View Full Version : Most fair way to judge a 'get fit' contest?

12-23-2015, 11:31 AM
So in our office today, a few of the guys are talking about, starting FY2017, having a contest. Work out 30 minutes a day, every day, or donate $2 to the jar.

At the end of the first quarter, we are trying to come up with a way to judge who has made the most progress.

The problem is....

Three of the contestants are close to 300 lbs. Another dude is probably 240 but out of shape. One guy is probably 220 but out of shape. I myself, am pushing about 180, and I have probably less than 10% body fat. So obviously, pounds lost wouldn't be a good indicator, because the day I start working out, I won't do anything but gain weight.

So what's the most fair way to judge who wins? Body fat scale? Are those a real thing?

Anyone else ever try this?

12-23-2015, 11:39 AM
Them 300 lb dudes ain't gonna work out for 30 mins everyday just to save $2 :lol There is no fair way of judging this, as you said it's harder for a person in shape to lose weight than a fatty.
Just do it based on weight loss, and let the big people have their win. There is no reason you should be a douche and try to win this :cheers:

12-23-2015, 11:54 AM
are they the muslims?

12-23-2015, 11:54 AM
How about change-in-performance tests? Since everyone is at different fitness levels, you record results day 1 for their performance at various things: Distance ran to exhaustion, # of push ups and pullups, etc.

Then you record new results at the end of the contest and the person who improved the most, wins. This is assuming they don't purposefully slack off in the initial test in order to improve their chances of winning the contest.

12-23-2015, 11:56 AM
Them 300 lb dudes ain't gonna work out for 30 mins everyday just to save $2 :lol There is no fair way of judging this, as you said it's harder for a person in shape to lose weight than a fatty.
Just do it based on weight loss, and let the big people have their win. There is no reason you should be a douche and try to win this :cheers:

You're right, they won't. Guarantee on weekends, they're skipping. I will too, of course, weekends are my lazy time, and I'll throw $4 in to not have to do anything on Sat and Sun.

When you think about it though, a quarter would be 12 weeks. That's $50. If the other guys did that, we're looking at like, $400.

So yes, there is absolutely a reason for me to be a douche and try to win it. :lol

12-23-2015, 11:58 AM
How about change-in-performance tests? Since everyone is at different fitness levels, you record results day 1 for their performance at various things: Distance ran to exhaustion, # of push ups and pullups, etc.

Then you record new results at the end of the contest and the person who improved the most, wins. This is assuming they don't purposefully slack off in the initial test in order to improve their chances of winning the contest.
I know they would, cause I would.

I have no doubt that if they don't work out, they will donate their $2 to the jar. Nobody would try to lie about that.

But everyone would definitely half ass their initial test, myself included.

12-23-2015, 12:09 PM
I know they would, cause I would.

I have no doubt that if they don't work out, they will donate their $2 to the jar. Nobody would try to lie about that.

But everyone would definitely half ass their initial test, myself included.

It might cancel out the cheating if everyone slacks off then :lol . No one would want to look too pathetic in their initial test though.

12-23-2015, 12:54 PM
only fair thing I see here is for you to gain 100lbs so you guys can be on a even starting point :lol

but seriously, those guys NEED to do this, you dont. You could prolly just keep doing what you are doing right now and win it with no issues. Maybe measure it on how much exercise each person has done and how far each person has ran over this time period? idk.....
I dont do anything now, that's why I agreed to do it with them. Lol

12-23-2015, 01:02 PM
I've entered and even won a transformation contest. These are 2 categories that are not comparable. Do it for personal gain. Let these other fellows have the motivation to get to a sustainable weight.

12-23-2015, 01:03 PM
Get the calipers out and test that bodyfar