guys don't even have the slightest clue what robotic idiot sheep they are. Not a single clue. And they're the loudest ones :facepalm

12-13-2015, 08:22 PM
This is a bit generous.

They're really just anti-America.

They have such an angsty-teen anti Goliath complex, they literally hate the very Goliath THEYRE a part of.

But only when it's still very safe and comfortable to hate it and pull it down. Once it starts hitting them directly at home, like for instance if liberals themselves had to shelter the illegal muslim immigrants they advocate for, then they'd turn their policy around quickly. If they had to give up as much of their own paychecks as they want others to give up, they'd turn their policy around quickly.

It's all about maintaining their own nice cushion, relative to the rest of the world - but making anyone who dares to make more and have higher status than theyve achieved, into the villain. The line between 'making a living' and greed is always coincidentally found right at the same spot where a liberal's earnings and lifestyle are. Amazing how that works.

It's ALL posturing. It's not about the long term health of their society in general. It's ALL about a niche for them to build an identity around. Not too many people excel at the highest level as athletes, business people, musicians, or individuals in general. So everyone else is trying to figure out how to get their recognition. How to get their 15 minutes with the spotlight on them, looking super saintly and advanced and sensitive and progressive. But these people don't have their own IDEAS. They're just repeating the social dogma. Like motherfvckers in the NBA forum talkin bout volume scorers. ESPN says it's true, they repeat it and pass that shit off on their own. Liberal idiots hear what the media tells them, then just repeats it and passes it off as their own.

You can say the same thing about conservatives.
Vast majority of people are sheep if Rachel maddow or hannity tells them something they believe it.

12-13-2015, 08:47 PM
You can say the same thing about conservatives.
Vast majority of people are sheep if Rachel maddow or hannity tells them something they believe it.

Whether this is true or not, the fundamental difference is that conservatives understand life is practical, and not always pretty, or easy. In response to this, there's a feeling that having the discipline and the fortitude to get through it will pay off at some point, even in a next life perhaps. Obviously this isn't something that can be proven, and maybe it's incorrect and maybe it's not.

Liberals, on the other hand, for some reason take a very scientific and practical approach to examining the idea of the afterlife, but they haven't got the guts to take that approach to real life. All that difficulty, all that unpleasantness, all that cold hard reality... Instead of facing it headlong and hoping it pays off later, they simply avoid it. They deny it. They shield their eyes from it and convince themselves that as long as they don't acknowledge it, that it isn't there. They're weak and sensitive. They truly, as Colonel Jessup said famous, CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. And so they've created their own religion, which instead of idealizing the afterlife, idealizes THIS life, in scientifically impossible ways. I mean seriously. That's what it is. That's what they do. And the funniest/saddest part is... They're actually too stupid to realize it. OR they're so insecure that way deep down in a place that they don't like to talk about at parties, they know it's true, and are just too scared to accept it.

12-13-2015, 08:54 PM
Whether this is true or not, the fundamental difference is that conservatives understand life is practical, and not always pretty, or easy. In response to this, there's a feeling that having the discipline and the fortitude to get through it will pay off at some point, even in a next life perhaps. Obviously this isn't something that can be proven, and maybe it's incorrect and maybe it's not.

Liberals, on the other hand, for some reason take a very scientific and practical approach to examining the idea of the afterlife, but they haven't got the guts to take that approach to real life. All that difficulty, all that unpleasantness, all that cold hard reality... Instead of facing it headlong and hoping it pays off later, they simply avoid it. They deny it. They shield their eyes from it and convince themselves that as long as they don't acknowledge it, that it isn't there. They're weak and sensitive. They truly, as Colonel Jessup said famous, CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH. And so they've created their own religion, which instead of idealizing the afterlife, idealizes THIS life, in scientifically impossible ways. I mean seriously. That's what it is. That's what they do. And the funniest/saddest part is... They're actually too stupid to realize it. OR they're so insecure that way deep down in a place that they don't like to talk about at parties, they know it's true, and are just too scared to accept it.
Conservatives hate scientific progress.

12-13-2015, 09:02 PM
Conservatives hate scientific progress.

12-13-2015, 09:05 PM
Conservatives hate scientific progress.

Generally they hate it when it goes against the tenets of their value system or may cause people to question that value system. It's not like they shun microwaves or automobiles, unless theyre amish.

