View Full Version : More DEEP social revelations. I'm on a roll. *Must See* ---->

12-13-2015, 09:54 PM
Aight, so listen. Here's how we gonna do this.

Let's take a look at the segments of society and the power struggle therein.

As we know, the very most rich and successful people tend to be conservative, although not usually in an extremist sense. They're mostly libertarian deep down, and don't give much of a shit about social issues. They generally are financially conservative, and probably lean slightly socially conservative, but aren't fixated on it. Guys like Mark Cuban, Donald Trump (despite his act), Elon Musk, Jackie Robinson, Sammy Davis Jr, banking CEO's, high powered lawyers, etc. etc.
These guys also tend to be the "standouts" when they're young. Either in terms of grades or standardized testing or just pure innovation, talent, and ambition.

Then as you get into the middle class arts and sciences, you get a lot of liberals. They tend to be next on the grades/standardized testing scale. The B+/A- lot. Often their occupations (teacher, scientist, journalist, etc.) do not have income that has the same range of potential as people in business. They make whatever they make and that's it. If they figure out why Sperm Whales don't breed in certain parts of the ocean, or they write a really bang-up article on why the local iconic restaurant is going out of business, they don't get a 500k bonus or a boatload of stock options.

Then you have people in the more rural areas who generally have the labor jobs. These people, due to the lifestyle and value systems of their upbringing, tend not to value academic knowledge as much but rather general life wisdom, and aren't as inclined toward 'metropolitan' pursuits. This is obviously a generalization, but as a generalization it holds up when you look at test scores.

So the question is, WHY does the political system consistently shake out the way it does?

Let me give you an analogy. If you are a boxer, and you're ranked # 3, 4, 5 in the world... you want a title shot. You wanna dethrone #1. You know that he's the superior fighter, which is why he's #1, but you're at least CLOSE enough that you figure hey, a couple good things go my way, get a lil lucky, and I might win and take that spot.

Now if you are not a boxer, you do not want to fight the world's #1 boxer. That would not be a useful endeavor at all. You'd probably rather just stay on good terms with him, since if yall are cool and trouble comes your way, he's got the necessary skill set to help you out against someone else.

As humans, we're always vying for more success, more power, more authority. Doesn't matter if you're right or left. Doesn't matter if it's large scale or small scale. And liberals, are the perpetual runners up. Now while the 'backwoods conservative' didn't pursue academics and business, and thus is not even trying to compete on that footing, the liberal was there in those college classes. He's there in that big city. He's reading those newspapers and trying to buy that new car or those concert tickets... but comparatively, he's never on top. He's always lagging behind in the same 'metropolitan' kinds of pursuits and lifestyle. And so he wants to basically throw all the cards in the air, and hope that in the ensuing chaos he can somehow come out on top. That's his real motivation.

Now in order to make that happen, he needs more firepower. Rich conservatives and poor conservatives together have a lot of money and numbers. Liberals need to get women on their side. They need to get blacks on their side. They need anyone they can get. Now if push came to shove and they COULD make 100 million dollars for themselves by somehow pushing ahead of those groups, they'd do it in a nanosecond. But in the meantime, they want to tie arms with them and stand up against the super rich who always get the best of them.

Ok, I'm gonna take a break here but I've got a few more thoughts to finish up with. Whew! But yeah, we are getting to the heart of it now! The truth of life, REVEALED! :hammertime:

12-13-2015, 10:11 PM
N!gga just write a book, a real book, and I'll read that.

Not this

12-13-2015, 10:14 PM
N!gga just write a book, a real book, and I'll read that.

Not this

Actually this really helps me get my thoughts out, and hopefully I can eventually harvest all these things and weave them into a book with a more linear plot or train of thought.

But I def expect to publish eventually.

12-13-2015, 10:20 PM
Actually this really helps me get my thoughts out, and hopefully I can eventually harvest all these things and weave them into a book with a more linear plot or train of thought.

But I def expect to publish eventually.

call me when you're ready, I'll shoot you a foreword

12-13-2015, 10:20 PM
N!gga just write a book, a real book, and I'll read that.

Not this

That takes energy, focus, and follow-through. Rambling incoherently on the internet is far easier and gives that instant hit of false sense of accomplishment high.

