View Full Version : Barkley: Lebron Still Best Player In Nba

12-25-2015, 10:56 AM
Charles Barkley isn't buying the hype about Stephen Curry surpassing LeBron James: "If you put LeBron on Golden State, they'd still be 28-1. ... Steph is playing amazing, but let's not put any dirt on the Cavaliers' grave yet."


12-25-2015, 10:59 AM
He's not wrong.

12-25-2015, 11:00 AM
size + athleticism trumps all.

Steph Curry wishes he had Lebron's genes

12-25-2015, 11:01 AM
size + athleticism trumps all.

Steph Curry wishes he had Lebron's genes
On the down low.


Seriously. Lebron is packed in the dacks.

12-25-2015, 11:03 AM
Yup, dude said if you swap em they'd have the same record. True likely too :applause:

edit: its a hypothetical jeezy weezy

12-25-2015, 11:04 AM
GS wouldn't be 28-1 with Lebron chucking up bricks and providing nothing like the same kind of insane spacing that allows GS to play the way they do. It really is an absurd thing to even suggest.

Curry and Kawhi are both better than Lebron right now tbh.

12-25-2015, 11:05 AM
other thread told me charles said kawhi was the best.

12-25-2015, 11:06 AM
:lol no they wouldn't be 28-1 :roll: :roll: You can tell how insecure some in the media are getting. The "Bosses" trying to keep bran relevant gotta have that revenue $$ :lol Bran being the second best player in the nba is not as profitable as brainwashing people to believe he's the "best in the world" nonsense. Why cant the worlds best player make a jumpshot? :roll: :roll:

12-25-2015, 11:09 AM
GS wouldn't be 28-1 with Lebron chucking up bricks and providing nothing like the same kind of insane spacing that allows GS to play the way they do. It really is an absurd thing to even suggest.

Curry and Kawhi are both better than Lebron right now tbh.

Bricks? What bricks? LeBron is having an insane year right now and its crazy to say because he is LeBron, but its gone fairly under the radar, and the Warriors are pretty much the ultimate suit for LeBron.

Can he help the spacing like Curry can? No, they both bring different strengths with their skillsets.
Can Curry start the offense through the mid post? Also no..

silly to dismiss one guy through one attribute. Absurd.

As soon as you see a chance for one guy, he's right away 'BETTER!' it can't be they all have an argument, of course not.. god is it so hard to be objective about this once? Don't be surprised if Bron lays beastly effort on Kawhi in their next meeting, or tonight, for that matter.

12-25-2015, 11:14 AM
Hey GIF,

i never asked how old you are...

well, how old are you?

12-25-2015, 11:17 AM
Bricks? What bricks? LeBron is having an insane year right now and its crazy to say because he is LeBron, but its gone fairly under the radar, and the Warriors are pretty much the ultimate suit for LeBron.

Can he help the spacing like Curry can? No, they both bring different strengths with their skillsets.
Can Curry start the offense through the mid post? Also no..

silly to dismiss one guy through one attribute. Absurd.

As soon as you see a chance for one guy, he's right away 'BETTER!' it can't be they all have an argument, of course not.. god is it so hard to be objective about this once? Don't be surprised if Bron lays beastly effort on Kawhi in their next meeting, or tonight, for that matter.
The guy who just said there's not doubt GS would be 28-1 with BRon instead of Curry dares to ask someone else to be 'objective' - :roll:

Friggin hilarious you are. Guy is at his lowest TS% - meanwhile, Steph Curry is breaking efficiency barriers, while having one of the most impressive seasons ever, and you, in your delusional world, actually think switching the two wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference. Absurd and downright laughable. You aught not to ever talk about objectivity to anyone ever again after posting such partisan drivel.

12-25-2015, 11:22 AM
The guy who just said there's not doubt GS would be 28-1 with BRon instead of Curry dares to ask someone else to be 'objective' - :roll:

Friggin hilarious you are. Guy is at his lowest TS% - meanwhile, Steph Curry is breaking efficiency barriers, while having one of the most impressive seasons ever, and you, in your delusional world, actually think switching the two wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference. Absurd and downright laughable. You aught not to ever talk about objectivity to anyone ever again after posting such partisan drivel.

this never happened...

