View Full Version : Teams like hornets and magic will fade...

12-17-2015, 11:00 AM
Let's be serious here. These two overrated and lucky teams will not continue to win games like this. Even the celtics might miss the playoffs as well. What u think ISH??

Take Your Lumps
12-17-2015, 11:28 AM
They both play really good D...they'll likely hover around .500 at worst.

12-17-2015, 11:31 AM
Let's be serious here. These two overrated and lucky teams will not continue to win games like this. Even the celtics might miss the playoffs as well. What u think ISH??

i think u are pretty bad on predictions, oh and yes u are bitch.

12-17-2015, 12:21 PM
Well at least we're safe from Knicks fading, seeing you have to be in a position to fade to be able to fade.

12-17-2015, 12:34 PM
Overrated... despite nobody outside their fans talking about them.

Which are the teams that are going to make the East playoffs this year ?

12-17-2015, 12:50 PM
They're in the Eastern Conference so they really have a shot to make the playoffs if they keep it up.

12-17-2015, 12:56 PM
They're in the Eastern Conference so they really have a shot to make the playoffs if they keep it up.

The East has 10 teams over .500 right now. All of them are average to above average outside of Cleveland at full strength.

It's going to be pretty hard for all those teams. I don't see Washington and New York under .500 for the rest of the season either.

12-17-2015, 03:17 PM
It's going to be pretty hard for all those teams. I don't see Washington and New York under .500 for the rest of the season either.. http://media0.giphy.com/media/huh2HmOzrSivm/giphy.gif

New York is a 30 win team. People automatically assume Washington will turn up that might not happen either. Between Charlotte and Orlando I think Charlotte is more likely to keep pace. After watching the Pistons/Celts game last night, both teams played the right way and barring injuries you can pencil both in the postseason.

12-17-2015, 03:38 PM
who the hell talks about the magic that we're overrated?

12-17-2015, 03:39 PM
. http://media0.giphy.com/media/huh2HmOzrSivm/giphy.gif

New York is a 30 win team. People automatically assume Washington will turn up that might not happen either. Between Charlotte and Orlando I think Charlotte is more likely to keep pace. After watching the Pistons/Celts game last night, both teams played the right way and barring injuries you can pencil both in the postseason.
why? orlando is a better team than charlotte

12-17-2015, 03:43 PM
I still think Washington and Milwaukee improve

12-17-2015, 05:10 PM
I still think Washington and Milwaukee improve

Washington could turn around but could collapse just as easily right now. I'm a wizards fan but I'll tell it like it is. We've gone to a spread, up-tempo offense and it's led to a ton of turnovers. We don't really have a stretch 4 that is worth putting on the floor. Neither Dudley or Humphries can create his own shot, and both are defensive liabilities. Otto can play the 4 sometimes, but that just means we have to play Gary Neal and Garrett Temple a lot of minutes. Beal is hurt (with the same injury....again).

The wiz need a stretch 4 and a perimeter playmaker. That could come in one player (Durant, Barnes, Love are possibilities). Getting a playmaking guard or wing means that Otto can play more 4 and that alleviates some of our problems. Or we could just get a less-coveted stretch 4 (a Morris bro perhaps?) and then find a playmaking guard, which are easier to find than wings.

12-17-2015, 05:34 PM
How are Orlando over rated? People predicted they'd compete for the 8th seed this season and that's what they are doing. No one thinks they are contenders. Hell some of the fans here before the season disagreed when I said I thought we'd get to the play offs (as a first round exit in the 7th or 8th seed). Orlando's big weakness is still that we have no go to guy, we can get by like this in the regular season where we have 5-6 guys putting up 12-18pts for a win but when it comes to play offs it's near impossible to be a chance with out having someone you can rely on down the stretch for consistent points. As pleased as I am with how orlando has taken to skile's system and how players are stepping up this season makes me think no one on our roster will turn in to that kind of player. Maybe we will have a bad run and drop out of the play off window but we competed for the spot and have showed VERY solid improvements from where we were last season, with a bit of luck we could have won 3-4 more games easy as well. For a team as young as ours in it's first year with a new coach I don't think there's much to complain about as a fan and I don't see how you can say they are over rated.

Any way we all know this thread comes from OP having sand in his ****** because the magic and the hornets are doing better than the knicks. But right now the magic and the hornets have been building complete teams instead of being a team like the knicks that still needs pieces to put around Porzingis. The future's bright with Porzingis but they still need to lay the foundation around him if they want to be a consistently good team and that takes time. Not just picking up the right players for the roster but finding a system that works and putting in place the staff needed to implement it. Just because other teams are doing better than your team though is no reason to get shitty and make stupid threads.

12-17-2015, 05:40 PM
why? orlando is a better team than charlotte
safe bet could be charlotte, orlando have a young team and are more inconsistent, we could keep this pace up or we could have players drop off again just don't know yet.