View Full Version : How tall is your family?

12-20-2015, 07:26 PM
Moms Side

Mom - 5'5

Uncle - 6'2

Aunt - 5'7

Grandpa- 6'4 1/2, 240 and lean while in the Air Force (Hook shot was venom)

His little brother 1. 6'7 260

2. 6'5

3. 6'4

4. 6'3

Grandma 5'3

Older brother- 5'6

Older Sister 1. 5'5

2. 4'1

Dad's side

Dad 5'11 1/2 (Beta wingspan)

Half Brother(Grandma) 6'1

Half Sister(Grandma) 5'7

Grandma 5'5

Grandpa 5'6


5'8/9 depending on the time of day, 6'1 wingspan. Two years ago my doctor said my growth plates hadn't fused...Which got my hopes up that'd I'd grow like my grandfather on my moms side. Age 20 he was only about 6'0, after the Air Force he came out 6'4 1/2. The **** you doin body,

12-20-2015, 07:34 PM
Me 6'5
Brother 6'5
Wife 6'0
Dad 6'1
Mom 5'9

one uncle who is 6'11

12-20-2015, 07:40 PM
I'm 6-1

Twin brother: 6-1

Father: 5-10
Mother: 5-4
Sister: 5-6

12-20-2015, 07:43 PM
Me 6'5
Brother 6'5
Wife 6'0
Dad 6'1
Mom 5'9

one uncle who is 6'11

I was always hopeful to get taller than my Dad, you got lucky haha.

And was your uncle healthy? Met few people that tall. Almost can't help but :eek:

12-20-2015, 07:46 PM
Me 6'1

Dad 6'2
Mom 5'4
Brother 6'4(bitch)
Sister 5'8

Not sure why my brother is so much taller. The milk man must have been tall lol

12-20-2015, 07:48 PM
Me 6'1

Dad 6'2
Mom 5'4
Brother 6'4(bitch)
Sister 5'8

Not sure why my brother is so much taller. The milk man must have been tall lol

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Milk man dropped off some milk alright

12-20-2015, 07:49 PM
I was always hopeful to get taller than my Dad, you got lucky haha.

And was your uncle healthy? Met few people that tall. Almost can't help but :eek:

My uncle was healthy, but he was gay and not interested in sports. Kind of like winning the lottery and having no interest in money.

My grandfather was 6'2, 220 and played for the 49ers. He was a tough SOB who worked Oakland PD for 30 years after retiring from football. He lifted the back end of a Buick off a woman who was trapped underneath.

12-20-2015, 07:55 PM
My uncle was healthy, but he was gay and not interested in sports. Kind of like winning the lottery and having no interest in money.

My grandfather was 6'2, 220 and played for the 49ers. He was a tough SOB who worked Oakland PD for 30 years after retiring from football. He lifted the back end of a Buick off a woman who was trapped underneath.

Do you happen to know what his lifts were? That's pretty cool though, what's his name if you don't mind me asking? Or what position he played

12-20-2015, 08:00 PM
Me - 6 inches but skinny as a pencil

Dad - 6 1/2 inches average girth

Uncle - 7 inches average girth

Mom - 9 inches thick as a coke can

12-20-2015, 08:03 PM
Do you happen to know what his lifts were? That's pretty cool though, what's his name if you don't mind me asking? Or what position he played

I can't do the name because I try to keep my identity anonymous. He played defensive line. In his era, they didn't lift much even in the pro's. Power clean, bench press. Everything else was calisthenics. That was about it. So I don't know his numbers. He died when I was pretty young so we never talked about it. I know that he had hands like a gorilla. My dad has his wedding ring and it is about as big as a half dollar. He once made the newspapers for punching a guy in a bar fight, and the witnesses all said the guy literally flew out of his own shoes into the wall. With his shoes just sitting there on the floor. He was basically a legend in Oakland, he was a sergeant and the day of his funeral they had a procession like you'd see for a president. He was a beast.

12-20-2015, 08:05 PM
Me - 6 inches but skinny as a pencil

Dad - 6 1/2 inches average girth

Uncle - 7 inches average girth

Mom - 9 inches thick as a coke can



12-20-2015, 08:09 PM
Myself: 6'1" without shoes
Dad: 5'11
Mom: 5'8"
Sister: 5'9"
Brother: 6'4"

Only male on mother side was grandfather and he was average maybe 5'9-10". Baseball player in his youth.

