View Full Version : Which Team Wins?

12-16-2015, 01:55 AM
Who you Got?


12-16-2015, 01:57 AM
Shaq and Bron is unfair.

As with Wilt and KD.

I'd take one of those two simply due to the crazy length both teams have.

12-16-2015, 02:12 AM
Shaq and Bron is unfair.

As with Wilt and KD.

I'd take one of those two simply due to the crazy length both teams have.

I like 3 due to the balance of defense and offense. The Shaq and Bron team might not enough shooting.

12-16-2015, 02:13 AM
I decided to try and put each player in a certain position, rank them between teams, and see which teams in general have the better matchup. I decided that every 1st place position gets 4 points, 2nd place 3 points, etc... Whoever has the most points is the team I pick...
Center: 1.Team 4 Shaq, 2. Team 3 KAJ, 3. Team 2 Olajuwon, 4. Team 1 Chamberlain
Power-Forward: 1. Team 2 David Robinson, 2. Team 3 Duncan, 3. Team 4 Malone, 4. Team 1 Davis
Small-Forward: 1. Team 2 Jordan, 2. Team 3 Bird, 3. Team 4 Barkley, 4. Team 1 Pippen
Shooting-Guard: 1. Team 3 Bryant, 2. Team 4 James, 3. Team 2. Wade, 4. Team 1 Durant
Point-Guard: 1. Team 1 Magic, 2. Team 2 Iverson, 3. Team 3 Paul, 4. Team 4 Westbrook

Team 1: 8 points
Team 2: 15 points
Team 3: 15 points
Team 4: 12 points

So teams 2 and 3 are the best of the four, who would I choose? Well I'd take Iverson over CP3 (personal preference), Kobe over Wade, Jordan over Bird, Robinson over Duncan, and Kareem over Olajuwon. Close but team 2 wins 3 out of the 5 matchups, and have the GOAT going for them, so I think group 2 would win it all

12-16-2015, 02:15 AM
4 because you just have so much toughness and brute strength. Shaq, Malone, Barkley, Lebron, Westbrook? Game over. Each one of them is a brute

12-16-2015, 02:21 AM
3, comon a front court of bird, duncan, and kareem?
I think 4 has a chance, but feels like they would implode with all the ego and there only being one ball

Fire Colangelo
12-16-2015, 02:24 AM
Team 3 is pretty balanced, solid defenders at all positions and decent spacing. I'll probably go with them or team 4.

12-16-2015, 02:27 AM
Team 3 has so many rangz

12-16-2015, 05:18 AM
Team 3 for sure. That team is insanely balanced. kobe and bird are both above average to great shooters. Kareem in the low block. Prime duncan can hit jumpers too and CP3 with kareem isn't much different than magic IMO since they are both pure PGs.

12-16-2015, 05:19 AM
3, comon a front court of bird, duncan, and kareem?
I think 4 has a chance, but feels like they would implode with all the ego and there only being one ball
team 4 has no ****ing space and shooting. come on barkley and malone wtf. shaq and lebron and westbrook. they would need the paint to be twice the size of regular nba court.

12-16-2015, 05:20 AM
I'd rank it 3>1>2>4

12-16-2015, 05:28 AM
I love Shaq but Team 4's spacing is atrocious

12-16-2015, 06:27 AM
#3 makes the most sense 1-5, I pick them.

1 Chris Paul
2 Kobe
3 Bird
4 Duncan
5 Kareem

I like #4 a lot with LeBron/Westbrook/Shaq, but Malone/Barkley basically makes it 4 bigs and Westbrook.

12-16-2015, 06:33 AM
put steph on team 3 replace paul.

12-16-2015, 06:40 AM
Epic battles.

12-16-2015, 06:47 AM
Sucks that chemistry killers like Iverson, Kobe, and Westbrook had to be included in this.

12-16-2015, 07:16 AM
Legends really love the number 3 lmao

23 x3
32 x2
33 x3
3 x3
34 x3

Anyway I take the team of CP3-Kobe-Bird-Duncan-KAJ

12-16-2015, 07:49 AM
team 3 because that is the only team that has player for each position.

the other teams you'd have to play bunch of players out of position and like 3 big men together which would kill spacing.

