View Full Version : Here is America

12-22-2015, 06:38 PM
2 charged with murder and torture of 2 children found dead in storage locker


A woman and her 17-year-old boyfriend have been charged with the killing of two children and the torture of a third after two bodies were found in a Redding storage unit earlier this month, Monterey County prosecutors said.

Tami Joy Huntsman, 39, and her boyfriend, Gonzalo Curiel, were charged Monday with two counts of murder, one count of child abuse and multiple counts torture and conspiracy to commit a felony, according to the criminal complaint from the Monterey County district attorney’s office. Prosecutors have not decided if they’ll seek the death penalty against the pair. Curiel is being charged as an adult.

Authorities say Huntsman and Curiel killed the two children and hid their bodies in the storage unit.



Shit like this happens every day, all over the country.

It's not about guns. It's not about whether Donald Trump is a bigot, wahhh :cry:

We have too many animals. Too many dumb, base, fukked up animals. America's base is a shit show.

And yall wanna get on Norway's level :oldlol:

Not gonna happen without a purge. And a purge isn't gonna happen because yall are soft. And yall are soft because you're beta and insecure. And because of that, you get forced to live in the cage with all the animals, while the alpha executives laugh their asses off outside the bars.

Stay beta, betas.

12-22-2015, 06:54 PM
Shit like this happens every day, all over the country.

It's not about guns. It's not about whether Donald Trump is a bigot, wahhh :cry:

We have too many animals. Too many dumb, base, fukked up animals. America's base is a shit show.

And yall wanna get on Norway's level :oldlol:

Not gonna happen without a purge. And a purge isn't gonna happen because yall are soft. And yall are soft because you're beta and insecure. And because of that, you get forced to live in the cage with all the animals, while the alpha executives laugh their asses off outside the bars.

Stay beta, betas.

They both voted Obama, just FYI in case anyone was interested. They both voted Obama.

12-22-2015, 06:56 PM
Shit like this happens every day, all over the country.

It's not about guns. It's not about whether Donald Trump is a bigot, wahhh :cry:

We have too many animals. Too many dumb, base, fukked up animals. America's base is a shit show.

And yall wanna get on Norway's level :oldlol:

Not gonna happen without a purge. And a purge isn't gonna happen because yall are soft. And yall are soft because you're beta and insecure. And because of that, you get forced to live in the cage with all the animals, while the alpha executives laugh their asses off outside the bars.

Stay beta, betas.

So what does this purge involve.
We gotta get some specifics.
None of this vague shit.

12-22-2015, 07:00 PM

12-22-2015, 07:03 PM
So what does this purge involve.
We gotta get some specifics.
None of this vague shit.

First of all, start sterilizing young people who commit certain criminal offenses.

Also, there was an Egyptian billionaire who offered to BUY AN ISLAND for the refugees and set them up to build a lil society.

But the special interests in western countries who WANT this refugee crisis wouldnt let it happen. And no doubt the sjw losers would have pissed their capri pants over it as well.

But that's what we SHOULD do. Start an island colony for our own circus freaks, and send people there. Their fate is in their hands and if they can make it work, great! If not, we did what we had to do for our own welfare. Dont worry bro, that's allowed in life. You dont have to feel guilty bc some liberal geek with an insecurity complex is gonna try and make himself look better than you by playing the "i love everyone" card.

Hes just confused about his identity and his role in life. He doesnt understand himself. Hes insecure and is trying to take the safe road to social acceptance. Thats what hes lookong for. Dont let his posturing affect you. Stay rational.

12-22-2015, 07:04 PM
They are probably posters on ISH.

12-22-2015, 07:18 PM

It's legit the most necessary thing there is right now.

This isn't 1800, when physical manpower was still required for just about everything. We don't need MASSIVE populations to supply society with things it needs. We have technology now. We have machines.

Continuing to develop new models of phones and new models of cars will keep people employed, but who is it making happy?

We need to hit pause. We need to actually talk honestly about what the best long term approach is for the good of society. Not just continually patch up leaks everytime they spring. That's what politicians who want to stay in power do. Because that's what dumb people overreact to. We need to have more vision than that. We need to really think and talk about the TRUTH.

Everyone's afraid to do it.

12-22-2015, 07:23 PM
First of all, start sterilizing young people who commit certain criminal offenses.

Again with the mass forced sterilization? That's your answer to any issue. :roll:

Waiter at a restaurant gets your order wrong? Sterilize every waiter in America?

Your tire blew out on the way to work? Sterilize every tire everywhere.

