View Full Version : What happened to the Davis hype train?

Black and White
01-13-2016, 10:30 PM
Dude was being projected as a top 3 player this season?

Just curious as to what happened, the Pelicans have turned to crap.

01-13-2016, 10:33 PM
ESPN hyped him too hard. He's a nice player but he doesn't make anyone better on offense. He's a system guy.

01-13-2016, 10:35 PM
ESPN hyped him too hard. He's a nice player but he doesn't make anyone better on offense. He's a system guy.

There is no system at the Pelicans.

And he's 22.

Spurs m8
01-13-2016, 10:35 PM
Always knew he was hyped a bit hard tbh

01-13-2016, 10:35 PM

01-13-2016, 10:40 PM
He is a spineless thin kid, if He get his shit together the hype will rise again. He have everything to be a all-time great.

01-13-2016, 10:41 PM

Nick Young
01-13-2016, 10:42 PM
ESPN hyped him too hard. He's a nice player but he doesn't make anyone better on offense. He's a system guy.
ESPN hype machine hyped too hard, and Gentry decided it would be a good idea to turn Davis in to a perimeter shooter.

He just isn't as good as the idiots claimed+he is badly coached.

"Bottom line: Davis is either already better than [LeBron] James or just about eye-to-eye."
— Tom Haberstroh, ESPN


01-13-2016, 10:46 PM
He's passive and doesn't asset himself enough, or he does but it is too late in the game.

He needs the offense to be run through him, but instead he has Gordon, Tyreke, Anderson etc taking more shots than him some games.

As a Pels fan, I thought they had it figured out finally in the playoffs last season when everything ran through him.... but instead they've reverted to gameplan where apparently anyone is free to take any shot they see fit.

01-13-2016, 10:47 PM
There is no system at the Pelicans.

And he's 22.

Dude there's a lot of good pieces on that team with guys who can spread the floor for him and give him optimal spacing.

37 year old Dirk would have that team in the 3-4 seed this season.

The problem is Davis doesn't have the skillset yet to make anyone better by his presence on the floor. He's young, yes, but he got hyped far too hard.

01-13-2016, 10:56 PM
Dude there's a lot of good pieces on that team with guys who can spread the floor for him and give him optimal spacing.

37 year old Dirk would have that team in the 3-4 seed this season.

The problem is Davis doesn't have the skillset yet to make anyone better by his presence on the floor. He's young, yes, but he got hyped far too hard.

Dude, I know you probably just googled their squad and saw a whole bunch of guys who SHOULD be able to space the floor adequately, and I agree - They should.

However, how many of them are shooting even 39% from 3?
And how many of them are even scraping 43% from the field in general?

Its pretty grim.

01-13-2016, 11:00 PM
Huge New Orleans fan here checking in. Anthony Davis has been very disappointing this season. He needs to be a man and start leading the team. I am a big Ryan Anderson fan though. He is very underrated.

01-13-2016, 11:04 PM
Huge New Orleans fan here checking in. Anthony Davis has been very disappointing this season. He needs to be a man and start leading the team. I am a big Ryan Anderson fan though. He is very underrated.

Yeah, AD is a bit of a baby to be honest, but I can forgive a 22yr old for that.

Disagree on Ryno though :) dude is a black hole on offense. Everytime he shoots a 18 foot fadeaway over a 6" guard I want to scream.

01-13-2016, 11:17 PM
overrated. I said this last year and people called me a troll.

He can't create his own shot
Needs to rely on guards to set him up
Not a great defender which is laughable given his physical tools
No real post moves
Jump shot is just okay
Not a leader
empty stats king.

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
01-13-2016, 11:18 PM
overrated. I said this last year and people called me a troll.

He can't create his own shot
Needs to rely on guards to set him up
Not a great defender which is laughable given his physical tools
No real post moves
Jump shot is just okay
Not a leader
empty stats king.
said the same sht specially defense:applause: :applause:

01-13-2016, 11:48 PM
Anyone who knew anything about basketball would tell you that he wasn't going to be a top 5 player this year.
Also Gentry's overrated ass got exposed.

01-14-2016, 12:03 AM
He still has everything to be great.. a matter of time.

01-14-2016, 12:37 AM

but i would love to have him in Lakers. :rockon:

01-14-2016, 12:54 AM

He's 22.

The current best player in the league wasn't even in the top 5 until he was 26.

01-14-2016, 01:53 AM
I didnt believe the hype either and I could dig up a few posts of me saying how overrated AD is and how the Pelicans wouldnt even make the playoffs this season

Always injured, he didnt even play yesterday. No playoff wins. Barely scrapped into the playoffs (had the Pelicans lost to the spurs last year the OKC Westbrooks would have been in the playoffs)

He gained a bunch of muscle in the off season I think 15 LBS and it made him a worse player

Dude is a retard. There is a reason you dont see guys come back bigger and bulkier every off season

01-14-2016, 02:29 AM
ESPN hyped him too hard. He's a nice player but he doesn't make anyone better on offense. He's a system guy.