12-16-2015, 08:56 AM
let's go by matchups

1 2 3 4
Wilt vs Hakeem vs KAJ vs Shaq = Shaq takes this
AD vs Rob vs Duncan vs Malone = Slight edge to Duncan
Pip vs MJ vs Bird vs Barkley = MJ no question
KD vs Wade vs Kobe vs Bron = Lebron outsizes everyone here
Magic vs AI vs CP3 vs Westbrook = Magic is an unfair matchup

let's take it game by game

1 vs 2

Wilt vs Hakeem = wash
AD vs Rob = Rob
Pip vs MJ = MJ
KD vs Wade = KD
Magic vs AI = Magic

close series, but i'm giving it to team 2 because they have god on their side.

1 vs 3

Wilt vs KAJ =KAJ
AD vs Duncan = Duncan
Pip vs Bird = Bird
KD vs Kobe = Kobe
Magic vs CP3 = Magic

team 3 wins 4-2, 4-1 or sweep

1 vs 4

Wilt vs Shaq = Shaq
AD vs Malone = Malone
Pip vs Barkley =Pip
KD vs Bron = Bron
Magic vs Westbrook = Magic

Team 4 wins in a close series

2 vs 3

Hakeem vs KAJ = KAJ
Rob vs Duncan = Duncan
MJ vs Bird = MJ
Wade vs Kobe = wash
AI vs CP3 = AI

very close series. each game might go to the wire. team 2 wins because they have the best closer on the floor.

2 vs 4

Hakeem vs Shaq = Shaq
Rob vs Malone = Rob
MJ vs Barkley = MJ
Wade vs Bron = Bron
AI vs Westbrook = wash

this series would all depend on who has the better PG on the floor. AI is tenacious but he hasn't seen a beast like Westbrook. again, team 2 wins because god.

3 vs 4

KAJ vs Shaq = Shaq
Duncan vs Malone = Duncan
Bird vs Barkley = Bird
Kobe vs Bron = Bron
CP3 vs Westbrook = Westbrook

Team 4 wins in a close series

result of round robin

1 - 0 pt
2 - 3 pts
3 - 1 pt
4 - 2 pts

12-16-2015, 09:05 AM
3 .

12-16-2015, 09:09 AM
3, comon a front court of bird, duncan, and kareem?
I think 4 has a chance, but feels like they would implode with all the ego and there only being one ball

Only ego on 4 is Russ, you think he wouldn't take a step back with those guys next to him?

They all look good, but for me its between 3 and 4, also, depending on the version we get of each player, but if its general prime and/or career, yeah, 3 and 4.

12-16-2015, 09:39 AM
Team 3 is a slight tier above the rest. Then 1 > 4 > 2. Don't like the idea of Jordan at SF with AI and Wade at the guard spots. Too much redundancy.

12-16-2015, 09:45 AM
3- Best C, Best PF and Best SF

12-16-2015, 09:59 AM
3- Best C, Best PF and Best SF

And best SG. It's not even fair.

12-16-2015, 10:36 AM
You have to realize that when this many stars are together passing is almost the most important skill.

If you have a ball stopper on the team, or a pure isolation type scorer it'll be very hard for the other players on the team to be as good as we know them to be. Additionally, the ball has energy and if a player isn't getting involved on offense their defense will suffer.

As such, the question is best suited to not which team has the best players but which of those would work best together.

Team 1, Magic and Pippen is somewhat redundant. This limits their offense while not helping their defense.

Team 2 would be a pretty solid team but lacks a true point guard and could result in a few odd looking offensive possessions. Their defensive range and mobility is their biggest strength (Wade + Jordan + Hakeem + DRob is beyond 10/10).

Team 3 is the dark horse because of Chris Paul. He has such amazing skills than even players like Kobe would defer to his ball handling skills. However, his super ball dominant style really impedes team success at the highest levels (in my opinion). If they had the right coach they could be deadly...but Kobe is the one of the worst off the ball superstars (e.g., cutting etc) and the 2nd best isolation superstar.

Team 4 is the best combo of strength + speed + athleticism. Their biggest problem would be the halfcourt game. They literally have 5 players that all need to be the main guy with the ball to be successful. None of those 5 players are play in an offense type guys. Their offense looks the worst.

Team 5 (I'm making up a new team): Curry, Ray Ray, KG, Webber, Walton. I think this team would be absolutely unstoppable. They'd give up a little on defense occasionally, but that offense passing and overall chemistry is ridiculous.

My ranks (and how I think it'd shake out if they all played each other enough times):
1. Team 2, Jordan's Team
2. Team 3 Kobe's Team
3. Team 5 Curry's Team
4. Team 1 Magic's Team
5. Team 4 Lebron's Team