View Full Version : Bodies on Mt. Everest

01-04-2016, 02:20 PM
So many people have died ascending and descending Everest. Their frozen corpse are even used as markers on the trail up and down. Men and women are left to die because if you stop to help you will probably die too. Why do they keep doing this?


01-04-2016, 02:29 PM
damn...that is fascinating

Yeah count me out, freezing to death would be excruciating pain.

01-04-2016, 02:30 PM
No shortage of idiots in the world.

01-04-2016, 02:34 PM
damn...that is fascinating

Yeah count me out, freezing to death would be excruciating pain.

Well some of these people just fall asleep from exhaustion/lack of oxygen and never wake up. That sounds rather peaceful.

01-04-2016, 02:36 PM

this dude wim hof did that shit without clothes

01-04-2016, 02:38 PM

this dude wim hof did that shit without clothes

He played on HOF mode full sim with sliders all the way down and won with current sixers vs 96 bulls in a 7 game series without HCA and missing two starters on his team.

01-04-2016, 02:42 PM
He played on HOF mode full sim with sliders all the way down and won with current sixers vs 96 bulls in a 7 game series without HCA and missing two starters on his team.
and he ate two pot cookies beforehand

01-04-2016, 03:43 PM

this dude wim hof did that shit without clothes

Wim Hof never even reached camp 3, he gave up. To put that in perspective, the first time most climbers reach camp 3 they still have more than 2 weeks of climbing and acclimatizing left before they can reach the summit.

Wim Hof came a long, long way short of actually climbing Everest, but he did climb on Everest in shorts for a while.

The most fascinating Everest picture is this one for me:


01-04-2016, 03:49 PM
I think there's a movie called everest that just came out in 2015. Been trying to watch it but all links are dead or buffers insane.

01-04-2016, 04:09 PM
I think there's a movie called everest that just came out in 2015. Been trying to watch it but all links are dead or buffers insane.
Go pick up the screener from donddada, he gets free dvd screeners since he's in the film industry

01-04-2016, 04:18 PM
You want to provide some sort of recovery of the body or makeshift burial when possible obviously. At 20+ thousand feet it becomes not that legit of a possibility. There has been plenty of people who have died from trying to rescue stranded climbers. I could see how that could happen, but at the same time there has been people who have died while trying to recovery or bury a dead body on the mountain. If you have to risk the life of you and your group to bury a dead body, you shouldn't be going for it.

01-04-2016, 04:30 PM
You want to provide some sort of recovery of the body or makeshift burial when possible obviously. At 20+ thousand feet it becomes not that legit of a possibility. There has been plenty of people who have died from trying to rescue stranded climbers. I could see how that could happen, but at the same time there has been people who have died while trying to recovery or bury a dead body on the mountain. If you have to risk the life of you and your group to bury a dead body, you shouldn't be going for it.

These bodies are all in the death zone. Most of the people who die there just die from thinking they can sit still for 10 minutes, carrying down a dead body is definitely not really feasible.

It costs a 100 grand and 2 months vacation to climb Everest, it's a rich people's hobby. And a lot of those rich people aren't fully prepared and/or aren't in the prime of their life. No need to feel sorry for them, they knew the risks.

01-04-2016, 04:41 PM
Wim Hof never even reached camp 3, he gave up. To put that in perspective, the first time most climbers reach camp 3 they still have more than 2 weeks of climbing and acclimatizing left before they can reach the summit.

Wim Hof came a long, long way short of actually climbing Everest, but he did climb on Everest in shorts for a while.

The most fascinating Everest picture is this one for me:

This picture is actually what turned me off of Everest, the pictures of garbage on the mountain really solidified it for me

Bosnian Sajo
01-04-2016, 04:53 PM
I don't get it, what's wrong with that picture? Does it look overcrowded to you?I don't see the problem, idk.

I imagine trash must be a huge problem though if they already leaving behind fckin humans to die, why tf would they care about trash.

01-04-2016, 04:56 PM
Too bad that what should a pristine natural environment is being littered by douchey tourists.

01-04-2016, 05:13 PM
I don't get it, what's wrong with that picture? Does it look overcrowded to you?I don't see the problem, idk.

I imagine trash must be a huge problem though if they already leaving behind fckin humans to die, why tf would they care about trash.
I mean if you want to wait in a line of people to climb Everest go ahead. I want to climb shit to be alone, experience nature, and test myself.

01-04-2016, 05:30 PM
Didnt real sports do something on mt everest workers? The rich pay big money to climb it but the people who assist them get peanuts and risk death more than the climbers. Why do they do it? Well not much choice as far as jobs.

When you reach the top point of mt everest then what? How long do you stay on top before its time to go back down? What is there to do at the top besides take a selfie for bragging rights? I guess the answer is the same for any high climb be it building or mountain. I just dont see the appeal honestly. But I'm the same guy who wouldnt mind doing what Tom Cruise did and sit on top of the tallest building in Dubai so.

