View Full Version : Why is Mark Jackson so highly rated by NBA players?

01-23-2016, 09:30 AM
What has he done that makes him so popular? I'm reading James wanted him to be the new Cavs HC. He is an mediocre commentator and he did okay with the Warriors but you look at what Kerr has done and you maybe think that Jackson could have done more with that team.

Im Still Ballin
01-23-2016, 09:31 AM
Because he's black


01-23-2016, 09:40 AM
Because he's black

Mike Brown:confusedshrug:

01-23-2016, 09:41 AM
he is actually a good commentator. that is why he has that job for as long as he wants it. that fact that this forum talks about him so much and that you cant go to a court and not hear his phrases means that he is doing a good job.

when people are going on youtube and mocking him...all they are really doing is showing that he made an imprint on him. Imo one of the best commentators over the last 15 years...made the game a little more fun with the silliness.

01-23-2016, 09:43 AM
he is the worst coach,if you have watch gsw when he was coach you would have knew it

01-23-2016, 09:58 AM
Because he's black



01-23-2016, 10:01 AM
he is the worst coach,if you have watch gsw when he was coach you would have knew it

this...running ISOs for Iggy and Harrison Barnes :roll: :roll:

01-23-2016, 10:49 AM
he is actually a good commentator. that is why he has that job for as long as he wants it. that fact that this forum talks about him so much and that you cant go to a court and not hear his phrases means that he is doing a good job.

when people are going on youtube and mocking him...all they are really doing is showing that he made an imprint on him. Imo one of the best commentators over the last 15 years...made the game a little more fun with the silliness.

I'm of the breed who finds his schtick naueasting but aside from the annoying catch phrases he isn't bad at all on the mic. I'll give him that.

01-23-2016, 11:59 AM
Because Mark Jackson took a bottom dwelling team to a 50 plus game winning team. But he had his limitations as a coach. That's not rocket science. He had a lot of issues with management in that he would not let them offer any advice on taking the team to the next level. Warriors wanted to move forward and implement a more modern approach to maximize the talent they had and offered him the opportunity to hire the best assistants and consultants. He resisted because he had hired his friends and wanted to keep them. The worst was trying to turn players against management with an us against them approach. He also tried to turn players against each other if that story about Ezeli is true. It was more than just his Isos that got him fired. But still as a coach he was not bad, just limited.

01-23-2016, 12:02 PM
he's "one of their own"

01-23-2016, 01:16 PM
he is actually a good commentator. that is why he has that job for as long as he wants it. that fact that this forum talks about him so much and that you cant go to a court and not hear his phrases means that he is doing a good job.

when people are going on youtube and mocking him...all they are really doing is showing that he made an imprint on him. Imo one of the best commentators over the last 15 years...made the game a little more fun with the silliness.

If he could learn how to speak it might be ok, but the guy can't finish a damn sentence and I've yet to hear him actually offer any basketball insight. He does clearly love to hear himself talk though....

Taller than CP3
01-23-2016, 01:17 PM
He's a great motivator just like Doc Rivers. Give him a championship calibur team like the Cavs and he'll win a title with them just like Doc did with the Celtics. All the Cavs need is a little motivation, that's all. Hire Mark Jackson to light a fire under Kyrie and K Love's asses and they're capable of beating anybody.

01-23-2016, 01:22 PM
He's a great motivator just like Doc Rivers. Give him a championship calibur team like the Cavs and he'll win a title with them just like Doc did with the Celtics. All the Cavs need is a little motivation, that's all. Hire Mark Jackson to light a fire under Kyrie and K Love's asses and they're capable of beating anybody.

Doc to his credit did hire good assistant coaches to do the actual x's and o'x. I don't think Jackson understood that.

01-23-2016, 01:39 PM
For the life of me I will never understand why ISH is littered with so many racist idiots. I seriously wonder if they think they are on a board dedicated to the NHL...

01-23-2016, 01:45 PM
For the life of me I will never understand why ISH is littered with so many racist idiots. I seriously wonder if they think they are on a board dedicated to the NHL...

Aren't you the one being racist? Making stereotypes about NHL fans.

