View Full Version : The Hateful Eight

Nick Young
12-27-2015, 05:15 PM
Will not watch again.

Stupid gimmick. Stupid plot structure. Glacial slow pace. Dumb characters. Stupid dialogue.

It was interesting before they got to the cabin. When the movie gets to the cabin, the whole thing goes to shit.

Zero rewatchability factor.

This movie sucked. 6.4/10.

12-27-2015, 05:21 PM
Never really liked Tarantino after Jackie Brown, Inglorious Basterds & Kill Bill were decent.

Death Proof & Django were horrible, lost his mojo.

Will watch Hateful Eight regardless.

12-27-2015, 06:29 PM
Will not watch again.

Stupid gimmick. Stupid plot structure. Glacial slow pace. Dumb characters. Stupid dialogue.

It was interesting before they got to the cabin. When the movie gets to the cabin, the whole thing goes to shit.

Zero rewatchability factor.

This movie sucked. 6.4/10.

Thought it looked shitty when I saw the adds on TV.

His movies have really gone down hill, I think the last one I liked from him was Jackie Brown. His shit just got comic book style after that.

12-27-2015, 07:03 PM
Tarantino obviously doesn't really care at this point. He even said his main goal now is to not got out like Billy Wilder who, according to him, made shit films at the end of his career.

Because of this, QT repeats his working formula: revenge fantasy with a historical back-drop and some quirky characters. Yawn.

Nick Young
12-27-2015, 07:09 PM
Tarantino obviously doesn't really care at this point. He even said his main goal now is to not got out like Billy Wilder who, according to him, made shit films at the end of his career.

Because of this, QT repeats his working formula: revenge fantasy with a historical back-drop and some quirky characters. Yawn.
If he doesn't want to go out like Billy Wilder, why is he going out like Billy Wilder?

12-27-2015, 07:37 PM
Tarantino just keeps making the same shitty film over and over again. Man hasn't done anything good since Pulp Fiction.

12-27-2015, 09:54 PM
You people are ridiculous

12-27-2015, 10:06 PM
I'm so happy the first 6 posters are trashing this overrated plagiarist nerd. After Django, which had one of the worst screenplays ever written (not by a teenager), won the Best Screenplay Oscar I actually lost all faith in humanity. The replies here have given me new hope.

Now I'm gonna watch Killing them Softly again to remind myself crime films can still be good :banana:

Nick Young
12-27-2015, 10:08 PM
You people are ridiculous
If you like this movie, you only "like" it because you think it's the cool thing to do.

This movie is shit. Deal with it.

12-27-2015, 10:15 PM
If you like this movie, you only "like" it because you think it's the cool thing to do.

This movie is shit. Deal with it.
Haven't seen it, you're more than allowed to dislike the film, but calling Tarantino a terrible director who hasn't made anything good since Pulp Fiction is a bit ridiculous

Nick Young
12-27-2015, 10:16 PM
Haven't seen it, you're more than allowed to dislike the film, but calling Tarantino a terrible director who hasn't made anything good since Pulp Fiction is a bit ridiculous
I never said that. I think Inglorious Basterds and Kill Bill were good but everything else in between was abject shit.

He is not a good director anymore.

12-27-2015, 10:21 PM
I never said that. I think Inglorious Basterds and Kill Bill were good but everything else in between was abject shit.

He is not a good director anymore.
Django was excellent and most people and critics agree, but you are allowed to think otherwise. I said you people as in the thread, not you Nick. A movies sole function is to entertain the audience, and he does that. I hate Gone With the Wind but I'm not gonna sit here and tell you it's a garbage movie.

Nick Young
12-27-2015, 10:24 PM
Django was excellent and most people and critics agree, but you are allowed to think otherwise. I said you people as in the thread, not you Nick. A movies sole function is to entertain the audience, and he does that. I hate Gone With the Wind but I'm not gonna sit here and tell you it's a garbage movie.
Django sucked.

12-27-2015, 10:28 PM
I liked Django but I was kinda worried this wouldn't be that good once I saw some trailers/ promo material.

He needs to use his strengths and try something different like a sci fi, a violent rom-com or like a throwback Mafia movie

12-27-2015, 10:32 PM
Django sucked.
I will absolutely agree he's basically made the same film like 3 different times with different character names and set pieces

12-27-2015, 11:11 PM
Django was excellent and most people and critics agree

Django was insultingly bad on all counts from the film school dialogue to the charismaless acting by jamie foxx and the always-terrible dicaprio. Katt Williams was correct in wanting to punch Tarantino in the face for making that piece of shit. My wife and I LABORED to finish that hunk of garbage which was way too long ontop of everything else. How old are you seriously? Try dropping acid and watching that movie you will want to kill yourself and the director.

12-27-2015, 11:19 PM
Django was damn good except for being 15-20 min too long and Jamie Foxx came off way too modern. Who knows? Maybe QT was going for that.