And for the record, Bill Gates, the richest man in America and in the World at times, bleeds blue. Dude is over here teaming up with Barack Hussein Obama, a known Kenyan Muslim, on some billion dollar liberal climate change crusade. (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=391014)

Same with the second richest man in America, Warren 'limp-wristed Lib' Buffett (http://fortune.com/2015/07/06/warren-buffett-donation/)

Wassupwitdat? :confusedshrug:

12-13-2015, 10:53 PM
And for the record, Bill Gates, the richest man in America and in the World at times, bleeds blue. Dude is over here teaming up with Barack Hussein Obama, a known Kenyan Muslim, on some billion dollar liberal climate change crusade. (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=391014)

Same with the second richest man in America, Warren 'limp-wristed Lib' Buffett (http://fortune.com/2015/07/06/warren-buffett-donation/)

Wassupwitdat? :confusedshrug:

Public pressure and legacy hunting. In fact Bill Gates was criticized early in his tenure as "World's Richest Man" for hardly doing anything selfless with his money. Eventually he realized that as a celebrity, there is a social target on your back. The obscure CEO's of Proctor and Gamble or Bristol Meyers Squibb can be as personally stingey as they want and nobody's gonna know. Gates and Buffet's incredibly enormous wealth put them in the public eye. No different from other public figures like Clooney or Britney Spears. Of course these people are gonna say all the populist things. They are invested heavily in their image.

I absolutely assure you in a private conversation, Bill Gates does not "bleed blue." Not even close. Nor does Pamela Anderson have any political insight whatsoever. But she's surely a proud liberal Democrat.

12-13-2015, 10:53 PM
Your coherent ramblings are on point.

However, what you truly fail to grasp is scale. If you/us/we make over $34k a year that puts you in the top 1% of the world for income earners.

So regardless of the micro differences in mentality (which you are spot on about) you are very much overstating the importance of these differences when viewed from an appropriately distant, objective viewpoint.

Lot more to say but my weak, privileged fingers are tired of typing on my Nexus 7.

12-13-2015, 10:57 PM
Your coherent ramblings are on point.

However, what you truly fail to grasp is scale. If you/us/we make over $34k a year that puts you in the top 1% of the world for income earners.

So regardless of the micro differences in mentality (which you are spot on about) you are very much overstating the importance of these differences when viewed from an appropriately distant, objective viewpoint.

Lot more to say but my weak, privileged fingers are tired of typing on my Nexus 7.

I'm not sure what you mean here. Please nourish yourself with caviar as needed, and then extrapolate when you have a chance. :lol

12-13-2015, 11:00 PM
Public pressure and legacy hunting. In fact Bill Gates was criticized early in his tenure as "World's Richest Man" for hardly doing anything selfless with his money. Eventually he realized that as a celebrity, there is a social target on your back. The obscure CEO's of Proctor and Gamble or Bristol Meyers Squibb can be as personally stringy as they want and nobody's gonna know. Gates and Buffet's incredibly enormous wealth put them in the public eye. No different from other public figures like Clooney or Britney Spears. Of course these people are gonna say all the populist things. They are dependent on their image.

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is the largest private charity group on the planet. Their liberal friend Warren Buffet has donated billions to the group along with many other billionaires worldwide. You wanna talk about handouts and entitlements? Just take a look at the activities of this group. :lol

Again, this man Bill is giving billions of dollars to help a Kenyan Muslim named Hussein who wants to take away your guns fund his manbearpig global warming campaign.

I absolutely assure you in a private conversation, Bill Gates does not "bleed blue." Not even close.

How could you possibly assure me of this? You know G-Money personally? You sir are a grade A bullshitter. Top of the line. :coleman:

12-13-2015, 11:01 PM
Aight, so listen. Here's how we gonna do this.

Let's take a look at the segments of society and the power struggle therein.

As we know, the very most rich and successful people tend to be conservative, although not usually in an extremist sense. They're mostly libertarian deep down, and don't give much of a shit about social issues. They generally are financially conservative, and probably lean slightly socially conservative, but aren't fixated on it.

I should clarify here that when I say they "dont give a shit about social issues" I mean in an extremist sense. It's not a priority of their political identity. It seems from what I can observe that most wealthy people are a moderate mix of liberal and conservative on social issues.