Father side is tallish: My father is the shortest at 5'11" among his brothers. Tallest is around 6'5"-6'6".
Grandfather was 6'4".

12-20-2015, 08:31 PM
dad 6'3
mom 5'7
lil bro 6'4
me 6'0

i was 5'3 95 lbs as a freshman in hs so ill take it.. filled out pretty fast too

Bosnian Sajo
12-20-2015, 09:06 PM
I'm one of the taller people in my family and I'm barely 6ft :lol

12-20-2015, 09:24 PM
I'm 5'5" and taller than most of the women in my family. My brother and father are both about 5'11".

12-20-2015, 09:28 PM
Little over 6ft and the 2nd tallest in my entire fam.

12-20-2015, 10:12 PM
Dad- 5' 10"
Both brothers- 5' 10"
Mom- 5' 6"
No one in the extended family above average besides grandpa who's 6'5"
I'm 6' 5". Feels good man :pimp:

12-20-2015, 10:46 PM
Mom - 5'4
Dad - 6'4
Oldest Brother - 6'7
Older Brother - 6'5
Me - 6'1

All 4 guys are taller than everyone else in the family except my dads brother who's also 6'4

12-20-2015, 11:31 PM
All my family member heigth is almost the same. Men 5'7-6'1 and women 5'3-5'6 feets. Most young members are a bit taller than previous generations. I'm 1,83cm.

Bay Area Baller
12-20-2015, 11:33 PM
cool stories bros :cheers:

12-21-2015, 12:30 AM
I'm 6'3''

Mother: 5'6''
Father: 6'3''
Brother: 6'6''
Brother: 6'4''
Brother: 6'1''

12-21-2015, 12:31 AM
CavsFTW going to come in here and shut you guys down pretty soon.

12-21-2015, 12:14 PM
Me 6'6''
Brother 6'6''
Father 6'5''
Mom 5'11''

Tall ass family.

12-21-2015, 12:17 PM
Dad - 5'10"

Mom - 5'6"

Me - 5'11"

Younger Brother - 6'1"

Aside from one uncle on my mother's side who was 6'4", my brother and I are the tallest on both sides of our immediate family.

12-21-2015, 01:10 PM
Dad's 5'6'', Mom's 5'1''-5'2''

Dad's side of the family- all of his brothers are 5'10''+, grandfather was about 5'10''. My shortest male cousin is 5'10''. Tallest is about 6'5''. The majority of them usually hit 6'1'' at least.
Mom's side of the family- all my cousins are around my height (5'8''-5'9'') and the distant cousins are all 5'11''+. Grandfather was also around 5'10''.

Me- 5'8''-5'9'' (I grew rapidly in middle school, about 8 inches in 3 years, and my doctor said it could be possible I become 6' like a lot of my cousins. Didn't happen sadly)
Brother- 5'10''-5'11'' (very weird growth spurt in his early-mid 20s, added about about 2 inches).

It wasn't uncommon on my dad's side of the family for the guys to grow a bit in their 20s.

Genetics are weird. My friend's parents are 5'7'' and 5'4''. Last time I saw him, he was 6'4.25'' with a 6'11'' wingspan.

12-21-2015, 03:28 PM
Dad - 6ft
Mom - 5ft 10
Myself - 6ft 4
Sister - 5ft 6
Sister - 5ft 7
Brother - 6ft 3
Brother - 6ft 5

Grandfather (moms side) - 7ft
Uncle (moms side) - 6ft 8

12-21-2015, 03:50 PM
Dad - 6ft and he has a tall family, all girls at least 5'9" and men are 6' or above.

Mom - 5'2" and she has a short family, all girls 5'4" and below and men 5'6" to 5'9"

My sister is 5'1" and I'm close to 5'10". My girlfriend is 5'8" with a tall family so I'm doing my future son a favor being with her.

12-21-2015, 04:02 PM
dad 5'9
mom 5'4

oldest brother 5'10
older brother 6'4
me 6'4