Now that's change we can all believe in (and not the rantings of an unhinged lunatic who has lost all connection to reality). :applause:

12-22-2015, 07:26 PM
They both voted Obama, just FYI in case anyone was interested. They both voted Obama.

12-22-2015, 07:29 PM
Again with the mass forced sterilization? That's your answer to any issue. :roll:

Waiter at a restaurant gets your order wrong? Sterilize every waiter in America?

Your tire blew out on the way to work? Sterilize every tire everywhere.

Now that's change we can all believe in (and not the rantings of an unhinged lunatic who has lost all connection to reality). :applause:

Unfortunately this won't stop welfare Queens from having more babies when it's encouraged and rewarded.

You know what would though? I bet you if we started serving bread and water only to prisoners, I bet people would stop coming to prison.

I bet if food stamps were not money, so to speak, but quantities of certain items (vegetables, milk) I bet you people would stop using it as much if you can't buy cheerios and pepsi.

There's a lot of things we could do to better our society, but it's all too mean.

12-22-2015, 07:32 PM
Again with the mass forced sterilization? That's your answer to any issue. :roll:

Waiter at a restaurant gets your order wrong? Sterilize every waiter in America?

Your tire blew out on the way to work? Sterilize every tire everywhere.

Now that's change we can all believe in (and not the rantings of an unhinged lunatic who has lost all connection to reality). :applause:

Because there is a fundamental truth that you will not accept.

People are not born equal. And the greater discrepancy there is between them, the greater the social equality gap there will be between them. You can't produce equal results from unequal people. You're the one that's always beating the drum for social/economic equality, right?

I want to tackle those issues as well. But unlike you, I have realized that human nature can only be legislated so far.

For the long term GOOD of humanity, the divisive people at the bottom should not continue to contribute to the gene pool. Their constant shenanigans distract us from more important issues. The Trayvrawns, the Michael Brown's, the Freddie Gray's. And all the white and mexican ones too whom I don't have names to attach to. For every one thankfully killed by a cop, there are a bunch more who go on and procreate with some trashbag skeez, and create more. We don't need that. I have the fortitude to look you or anyone else in the eye and say it. You don't.

The era of "everyone grab a plow!" is over. We have technology. We have knowledge. We don't need a bunch of ignorant warm bodies to provide man power. We can do without that now. Dumb people are dead weight at this point. We need to figure out what's important for humans going forward. And if that requires eliminating segments of the population from America and relocating them to do their own thing elsewhere, or neutering the violent apes out there, so be it. What the **** you care about these people?

You don't. You live in New York, you're tryin to get famous. You aint in the peace corps. You don't care about all the ignoramuses in the world, you just don't have the guts to go against the social dogma of the day. Speak out against the bible? Shit, you know you've got a bunch of folks on the internet to back you up. And the days of getting burned at the stake are over. That doesnt take guts. Try questioning the fallacies of TODAY'S popular social dogma. Most people will not do it. Sure, you can point to websites elsewhere that have a bunch of anti-PC opinions. But most of those people are still hiding behind a screen.

Yall got my name. Yall know my face. I aint hiding.


Get some.

12-22-2015, 07:40 PM
Unfortunately this won't stop welfare Queens from having more babies when it's encouraged and rewarded.

You know what would though? I bet you if we started serving bread and water only to prisoners, I bet people would stop coming to prison.

I bet if food stamps were not money, so to speak, but quantities of certain items (vegetables, milk) I bet you people would stop using it as much if you can't buy cheerios and pepsi.

There's a lot of things we could do to better our society, but it's all too mean.

So the solution to prison overpopulation is... bread and water.

The solution to income inequality and the so-called 'welfare state' is... spinach.

You're way ahead of your time. No doubt about it.

Because there is a fundamental truth that you will not accept.

People are not born equal. And the greater discrepancy there is between them, the greater the social equality gap there will be between them. You can't produce equal results from unequal people. You're the one that's always beating the drum for social/economic equality, right?

I want to tackle those issues as well. But unlike you, I have realized that human nature can only be legislated so far.

For the long term GOOD of humanity, the divisive people at the bottom should not continue to contribute to the gene pool. Their constant shenanigans distract us from more important issues. The Trayvrawns, the Michael Brown's, the Freddie Gray's. And all the white and mexican ones too whom I don't have names to attach to. For every one thankfully killed by a cop, there are a bunch more who go on and procreate with some trashbag skeez, and create more. We don't need that. I have the fortitude to look you or anyone else in the eye and say it. You don't.