12-13-2015, 11:06 PM
How could you possibly assure me of this? You know G-Money personally? You sir are a grade A bullshitter. Top of the line. :coleman:

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Gates stated in regard to his faith:

The moral systems of religion, I think, are super important. We've raised our kids in a religious way; they've gone to the Catholic church that Melinda goes to and I participate in. I've been very lucky, and therefore I owe it to try and reduce the inequity in the world. And that's kind of a religious belief. I mean, it's at least a moral belief.[73]


Raised his kids Catholic. He is unwelcome in liberal circles. You're probably melting down about it as we speak, having just heard the news. He is liberal public enemy #1.

No Catholics allowed in the Blue Club. Only atheists and muslims.

12-13-2015, 11:15 PM
In an interview with Rolling Stone, Gates stated in regard to his faith:

The moral systems of religion, I think, are super important. We've raised our kids in a religious way; they've gone to the Catholic church that Melinda goes to and I participate in. I've been very lucky, and therefore I owe it to try and reduce the inequity in the world. And that's kind of a religious belief. I mean, it's at least a moral belief.[73]


Raised his kids Catholic. He is unwelcome in liberal circles. You're probably melting down about it as we speak, having just heard the news. He is liberal public enemy #1.

No Catholics allowed in the Blue Club. Only atheists and muslims.

Since when has being religious been anathema to being a liberal? :lol

More bullshitting as always.

Gates and his good buddy Warren Buffett, third richest man in the World (at one time #1) have pledged to give 99% (http://givingpledge.org/Content/media/My%20Philanthropic%20Pledge.pdf) of their wealth to charity. Where's some of that 1%er left over change going you ask?

Why, to make sure Hillary Clinton becomes president (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2014/12/04/warren-buffett-contributes-to-hillary-clinton-super-pac/19910651/), that's where.

He actually going to be at a Hilldawg Pep Rally (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjBht3dsNrJAhVHGR4KHd87AbUQqQIIHjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ketv.com%2Fnews%2Fbuffett-to-appear-at-omaha-clinton-rally%2F36932128&usg=AFQjCNHzaVCfzWvFDqyOeCaNMUfMBmxcZw&sig2=zM9oaF2Aw65MrybbC2Uf6w) in a few days.

But he's just making believe, right? :oldlol:

12-13-2015, 11:24 PM
Gates and his good buddy Warren Buffett, third richest man in the World (at one time #1) have pledged to give 99% (http://givingpledge.org/Content/media/My%20Philanthropic%20Pledge.pdf) of their wealth to charity.


He's been top 3 on the World's Richest Man list for 20 years, Don.

A LOT of kids have starved in that time. :(

12-13-2015, 11:43 PM

He's been top 3 on the World's Richest Man list for 20 years, Don.

A LOT of kids have starved in that time. :(

Warren and Bill saving kids around the World:





Filthy Rich Libs :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

12-13-2015, 11:44 PM
Okay, I'll expand on my thoughts now that I am on a computer.

Your explanation related mostly to the thought mentality of the different parts of society. However, what you explained was not the different parts of society, but rather the different parts of ONE class of society (the most upper echelon).

Us normal people + Bill Gates etc are all a part of the 1%. The only people in the US that are not a part of the 1% are people living in extreme poverty (and even they are better off than the majority of the world).

That is somewhat besides the point. Though we are a global world now, if you want to talk about JUST the US then your initial post is closer to the truth.

Now, in regards to your original post let me paint this picture.

The Golden State Warriors would never even consider playing some random scrub middle school team.

However, people with net worth of millions of dollar can and do engage in conversations, debates, troll arguments etc with people that are from a different world.

It is simply wrong and pointless and mainly the result of the internet era. Just because you are poor doesn't make you "less", but it does (and should) change your priorities on how to live your life (e.g., focus on work, rent, etc). The internet however, allows every individual the medium to voice their inner rant and thoughts about society, however baseless they may be.

Someone that has studied economics + social dynamics of society for a decade (e.g., Ph.D) has a much better understanding of what society needs overall than someone that is a mechanic.

It doesn't make them better or worse than each other, but it does mean that there is no reason to consider the mechanic's voice when it comes to matters of state.

However, our society wants every single person to feel important, unique, and to have the hope of a better future. This, I can get behind and understand. It is extremely important. Without it, without that sense of possibility, people fall into traps like gangs (or ISIS in other parts of the world).

It is a delicate balance between putting a veil over people's eyes and being an outright empire with a dictatorship and/or a small circle of power. In reality, that is what is happening - probably 100,000 people in America or so pretty much control what happens to the other 300,000,000 million people. They do this through a mix of legacy (old families) politics, wealth, and control of social media, etc.