Is Curry the best this year? Yes
Would the Warriors still be 27-1 with Bron? Probably not

I'm more so fascinated by your insecurities when it comes to LeBron... the idea that he is "chucking up bricks", thats one of the most inappropriate season summaries of an individual, ever..

"Curry and Kawhi are better" yeah sure... you dont even watch SAS, if you wouldnt have seen some threads about his defense here you woudn't know the first thing about him.

Cold soul
12-25-2015, 11:22 AM
Curry is still the best Lebron is top three though.

12-25-2015, 11:26 AM
Put Lebron in GSW and replace Curry with a Harrison Barnes level PG?

Except for shooting, Lebron is better than Curry at everything.

12-25-2015, 11:38 AM
Lebron is currently a net weighted +30

So when he's on the court his team is +15

When he's off the court his team is -15

I don't know what says impact better than that

12-25-2015, 11:39 AM
Lebron is currently a net weighted +30

So when he's on the court his team is +15

When he's off the court his team is -15

I don't know what says impact better than that
you gonna answer my questions or what?

12-25-2015, 11:46 AM
you gonna answer my questions or what?


GIF dont play it like that

12-25-2015, 11:46 AM
Yes... ? :confusedshrug:

12-25-2015, 12:09 PM
other thread told me charles said kawhi was the best.

The other thread has a source and a quote to back up the thread title

34-24 Footwork
12-25-2015, 12:13 PM
Good luck turning bogut into a spot up shooter. The offense runs through Bogut to some degree for the GSW. He'd make Bogut less effective when he's on the court....similar to what he's doing to Mozgod.

12-25-2015, 12:17 PM
Ring-less players supporting one another.


12-25-2015, 12:17 PM
The other thread has a source and a quote to back up the thread title

12-25-2015, 12:18 PM


Mr. Jabbar
12-25-2015, 12:19 PM

34-24 Footwork
12-25-2015, 12:25 PM
I'm far from a golden state fan, but plays like this make Curry extremely fun to watch and by far the most confident player in the league.




12-25-2015, 12:26 PM
On the down low.


Seriously. Lebron is packed in the dacks.
Sucks that he isn't packed in his pants ;)

12-25-2015, 12:35 PM
this never happened...

Is Curry the best this year? Yes
Would the Warriors still be 27-1 with Bron? Probably not

I'm more so fascinated by your insecurities when it comes to LeBron... the idea that he is "chucking up bricks", thats one of the most inappropriate season summaries of an individual, ever..

"Curry and Kawhi are better" yeah sure... you dont even watch SAS, if you wouldnt have seen some threads about his defense here you woudn't know the first thing about him.
Now you're just lying, and it's really pathetic. How can you possibly deny you said that, when on the first page of this exact thread you are quoted as follows:

Yup, dude said if you swap em they'd have the same record. True too :applause:

:no: - coming on ISHs to lie and tell tales about people you don't know anything about on Christmas; wow, that's sad.

And you don't know who or what i watch, so i suggest you keep that unverifiable claptrap to yourself. I've seen a lot of Kawhi, from his early career to now, and i've been watching Lebron since you were in nappies - the former is currently a better player than the latter, and that will be even more clear when the two match up. I said in a thread not too long ago that he might well be the best all-around player in the league right now - if you weren't so busy posting lies and drivel 24/7, then maybe you'd have noticed, and not felt the need to make stuff up about me to reinforce your Lebron obsession.

12-25-2015, 12:40 PM
Now you're just lying, and it's really pathetic. How can you possibly deny you said that, when on the first page of this exact thread you are quoted as follows:

:no: - coming on ISHs to lie and tell tales about people you don't know anything about on Christmas; wow, that's sad..

The guy who just said there's not doubt GS would be 28-1 with BRon instead of Curry

searching still.. I said its likely true, you're exaggerating per usual.

12-25-2015, 02:25 PM
Absurd and downright laughable. You aught not to ever talk about objectivity to anyone ever again after posting such partisan drivel.

And you think you are objective when discussing Bron? Every one of your posts about him is pure hate, I have yet to see one post from you when you post something positive or atleast somewhat positive about him. You are just a Lebron hater plain and simple.

If AW is a Lebron stan you're just as much of a Lebron hater so you might stfu aswell. Or atleast not talk about objectivity and Lebron in the same post.

