View Full Version : godzuki's star wars opinion

12-24-2015, 08:57 PM

the hype was real :applause:


jesus do u really need to repeat the same blow up the death star crap? :biggums:

do u really need to do the father son crap on a balcony again? :coleman:

really lame how Fin could even swordfight with the jedi for even 2 secs :facepalm

how the fukk does that droid roll but is connected to the head? :wtf:

rey is a great actress :applause:

star wars needs to stick to brit actors :cheers:

12-30-2015, 07:39 AM
U cold :oldlol:

12-30-2015, 08:56 AM
*gives it 9/10*

*goes on to list a bunch of things that make it a shit film*


Jar Jar Binks
12-30-2015, 09:22 AM
*gives it 9/10*

*goes on to list a bunch of things that make it a shit film*

yousa quit hating old man

12-30-2015, 11:56 AM
*gives it 9/10*

*goes on to list a bunch of things that make it a shit film*


well with all the hype its getting it should've been at least a 9.5+

it had flaws tho, some stupid lame flaws that didnt have to be there....

calling it 'nostalgia' is being polite. dumb as fukk they repeated the death star shit and even the father son crap on the balcony. be your own fukkin movie.

dumbass han :facepalm

12-30-2015, 02:04 PM
*gives it 9/10*

*goes on to list a bunch of things that make it a shit film*



I didn't have a problem with the basic retelling of the original story. The old Asian lady (Gozuki's mom) said that history repeats itself and that evil will keep coming back with different names, but it's the same evil. And why not try and build a bigger death star? What else is evil supposed to do?

Don't worry. The next film will be a retelling of The Empire Strikes Back and will be much darker.

Smook B
12-30-2015, 02:08 PM

I didn't have a problem with the basic retelling of the original story. The old Asian lady (Gozuki's mom) said that history repeats itself and that evil will keep coming back with different names, but it's the same evil. And why not try and build a bigger death star? What else is evil supposed to do?

Don't worry. The next film will be a retelling of The Empire Strikes Back and will be much darker.

Or they might build death star 4. :lol

12-30-2015, 02:48 PM

I didn't have a problem with the basic retelling of the original story. The old Asian lady (Gozuki's mom) said that history repeats itself and that evil will keep coming back with different names, but it's the same evil. And why not try and build a bigger death star? What else is evil supposed to do?

Don't worry. The next film will be a retelling of The Empire Strikes Back and will be much darker.
I just thought they recycled the whole first film with a bit of diversity sprinkled into the mix (as well as a bunch of things that didn't make any sense, even in Star Wars world), and far more cheesiness. Twas like they didn't even try tbh. The writing was awful; you'd think they could've at least employed some decent writers, but i think Star Wars is just about selling toys and memorabilia these days, so whether it's good or not doesn't really matter to the people making it.

Only parts i liked was seeing Han go full circle back to his smuggling ways, which was well acted, as you could see the sense of defeat in his eyes - he was clearly a broken man, as one would expect. And the reunion between him and Leia was nice, and could have been moving if it wasn't surrounding by endless garbage; pity about the rest really, especially with the great new villain being a whiney emo who can barely fight a stormtrooper or a scavenger girl with next to no understanding of her powers.

We're supposed to believe this guy destroyed the next generation of Jedis, and yet couldn't take out a Stormtrooper and an untrained girl?


edit: odds of there being another death star in the next two episodes? 2/1?

12-30-2015, 02:54 PM
edit: odds of there being another death star in the next two episodes? 2/1?

The new death star will be in Episode IX, along with Ewok-like creatures.

12-30-2015, 03:27 PM
The new death star will be in Episode IX, along with Ewok-like creatures.

Will they save the day again? No doubt there'll be another trap along the way somewhere.

12-30-2015, 03:42 PM
In the next movie Episode 8 (Spoilers)

The First Order Strikes Back:

The Resistance base is attacked in full force by The First Order. Our main heros narrowly escape.

Rey is training under the wing of a wise old Jedi master. But hastily abandons the training to confront Kylo due to clouded visions of the future and pressure to rescue her friends.

An important Plot detail in regards to antagonist/protagonist relationship is revealed.

The Heroes all reach a collective low in their struggle against The First Order, Rey loses the fight - they all do, but escape with their lives (though one may be captured or debilitated in such a way as to segway to movie 9) to fight another day.

Nick Young
12-30-2015, 03:46 PM
In the next movie Episode 8 (Spoilers)

The First Order Strikes Back:

The Resistance base is attacked in full force by The First Order. Our main heros narrowly escape.

Rey is training under the wing of a wise old Jedi master. But hastily abandons the training to confront Kylo due to clouded visions of the future and pressure to rescue her friends.

An important Plot detail in regards to antagonist/protagonist relationship is revealed.

The Heroes all reach a collective low in their struggle against The First Order, Rey loses the fight - they all do, but escape with their lives (though one may be captured or debilitated in such a way as to segway to movie 9) to fight another day.
Too obvious. It's a good thing people like you aren't writing these movies.