However, the sad truth many people fail to realize is that this is necessary. Most people simply want a life that has promise. Sadly, they instead get caught up in their "role" to bring about that future (for society, not themselves).

The main difference in mentality is not of the classes you mentioned, but rather of people that understand this and people that don't. The world is a screwed up place, but our minds conforms it to the reality that we live in and can't empathize with the reality of what else is out there.

People on here try to understand ISIS extremism etc and blame it on religion. Religion has ALWAYS been whacko...but it doesn't matter WHAT the religion is. What matters is socioeconomic well being. A Muslim from California that is a doctor and a family man has more in common with me than someone that has no religion and grows up in a poverty stricken region of the Middle East. Those people that have no promise, no hope, no opportunity will find ANY reason, any group of people, any "gang" that gives them a feeling of power in a world of powerlessness.

It is a waste of your time/thoughts to bash someone like Bill Gates for what he is doing. Oddly, we love people when they are successful in business but somehow think that these same people can't/won't be equally successful at social change. Successful people are not ALL in it for the money. Most of them have a mentality of surplus (money is always there) and search for meaning in different ways. They understand the power money has and use it to shape the world around them in the way they see fit (which makes sense, because they have a legitimately higher understanding of what the world needs + proved it by running a small world (company).

12-13-2015, 11:48 PM
Warren and Bill saving kids around the World:





Filthy Rich Libs :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Wait, so when are they giving away 99% of their wealth?

I just looked and they're still on the Forbes list for having tens of billions of dollars to their name. They're still the richest men on the planet. Gates' home is currently worth 125 million dollars.

I'm sure you answered it in your post but I missed it, could you repeat?

Kids are still starving, Don :(

12-14-2015, 12:08 AM
Wait, so when are they giving away 99% of their wealth?

I just looked and they're still on the Forbes list for having tens of billions of dollars to their name. They're still the richest men on the planet. Gates' home is currently worth 125 million dollars.

I'm sure you answered it in your post but I missed it, could you repeat?

Kids are still starving, Don :(

The Bill Gates foundation has raised $53 billion so far.

Buffet gives a portion of his shares, worth billions, every year and the rest of the 99% goes to charity when he dies per his will. That is the arrangement all of the 133 billionaire pledges have- give at their discretion but the whole amount goes when they die.

Buffett personally gave $2.6 billion in 2013, $2.8 billion in 2014 (http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexmorrell/2014/07/15/buffett-donates-2-8-billion-breaks-personal-giving-record/)... and then another $2.8 billion this summer (http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexmorrell/2015/07/06/warren-buffett-unleashes-another-2-8-billion-donation/).

So to answer your question... all the time.

Rich Libs saving the planet. :bowdown:

12-14-2015, 12:20 AM
The Bill Gates foundation has raised $53 billion so far.

Buffet gives a portion of his shares, worth billions, every year and the rest of the 99% goes to charity when he dies per his will. That is the arrangement all of the 133 billionaire pledges have- give at their discretion but the whole amount goes when they die.

Buffett personally gave $2.6 billion in 2013, $2.8 billion in 2014 (http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexmorrell/2014/07/15/buffett-donates-2-8-billion-breaks-personal-giving-record/)... and then another $2.8 billion this summer (http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexmorrell/2015/07/06/warren-buffett-unleashes-another-2-8-billion-donation/).

So to answer your question... all the time.

Rich Libs saving the planet. :bowdown:

Why do they need to live in 125 million dollar houses til they die?

Kids are starving bro. These guys could still run these charities and raise billions with a small cozy house and a living stipend. Why does Gates need to live in a $125,000,000 home while kids starve?

How liberal is that?

(Answer: VERY liberal)

Lamar Doom
12-14-2015, 12:30 AM
It definitely all goes back to high school. Popularity and standardized testing is what shapes the world. :sleeping

12-14-2015, 12:31 AM
Why do they need to live in 125 million dollar houses til they die?

Kids are starving bro. These guys could still run these charities and raise billions with a small cozy house and a living stipend. Why does Gates need to live in a $125,000,000 home while kids starve?

How liberal is that?

(Answer: VERY liberal)

Because he wants to both enjoy life + help others. Are you donating 100% of your net worth when you die? What % of your income did you donate/how much time did you spend helping out the less fortunate this year?

He is still just a person. With all the insecurities, flaws, etc as other people. You holding him to a different standard shows how much more you expect of him and respect him.

