View Full Version : American women are waiting longer than ever to become mothers

12-21-2015, 12:19 PM
I'm now 27. It seems probably 80% of the people I went to high school with now have children. I think that's absurd. But the reality is, people were having children at younger ages long ago.

Of course, the times have changed now. You don't need to have a big family to run your farm anymore. You don't need to start having children to help bring in income (the irony in that statement :lol ).

Then I saw this:

The average age of women having their first child was a record high of 26 years old in 2013, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Vital Statistics Report.

That's an increase of 3.3 years since 1980, when the average age was 22.7.

The big jump in average age is mostly due to white women, who are graduating from secondary institutions and going on to receive advanced degrees.

First off, I am so, so happy I don't have a child. Not only do I actually save money every month, but I have free time, and a social life. And I can enjoy my weekends. I told y'all I had sideline passes for the Texans/Colts game yesterday.


There's Mr. JJ Watt.


And here's everyone's favorite NFL referee.

Now if I had a child, I couldn't have done that. I guess I could have taken my child with me, but then you have to worry about feeding, and crying, and changing diapers... No thanks. I just want to say, for anyone who is in their 20's and contemplating kids, I highly, highly suggest you think about what you want to be doing a few years from now.

Not to say that kids are life drainers, but.... come on, you know you'd rather be on the sideline than at home cleaning up diarrhea.

Nick Young
12-21-2015, 12:22 PM
This means more kids with down syndrome.

12-21-2015, 12:26 PM
This means more kids with down syndrome.

Having kids at an older age?

I've heard so much shit in life gives kids all kinds of everything, I just basically stopped paying attention to any of it.

12-21-2015, 12:35 PM
My daughter was born the year the Panthers played the Patriots in the Super Bowl. That didn't stop me from going to every home game plus the playoff win over Dallas. Your life changes for sure when you have kids but it doesn't have to come to an end.

12-21-2015, 12:38 PM
My daughter was born the year the Panthers played the Patriots in the Super Bowl. That didn't stop me from going to every home game plus the playoff win over Dallas. Your life changes for sure when you have kids but it doesn't have to come to an end.

yeah theres this thing called a babysitter.

12-21-2015, 12:41 PM
Pretty amazing to me that 26 is the AVERAGE, meaning so many women are having their first kid well past 26. I would of course expect it to happen some, but hardly enough to bring the average to 26. But yeah, that's just how white and asian women roll these days.

That being said, my parents had their first child (me) at age 27. And this was in the mid 80's.

My peeps ahead of their time :rockon:

Nick Young
12-21-2015, 12:41 PM
Having kids at an older age?

I've heard so much shit in life gives kids all kinds of everything, I just basically stopped paying attention to any of it.
The risk for a baby having down syndrome exponentially increases with each year a woman has a baby after 30.

Feminism tries to lie and teach women its ok to have babies close to 40, but really it opens your baby up to a ton of birth defects the baby wouldn't get if you had the baby earlier than 30.

12-21-2015, 12:42 PM
Would be interesting to know wheter there is a correlation between IQ and average age to get the first child.

12-21-2015, 12:44 PM
I have a 3 year old boy...I've been to 5-6 Cowboy games since his birth...Handful of Mavs games too

that's nothing though, I also spent 8 days in Paris...and just recently spent 10 days in Italy

crazy huh?

12-21-2015, 12:47 PM
I have a 3 year old boy...I've been to 5-6 Cowboy games since his birth...Handful of Mavs games too

that's nothing though, I also spent 8 days in Paris...and just recently spent 10 days in Italy

crazy huh?
Why are you wasting your time at cowboys games?

12-21-2015, 12:51 PM
The risk for a baby having down syndrome exponentially increases with each year a woman has a baby after 30.

Feminism tries to lie and teach women its ok to have babies close to 40, but really it opens your baby up to a ton of birth defects the baby wouldn't get if you had the baby earlier than 30.
Had no idea. I don't know anything about babies. I never even really thought about it much because I never had a desire to have kids. Still dont, I'm just assuming at some point that instinct will kick in and I'll want kids.

Doubt it though.

12-21-2015, 12:51 PM
Why are you wasting your time at cowboys games?


12-21-2015, 12:51 PM
yeah theres this thing called a babysitter.
You know how many times I hear people bitch they can't find a babysitter or don't want to pay for one?