Well to be fair it wasn't just the ESPN hype machine it was posters here, the general public etc. I got flamed from friends and to a lesser extent a few times here because I didn't understand people saying he was already the best player or even second best player in the league.

He likely will get to the top, but he has a long way to go. He has all the tools though, now it's about putting everything together and performing.

Oh, and that also brings me to PER, people live and die on that shit as if it's their religion. His PER honestly doesn't mean jack if you can't even get the 8th seed. The stat is overrated, to many at least.

01-14-2016, 03:20 AM
He's terrible. New Orleans better trade him while his value is high. Davis for Randle and Sacre maybe? :D

01-14-2016, 03:37 AM
I think he read all the press clippings in the offseason and how he was the next big deal and pressed too hard. But you don't have the type of season he had last year by accident. He is great. But he needs to just play the game instead of pressing. When he does that, the talent will take care of itself.

01-14-2016, 03:41 AM
CJ Ketchup started rooting for him, that's why.

What a failure.

2011: "A Dirk-led team will never win a title"

2015: "Davis will be the best player in the world and win the MVP next year"



01-14-2016, 03:47 AM
He reminds me of a younger KG. He puts up some solid numbers, but he cannot lead his team into the playoffs.

He kinda regressed this season. Davis was a much better player last season.

01-14-2016, 03:49 AM
CJ Ketchup started rooting for him, that's why.

What a failure.

2011: "A Dirk-led team will never win a title"

2015: "Davis will be the best player in the world and win the MVP next year"



:roll: :roll: :roll:



Bless Mathews
01-14-2016, 03:59 AM
ESPN hype machine hyped too hard, and Gentry decided it would be a good idea to turn Davis in to a perimeter shooter.

He just isn't as good as the idiots claimed+he is badly coached.


Small dicc ESPN hater alert.

I notice you didn't even attempt to come back in the college football thread after I slayed the shit out you.

SmOart move actually.

01-14-2016, 04:14 AM
Dude, I know you probably just googled their squad and saw a whole bunch of guys who SHOULD be able to space the floor adequately, and I agree - They should.

However, how many of them are shooting even 39% from 3?
And how many of them are even scraping 43% from the field in general?

Its pretty grim.

Zaza Pachulia
Wes Matthews coming off Achilles tendon rupture
Chandler Parsons after knee surgery
The corpse of Deron Williams

01-14-2016, 04:18 AM

its interesting. AD is putting up all-time great stats and has a pretty decent team. in fact he should led his team to 50 plus seasons on a regular basis. yet there is something missing in his game. imo its especially his off ball game. despite being a very good shooter, he doesnt create enough space for his m8s.
but he is just 22. in 3 years his teams will be contenders

01-14-2016, 11:04 AM
Dude was being projected as a top 3 player this season?

Just curious as to what happened, the Pelicans have turned to crap.

The management have encouraged him to put more weight than his body can hold ... thus he is injuring himself at a crazy rate ... exactly what happened to bosh in 09 if you old enough to remember.

They're also putting a shitty spineless team out there with him, so he is also a bit disheartened.

01-14-2016, 11:06 AM
Zaza Pachulia
Wes Matthews coming off Achilles tendon rupture
Chandler Parsons after knee surgery
The corpse of Deron Williams

you forgot MVP carlisle, compared to the dumbass dleague coach the pelicans have.

01-14-2016, 11:07 AM
His PER is still great. Unfortunately, it isn't leading to wins. Hype eventually dies down if that happens too long. See Kevin Love.

01-14-2016, 11:08 AM
Anyone who knew anything about basketball would tell you that he wasn't going to be a top 5 player this year.
Also Gentry's overrated ass got exposed.

It was coaching

nothing more

I like Gentry, but he has been pathetic at utilizing Davis.

Davis is at his best as a faceup/drive guy who rolls to the basket who can occasionally suprise with the pop

Gentry is making him into a back to the basket pick and pop guy who barely rolls anymore.

01-14-2016, 11:11 AM
its interesting. AD is putting up all-time great stats and has a pretty decent team. in fact he should led his team to 50 plus seasons on a regular basis. yet there is something missing in his game. imo its especially his off ball game. despite being a very good shooter, he doesnt create enough space for his m8s.
but he is just 22. in 3 years his teams will be contenders

I disagree.
For spacing, its not that he doesent create enough space. when he rolls to the basket (last year at least, he doesent do it this year because of Gentry, ironically)
the defense collapses on him at a rate that is rarely seen. This leads to potential open threes that Davis exploited at the end of last season when they made the adjustment and went on a run. Beforehand, this would end up with an offball play while davis was driving to the rim ending in a contested holiday mid range instead of a open gordan corner three. For example, babbit, who literally can only shoot, was given a ridiculous amount of open shots. this is because of Davis.