You lub Bill Gates. Admit it.

12-14-2015, 12:39 AM
Why do they need to live in 125 million dollar houses til they die?

Kids are starving bro. These guys could still run these charities and raise billions with a small cozy house and a living stipend. Why does Gates need to live in a $125,000,000 home while kids starve?

How liberal is that?

(Answer: VERY liberal)

Saving the World and still staying Gucci'ed down to the socks.






How great are our liberal Gods? :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

12-14-2015, 12:43 AM
It definitely all goes back to high school. Popularity and standardized testing is what shapes the world. :sleeping

Great contribution. :roll:

I don't think we need the district superintendent to figure out what this guy's scores looked like.

12-14-2015, 12:49 AM
Because he wants to both enjoy life + help others. Are you donating 100% of your net worth when you die? What % of your income did you donate/how much time did you spend helping out the less fortunate this year?

He is still just a person. With all the insecurities, flaws, etc as other people. You holding him to a different standard shows how much more you expect of him and respect him.

You lub Bill Gates. Admit it.

Please read carefully. I am not criticizing Mr. Gates. I am criticizing left wing hypocrisy.

And no I do not donate 100% of my own (modest) assets, and I'm not pretending there is some concrete moral obligation for people to donate anything. Whereas liberals decide that anyone who makes more than they do must give 40% to the government for redistribution, and another 59% to help minority charities, or else that person is greedy, evil, and corrupt. Liberals constantly call other people out for what's 'right' or 'wrong' but they never seem to want to define how they arrived at the definitions of those labels. Ask them to explain, and they evade it. Just look at the libs in this thread. All snidely avoiding the debate, all smarmy smearing, no genuine philosophical debate.

I do value the charitable contributions of others and try my best to contribute what is comfortable for me as well. I donate a little bit of money to Wikipedia each year because I think that's an incredibly valuable resource.

But because I am not the single most charitable man in the world, it's not really my place to play "decider" of where others' wealth should go. Libs don't have that mindset. They do want to play decider, because by redistributing the wealth of people who make more than them, it moves them comparatively a little closer to the top.

Imagine that.

12-14-2015, 12:52 AM

12-14-2015, 12:53 AM
No, and I'm not pretending there is some concrete moral obligation for people to donate anything. Whereas liberals decide that anyone who makes more than they do must give 40% to the government for redistribution, and another 59% to help minority charities, or else that person is greedy, evil, and corrupt. Liberals constantly call other people out for what's 'right' or 'wrong' but they never seem to want to define how they arrived at the definitions of those labels. Ask them to explain, and they evade it. Just look at the libs in this thread. All snidely avoiding the debate, all smarmy smearing, no genuine philosophical debate.

I do value the charitable contributions of others and try my best to contribute what is comfortable for me as well. I donate a little bit of money to Wikipedia each year because I think that's an incredibly valuable resource.

But because I am not the single most charitable man in the world, it's not really my place to play "decider" of where others' wealth should go. Libs don't have that mindset. They do want to play decider, because by redistributing the wealth of people who make more than them, it moves them comparatively a little closer to the top.

Imagine that.

So basically you took the long way of saying you're cheap as phuck and never did a goddamn thing for society or to help people around you. Couple of dollars Wikipedia's way doe. :applause:

12-14-2015, 12:57 AM
Saving the World and still staying Gucci'ed down to the socks.





Actually I see him doing a disservice to the planet in these pictures.

But that's a very profound truth you're much too soft to understand :(

12-14-2015, 01:02 AM
Actually I see him doing a disservice to the planet in these pictures.

But that's a very profound truth you're much too soft to understand :(

LOL, back to the mass sterilization = a better world theory I see. You'll never learn, my son. :lol

12-14-2015, 01:07 AM
LOL, back to the mass sterilization = a better world theory I see. You'll never learn, my son. :lol

Bruh when Everyone else destroys the environment it's all good but those darkies. Hell nah.

12-14-2015, 01:07 AM
LOL, back to the mass sterilization = a better world theory I see. You'll never learn, my son. :lol


1. Reduces the wealth gap of future generations
2. Preserves the environment, which may otherwise be permanently destroyed


1. Hurts feelings
2. Less radical fundamentalists born for liberals to stick up for

I dunno, it's a tossup! :oldlol:

12-14-2015, 01:14 AM

1. Reduces the wealth gap of future generations
2. Preserves the environment, which may otherwise be permanently destroyed


1. Hurts feelings
2. Less radical fundamentalists born for liberals to stick up for

I dunno, it's a tossup! :oldlol:

Well now I'm convinced. Let's sterilize entire ethnic groups. Millions of people worldwide. That's a perfectly sane idea.