Easier said than done.

12-21-2015, 12:52 PM
I have a 3 year old boy...I've been to 5-6 Cowboy games since his birth...Handful of Mavs games too

that's nothing though, I also spent 8 days in Paris...and just recently spent 10 days in Italy

crazy huh?
There's anomalies in everything.

Glad you don't seem as depressed as everyone else I know who have kids.

12-21-2015, 12:56 PM
Had no idea. I don't know anything about babies. I never even really thought about it much because I never had a desire to have kids. Still dont, I'm just assuming at some point that instinct will kick in and I'll want kids.

Doubt it though.

Just remember that in old age it gets harder and harder for you and your wife to do everything for yourselves. It's nice to have some able bodies around at that age if needed. Ofc the decision shouldnt be made on that aspect alone, but it's a factor to consider.

12-21-2015, 01:18 PM
Just remember that in old age it gets harder and harder for you and your wife to do everything for yourselves. It's nice to have some able bodies around at that age if needed. Ofc the decision shouldnt be made on that aspect alone, but it's a factor to consider.
The only argument I've ever heard to have kids that made sense was that I'd want to be able to be physically active when my children are teenagers.

I could see that, but that's not a good enough reason for me to have a child right now. I see so many depressing Facebook posts from people complaining about presents and not having time to do anything...

And I'm just over here like... cool I'll be at 4th Street Live on New Years lol.

12-21-2015, 01:23 PM
If you don't want to have kids, then do NOT HAVE KIDS.

simple as that

12-21-2015, 01:26 PM
Kids are a shit load of work, and they cost a shit load of money...if I didn't have my son I'd be driving nicer cars, that is for sure.

My son is worth more than all the wealth in the world though...the stress he puts me through, the time he takes away from other things, it's all worth it to me.

Not everyone is like me though, I got my fun out of the way, I had my son at age 35...for many they had kids at age 25, they missed those 'party years' that I got to have, and they probably hate themselves for that.

Tarik One
12-21-2015, 01:37 PM
The only argument I've ever heard to have kids that made sense was that I'd want to be able to be physically active when my children are teenagers.

I could see that, but that's not a good enough reason for me to have a child right now. I see so many depressing Facebook posts from people complaining about presents and not having time to do anything...

And I'm just over here like... cool I'll be at 4th Street Live on New Years lol.
Seems as if you are trying to antagonize. "Hey look, I don't have kids. My life doesn't suck." Good for you bruh.

12-21-2015, 01:37 PM
Kids are a shit load of work, and they cost a shit load of money...if I didn't have my son I'd be driving nicer cars, that is for sure.

My son is worth more than all the wealth in the world though...the stress he puts me through, the time he takes away from other things, it's all worth it to me.

Not everyone is like me though, I got my fun out of the way, I had my son at age 35...for many they had kids at age 25, they missed those 'party years' that I got to have, and they probably hate themselves for that.

That's probably what I'll end up doing. Get yourself established, be able to live comfortably even with a child, and then once you have one, it won't be as bad.

I just see these people working as a server at Applebee's having kids with their not husbands, and think... damn, what were you thinking?

12-21-2015, 01:52 PM
Meh, what's the rush? Womem can start having kids in their 30's. Men, whatever age. Its not the Industrial Revolution any more; life expectancy isn't 40 years lol.

The foolish one's are the one's who have kids at 21 and younger, not those who wait until 30+.

Nick Young
12-21-2015, 01:54 PM
Meh, what's the rush? Womem can start having kids in their 30's. Men, whatever age. Its not the Industrial Revolution any more; life expectancy isn't 40 years lol.

The foolish one's are the one's who have kids at 21 and younger, not those who wait until 30+.
Only according to feminist and cosmo propaganda.

In real life, it is dangerous to have a baby past the age of 30 and it exponentially increases the risks of birth defects your child might have if you do.

12-21-2015, 01:56 PM
That's probably what I'll end up doing. Get yourself established, be able to live comfortably even with a child, and then once you have one, it won't be as bad.

I just see these people working as a server at Applebee's having kids with their not husbands, and think... damn, what were you thinking?
yeah women that have a kid at a young age, no father around....what a fckin mess

Generally speaking I don't think the vast majority of this country should be having kids before age 30. EVERYONE INVOLVED is better off when the parents aren't also 'kids'.