The era of "everyone grab a plow!" is over. We have technology. We have knowledge. We don't need a bunch of ignorant warm bodies to provide man power. We can do without that now. Dumb people are dead weight at this point. We need to figure out what's important for humans going forward. And if that requires eliminating segments of the population from America and relocating them to do their own thing elsewhere, so be it.

The Final Solution... coming from the Eternal Jew (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ttJgTqpsM)? Hell of a plot twist. :eek:

This is all some secret plan that was in the Protocols isn't it? :coleman:

12-22-2015, 07:42 PM
So less government but the government can sterilize whoever they wants and move any citizens where they see fit.

12-22-2015, 07:44 PM
The Final Solution... coming from the Eternal Jew (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ttJgTqpsM)? Hell of a plot twist. :eek:

This is all some secret plan that was in the Protocols isn't it? :coleman:

I don't want to exterminate anyone. As I've said, I value the existence of all the unique races and cultures that have evolved on planet Earth.

Just like humans value deer, but sometimes have to check their populations. It doesn't make them genocidal against deer. It just makes them realistic about reality.

12-22-2015, 07:44 PM
So less government but the government can sterilize whoever they wants and move any citizens where they see fit.

A smaller, hands off government... That can carry out the mass slaughter/sterilization of entire populations. You know... laissez-faire with a dash of National Socialism.

Completely sane doe.

12-22-2015, 07:46 PM
So less government but the government can sterilize whoever they wants and move any citizens where they see fit.


There are exceptions to every rule in life, except, possibly, entropy. That one is still a lil bit of a mystery.

There will always be practical exceptions to general rules and principles. We should value limited government as a general principle. We also need to understand that there WILL BE TIMES when large scale action needs to be taken. The key is to accurately identify where the few exceptions need to be made. That's why thinking is so important. Because you can't just plop down a system and make no adjustments.

12-22-2015, 07:53 PM
So an idiot mum with her idiot boyfriend killed some idiots kids and you melt down?

Thank her, she is doing your job.

12-22-2015, 07:58 PM
America if not the best country on earth than it is pretty damn close. The problems you guys face sure does get overblown on this site

12-22-2015, 08:01 PM
So an idiot mum with her idiot boyfriend killed some idiots kids and you melt down?

Thank her, she is doing your job.

No, because I would rather we have pre-emptively subtracted those two dumb thugs, than two kids who might have grown up to be great people.

But most of my fellow Americans always want to react, instead of pro-act. That's why so many problems persist. Its ****king impossible to get huge bodies of people to take initiative.

12-22-2015, 08:01 PM

There are exceptions to every rule in life, except, possibly, entropy. That one is still a lil bit of a mystery.

There will always be practical exceptions to general rules and principles. We should value limited government as a general principle. We also need to understand that there WILL BE TIMES when large scale action needs to be taken. The key is to accurately identify where the few exceptions need to be made. That's why thinking is so important. Because you can't just plop down a system and make no adjustments.

Doesn't your current constitution provide you exactly with that??? I'm confused where you are coming from with this one

12-22-2015, 08:02 PM
No, because I would rather we have pre-emptively subtracted those two dumb thugs, than two kids who might have grown up to be great people.

With that mother? Doubt it.

By that logic you should not sterilize anybody because they could be great.

Thank her, she is doing your job.

12-22-2015, 08:08 PM
No, because I would rather we have pre-emptively subtracted those two dumb thugs, than two kids who might have grown up to be great people.

But most of my fellow Americans always want to react, instead of pro-act. That's why so many problems persist. Its ****king impossible to get huge bodies of people to take initiative.

No issue subtracting thugs but why is sterilization a superior option to countless other less intrusive ways of getting rid of thugs

12-22-2015, 08:24 PM
No issue subtracting thugs but why is sterilization a superior option to countless other less intrusive ways of getting rid of thugs

Seems to be the best option of cost effectiveness (vis-a-vis prison) and not setting the ultimate bad precedent (genocide). But it's not like Id be opposed to better alternatives if theyre out there.

Like I said, sterilization and/or deportation. Theyre good compromises. Let's do this.

12-22-2015, 08:25 PM
With that mother? Doubt it.

By that logic you should not sterilize anybody because they could be great.

Thank her, she is doing your job.

Most likely, you are right. However I would rather we prevent doomed children from being birthed than have them tortured and murdered at 3 years old.

12-22-2015, 08:53 PM
So an idiot mum with her idiot boyfriend killed some idiots kids and you melt down?