God speed in implementing your master plan for the betterment of the planet. I'm sure you'll be awarded several medals for your efforts... or straitjackets... Guess it all depends who you tell or if/when another psychotic episode sets in.

But I like your odds on the Nobel. :cheers:

12-14-2015, 01:16 AM
Well now I'm convinced. Let's sterilize entire ethnic groups. Millions of people worldwide. That's a perfectly sane idea.

God speed in implementing your master plan for the betterment of the planet. I'm sure you'll be awarded several medals for your efforts... or straitjackets... Guess it all depends who you tell or if/when another psychotic episode sets in.

But I like your odds on the Nobel. :cheers:

The birth rate is actually going down in Africa it's just the life expectancy is also up as well.

12-14-2015, 01:22 AM
Well now I'm convinced. Let's sterilize entire ethnic groups. Millions of people worldwide. That's a perfectly sane idea.

Yes, lets. Not in any numbers that will jeopardize their existence. But families that have already birthed one or two? Yes. Absolutely.

There is a reason China did it, and its because it was the lesser of the two evils. Doing nothing would have been worse. Spare me the comparatively frivolios problem "but they dont have enuff gurls now!" Their policy was in place for a period of time that was necessary, and as a result of its succes they were able to eventually lift it. Future generations will be MICH BETTER OFF as a result.

This is why I want to do this with populations that dont have the ability to do it to themselves. THEIR OWN FUTURE will be better. Environmentally and economically. Hell, if Nigeria has some booming manufacturing that needs workers, why not send some of Baltimore's 32% of unemployed black men and theyll bring that immigrant mindset, that hustle, just like europeans did when they came here to work in factories. We got plenty of brothers in the US think they cant find good work bc the white man. If Nigeria is poppin, let them go overseas for employment. Tons of whites and asians do that every year.

We dont need Nigerians having six kids. Its bad for the planet. Youre too chicken to admit it. Maybe feel like a uncle tom or somethin, i dunno. Deal wit your issues kid.

12-14-2015, 01:23 AM
The birth rate is actually going down in Africa it's just the life expectancy is also up as well.

"Down" from like 6 to 4. Thats still too much. Not because I say so. Look at projections of global population and envronmental impact. Its objectively not healthy for all of us that inhabit the planet.

Lamar Doom
12-14-2015, 01:51 AM
Great contribution. :roll:

I don't think we need the district superintendent to figure out what this guy's scores looked like.

Ohhhh burn! *must see*

12-14-2015, 02:06 AM
Actor beef!


Who is closest to the brass ring of Hollywood immortality?

12-14-2015, 02:07 AM
Actor beef!


Who is closest to the brass ring of Hollywood immortality?



12-14-2015, 04:57 PM
Youthful obedient beautiful intelligent children get picked on by jealous elders.
Manners get you far in life, especially with ones parents.
The most underrated skill a father can have is the act of listening.
Jealousy drives people on the brink of madness, but when wielded like a stallion can facilitate greatness.
Gentleness and companionship is always a proper precursor before getting one's message across.
Premonitions come true down to the T, premeditated crimes often fail because of a loophole.
When knowing fighting fire with fire makes things worse, it's best to have patience.
The poor and the deprived without spiritual knowledge undervalue non-material things.
Staying professional and firm in the path away from emotionalism, lust, at higher degrees of difficulty will later earn you respect and high status.
Females absolutely need to feel as if they belong and have emotional needs that must be addressed with emotional attention.
Lust channeled in the right direction can gravitate you to heights you never seemed possible before.
True power is the intelligent exercise of will.
Males benefit from praise for higher ups as well.
Hypocrites and people guilty of something within unfortunately waste time used to rectify themselves, to assuage their weaknesses with others company.. i.e. Misery loves company
Promoting scandals and feeling superior from them is an incredibly shady industry that's an overall lose-lose situation.
Discretion is highly advised on these matters.
Intoxication and forgetfulness puts the truth in peril.
There's likely an inverse correlation with self-preservation and integrity
The body readjusts itself with cycles of booms and bust; like all things in life; so do not fear fasting and feasting.