12-21-2015, 01:56 PM
Only according to feminist and cosmo propaganda.

In real life, it is dangerous to have a baby past the age of 30 and it exponentially increases the risks of birth defects your child might have if you do.
Maybe after 40 or so. Many of my female relatives had kids post-30 and all are doing great. 30-40 is still prime.

12-21-2015, 01:58 PM
Only according to feminist and cosmo propaganda.

In real life, it is dangerous to have a baby past the age of 30 and it exponentially increases the risks of birth defects your child might have if you do.
it's like 36 IIRC...for women

for men risks don't start till even later...men can have children safely pretty late in life.

12-21-2015, 01:59 PM
yeah women that have a kid at a young age, no father around....what a fckin mess

Generally speaking I don't think the vast majority of this country should be having kids before age 30. EVERYONE INVOLVED is better off when the parents aren't also 'kids'.
I agree. You aren't ready at 21. I'm not ready at 27.

11.4% of all black babies, and 12% of all Hispanic babies, are born to mothers 19 years or younger, per this chart.


I think that has a lot to do with where those two groups are now. As I said before, white women and pursuing advanced degrees, and as a result, are putting off having children until later in life.

12-21-2015, 02:00 PM
if ur a man it's best to get a young girl pregnant

Nick Young
12-21-2015, 02:03 PM
Maybe after 40 or so. Many of my female relatives had kids post-30 and all are doing great. 30-40 is still prime.
Ok. good for them.

That doesn't mean that their kids were at a higher exponential risk to be born with birth defects then if they had had the kid earlier.

30-40 is not prime child bearing years. 30-40 is the downward decline. Don't let feminist pseudo-science make you ignore real science.

12-21-2015, 02:05 PM
I agree. You aren't ready at 21. I'm not ready at 27.

11.4% of all black babies, and 12% of all Hispanic babies, are born to mothers 19 years or younger, per this chart.


I think that has a lot to do with where those two groups are now. As I said before, white women and pursuing advanced degrees, and as a result, are putting off having children until later in life.
Yes teen birth is a massive problem in those communities.

12-21-2015, 02:22 PM
When I was in Highschool, I believed that by age 22 I'd be in a serious relationship if not married. I'm going to be 24 in 2 weeks and single because I've crashed and burned every relationship. Definitely like being single and certainly am not planning on having kids, at least not in my 20s.

I think marriage and kids are exclusively for mature people. Most people in their 20s are not willing to make the sacrifices that a mature individual would do.

Smook B
12-21-2015, 02:31 PM
Texans have two asterisks *2011 when manning got injured. *2015 when Luck got injured.

12-21-2015, 02:45 PM
Generally speaking I don't think the vast majority of this country should be having kids before age 30. EVERYONE INVOLVED is better off when the parents aren't also 'kids'.

From a practical POV yeah I agree. Many 20 year olds are self indulged teens and aren't mature yet to raise a child. Biologically speaking is another issue. As Nick Young stated there are higher risks of various complications after the age of 30.

12-21-2015, 02:49 PM
Texans have two asterisks *2011 when manning got injured. *2015 when Luck got injured.

**** the Texans

Oillers forever own Houston

12-21-2015, 02:51 PM
From a practical POV yeah I agree. Many 20 year olds are self indulged teens and aren't mature yet to raise a child. Biologically speaking is another issue. As Nick Young stated there are higher risks of various complications after the age of 30.
It's after age 35 that the risks start to up for most things. And even for a 40 year old women it still 'rare' to have a major birth defect.

Also, many birth defects are now detected early in pregnancy...my wife is pregnant right now and we already know there is a 0% chance of down-syndrome. If that had been detected, we would have had the opportunity to abort.

12-21-2015, 02:57 PM
Physically speaking maybe the prime for a female to give birth is age 18, IDK. But then the mother of your child is a child herself.

the 'sweet spot' for females is probably right at age 29 or 30...something like that.

12-21-2015, 02:58 PM
Texans have two asterisks *2011 when manning got injured. *2015 when Luck got injured.

I bet the Colts will use that line when they're watching the Texans in the playoffs. :lol

12-21-2015, 03:01 PM
black people fck with the average no doubt

12-21-2015, 03:03 PM
black people fck with the average no doubt

Link posted on previous page.