12-25-2015, 02:51 PM
i dont think the warriors would be nearly as cohesive with lebron turning their offense into the drive and kick shit

12-25-2015, 03:02 PM
not only is LeBron still the best player but KD is still the 2nd best player
can't wait for KD to leave hicksvile so he can show his true abillity

12-25-2015, 03:11 PM
Durant, LeBron, Curry & Westbrook are in a league of their own right now

12-25-2015, 03:12 PM
And you think you are objective when discussing Bron? Every one of your posts about him is pure hate, I have yet to see one post from you when you post something positive or atleast somewhat positive about him. You are just a Lebron hater plain and simple.

If AW is a Lebron stan you're just as much of a Lebron hater so you might stfu aswell. Or atleast not talk about objectivity and Lebron in the same post.
I wasn't the one blathering on about objectivity was I? How about you learn to read better in the future? It'll save you from making an ass of yourself again.

And i don't 'hate' Lebron in any way, shape or form: i simply don't care for him, his attitude, his style of play, his mental frailty, or his megalomaniacal tendencies. And obviously, with the sheer number of nutriders he has, there's no need for me to add to the absurd amount of overhyping he constantly receives from the media and sheepish fans.

12-25-2015, 03:21 PM
Chuck still mad that the Warriors made him look like a fool last year after he was so adamant about how jump shooting teams can't win titles

12-25-2015, 03:39 PM
no hes not, hes not even better than durant this season, maybe even westbrook.

K Xerxes
12-25-2015, 03:45 PM
The Warriors wouldn't be 28-1 with LeBron instead of Curry. Maybe around 23-6 or something. But that doesn't necessarily mean that Curry is better than LeBron; it just means that Curry is a better fit for the Warriors.

I think LeBron, Curry, Durant, Kawhi and Westbrook are all at a similar level this season. If I had to choose one person to call the 'best in the world', it would be Curry. But the days where it was Lebron (and Durant) and the 'rest' are gone.

12-25-2015, 04:17 PM
Whethe or not LeBron is still the best player probably depends on if you value being elite on both ends of the floor or unheard of on one end. For some of you your disposition with LeBron weighs more than anything else. I say he's still the best till curry stops getting hid on defense, that's really the only thing holding him back imo.

And about the Warriors having the same record? I'd think it could only happen with LeBron anchoring the paint in a similar manner to the way curry anchors the outside. Otherwise the whole team dynamic would likely change, they could still be pretty good though. It's lebron.

12-25-2015, 04:27 PM
Lebron on the Warriors would probably be around 23-5 or so.

To say that they would be 27-1 with Lebron would be crazy...as it would be even for anyone, including MJ.

This 28 game stretch for them is them at their 99th percentile of performance with Curry.

MJ and Lebron could have a 99th percentile stretch with the warriors at 27-1, but we would have to go through stretches of 23-5 to get to one.

So, that's not the way to look at it.

So it'd be hard to Barkley or anyone to look smart by saying anything like he did. So he went out on a limb and i respect that. He coulda waited until what he thinks will happen (G State comes back down to earth) happens, but he's no pvssy with words, so he said it right now. :rockon:

12-27-2015, 10:27 AM
If Lebron instead of Curry was on the Warriors, GS probably would've traded Klay for Love, he would've undermined a lot of what Steve Kerr was trying to establish with his ball dominance over ball movement, and Draymond probably doesn't develop the same and probably is still coming off the bench. They'd still be great, but not the same. No way they are 28-1 right now. Maybe defending champions, but not 67-15 last year or 28-1 right now.

I used to love Chuck as an analyst and still as a personality, but his views on the Warriors are ridiculous. He's usually pretty unbiased towards teams and players, but it sounds like when it comes to the changing of the times, he's not. Seems too old and probably needs to give it up as an analyst, unfortunately. His views on GS are actually dumber then anything Shaq, who is usually pretty dumb, has ever said.

12-27-2015, 10:56 AM
hes right

12-27-2015, 11:01 AM
Bron still the best player in the NBA/world. Curry is playing better so far this season is a more accurate statement. I just think with Bron being so good fans just automatically look for someone to top him. Same thing happened what 3 seasons ago with Durant. What you guys forgot about him? Cmon, Mr. 50-40-90 great scorer/shooter? You guy's dont remember him wow? Cmon! Anyway that season it was Durant > Bron. Same deal here.