Not funny but funny to see them use green boots as a marker. :oldlol: Just f*ck respecting the corpse, we need this as a check point so I know how far I've come. By the way let me take a photo to have. :facepalm

01-04-2016, 05:32 PM
Damn, I never thought about this. It sounds reasonable but it still very disquieting...

The controversial thing about David is that over 30 climbers passed him on their way to the top, and noticed he was still alive. Some even spoke to him. However, on Everest, there is little to nothing you can do to save another life. Attempts to help can likely result in the death of yourself and the one you're trying to help.

And the picture of that crowd is as appalling as the ones of the corpses.

01-04-2016, 05:32 PM
These bodies are all in the death zone. Most of the people who die there just die from thinking they can sit still for 10 minutes, carrying down a dead body is definitely not really feasible.

It costs a 100 grand and 2 months vacation to climb Everest, it's a rich people's hobby. And a lot of those rich people aren't fully prepared and/or aren't in the prime of their life. No need to feel sorry for them, they knew the risks.

Who the hell charges to climb that shit? I figure if that shit is a matter of life and death. F*ck you for making me pay to climb and come back down. I really dont get that.

01-04-2016, 05:35 PM
This belongs in the photos with terrifying backstories.

01-04-2016, 05:35 PM
Damn, I never thought about this. It sounds reasonable but it still very disquieting...

And the picture of that crowd is as appalling as the ones of the corpses.

Its disturbing. I honestly couldn't do that without my conscious bothering me. It's like ok david gotta cut this chit chat short now. I wanna see how far I can get to the top, no time to help you. Maybe if you're still alive on my way down I will. Then again I probably wont feel like it by then so. Well god speed.

01-04-2016, 05:37 PM
Who the hell charges to climb that shit? I figure if that shit is a matter of life and death. F*ck you for making me pay to climb and come back down. I really dont get that.

In principle the point of it is not that different from amateur running, biking, open-water swimming, triathlon, etc.
All endurance sports have the same point: challenge yourself, rejoice to overcome your limits and set them a bit further.

01-04-2016, 05:41 PM
This dude's comment is the winner :oldlol:

I think I know how I want to die. I shall climb to the summit and stay in a hi-5 pose so everyone can high five me when they reach the top.

Nick Young
01-04-2016, 05:47 PM
Too bad that what should a pristine natural environment is being littered by douchey tourists.
GJ removing all agency and responsibility from the Sherpas and the Nepalese government, you ****ing racist.

01-04-2016, 05:51 PM
Why would we care about littering up there though? nothing can live that high, no oxygen, and very few ever see it. Might as well be the moon.

robert de niro
01-04-2016, 05:53 PM
This dude's comment is the winner :oldlol:
lmao that quote :oldlol:

01-04-2016, 06:02 PM
GJ removing all agency and responsibility from the Sherpas and the Nepalese government, you ****ing racist.

The tourists are douchey.

And I'm white btw.

01-04-2016, 06:02 PM
Why would we care about littering up there though? nothing can live that high, no oxygen, and very few ever see it. Might as well be the moon.
Its a beautiful scene.

01-04-2016, 06:10 PM
Its a beautiful scene.
Where nothing lives and only a tiny handful of people will ever see.


01-04-2016, 06:37 PM
If only they'd have set Force Awakens on a desolate/murderous mountain like Everest (with the whole story revolving around Mark Hamill, say) the movie would've been ten times better even with no dialogue.

Nick Young
01-04-2016, 07:10 PM

The tourists are douchey.

And I'm white btw.
Who do you think allows the tourists in and guides them up the mountain?

The Nepalese government and the Sherpas.

good job removing all agency and responsibility from them, you ****ing racist.

01-04-2016, 07:10 PM
there are now laws in place where you get fined for littering, they actually weigh you when ascending, you even have to pick up your own feces and bring it down with you.

Nick Young
01-04-2016, 07:11 PM
There's a good imax documentary on everest that was filmed the same year the "Into Thin Air" storm happened. It was pretty good if memory serves correctly.

01-04-2016, 07:13 PM
there are now laws in place where you get fined for littering, they actually weigh you when ascending, you even have to pick up your own feces and bring it down with you.

They just pay the brown people to bring back the trash, just like they pay them to haul all the supplies and equipment up. Don't kid yourself.

01-05-2016, 09:34 AM
You wonder why anyone would attempt a climb after seeing those photos, but statistically you stand a better chance of reaching the top (17%) than dying (4%). Plus people who are into extreme sports have a feeling of invincibility.

I read Into Thin Air, about as close to climbing Everest as I ever want to get.

01-05-2016, 09:46 AM
That's because they didn't have Powersauce.