And Davis is primarily a scorer off-ball. last year, he was phenomenal at isolations, because of his face up game, which has been compromised because of Gentry.

01-14-2016, 11:30 AM
A guy like Davis needs a very good passing PG to help maximize his talents. As Davisismyunibro said, an athletic guy like Davis should be running P&R all day with his PG.

01-14-2016, 11:37 AM
A guy like Davis needs a very good passing PG to help maximize his talents. As Davisismyunibro said, an athletic guy like Davis should be running P&R all day with his PG.

Davis needs a Rondo, Paul, Deron Williams type right now. I believe making him a 3 point shooter is taking away his ability and potential.

Pelicans needs a leader. Davis is not that yet. Gentry is not a good HC and has always been the NBA's Norv Turner (Great coordinator and mind, sub par HC)

01-14-2016, 12:08 PM
A guy like Davis needs a very good passing PG to help maximize his talents. As Davisismyunibro said, an athletic guy like Davis should be running P&R all day with his PG.

Thats not the problem.

He doesent need a pg who is a master at the P and R. an average one will do, as evidenced by last year.

The problem is that this year, gentry is making him into a Pick and pop shooter. I understand you need to use that ability, but it should be a 70-30 split in favor of the roll. he is getting more jumpers off the P and R than Rolls. thats not good.

also, his faceup game isnt used anymore, which had his isolation abilities among the elite perimeter guys like lebron.

now its among the worst because his "isolations" involve him facing up, getting past his man, backing him down, and missing the post shot.

Bosnian Sajo
01-14-2016, 03:34 PM
Pretty sure they are deliberately losing so they get Simmons. Not like they planned this, last year they were in the playoffs, but without Tyreke to start the season they struggled and figured why try and finish with the 10th pick when we can tank for the big prize? Like many have already said, Davis is only 22, Evans is only 26, they are just a few pieces away.

Firing Monty was a bad choice though, where was the logic in that move? He brought the team to the playoffs in the tough west over the Thunder and Westbrook, and he gets fired? Because he didn't beat the eventual champs?

Alvin Gentry is an idiot, he is trying to turn Davis into Steph Curry, which I don't understand. You have a stretch 4 already, moron, leave Davis in the paint.

01-14-2016, 07:42 PM
He's passive and doesn't asset himself enough, or he does but it is too late in the game.

He needs the offense to be run through him, but instead he has Gordon, Tyreke, Anderson etc taking more shots than him some games.

As a Pels fan, I thought they had it figured out finally in the playoffs last season when everything ran through him.... but instead they've reverted to gameplan where apparently anyone is free to take any shot they see fit.

Idk about that, when I see him play he always puts up that broken ass jumper. Doesn't look too bad or anything but it never goes in. I only see him doing well around the glass

01-14-2016, 07:51 PM
hard to compare a big like davis to a guy like lebron/kobe who create for themselves and others. Davis is a guy who needs a solid play maker to help him out and I don't think he has that right now. Does that mean he was over hyped? Maybe, but I wouldn't be surprised if the roster\system is re worked and he suddenly looks great again.

I do think his defence got over rated though, he's a great shot blocker but he suffers a bit from what WCS's weakness was\is in that they can block shots but one on one against grown big men they aren't as special. A great rim protector isn't always a great defender.

01-14-2016, 09:44 PM
Because he isn't dominating any of these games like you would expect him to.

I'm shocked...I thought he was about as good as anyone least year to be honest.

Did not see this coming...but again, the Pelicans franchise could not have done a worse job building around him...so there is that. Sucks...

01-15-2016, 10:09 AM
Pretty sure they are deliberately losing so they get Simmons. Not like they planned this, last year they were in the playoffs, but without Tyreke to start the season they struggled and figured why try and finish with the 10th pick when we can tank for the big prize? Like many have already said, Davis is only 22, Evans is only 26, they are just a few pieces away.

Firing Monty was a bad choice though, where was the logic in that move? He brought the team to the playoffs in the tough west over the Thunder and Westbrook, and he gets fired? Because he didn't beat the eventual champs?

Alvin Gentry is an idiot, he is trying to turn Davis into Steph Curry, which I don't understand. You have a stretch 4 already, moron, leave Davis in the paint.
lol, at deliberately loosing to get simmons

have they forgot the sixers, lakers and nets?

01-15-2016, 10:11 AM
he's a 6'10'' shooting guard aka useless

01-15-2016, 10:20 AM
overrated. I said this last year and people called me a troll.

He can't create his own shot
Needs to rely on guards to set him up
Not a great defender which is laughable given his physical tools
No real post moves
Jump shot is just okay
Not a leader
empty stats king.

Dude gtfo this is not a Lebron James thread

Dr Hawk
01-15-2016, 10:21 AM
Cavs need to sign Davis and fire Love