Libs do the same thing. Say they believe in evolution and the big bang etc... But if thats what life is, then owning slaves is completely within keeping of the natural darwinian order. Why would you not?? No heaven or hell, no souls, just survival of the fittest. Why not have slaves? Libs dont wanna answer that question. Yet they think creationists are silly? Intredasting.

12-13-2015, 09:11 PM
Generally they hate it when it goes against the tenets of their value system or may cause people to question that value system. It's not like they shun microwaves or automobiles, unless theyre amish.

Libs do the same thing. Say they believe in evolution and the big bang etc... But if thats what life is, then owning slaves is completely within keeping of the natural darwinian order. Why would you not?? No heaven or hell, no souls, just survival of the fittest. Why not have slaves? Libs dont wanna answer that question. Yet they think creationists are silly? Intredasting.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
you tried too hard this time

12-13-2015, 09:19 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
you tried too hard this time

Perfect Kobe assist, bruv. :lol Thanks.

Here we see a liberal who just got put point blank up against a logical wall, and when faced with giving a response to concepts way over his head, knowing he's absolutely stuck, just went with the multiple emoticon + laugh it off and dismiss shtick.

Proving my point absolutely to the tee. Which all intelligent viewers in this thread will see with ease.

It's like he's a caveman in an exhibit and I'm giving a lecture on him.

Dat Kobe assist. :oldlol: Round of applause for our subject today. He's very helpful, isn't he folks? :applause:

12-13-2015, 09:30 PM
Generally they hate it when it goes against the tenets of their value system or may cause people to question that value system. It's not like they shun microwaves or automobiles, unless theyre amish.

Libs do the same thing. Say they believe in evolution and the big bang etc... But if thats what life is, then owning slaves is completely within keeping of the natural darwinian order. Why would you not?? No heaven or hell, no souls, just survival of the fittest. Why not have slaves? Libs dont wanna answer that question. Yet they think creationists are silly? Intredasting.

Well conservatives also engage in hypocrisy.
It's not really a lib or conservative thing to me it's just look at them at neutral viewpoint both have hypocritical stances.

For example many conservatives are pro life citing the bible.
That when a baby is conceived it the beginning of a human life.
That women who seek an abortion are murders and should be jailed.
But when it comes to foreign policy or the death penalty. They are in favor death penalty which ends with the killing of a human being. Foreign policy which in could lead death of innocent civilians to stop a greater evil.

Also liberals being Pro Choice saying the government cannot have dominion over a women's body but the government can have dominion on your wealth,you guns or your words.
Just my two cents.

12-13-2015, 09:32 PM
Conservatives hate scientific progress.

Both parties use or dismiss science depending on if it helps their cause

12-13-2015, 09:36 PM
Perfect Kobe assist, bruv. :lol Thanks.

Here we see a liberal who just got put point blank up against a logical wall, and when faced with giving a response to concepts way over his head, knowing he's absolutely stuck, just went with the multiple emoticon + laugh it off and dismiss shtick.

Proving my point absolutely to the tee. Which all intelligent viewers in this thread will see with ease.

It's like he's a caveman in an exhibit and I'm giving a lecture on him.

Dat Kobe assist. :oldlol: Round of applause for our subject today. He's very helpful, isn't he folks? :applause:
Please show me a connection between evolution and slavery

12-13-2015, 09:55 PM
Please show me a connection between evolution and slavery

I made it very, very clearly in my post. You tell ME where the logical disconnect is.

12-13-2015, 10:21 PM
I made it very, very clearly in my post. You tell ME where the logical disconnect is.
Probably starts with your misunderstanding of survival of the fittest, but you misunderstand most things, and I don't expect anything I say to shatter the delusional reality you've created for yourself. I just hope you're happy in your world where you're a misunderstood genius, I really do. I hope you fully embrace psychosis.

12-13-2015, 11:36 PM
you can be thankfull living in the US. You just have your Mexican-Border. You make war all over the world but you dont deal with the resultant problems like refugees

All the future refugees from Africa, Middle east, Afghanistan etc will come to Europa (which means Germany, because we have the highest social standards).