01-05-2016, 09:46 AM
The truth is it really isn't that difficult, and climbing Everest has become something of a tourist attraction. It's relative ease, combined with its status, and impressiveness as an achievement (plus also as something to see), provides plenty of motivation for why people still climb the thing.

But really, you can pay, as a pretty inexperienced climber, to have some of the guides effectively haul you up there. There's much, much tougher mountains like K2 to climb.

01-05-2016, 09:58 AM
What is the fascination in climbing mountains? It must be a white thang.

01-05-2016, 10:01 AM
These bodies are all in the death zone. Most of the people who die there just die from thinking they can sit still for 10 minutes, carrying down a dead body is definitely not really feasible.

It costs a 100 grand and 2 months vacation to climb Everest, it's a rich people's hobby. And a lot of those rich people aren't fully prepared and/or aren't in the prime of their life. No need to feel sorry for them, they knew the risks.

Which is why the movie Everest sucked.

They tried hard to make us care and sympathize for these people, but I gave no shits about them.

Once you lose that, it becomes a film about how they died, and those deaths were boring, I mean, they just froze. No matter how they tried shooting it, it simply wasn't suspenseful or thrilling.

Douche bags went up, knowing they'd die, it got cold, and they died.


Boring movie as well.

01-05-2016, 10:25 AM
Who do you think allows the tourists in and guides them up the mountain?

The Nepalese government and the Sherpas.

good job removing all agency and responsibility from them, you ****ing racist.
Where did I say anything about race? You're the one defending the douchey climbers, probably because 99% of white.

Anyone who litters is a douche, especially such a pristine environment.

As far as the locals go......just because someone lets you into their park doesn't give you the right to use it as a trash can.


01-05-2016, 10:50 AM
But really, you can pay, as a pretty inexperienced climber, to have some of the guides effectively haul you up there. There's much, much tougher mountains like K2 to climb.

Assuming conditions are favorable and all the equipment is working properly. There is a very small window weather wise in which to reach the summit and occasionally a freak blizzard can come up out of nowhere, which is what happened in 1996.

01-05-2016, 10:54 AM
That's because they didn't have Powersauce.

Rumor has it they switched to Powersauce's arch rival, the VitaPeach health bar. Doctors say they don't have the meganutrients needed to stave off death.

01-05-2016, 11:01 AM
To be honest I thought it'd be harder to make it to the summit.
I tried this morning, and I made it. The view from up there is glorious and very much worth it.

Google Earth is wonderful.
I plan to try again in the weekend.

01-05-2016, 12:11 PM
I mean, I kinda get the appeal...

If you climbed Everest you probably come out of it feeling like you are:


If I climbed Everest I would probably be under the illusion that every time I walk in a room people are whispering to each other about it..."you see that guy? his name is Prime...that guy climbed Everest...I wonder if he'll let us suck his dck"

not worth it though

01-05-2016, 12:35 PM
I mean, I kinda get the appeal...

If you climbed Everest you probably come out of it feeling like you are:


If I climbed Everest I would probably be under the illusion that every time I walk in a room people are whispering to each other about it..."you see that guy? his name is Prime...that guy climbed Everest...I wonder if he'll let us suck his dck"

not worth it though

You gotta start small and work your way up, each time pushing the envelope a little further. i suggest starting by licking some ass.

01-05-2016, 12:43 PM

true licking assholes is only like a 3% chance of death...a little less risky than Everest

01-05-2016, 11:56 PM
there are now laws in place where you get fined for littering, they actually weigh you when ascending, you even have to pick up your own feces and bring it down with you.

Why do they care where you cop a squat at up there? Retarded. Anything for a profit I guess since someone mentioned this is pretty much a rich person thing. Outside of the die hard climber.

01-06-2016, 03:13 AM
I also don't get the fascination of climbing dangerous mountains, it's insane IMO.

My wife's family owns a ranch in a very secluded part of la Sierra Gorda in Mexico. It's about a three hour drive from the city and the last stretch is about an hour drive in an unpaved dirt road. There's no town nearby within walking distance and the ranch is surrounded by forrests and mountains. She says it's really beautiful with wild animals (bears, pumas, coyotes etc).

Fvck that shiit, you won't get my ass out of the city, I tell her that mankind spent thousands of years to finally step out of caves and into civilization and I ain't going to no wild area and willingly step down from the top of the food chain :coleman:

Too many things can go wrong, even if it isn't the brutal cold weather at Mt Everest, imagine if the car breaks down, now you gotta trek miles upon miles of wild terrain to get to the nearest town, da fuq outta here...

06-13-2020, 06:34 PM

06-13-2020, 08:00 PM
Dead bodies of rich people that died doing something they love,that costs more than the average Americans income? Yeah....RIP buy no pity from me.