Thank her, she is doing your job.

they were 3 and 6

12-22-2015, 08:54 PM
I can't even see people like this as human .. killing a 3 yr old ? storage unit ? just throw these people off the nearest bridge and wipe your hands

12-22-2015, 09:22 PM
So the solution to prison overpopulation is... bread and water.

The solution to income inequality and the so-called 'welfare state' is... spinach.

You're way ahead of your time. No doubt about it.

The Final Solution... coming from the Eternal Jew (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ttJgTqpsM)? Hell of a plot twist. :eek:

This is all some secret plan that was in the Protocols isn't it? :coleman:
Your exactly right.

Prison isn't supposed to be fun.

And people using taxpayer dollars to feed their family could, at the very least, be required to practice healthy eating habits.

Is that so cruel? I mean, isn't Michelle Obama preaching healthy meals? Ok, what better way to teach them young than to feed them the very foods we are preaching kids should eat? Maybe those good habits continue. And it saves on insurance costs. There's a million reasons why it's a good idea.

You know it, and I know it.

12-22-2015, 09:27 PM
Your exactly right.

Prison isn't supposed to be fun.

And people using taxpayer dollars to feed their family could, at the very least, be required to practice healthy eating habits.

Is that so cruel? I mean, isn't Michelle Obama preaching healthy meals? Ok, what better way to teach them young than to feed them the very foods we are preaching kids should eat? Maybe those good habits continue. And it saves on insurance costs. There's a million reasons why it's a good idea.

You know it, and I know it.

And two reasons why it doesnt happen:

Special interests, and liberal emotionalism.

The former can always exploit the latter. Piece of ****ing cake.

No pun intended.

12-22-2015, 09:45 PM
I've said this before and I'll say it again, kill the mentally ill

12-22-2015, 09:49 PM
imo parents of unwanted kids should be able to dispose of their kid in a humane way so long as there is nobody that wants them.

anyone who opposes that should have to be on a list of adopters.

12-22-2015, 11:05 PM
imo parents of unwanted kids should be able to dispose of their kid in a humane way so long as there is nobody that wants them.

anyone who opposes that should have to be on a list of adopters.

12-22-2015, 11:48 PM
imo parents of unwanted kids should be able to dispose of their kid in a humane way so long as there is nobody that wants them.

anyone who opposes that should have to be on a list of adopters.

Worst post ever posted anywhere.

12-23-2015, 12:09 AM
imo parents of unwanted kids should be able to dispose of their kid in a humane way so long as there is nobody that wants them.

anyone who opposes that should have to be on a list of adopters.

Great Idea except for the kid.

12-23-2015, 12:11 AM
imo parents of unwanted kids should be able to dispose of their kid in a humane way so long as there is nobody that wants them.

anyone who opposes that should have to be on a list of adopters.


12-23-2015, 12:15 AM
Here at Insidehoops, It's always nighttime. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_zDEEQoHOw) :applause:

Lamar Doom
12-23-2015, 06:01 AM
Stay rational.

Here is America

12-23-2015, 06:46 AM
OP a Eugenics believer, big ****ing surprise, should we sterilize grown men who still leech off their parents too?

12-23-2015, 07:14 AM
Shit like this happens every day, all over the country.

It's not about guns. It's not about whether Donald Trump is a bigot, wahhh :cry:

We have too many animals. Too many dumb, base, fukked up animals. America's base is a shit show.

And yall wanna get on Norway's level :oldlol:

Not gonna happen without a purge. And a purge isn't gonna happen because yall are soft. And yall are soft because you're beta and insecure. And because of that, you get forced to live in the cage with all the animals, while the alpha executives laugh their asses off outside the bars.

Stay beta, betas.

Absolutely disgusting.

Not sure about these two piles of human shit, but I agree about the guns, cleaning them up won't solve the problems born out of a me-first, undereducated, hyper-capitalistically competitive society.

When you base your societies success on winners and losers you get some right f*cking losers on the shit end of society, and some right f*cking sociopaths on all levels.

There is just a general lack of humanity in many of the world's most powerful countries. People shit on the Muslims, but they live in failed states, the US, China and Russia are three title contenders, yet they have some of the most horrific creatures devoid of any humanity roaming the streets.

12-23-2015, 09:16 AM
OP a Eugenics believer, big ****ing surprise, should we sterilize grown men who still leech off their parents too?
Funnily enough, eugenics has always been a progressive/liberal cause, and what really prevented our further indulgence in these practices (and infanticide, which is seeing a post-Christian resurgence), was conservatism and the Christian moral system it defended.