And there will be millions in the next decade due to lack of perspective and birth surpluss.

so usa is making the war and germany welcomes all migrants:lol :lol :facepalm :facepalm

edit: stalkerforlife you seem to be a cool and seriously intelligent person. but you also seem to have an addiction to blacks and black *****. are you cuckholding or what?

I consider black men, as a whole, to be superior to white men. I don't believe in culture blending; it's killing the white man.

Patrick Chewing
12-13-2015, 11:38 PM
Blacks have been voting Democratic for 60 years and are still poor as ****.

60 years later and they still haven't grasped this reality.

12-13-2015, 11:40 PM
Blacks have been voting Democratic for 60 years and are still poor as ****.

60 years later and they still haven't grasped this reality.

Democrats keep our food stamps and welfare coming.

They care about us.

12-13-2015, 11:42 PM
Blacks have been voting Democratic for 60 years and are still poor as ****.

60 years later and they still haven't grasped this reality.

They're just a political tool. Neither republicans nor democrats will make them rich. They couldn't if they wanted to (and they don't). You have to be productive to be rich. You have to produce something.

Black folks think - because Democrats tell them - that it can be legislated. It can't. You just have to prioritize it and work for it. Too few people are telling that to young people.

12-13-2015, 11:43 PM
Democrats keep our food stamps and welfare coming.

They care about us.


I know you're half-trolling with this statement, but the truth is you'd actually be a BETTER person if they didn't. It's not like you'd just let yourself starve. People have survived for millenia without food stamps and in much tougher societies.

You'd get over your insecurities and take your ass to work somewhere because you'd have no choice.

Patrick Chewing
12-13-2015, 11:49 PM
Democrats keep our food stamps and welfare coming.

They care about us.

So you would vote for a Democrat who keeps giving you free shit over a Republican who could quite possibly create a better economy for you? Allowing you to gain steady and respectable employment.

12-13-2015, 11:51 PM

I know you're half-trolling with this statement, but the truth is you'd actually be a BETTER person if they didn't. It's not like you'd just let yourself starve. People have survived for millenia without food stamps and in much tougher societies.

You'd get over your insecurities and take your ass to work somewhere because you'd have no choice.

No, i'd rummage through your house in the middle of the night as you pretended to sleep and pissed your pants.

I've been disenfranchised and used as a stepping stool for people like you; don't get too cocky and take away my food stamps; I won't take it lightly.

12-13-2015, 11:53 PM
So you would vote for a Democrat who keeps giving you free shit over a Republican who could quite possibly create a better economy for you? Allowing you to gain steady and respectable employment.

No one will hire me. I am ugly and stupid. Employers like hot girls, hot guys, smart girls and smart guys.

If it's a straight dude hiring, he wants a hot guy first over an ugly guy because the hot guy can get chicks to hangout with them.

12-14-2015, 04:32 AM

12-14-2015, 05:03 AM
No, i'd rummage through your house in the middle of the night as you pretended to sleep and pissed your pants.

I've been disenfranchised and used as a stepping stool for people like you; don't get too cocky and take away my food stamps; I won't take it lightly.

I'd shoot your ****ing balls off.

And I don't even have a gun. I'd gag your mouth, tie you up, put you in the closet, go down to the store, apply for a permit, wait for that shit to clear, go back to the store, buy a gun, come back home, open the closet door and point my gun at your balls and blow them off.

Watch those two lil peanuts explode.

12-14-2015, 11:35 AM
I'd shoot your ****ing balls off.

And I don't even have a gun. I'd gag your mouth, tie you up, put you in the closet, go down to the store, apply for a permit, wait for that shit to clear, go back to the store, buy a gun, come back home, open the closet door and point my gun at your balls and blow them off.

Watch those two lil peanuts explode.


12-14-2015, 11:40 AM
I'd shoot your ****ing balls off.

And I don't even have a gun. I'd gag your mouth, tie you up, put you in the closet, go down to the store, apply for a permit, wait for that shit to clear, go back to the store, buy a gun, come back home, open the closet door and point my gun at your balls and blow them off.

Watch those two lil peanuts explode.

Don't do him like that!

12-14-2015, 12:58 PM
Trump needs to go after the black guy in Star Wars. thats a whole new, white voting base he'd attract who usually vote Dem.

he's already got the anti-PC-sheep vote in his pocket.