Nick Young
12-30-2015, 03:48 PM

Will they save the day again? No doubt there'll be another trap along the way somewhere.
The ewoks didn't really save the day. They delayed the empire for a little bit but by the end of that battle the ewoks were getting slaughtered. They had their fun little traps and tricks that caught the empire by surprise but if the death star didn't blow up they would have wiped the ewoks and the rebels on Endor out.

12-30-2015, 04:14 PM
Too obvious. It's a good thing people like you aren't writing these movies.

Nick Young
12-30-2015, 04:16 PM
Rey is going dark side.

Get ready.

Nick Young
12-30-2015, 08:03 PM
Finn vs Evil Rey is what I want to see.

I think Snoke is the Bowser level final boss of this story

I think by the end they will learn the best way to follow the force is to go greyside-the perfect middle balance of light and dark. The repression of one side is unhealthy, whether it's light or dark.

12-30-2015, 08:19 PM
If Luke turns to the dark side I will literally walk out of the theater. They've already mishandled him and Hans characters enough by turning them from heroes that saved the galaxy to cowards who abandoned responsibility. Then they killed off Han. Turning Luke to the Dark side would just destroy any credibility that Disney had left.

12-30-2015, 08:19 PM
Rey is going dark side.

Get ready.

I like the idea but it will be hard to do this because it will crush all the little girls dreams who Disney is trying to get on board with the star wars franchise. Give them a young strong feminine hero only to have her quickly turn evil? Brutal lol. It would also make the dark side too powerful, they would have to introduce another major light side character because no one will accept kylo turning to the light side so quickly after what he did in the first movie.

12-30-2015, 08:20 PM
If Luke turns to the dark side I will literally walk out of the theater
:lol this

12-30-2015, 08:22 PM
Copy and pasting stuff here from what I said before:

I just didn't like two things.

1. Rey is Mary Sue. She learned the force too quickly.

When she use the force to get her lightsaber after 30 mins of realizing she could use the force without training or Obi-Wan like mentor to guide her in her head.. It took 2 movies for Luke to do the same thing. And it was three years between the events of A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. There was no astonishment either of her ability other than Kylo Ren saying, "She'll become stronger as time goes by." When Vader saw/sense Luke with the force, he assume he was train by Obi-Wan. Kylo Ren should've been more amazed by this since this is very unnatural. From the best of my knowledge, this is rare from the EU (now consider non canon) and the movies. Nobody has ever learn the force this fast.

And she is too good at everything. Too good with flying the Falcon, which I felt was a wasted opportunity to show off either Poe (the best resistance pilot) or a last Han Solo/Chewie moment with the piloting. Beating Kylo Ren, again learning the force too quickly. Even though Kylo Ren was injured, I feel like he still should've beaten an untrain force sensitive person like Rey.

Like what is the progression here? In comparison, Luke could barely use the force in the first movie. He got lucky, got saved, and he couldn't stand up to Vader in a one on one duel. In the second movie, he got trained, but still lost to Vader. He wasn't a complete Jedi yet. In the third movie, he was far more attune to his force ability. He was able try to the Jedi Mind trick. With Luke, it shows a progression and not only in personality but in force ability. In the beginning he was a bit whiney and naive kid who wanted to be a hero and he turned into a Jedi. And even by the third movie, he was still tempted by the Dark Side.

With Rey using the force like this in the first movie, and beating one of main baddies already, it kind'a sucks out the suspense and journeys to me. Maybe they could fix this in the next movie, explaining how Rey learn the force so fast and make Kylo Ren even stronger or some other person. I dunno. Maybe spice things up and make Rey turn to the Dark Side, and have Luke questioning his teaching methods.

2. It felt like a remake of A New Hope.

There were a lot of similar plot points. To the Death Star, to driods carrying special info, to a father figure dying (Han Solo/Obi Wan) by the hands of someone who has history with them (Kylo Ren/Vader), to the resistance fighters.

While there are some shades of originality, with the addition of new characters, some of that stuff is kind'a borrowed from the EU. Kylo Ren is similar to Jacen Solo. Jacen Solo saw Vader as a sympathetic.

While it doesn't bother me that much to kill my like for the movie, I would like something more original.

Solid movie overall tho. It's a good foundation and it's a nice set up for potentially something more original. The other films are going to determine whatever this movie is brilliant or not for me. Other people seem to love this movie and it's making bank, so it's already a success. Wish I could love the movie that much, but I don't.

I feel like if you want a better or more original Star Wars experience, you either play some SWs games like KoTOR or KoTOR2, TOR or read the books/comic books. They are more mature and more willing to take risks. Better written characters as well...well, some of them. With the movies, we have to wait until they are complete with the trilogy for judgement. But with the TFA as a stand alone movie....it's a'ight. I seen better and read better. I felt like I seen this movie before...it was done in the 70s and was better imo. Not that this movie was bad. It's a'ight. Good for the new generation I guess.

Nick Young
12-30-2015, 08:22 PM
Finn is the lightside dude.

As long as Rey doesn't kill anyone, it doesn't matter if she turns dark side.