12-27-2015, 11:20 AM

bran stan in denial

in denial = someone who denys or is a shamed of what is really true.

12-27-2015, 11:23 AM
Lebron hasn't been the best player in the NBA for two or three years now.

12-27-2015, 11:32 AM
Lebron hasn't been the best player in the NBA for two or three years now.
2014 = Durant won the MVP but Lebron dominated the playoffs... Most people admitted Lebron was still the best
2015 = Lebron dominated in the playoffs. Took an undermanned Cavs squad to 2 games shy of beating a GOAT 70 win tier level team. Most people still considered Lebron the #1

So he's been the best since 2009

12-27-2015, 11:51 AM
Bron still the best player in the NBA/world. Curry is playing better so far this season is a more accurate statement. I just think with Bron being so good fans just automatically look for someone to top him. Same thing happened what 3 seasons ago with Durant. What you guys forgot about him? Cmon, Mr. 50-40-90 great scorer/shooter? You guy's dont remember him wow? Cmon! Anyway that season it was Durant > Bron. Same deal here.

If I was building a team for one season in hopes of winning a title, I would choose Curry over Lebron at this point and I think most GMs would as well. That's what makes him the better player now IMO. That was not the case in 2014 with Durant or last year with Curry.

12-27-2015, 11:58 AM
If I was building a team for one season in hopes of winning a title, I would choose Curry over Lebron at this point and I think most GMs would as well. That's what makes him the better player now IMO. That was not the case in 2014 with Durant or last year with Curry.
Too early to make this distinction. Rest up little guy.

We as NBA fans have always given the benefit of the doubt to the legends of our game. Lebron maintains his throne until Curry proves otherwise in the playoffs

12-27-2015, 12:04 PM
If I was building a team for one season in hopes of winning a title, I would choose Curry over Lebron at this point and I think most GMs would as well. That's what makes him the better player now IMO. That was not the case in 2014 with Durant or last year with Curry.

Same Gms that said they would take Davis over any player the start of this season? How is that working out for the Pelicans? :oldlol:

12-27-2015, 12:06 PM
Too early to make this distinction. Rest up little guy.

We as NBA fans have always given the benefit of the doubt to the legends of our game. Lebron maintains his throne until Curry proves otherwise in the playoffs

Proves otherwise in the playoffs :oldlol: ? He just led his team to a championship and dominated along the way as arguably the best player in the postseason. We've seen enough. Sure it can change, but it's always a fluid situation.

12-27-2015, 12:07 PM
Proves otherwise in the playoffs :oldlol: ? He just led his team to a championship and dominated along the way as arguably the best player in the postseason. We've seen enough. Sure it can change, but it's always a fluid situation.
Yet he couldn't buy a single FMVP vote

Funny that

Lebron had 4 of them

12-27-2015, 12:10 PM
Same Gms that said they would take Davis over any player the start of this season? How is that working out for the Pelicans? :oldlol:

Those GMs said that for the long-term. None of them would've said that for just this season alone. Ar the beginning of the season, they probably would've said Lebron. But it's a fluid situation, and now I'm sure most of them would say Steph. And I think for the long-term, they probably still would say AD.

12-27-2015, 12:21 PM
searching still.. I said its likely true, you're exaggerating per usual.
Nice edit :oldlol:

12-27-2015, 12:28 PM
Yet he couldn't buy a single FMVP vote

Funny that

Lebron had 4 of them

Right. And I wouldn't agree with that nor would many.

12-27-2015, 12:30 PM
Right. And I wouldn't agree with that nor would many.
That's why you're not an NBA analyst

12-27-2015, 12:51 PM
That's why you're not an NBA analyst

And I'm sure there were plenty of NBA analysts that didn't get a vote that felt the same way. And most NBA analysts right now seem to say that Steph is currently the best player. Barkley is in the minority. So what's your point? :oldlol:

All Net
12-27-2015, 01:02 PM
Yet he couldn't buy a single FMVP vote

Funny that

Lebron had 4 of them
That means very little, Steph was the best player all year on the best team.

Iggy took things away from him due to the amazing effort he showed. Steph's finals numbers were still good

12-27-2015, 01:15 PM
That means very little, Steph was the best player all year on the best team.