% of children born to mothers 19 and under.

White ~4%
Hispanic ~12%
Black ~11%

Again, I think this is a big reason why those communities are in disarray. Babies having babies, who in turn have babies. Take out a male father figure, and what you have is a generation of kids who have absolutely zero chance in life.

As I say about the Afghans though, you can't help people who won't help themselves.

12-21-2015, 03:30 PM
I'm now 27. It seems probably 80% of the people I went to high school with now have children. I think that's absurd. But the reality is, people were having children at younger ages long ago.

Of course, the times have changed now. You don't need to have a big family to run your farm anymore. You don't need to start having children to help bring in income (the irony in that statement :lol ).

Then I saw this:

The big jump in average age is mostly due to white women, who are graduating from secondary institutions and going on to receive advanced degrees.

First off, I am so, so happy I don't have a child. Not only do I actually save money every month, but I have free time, and a social life. And I can enjoy my weekends. I told y'all I had sideline passes for the Texans/Colts game yesterday.


There's Mr. JJ Watt.


And here's everyone's favorite NFL referee.

Now if I had a child, I couldn't have done that. I guess I could have taken my child with me, but then you have to worry about feeding, and crying, and changing diapers... No thanks. I just want to say, for anyone who is in their 20's and contemplating kids, I highly, highly suggest you think about what you want to be doing a few years from now.

Not to say that kids are life drainers, but.... come on, you know you'd rather be on the sideline than at home cleaning up diarrhea.
Not me, I can tell you that I'd rather be with my two boys than at some stupid game.

You don't have kids, you wouldn't understand. I'm away from them right now, I see them every few months, I'll go back for good in half a year or so. I would give up anything to be with them now. I have freedom right now, I can watch anything, do anything, go out, hang out, whatever. I don't care about that, I'd rather be with my two boys, playing catch, taking them to the movies, doing all the dad stuff I'm currently not doing.

You're still relatively young, no need to hurry and have kids yet. Enjoy your single life but when you find the right woman and want to start a family, then you'll realize you wouldn't trade that for being single. You have to have kids to understand.

Having kids changes your life, it's a lot of work and it costs money but I can honestly tell you that there are a ton of moments when I'm with my boys that I realize I've never been happier in my entire life.

How their are mothers and fathers who abuse their kids is beyond me, they must not be human. I would literally give my life for my boys, wouldn't even think twice about it.

12-21-2015, 04:16 PM
Pretty amazing to me that 26 is the AVERAGE, meaning so many women are having their first kid well past 26. I would of course expect it to happen some, but hardly enough to bring the average to 26. But yeah, that's just how white and asian women roll these days.

That being said, my parents had their first child (me) at age 27. And this was in the mid 80's.

My peeps ahead of their time :rockon:
Shiiit, I was my parents first, they both were 27 and they had me in the early 70's

My folks were trailblazers, especially considering they were Mexican and only had three kids total :applause:

12-21-2015, 04:18 PM
"muh kids"
kids are worthless little shits. never havin em

12-21-2015, 04:23 PM
I always have anul sex that's why. She never gonna tell me she pregnant for my kid fam

12-21-2015, 04:29 PM
"muh kids"
kids are worthless little shits. never havin em
But you gonna marry a kid amirite?

12-21-2015, 04:37 PM
Ok. good for them.

That doesn't mean that their kids were at a higher exponential risk to be born with birth defects then if they had had the kid earlier.

30-40 is not prime child bearing years. 30-40 is the downward decline. Don't let feminist pseudo-science make you ignore real science.

You are right.

Me and my wife were 29 when we had our first. They say 35 is the year where things start getting much more riskier. Of course that's going to be slightly different for everybody, but there is a lot more mandatory testing done once the girl is past 30.

12-21-2015, 04:55 PM
You know how many times I hear people bitch they can't find a babysitter or don't want to pay for one?

Easier said than done.
That's the real issue, no one ever can't find a babysitter, they just don't want to pay for one.

12-21-2015, 05:09 PM
Would be interesting to know wheter there is a correlation between IQ and average age to get the first child.

There are a million studies showing that the higher your education is, the more likely you are to have children late...

Not sure if it's ever been directly connected to IQ, but education and IQ have a certain correlation..