A person who values Christian morality could not support eugenics, and conservatives are prone to do that - it's interesting how this topic is never brought up when Deuces and other ahistorical liberal clowns bring up the 'being on the right side of history' schtick. Of course they think that when they classify everything they don't like ex post facto as being 'right-wing.'

12-23-2015, 11:58 AM
Great Idea except for the kid.

the kid doesnt know the world. it doesn't know any better when its like 1-3 years old. ignorance is bliss.

12-23-2015, 12:08 PM
OP a Eugenics believer, big ****ing surprise, should we sterilize grown men who still leech off their parents too?

Eugenics (/juːˈdʒɛnɪks/; from Greek εὐγενής eugenes "well-born" from εὖ eu, "good, well" and γένος genos, "race, stock, kin")[2][3] is a set of beliefs and practices that aims at improving the genetic quality of the human population.

Ok. Guilty. I think it would be useful to improve the genetic quality of the human population.

That doesn't mean I think any and all methods of achieving it should be employed. Those are the issues that have to be debated and weighed.

But the general concept of just somehow wanting to improve the genes of humanity? I don't see the problem.

Would you prefer that we all be more like apes and stuff? Or are you glad we are an improvement?

12-23-2015, 12:09 PM
They should be stoned to death on live TV for all to see. Let others know this shit is not tolerated.

Some people just lack fear.

12-23-2015, 12:16 PM
lets be honest fgts. its way too ez to have a kid and a lot harder to raise one. if the parent doesn't want it who is going to raise it? everyones tax dollars in a shitty foster care system?

all of u assholes with these views like someone will...put up or shut up :rolleyes: you holier than thou pro life type fgts that take no stake in your views are lame as fukk :coleman:

reality is ignorance is bliss. the most retarded thing about the whole 'oh no can't take a life' is that the baby doesnt know anything. it doesnt even know what the difference between having its life and not is. it lives the whole first few years seeing the walls of a baby prison playing being fascinated by objects that move.

who is to say you're not in bliss before your consciousness is thrown into a body? can't life be a hell when you're born by unwanted parents going thru the capitalist system to survive? oh thats right we're all supposed to pretend life is so great for everyone and how that 1 out of 1000 that somehow overcomes his adverse circumstances warrants the other probabilities of a torturous life.

it might be extreme but at least my solution will force the high horse fgts to put up or shut up :pimp:

12-23-2015, 12:18 PM
Eugenics (/juːˈdʒɛnɪks/; from Greek εὐγενής eugenes "well-born" from εὖ eu, "good, well" and γένος genos, "race, stock, kin")[2][3] is a set of beliefs and practices that aims at improving the genetic quality of the human population.

Ok. Guilty. I think it would be useful to improve the genetic quality of the human population.

That doesn't mean I think any and all methods of achieving it should be employed. Those are the issues that have to be debated and weighed.

But the general concept of just somehow wanting to improve the genes of humanity? I don't see the problem.

Would you prefer that we all be more like apes and stuff? Or are you glad we are an improvement?

You're so fvcking stupid that it is just sad.

12-23-2015, 12:21 PM
The thing is, we do tend to point the finger at people as adults when they do something violent or crazy, and say 'no excuses. you're an adult.'

And of course, that is a part of the situation. But some people really do have so much rage, and so much torment about the way they were treated as kids, often by the very people that were supposed to be the ones protecting them. That kind of stuff really lingers with a lot of people, and causes them a lot of issues. There are a some straight up evil parents out there. I've met people who've had them. And you read about it all the time. And they put kids at such a huge disadvantage for growing up well adjusted, and so many of those kids themselves turn into evil parents. It's just a horrible, horrible cycle.

Obviously, teens make mistakes. And teens do dumb things, and not every kid is an angel. But kids that show a heavy propensity toward trouble, conflict, and instability probably should be made not to be able to produce children. If they eventually straighten out and move past their behavioral issues and would like to become parents, adoption could be considered.

But at the very least, we should identify kids who should definitely NOT be parents. Not anyone who's just kind of a lil mischief maker, but really troublesome kids. Start there and everyone will be better off.

12-23-2015, 12:24 PM
You're so fvcking stupid that it is just sad.

Can you actually have a discussion about this or are you just ingrained with society's "that side of the issue is for bigots, don't go over there. you dont want to believe that. only the mean people believe that. thats something HITLER would believe. youre better than that aren't you? you don't wanna be on that side of it. we're all over here on this side. you're stupid if you go over on that side" nonsense pressure.

I mean it sure sounds like you're sheepin to me.