View Full Version : Breaking...Kevin Love calls out Bran in the media...DAMN.

01-20-2016, 12:23 AM
“We have a lot of things to get better at," said Love. "That’s going to take a lot of guys looking themselves in the mirror, and it all starts with our leader (LeBron James) over there and dwindles on down.”


01-20-2016, 12:24 AM

01-20-2016, 12:28 AM
Love is sick of being the scapegoat as to why it doesn't work with Bran ball.

Love wasn't brought in to defend and spot up shoot and if he was, that's ridiculously stupid.

BRAN needs to focus on D and let the offense run through Love a lot more, but BRAN cares too much about offensive stats.

01-20-2016, 12:33 AM
Great psychological tactic by Lebron. He is forcing KLove to break out from his beta nature. There is a plethora to learn from Lebron when it comes to sports psychology. Phil Jackson is the only guy in basketball that has been able to decipher even a modicum of Lebron's ways and been able to add it to his coaching.



01-20-2016, 12:37 AM

01-20-2016, 12:39 AM
about time one of lebrons teammates grew a pair

theyre usually more than happy being his bitch

Nick Young
01-20-2016, 12:40 AM
Great psychological tactic by Lebron. He is forcing KLove to break out from his beta nature. There is a plethora to learn from Lebron when it comes to sports psychology. Phil Jackson is the only guy in basketball that has been able to decipher even a modicum of Lebron's ways and been able to add it to his coaching.


I legit started cracking up. This actually made me shoot water out my nose.

Goofsta Knicca
01-20-2016, 12:54 AM

Nick Young
01-20-2016, 12:55 AM

01-20-2016, 01:06 AM

Mr. Jabbar
01-20-2016, 01:10 AM
about time one of lebrons teammates grew a pair

theyre usually more than happy being his bitch

this :roll:

01-20-2016, 04:12 AM
Love is sick of being the scapegoat as to why it doesn't work with Bran ball.

Love wasn't brought in to defend and spot up shoot and if he was, that's ridiculously stupid.

BRAN needs to focus on D and let the offense run through Love a lot more, but BRAN cares too much about offensive stats.

What the **** man? What do you mean he wasn't brought in to defend? If your in the NBA and play basketball. YOU PHUKING PLAY DEFENSE it's part of the damn game

01-20-2016, 04:31 AM
Love with your heart, not your mind. Love is supposed to be blind. That's the way Love goes in Ohio you know. There will be no Love, after the trade deadline.

robert de niro
01-20-2016, 04:34 AM
What the **** man? What do you mean he wasn't brought in to defend? If your in the NBA and play basketball. YOU PHUKING PLAY DEFENSE it's part of the damn game
you wouldn't hire deandre jordan to shoot 3s even though they are part of the game, you wouldn't hire jj barea to post up even though it's part of the damn game, it's unrealistic to expect something from someone when they have never done it before, everyone knew his strengths and weaknesses

01-20-2016, 04:35 AM

Lebron response.


Goofsta Knicca
01-20-2016, 04:43 AM

Lebron response.


You rewind this, Le Bron's behind this


01-20-2016, 06:55 AM
But Love is the one playing like shit

01-20-2016, 08:26 AM
But Love is the one playing like shit

Look deeper.

Bran ball destroys careers.

Love is not and has never been a 3 and D guy.

01-20-2016, 08:34 AM
Precisely where my mind went.

01-20-2016, 09:35 AM
you wouldn't hire deandre jordan to shoot 3s even though they are part of the game, you wouldn't hire jj barea to post up even though it's part of the damn game, it's unrealistic to expect something from someone when they have never done it before, everyone knew his strengths and weaknesses

Fuccing This. I posted it in the other Love thread but i'll say it again here.

Love an idiot for staying in Cleveland anyway, he was always gonna be the scapegoat if this whole thing went south.

Love can't thrive in a Lebron ball system, he's a stat stuffer just like Bron, so not only is he not playing in the post when he wants but he's not getting rebounds and easy putbacks, which was his bread and butter.

Only a goddamn idiot would think, "oh Love is a great 3pt shooter, let's turn him into a spot up shooter and rely on his ability to defend"

Love's lack of Defense was always counterbalanced by his great rebounding in Minne.

Whoever is legit surprised by Love's play while playing completely out of his element almost entirely, is an idiot.