I'm watching Hateful Eight right now so we'll see how it goes

12-28-2015, 12:41 AM
Django was a great movie

Tarantino can make the same movie a hundred times for all i care, it would still be better and more enjoyable than 95% of the movies being made every year

no one has better dialogue

ISH... Where Chris Nolan is the GOAT Director, and Inception the best movie ever made

it will be worth every penny if its half the movie reservior dogs is

12-28-2015, 12:53 AM
django unchained was great - what the hell are you 'naysayers' even watching? spike lee films? :lol

i did catch the hateful eight.. average at best IMO. the second half of the movie was mumbo jumbo, and as a viewer, i never felt that 'payoff' you got with the older tarantino movies. dialogue is there, but the plot..meh.

12-28-2015, 02:03 AM
django unchained was great - what the hell are you 'naysayers' even watching? spike lee films? :lol

The Weinsteins would never let a scrub director like Spike Lee make a film for 70 mil in the 21st century but if they did I can't imagine the result would be any worse than what QT produced here.

Tarantino is a scrub filmmaker too but he does have a following somehow. Hollywood has been churning out so much shit I suppose a film like Inglorious Basterds is somewhat clever in comparison however there is nothing redeemable about Django. C'mon guys do you remember the Klan scene with Jonah Hill where the hood is obstructing his vision? Heheh please kill yourselves

12-28-2015, 02:27 AM
Django was insultingly bad on all counts from the film school dialogue to the charismaless acting by jamie foxx and the always-terrible dicaprio. Katt Williams was correct in wanting to punch Tarantino in the face for making that piece of shit. My wife and I LABORED to finish that hunk of garbage which was way too long ontop of everything else. How old are you seriously? Try dropping acid and watching that movie you will want to kill yourself and the director.
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
I guess you and your wife know more than almost every critic and award ceremony voter.

Always terrible DiCaprio...shut your dumb ass mouth. You probably loved interstellar

Why the **** would I drop acid and watch a movie?

12-28-2015, 07:56 AM
Django was a terrible, terrible film (characters were stupid and absurd, violence was wayy OTT, the dialogue wasn't even good). Jackie Brown was decent, but after that, QT went full blown nerd/teenager and has just made annoying and needlessly gratuitous films with little point or depth to them. A movie like Inglorious Bastards has its moments (the opening scene was great), but there's no consistency, as he launches from that to the 'we gonna take out all the nazis in a big theatre in Paris, with Brad Pitt disguised as an Italian' - stupid film.

lol @ the sheep that says 'if the critics think it's good then it is deffo good' - despite the fact that lots of critics just thumbs-up Tarantino films by default, and plenty of them thought the new Star Wars film was excellent :roll:

'Oh, oh, b-b-but the critics'


Get an opinion of your own already - you don't have to like and dislike the things you are told to like and dislike you know. Titanic won a bunch of Oscars; it was still a shit film.

12-28-2015, 11:02 AM
Django and Inglorious were two of Tarantino's top 5 films, joining Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs and Jackie Brown.

Hateful 8 was his worst movie since Death Proof. But even so, it had elements that were more enjoyable than 90% of the garbage movies that have come out in the last few years.

Can someone tell me what good movies have come out this year? I thought this was fkin award season but there's absolutely nothing there.

12-28-2015, 11:17 AM
I agree that Tarantino's stuff has been a notch below since Jackie Brown. But they certainly haven't been bad. And I liked Death Proof a lot. I think there's a reason though. One of the things Tarantino does best is live within the pop culture time frame. It's in his dialogue in his best stuff. It adds a layer of dimension to his characters, where they feel like they really exist in this larger world, rather than just within this particular story. And in doing Basterds and Django, he lost that because the pop culture stuff isn't there as a touchstone for him. I'm sure H8tful has the same problem. But I do like that he's touching off with these sort of genre film exploitative homages. It's a cool touch, even though I haven't loved them all. Django in particular to me was the worst of the bunch, but I still really enjoyed the hell out of it.

12-28-2015, 04:21 PM
Django was a terrible, terrible film (characters were stupid and absurd, violence was wayy OTT, the dialogue wasn't even good). Jackie Brown was decent, but after that, QT went full blown nerd/teenager and has just made annoying and needlessly gratuitous films with little point or depth to them. A movie like Inglorious Bastards has its moments (the opening scene was great), but there's no consistency, as he launches from that to the 'we gonna take out all the nazis in a big theatre in Paris, with Brad Pitt disguised as an Italian' - stupid film.

lol @ the sheep that says 'if the critics think it's good then it is deffo good' - despite the fact that lots of critics just thumbs-up Tarantino films by default, and plenty of them thought the new Star Wars film was excellent :roll:

'Oh, oh, b-b-but the critics'


Get an opinion of your own already - you don't have to like and dislike the things you are told to like and dislike you know. Titanic won a bunch of Oscars; it was still a shit film.
So if other people share my opinion, I no longer have my own opinion?

