View Full Version : Appendic to the Thread: Behold; The Fall of western civilization

12-13-2015, 06:07 PM
We had a nice 6 pages and 70+ posts thread, where some thought the refugees of the apocalypse are already in their local Walmart, and also the mandatory Nazi post was finally posted.

When I came at home I wanted to find more about this Christmas concert, since all the children where wearing Christmas clothes.
I was, as posted in the first thread, last weak in my son's school Christmas concert, where the children sang, in addition to Jingle Bell, Hanukkah and Chinese New Year songs, to reflect our diverse communities. I thought maybe it is something similar.

Voila, here what I found:
[QUOTE]The performance took place at the

12-13-2015, 06:25 PM
I have a question for you.

Between what America pays for medicare/medicaid and social security, plus its defense, it's literally in the trillions.

What if we shut down all our social benefits programs and also told Canada they would get ZERO help/access from our military no matter what happens to them.

Would you guys pick up the multi billion dollar tab for all our sick? You wanna pick up the tab for Muslims halfway around the wordl whose own country's are not doin jack shit. Why dont you pick up America's bill too? In ADDITION to ramping up your defense bc America has decided to cut you off.

Lets see you have to pay those bills, and we'll find out how much of a hurry youre in to rush more poor illegals into your country.

Youre sitting up on a moral high horse like a fagggot bc youre not in the US situation. Youre like the lil fish that swims nice n safe alongside the shark. On your own? Youre nothing. Imagine if you didnt have access to all of American innovation. What has Canada produced?

Fukking pompous, intellectual poser, giving a tiny little fraction of his countries wealth to foreign and unpredictable elements JUST so he can tell other people hes better than them.

Why dont you take a few muslims into YOUR home. Put them up in YOUR kid's room. And take somethin outta your check to help 93 year old sick people with limited medicare in America.

Youre so benevolent and special. Wow, BIG MAN.

Fukkin pretentious homo. Fvck yourself.

12-13-2015, 06:37 PM
[QUOTE]The performance took place at the

12-13-2015, 10:30 PM
We had a nice 6 pages and 70+ posts thread, where some thought the refugees of the apocalypse are already in their local Walmart, and also the mandatory Nazi post was finally posted.

When I came at home I wanted to find more about this Christmas concert, since all the children where wearing Christmas clothes.
I was, as posted in the first thread, last weak in my son's school Christmas concert, where the children sang, in addition to Jingle Bell, Hanukkah and Chinese New Year songs, to reflect our diverse communities. I thought maybe it is something similar.

Voila, here what I found:

So it was a normal (for us Canadians) Christmas concert, where this school has decided to have a Muslim theme this year (I'll try to get the whole video because I'm sure they had other non-Islamic songs).
So please take your paranoia away from us, go buy more guns, enjoy Trump as a President, build a shelter, go after your Muslim Doctor, Professor, or taxi driver, mistake some poor Sikh for Muslims and attack them instead. Do anything, but please leave us alone.

A reminder, first introductory post :
Once again you fail to grasp the reality of what is happening

It's a process

It's not about Muslims exclusively

It's about mass 3rd world immigration

And this is the sort of bullshit that we are spreading on our youth

To hate our own culture... That it's a great thing that it is dying out, in the name of multicultural... European nations becoming less and less what they were. the bottom of America is slowly becoming just an extension of Mexico. You need only take a look at Brazil to see how this will look. You need only look at Europe to see how this will look. It may be a long while for places like Canada and Australia, but it is a progression that starts with what we have taught our children. Catholics with a muslim theme? Can you not see the ridiculousness in that?