Iggy took things away from him due to the amazing effort he showed. Steph's finals numbers were still good
But was he that much better than Lebron? Had he been playing like he is this year

Most people still considered Lebron the #1 after what happened in the final... You can say all you want but Lebron absolutely stole the show from Curry in the finals.

All Net
12-27-2015, 01:25 PM
But was he that much better than Lebron? Had he been playing like he is this year

Most people still considered Lebron the #1 after what happened in the final... You can say all you want but Lebron absolutely stole the show from Curry in the finals.

How so?

12-27-2015, 01:31 PM
How so?
Put up monstrous numbers, carried his team, took 2 games off them despite missing Irving and Love. This isn't me just sugar-coating it, the media was going crazy about this. He had guys like JR smith, Delly, James Jones as main contributors. He was running out of gas, simply couldn't keep up with a 10 deep team that outran them. Lost in 6 games, yet had it gone 7, he probably would have won FMVP irrelevant of win or lose. Still, 4/11 FMVP votes despite losing in 6 game.

Most NBA player ranks had Lebron clear at #1 to start this season

Curry has shaken things up now though...

12-27-2015, 01:38 PM
Put up monstrous numbers, carried his team, took 2 games off them despite missing Irving and Love. This isn't me just sugar-coating it, the media was going crazy about this. He had guys like JR smith, Delly, James Jones as main contributors. He was running out of gas, simply couldn't keep up with a 10 deep team that outran them. Lost in 6 games, yet had it gone 7, he probably would have won FMVP irrelevant of win or lose. Still, 4/11 FMVP votes despite losing in 6 game.

Most NBA player ranks had Lebron clear at #1 to start this season

Curry has shaken things up now though...




7-22 (in a pivotal game 4)



.398 shooting percentage from the floor.

lost fmvp to a bench player.

12-27-2015, 01:44 PM
King ****ing James, baby.

Chuckster is right.

12-27-2015, 01:45 PM
.398 shooting percentage from the floor.

12-27-2015, 01:46 PM
LeBron James finished the 2015 NBA Finals with averages of 35.8 points, 13.3 rebounds, and 8.8 assists per game .

LeBron James is the first player in NBA Finals history to lead both teams in points, assists and rebounds for the entire series.

Without James on the floor, Cleveland

12-27-2015, 01:49 PM
in each of the series' first three games, he has missed at least 20 shot attempts.

12-27-2015, 01:51 PM
[SIZE="7"][B]Without James on the floor, Cleveland

12-27-2015, 01:52 PM
NBA Finals Record +46.4 Offensive Rating

Mr. Jabbar
12-27-2015, 01:54 PM
Op jizzed on his own face :lol

12-27-2015, 01:54 PM
On shots contested by Iguodala, James is shooting 24 percent from the field.

12-27-2015, 01:56 PM
If you were to take James

12-27-2015, 01:57 PM
I don't think anyone reasonable really thinks that it is not understandable that Lebron didn't win a title last year under those circumstances. But that doesn't necessarily mean Lebron had a great series or as great as its made out to be by some.

12-27-2015, 02:00 PM
I don't think anyone reasonable really thinks that it is not understandable that Lebron didn't win a title last year under those circumstances. But that doesn't necessarily mean Lebron had a great series or as great as its made out to be by some.
Sorry but you're just flat out wrong. Given scenario, circumstance, and result. Lebron's performance was one for the ages. Hence the 4 FMVP votes. Respect for a legend of our game.

12-27-2015, 02:10 PM
Sorry but you're just flat out wrong. Given scenario, circumstance, and result. Lebron's performance was one for the ages. Hence the 4 FMVP votes. Respect for a legend of our game.

No he didn't. I'm pretty sure it was probably the highest usage series from a player ever as well. He shot less then 40%. If you're going to dominate the ball that much and shoot that many shots regardless of it being understandable for him to do that given the scenario, a player should AT LEAST put up the points and assists numbers he did. I wouldn't say he had a bad series especially given the situation but he definitely didn't have one of the greatest performances ever like people make it out to be.

12-28-2015, 12:26 AM
So Leflop has not won the Championship or MVP the last two years and we are for some reason still considering him the best player that makes no sense.