12-28-2015, 06:24 PM
So if other people share my opinion, I no longer have my own opinion?
No, i just don't like the appeals to authority as if that somehow disproves someone else's opinion. Critics and award ceremony voters (particularly the latter) aren't infallible, and it's ok to think differently to them - but the implication of your post seemed to be that thinking differently is some kind of heresy, disproven by the consensus of the aforementioned.

12-28-2015, 06:28 PM
Django and Inglorious were two of Tarantino's top 5 films, joining Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs and Jackie Brown.

Hateful 8 was his worst movie since Death Proof. But even so, it had elements that were more enjoyable than 90% of the garbage movies that have come out in the last few years.

Can someone tell me what good movies have come out this year? I thought this was fkin award season but there's absolutely nothing there.
Technically is is going to be released next year (January 16), but The Revenant is a movie worthy of getting an award.

12-28-2015, 06:31 PM
No, i just don't like the appeals to authority as if that somehow disproves someone else's opinion. Critics and award ceremony voters (particularly the latter) aren't infallible, and it's ok to think differently to them - but the implication of your post seemed to be that thinking differently is some kind of heresy, disproven by the consensus of the aforementioned.
Probably does look that way, the way I saw it was, I said Django was great and someone then says it has terrible writing, but the people decided it had the best writing of any movie that year. I won't lie I didn't appreciate Jamie Foxx not even attempt to act like he wasn't from 2014 and kinda took me outta the element. Waltz and DiCaprio were phenomenal, and I really don't know how you can think otherwise, but you can I suppose

12-28-2015, 07:29 PM
I hated the Hateful 8. It was the worst movie I viewed all year. It was shockingly bad... the characters were not memorable, the humor childish, it had shit editing, the photography was bland for 70mm... just not my thing. Roth's imitation of Waltz was terrible and the constant blizzard audio loop? UGHHHH

Tarantino really trolled the Weinsteins with this one. That they brought it out in christmas was even poorer in taste.

12-28-2015, 07:32 PM
Django was insultingly bad on all counts from the film school dialogue to the charismaless acting by jamie foxx and the always-terrible dicaprio. Katt Williams was correct in wanting to punch Tarantino in the face for making that piece of shit. My wife and I LABORED to finish that hunk of garbage which was way too long ontop of everything else. How old are you seriously? Try dropping acid and watching that movie you will want to kill yourself and the director.


12-28-2015, 08:46 PM
Probably does look that way, the way I saw it was, I said Django was great and someone then says it has terrible writing, but the people decided it had the best writing of any movie that year. I won't lie I didn't appreciate Jamie Foxx not even attempt to act like he wasn't from 2014 and kinda took me outta the element. Waltz and DiCaprio were phenomenal, and I really don't know how you can think otherwise, but you can I suppose
I did enjoy DiCaprio's performance, even though i thought it a little OTT. But Waltz seemed almost as out of place as Foxx to me, and i couldn't stand the idiotic whipping scenes, with big and fat gross sadists, nor the overblown shootout at the end, where so much blood was sprayed that the whole thing seemed unintentionally funny more than anything else.

He's really not suited to making period pieces, and yet he keeps on making the damn things.

His movies are still entertaining for the most part, i just don't think they're very good as overall films. Trashy would be the word.

12-28-2015, 08:55 PM
I did enjoy DiCaprio's performance, even though i thought it a little OTT. But Waltz seemed almost as out of place as Foxx to me, and i couldn't stand the idiotic whipping scenes, with big and fat gross sadists, nor the overblown shootout at the end, where so much blood was sprayed that the whole thing seemed unintentionally funny more than anything else.

He's really not suited to making period pieces, and yet he keeps on making the damn things.

His movies are still entertaining for the most part, i just don't think they're very good as overall films. Trashy would be the word.
Yes his accent was out of place. A german bounty hounter in the slave era? However, I appreciated the accent based humor in Inglorious which I believe you said you did not. Humor is hard, nothing is funny to everyone. I am just enamored with Waltz myself, however he couldn't save the latest Bond for me, it was just not good, to me.

12-28-2015, 08:56 PM
The end shootout was supposed to be over the top and somewhat comedic.

A dude gets hit by an archaic pistol and flies backwards like a wrecking ball hit him

12-28-2015, 09:17 PM
Tarantino is at his peak right now
Basterds, Django and this masterpiece of a movie.

12-28-2015, 11:18 PM

Nick Young
12-29-2015, 01:23 AM
The end shootout was supposed to be over the top and somewhat comedic.

A dude gets hit by an archaic pistol and flies backwards like a wrecking ball hit him
it wasnt funny though.