Taller than CP3
01-23-2016, 01:50 PM
For the life of me I will never understand why ISH is littered with so many racist idiots. I seriously wonder if they think they are on a board dedicated to the NHL...

You have a problem with the NHL bro? I have over 10 black friends and all of them watch hockey. You don't make any sense.

01-23-2016, 02:23 PM
Aren't you the one being racist? Making stereotypes about NHL fans.

Ah, yes, I am the racist. Meanwhile, in less than a full page, we had posters accusing NBA players of only respecting Jackson only because he is black (which made absolutely no sense), and then implying that Jackson and Doc Rivers are motivational speakers with no knowledge of X's and O's.

Of course, not 3 years have passed since the NBA literally had one owner that held (and still holds) the nation's biggest federal fine for housing discrimination against blacks and latinos, another owner who admitted to being prejudice, and a GM who claimed a player "had a little African in him."

If you don't like a sport that is upwards of 70% black...go find one that more suits your racial preference: may I suggest the NHL?

01-23-2016, 02:27 PM
Because Mark Jackson took a bottom dwelling team to a 50 plus game winning team. But he had his limitations as a coach. That's not rocket science. He had a lot of issues with management in that he would not let them offer any advice on taking the team to the next level. Warriors wanted to move forward and implement a more modern approach to maximize the talent they had and offered him the opportunity to hire the best assistants and consultants. He resisted because he had hired his friends and wanted to keep them. The worst was trying to turn players against management with an us against them approach. He also tried to turn players against each other if that story about Ezeli is true. It was more than just his Isos that got him fired. But still as a coach he was not bad, just limited.

This. He wasn't a bad coach...he was a great motivator and got the team to play good defense, but on the offensive end it just wasn't working, plus he was having a lot of clashes with assistants and other people that were highered by the management

01-23-2016, 02:32 PM
Because he keeps it simple; he has only two main principles, and (some) players like that
- Mama there goes that man
- Hands down man down

01-23-2016, 02:35 PM
Because he's black



01-23-2016, 03:04 PM
Mark Jackson is a toxic person...he created an atmosphere of paranoia and insecurity in GS. He constantly clashed with assistants and tried to turn the players against each other. The guy is simply a nutjob. He told the players that Harrison Barnes was possessed by a demon and that's why he regressed in his second season. Kooky shit like that seemed to be going on all the time with him as coach. Then Kerr comes in and suddenly there's no drama what so ever.

Absolutely baffles me that some people still defend him and try to act like his firing was unfair.

01-23-2016, 03:07 PM
Mark Jackson is a toxic person...he created an atmosphere of paranoia and insecurity in GS. He constantly clashed with assistants and tried to turn the players against each other. The guy is simply a nutjob. He told the players that Harrison Barnes was possessed by a demon and that's why he regressed in his second season. Kooky shit like that seemed to be going on all the time with him as coach. Then Kerr comes in and suddenly there's no drama what so ever.

Absolutely baffles me that some people still defend him and try to act like his firing was unfair.

I've never heard that story, lol. If that's true then it wasn't as well discussed as it should have been.

01-23-2016, 03:08 PM
Mike Brown:confusedshrug:
Because he's a former player and black.

01-23-2016, 03:08 PM
He's the 4th all time leader in assist, players respect the hell out of that.

I guess they should spend more time looking at his VORP and WS

01-23-2016, 03:09 PM
cause Marc Jackson is a simpleton with memorable catch phrases, nba players aren't exactly the intellectual type

01-23-2016, 03:11 PM
cause Marc Jackson is a simpleton with memorable catch phrases, nba players aren't exactly the intellectual type
We're not talking about him.


01-23-2016, 03:22 PM
Mark Jackson is a toxic person...he created an atmosphere of paranoia and insecurity in GS. He constantly clashed with assistants and tried to turn the players against each other. The guy is simply a nutjob. He told the players that Harrison Barnes was possessed by a demon and that's why he regressed in his second season. Kooky shit like that seemed to be going on all the time with him as coach. Then Kerr comes in and suddenly there's no drama what so ever.

Absolutely baffles me that some people still defend him and try to act like his firing was unfair. LMAO That HB story is
news to me but I wouldn't doubt it because he is a Pentecostal preacher. Demons are to blame for everything.