View Full Version : Have you ever looked at yourself and said "I can't believe I'm that person"

12-16-2015, 12:03 AM
I had kind of a rough childhood. My dad was on drugs and I saw him do a lot of ****ed up shit. When I was a kid I used to always say I would never do this and never do that, but now I find myself doing some of things I said I would never do. People who don't know what it's like to struggle with addictions or any type of abnormal behavior always say things like "If you don't like it just stop" but unfortunately it's not that easy. It really sucks.

12-16-2015, 12:42 AM
ive struggled with alcoholism in my 20s so far. it has ran its course and i have an easier time going sober when i want to. The feeling just gets redundant. as of now ive been sober a month and a week but it feels like its been a year.

12-16-2015, 02:54 AM
I have a choleric temper. I am working very hard to have patience and demonstrate character instead of becoming angry. It is however, a slow process.

12-16-2015, 03:48 AM
Addiction is not real. It's just a crutch people use because they're empty somewhere else.

For example, there are people getting surgery in hospitals getting shot up with pure heroin for weeks and months and they don't get addicted at all.

12-16-2015, 04:46 AM
Addiction is not real. It's just a crutch people use because they're empty somewhere else.

For example, there are people getting surgery in hospitals getting shot up with pure heroin for weeks and months and they don't get addicted at all.

That doesn't account for differences in people. That's like saying some people are forced to take c0ck to the face and still arent gay, therefore homosexuality doesn't exist.

12-16-2015, 05:37 AM
That doesn't account for differences in people. That's like saying some people are forced to take c0ck to the face and still arent gay, therefore homosexuality doesn't exist.
it's not the same because homosexuality is not an addiction.

12-16-2015, 05:12 PM
Quite consistently I am shocked by the things that I will do without a second thought vs the things that reduce me to panic induced vomiting.

12-16-2015, 05:43 PM
Yeah, I gave up a college scholarship at a big time school after only two semester. Just disenchanted with the whole college bit. Spent time in the military and gave that up too. Other stuff. So much that I could feel regret over, but I'm not. I rather like most aspects of my simplistic life right now, I just wish I had more hours in the day.

12-16-2015, 06:49 PM
I grew up where 90% of my friends and circle smoked weed. I never even knew what weed looked like. I just knew they'd smoke it. Walking home from high school with my friend blazing beside me.

My best friend since 3rd grade, he smoked weed in high school and never told me. He did it secretly. He recently told me when I asked him if he was high all along which made sense because he was always laughing.

I was against weed. I judged people. My last girlfriend, her ex boyfriend used to smoke weed. I hated her because I felt I was too good to even be with a girl like this who could of remotely been attracted to someone who does that. Then when we broke up, or a year before we did break up I was facing great amount of stress. After numerous amount of attempts from all of my friends over years and years begging me to try weed, I finally did.

Now that I'm single and she's gone, I find myself with more room to smoke or vape weed. Out of being bored or perhaps maybe out of stress. I find myself drinking more with friends until I'm borderline drunk or drunk now too. I'm slowly fitting myself into the category I judged not too long ago.

I no longer judge people based on their habits, or addictions. Or, for whatever takes away their stress and pain. I no longer judge people who drink or smoke cigarettes, nor weed. While I agree the younger generation or teens that get into weed do it for fun, people actually use it to go to sleep or enjoy a show or movie, or to get away from reality like myself.

The main idea is to not forget who you were before, what your priorities are, and remain functional to withstand overdoses. I moderate myself. But, for those who can't, you got to fight through it. Stress and being broken has no right fix. You don't choose to be happy. The real smiles and laughter you do get, cherish it.

There's a point where everyone will cope with great amount of stress and say, "see, I didn't need alcohol or weed to be better" then one day they feel far greater stress and result to doing just that.

Our parents probably aren't perfect. They set rules and obligations, they know what they want from you and you know indirectly, subconsciously what will upset them and what won't. But you aren't prepared. No one is. That's just life. I realized the more I live my life and lose more people I love, I'd rather die at 50-60 and be happy for 20-30 years, than live until I'm 70-90 unhappy with not doing what made me happier. With not living.

12-16-2015, 06:51 PM
Addiction is not real. It's just a crutch people use because they're empty somewhere else.

For example, there are people getting surgery in hospitals getting shot up with pure heroin for weeks and months and they don't get addicted at all.

What surgery lasts weeks and months?

12-16-2015, 06:52 PM
Addiction is not real. It's just a crutch people use because they're empty somewhere else.

For example, there are people getting surgery in hospitals getting shot up with pure heroin for weeks and months and they don't get addicted at all.
not true according to science (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addiction#Genetic_factors).

12-16-2015, 07:10 PM
That doesn't account for differences in people. That's like saying some people are forced to take c0ck to the face and still arent gay, therefore homosexuality doesn't exist.

where did this come from :biggums:

12-16-2015, 07:13 PM
Yesterday I was looking at pics during middle school man I look so different.

12-16-2015, 07:14 PM
Drugs are fine if you do the research and know what your taking if your in some foreign country and snatch up something off the street then your asking for trouble, hell i'm 30 now stable job have a kid but I will still snort some cocaine or smoke some dope with the brothers on the odd occasion dudes just think that they can live that life forever on the high but it's just something you do like once maybe twice a year.

12-16-2015, 07:17 PM
Yesterday I was looking at pics during middle school man I look so different.
Dude. I look a million times different than I did through elementary school, junior hs and even senior year in hs. Crazy I was fcking ugly