Say for example at the end of the movie you see her dressed in black kneeling before Snoke and saying "Yes my master'

Luke almost turned dark and definitely gave in to anger multiple times. There's no problem if Rey does.

It would only be bad if she goes and slaughters innocents or kills Chewie, Luke or Leia or something. Then she'd be irredeemable.

IMO she'd be pretty strong if she goes to the dark and then comes back.

12-30-2015, 08:27 PM
I would love it if Rey goes to the dark side. I feel like that's really the only direction that they could take. Rey is too perfect so far. She has the best connection to the force that we have ever seen without training.

If Rey would go to the dark side, it would do three things.

1. Cause Luke to probably go into more depression. He would question his teaching methods and possibly the Jedi way.

2. It would add more complexity to Rey's character depending on how she goes to the dark side.

3. It would give some shine to other characters without taking away Rey's spotlight. Rey would be still important, but she would probably be a major threat. She's already crazy strong, just imagine her as a villain? That would be epic.

12-30-2015, 09:18 PM
The ewoks didn't really save the day. They delayed the empire for a little bit but by the end of that battle the ewoks were getting slaughtered. They had their fun little traps and tricks that caught the empire by surprise but if the death star didn't blow up they would have wiped the ewoks and the rebels on Endor out.
Without the Ewok intervention the rebels were doomed. Undeniable.

Nick Young
12-30-2015, 09:44 PM
Without the Ewok intervention the rebels were doomed. Undeniable.
The Ewoks gave the Rebels just enough time but if the fight went 20 minutes longer their species would have been driven instinct.

Nick Young
12-30-2015, 09:48 PM
This is what I was thinking. She's seems so ridiculously powerful that going dark side would make her the perfect villain for one of the movies. The only person that can bring her back is her beloved Finn. I feel like Rey is what Kylo Ren wishes he could be. I don't even wanna see Kylo Ren anymore to be honest.
I am pretty sure Kylo Ren is the Prince Zuko of the story.

In Avatar, when you first saw Prince Zuko he was an unlikable little shit. After 10 episodes you almost start rooting for him. By the end of the third season you are cheering this little shit onwards to victory.

That's the direction I think they'll try to go with Kylo Ren. But it will be hard for Ren to get the audience to cheer for him after he killed Han. Maybe impossible.

STILL-you could say the same thing about Prince Zuko and he wound up being pretty cool.

Kylo Ren and Zuko are both angry emo good kids gone bad who hate their parents and have face scars.

I don't know if it will work but I'm sure they're trying to make Kylo Ren an anti-hero.

I see Snoke killing Luke next movie, and then Rey and Kylo Ren fighting side by side by the end of episode 9 vs Snoke

12-31-2015, 01:25 AM
...especially with the great new villain being a whiney emo who can barely fight a stormtrooper or a scavenger girl with next to no understanding of her powers.

We're supposed to believe this guy destroyed the next generation of Jedis, and yet couldn't take out a Stormtrooper and an untrained girl?


Not really. It was pointed that all he did was killed on school jedi. Meaning those he killed were still ontraining jedi. He was another that was on training at the time which is why the Big Boss told to bring him back to finish his training.

12-31-2015, 01:58 AM
If Luke turns to the dark side I will literally walk out of the theater. They've already mishandled him and Hans characters enough by turning them from heroes that saved the galaxy to cowards who abandoned responsibility. Then they killed off Han. Turning Luke to the Dark side would just destroy any credibility that Disney had left.

when mark hamill was left off the posters of the force awakens, there was a bit of speculation about luke going to the dark side.

here's why it AINT gonna happen:

1.) there would be a major butthurt backlash from a ton of people who worship luke. he's the jesus of the light force. he was the new hope. that story would just f--k their entire star wars fantasy to pieces. that would be too risky for disney. too many fans who grew up worshipping luke won't be too happy with that, and that's why it won't happen.

2.) benicio del toro is gonna be another villain in episode 8. adding luke to the mix would create a major log jam of dark side figures.

3.) in the ending of TFA, the song that they played was named "jedi steps" like some homage theme, and luke's hermit home was too beautiful to imply anything but positivity and all that "feel good spiritual" shit. his hideout looked like a place you'd go to meditate.

HOWEVER, if you rewatch ESB and ROTJ and focus on the dialogue between vader and luke, vader was revealing to luke all that time that it was his destiny to join the dark side. and vader's force visions from the prequels all turned out to be true.

so there's a legit plot that could foreshadow and connect that story if they went there.

and what could ever top vader's "luke, i am you father" line other than luke revealing, "guess what! i'm a sith now ,beotches!!" it would be a major HOLY SHIT moment. :oldlol:

but no, i don't think nor believe disney has the balls to do that to luke or the franchise. that would be too big of a WTF plot twist for people to stomach.

12-31-2015, 05:11 AM
I kind of like the idea of Luke turning out to be a Sith Lord, who actually killed his owns students. It would make more sense than Ren being able to kill all those Jedi, considering we saw just how weak he really is.

12-31-2015, 10:39 AM
Am I the only one who wants to see Rey do hardcore ****? :confusedshrug: