View Full Version : Coach Nick rips Lebron and the Cavs a new one

Magic 32
01-24-2016, 04:27 PM


Fallen Angel
01-24-2016, 04:32 PM

01-24-2016, 04:33 PM

Bron mirin dat aesthete?

01-24-2016, 04:33 PM
Wow this is sad to see. Looks like Lebron really lead a mutiny

01-24-2016, 04:35 PM
Wow a self proclaimed coach Dick video, such a good stuff will definetly watch it!


01-24-2016, 04:44 PM
Wow a self proclaimed coach Dick video, such a good stuff will definetly watch it!


about a SELF PROCLAIMED "KING", such good stuff exposing this fraud DEFINITELY worth a watch!

Mass Debator
01-24-2016, 04:48 PM
Looks like 2011 Lebron all over again

01-24-2016, 04:56 PM
nice to see someone pointing out what many of us have known for years...Lebron is one of the shittiest defenders in the history of the NBA

01-24-2016, 05:00 PM
about a SELF PROCLAIMED "KING", such good stuff exposing this fraud DEFINITELY worth a watch!

lol damn

Young X
01-24-2016, 05:05 PM
:oldlol: @ the team tanking that Portland game because certain players didn't get minutes in the game before against the Warriors. What a bunch of crybabies. What team trying to win a championship does heartless shit like that?

01-24-2016, 05:09 PM
Damn, I only saw the highlights from Blazers game. Lebron visibly quit. Didn't know it was that bad.

And lol at the clips of him getting torched by Kawhi.

01-24-2016, 05:12 PM
Jesus.. :biggums:

01-24-2016, 05:15 PM

Cavs are everything that's wrong with the NBA today. Huge payroll, huge talent but...

No fundamentals. No effort. No teamwork. No rotations. No passing. No hard screen. No boxing out.

So how is this possible?


01-24-2016, 05:17 PM
Lebron with some Harden like effort on defense this season.

01-24-2016, 05:20 PM
But yeah, Love and Blatt were 100% the problem. Has nothing to do with your best player visibly choosing to be disengaged at times, completely dismisses the head coach's offense to isoball, and many times plays lackadaisical D and misses rotations. Or that your star PG blows ass defensively, gambles way too often, is painfully inconsistent in controlling tempo and balancing individual scoring vs team offense, etc.

I LOVE that end of the video segment about Blatt's pre-NBA offense. I really wish a young, talented, moldable team like the Timberwolves, Lakers, or my Bucks (when shady ass Kidd bails) hires him so we can see what he's really capable of when his team trusts him and is willing to learn and run the offense and defense he wants to.

01-24-2016, 05:21 PM
I LOVE that end of the video segment about Blatt's pre-NBA offense. I really wish a young, talented, moldable team like the Timberwolves, Lakers, or my Bucks (when shady ass Kidd bails) hires him so we can see what he's really capable of when his team trusts him and is willing to learn and run the offense and defense he wants to.

Wolves are a great fit for Blatt.

Nick Young
01-24-2016, 05:31 PM

Cavs are everything that's wrong with the NBA today. Huge payroll, huge talent but...

No fundamentals. No effort. No teamwork. No rotations. No passing. No hard screen. No boxing out.

So how is this possible?

That's the kind of team Lebron wanted. Didn't even try to learn Blatt's elite offense.

Lakeshow should sign Blatt, let these young guys follow his system for a few years.

01-24-2016, 05:43 PM
Nah. He's wrong. Everyone but LeBron fans are wrong, despite evidence of their hero disrespecting his coach and playing with half assed effort.

Inb4 somebody mentions Jordan or Kobe, and deflects. It's becoming old hattage with the groupies.

01-24-2016, 06:01 PM
Looks like 2011 Lebron all over again

01-24-2016, 06:13 PM
Me being a Cavaliers fan since I was 14 years old, it sucks to say this, but let's be real. The Cavaliers arent winning a championship. There's too many bruised egos (mainly LeBron's) and he has too much influence on the organization. He left Miami for a lot of reasons, but mainly it's because Pat Riley was the first person ever to tell LeBron no to certain things he wanted. I don't care what Griff says, and what LeBron says to the cameras. LeBron has the organization handcuffed and at this point they're reaching for straws.

When Blatt got signed they basically threw out his Princeton offense which is the type of offense you want to play against teams like the Warriors and Spurs. But it was totally abandoned.

Them switching to Lue is going to be the same thing. They might play a faster-pace for a little while once "they're in shape", but it's going to go back to the same old bullshit. The offense will get stopped a couple times in a row and they'll totally abandon it because players will be tired and it's easier letting LeBron or Irving over-dribble the ball for 10-15 seconds versus moving without the ball and swinging it. Irving will over-dribble the ball in ISO, go to the hoop, leave a wide open shooter while taking a harder shot himself, or LeBron will ISO bully-ball while the defense just stacks.

It's just not going to work because the players won't buy in to winning basketball your leaders are setting the tone not to play winning basketball.

01-24-2016, 06:20 PM
Me being a Cavaliers fan since I was 14 years old, it sucks to say this, but let's be real. The Cavaliers arent winning a championship. There's too many bruised egos (mainly LeBron's) and he has too much influence on the organization. He left Miami for a lot of reasons, but mainly it's because Pat Riley was the first person ever to tell LeBron no to certain things he wanted. I don't care what Griff says, and what LeBron says to the cameras. LeBron has the organization handcuffed and at this point they're reaching for straws.

When Blatt got signed they basically threw out his Princeton offense which is the type of offense you want to play against teams like the Warriors and Spurs. But it was totally abandoned.

Them switching to Lue is going to be the same thing. They might play a faster-pace for a little while once "they're in shape", but it's going to go back to the same old bullshit. The offense will get stopped a couple times in a row and they'll totally abandon it because players will be tired and it's easier letting LeBron or Irving over-dribble the ball for 10-15 seconds versus moving without the ball and swinging it. Irving will over-dribble the ball in ISO, go to the hoop, leave a wide open shooter while taking a harder shot himself, or LeBron will ISO bully-ball while the defense just stacks.

It's just not going to work because the players won't buy in to winning basketball your leaders are setting the tone not to play winning basketball.I feel for you man, must be tough having your franchise be so shitty. I thought Blatt was a great coach, he took over for a team that was going to be building for a few years before Lebron came in and gave him championship expectations from day one. It really wasn't fair what happened to him, I just know that teams all over the league are gonna be really interested in him. You can't build a championship team overnight, Lebron should have known that after he got bodied in 2011 by the Mavs.

01-24-2016, 06:47 PM
Lebron with some Harden like effort on defense this season.

Bron's always been an ass to coaches, but some of his defensive "mistakes" in this video are so BS. Especially the ones where he is talking about being stuck in no mans land after their team has been picked apart and he has a man driving on him. Half the time he is rushing to the 3 point line instead of taking away middle since he'd rather give away 2 points than 3 against a team like the Spurs or GSW.

Bron has been great on defense this season. Should get all defensive 2nd team at the very least.

01-24-2016, 06:58 PM
Lebron critics will be vindicated more and more with each passing season. Wouldn't surprise me if Lebron retires in a season or two as he is declining to the point of role player level quickly.

The issue with Lebron has always been twofold:

1) He just is not a very skilled basketball player

People mistake his ability to create with his athleticism for actual skill. He doesn't have a jumpshot, doesn't have an offball game, doesn't have fundamentally sound post game. Doesn't even have a baby hook.

2) He is a clinical narcissist.

This makes him sabotage himself indirectly because he simply can't accept criticism. In Lebron's world it is ALWAYS the fault of someone else. ALWAYS. This means he never learns from his mistakes.

This leads me to why Miami was so successful.

Some people forget that Miami ran a sophisticated offense and defense tailor made for the team. People forget Lebron tried to get Spoelstra fired but Riley is too much of an alpha dog for Lebron to bully.

Miami played a high effort, high pace, passing motion offense created from the pick and roll.

The problem is, Lebron had Wade and Bosh, two legit top 10 players, and in Wade a legit top 3 player as teammates. Collusion can be seen much clearer now in retrospect, just how good Wade and Bosh were.

The fact is, Lebron really is best suited to be a 1b Pippen role, because he simply does not have the offensive repotoire to consistently get easy buckets. His ego will not allow him to be 1b though. In the first games with Blatt and Cavs, the team played motion offense and won and looked good. In such an offense, Lebron was basically relegated to Pippen level role player. The team won with him being a role player. Couldn't have that.

01-24-2016, 07:03 PM
Bron's always been an ass to coaches, but some of his defensive "mistakes" in this video are so BS. Especially the ones where he is talking about being stuck in no mans land after their team has been picked apart and he has a man driving on him. Half the time he is rushing to the 3 point line instead of taking away middle since he'd rather give away 2 points than 3 against a team like the Spurs or GSW.

Bron has been great on defense this season. Should get all defensive 2nd team at the very least.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

01-24-2016, 07:10 PM
I watched this not knowing what to expect, but yikes, that's pretty disappointing.

They have some serious work to do if they want to have a shot for a chip. Nothing worse than quitting on a coach/sulking about minutes, IF you are actually serious about winning a title.

01-24-2016, 07:10 PM
Lebron's return to Cleveland has really taken a turn towards the bizarro world. Everything was set up perfectly, storybook even, with the way the Cavs won the lottery 3/4 years. But he just threw it all away by reverting to all his old Cleveland habits.

He has no one else to blame and he deserves it, but beyond his personality issues, I'm pleasantly surprised at the level of backlash Lebron-ball is finally receiving on all levels of sports media and fanbases. Been sick of watching that shit for 20+ national tv games + playoffs for over 10 years.

01-24-2016, 07:15 PM
Bron's always been an ass to coaches, but some of his defensive "mistakes" in this video are so BS. Especially the ones where he is talking about being stuck in no mans land after their team has been picked apart and he has a man driving on him. Half the time he is rushing to the 3 point line instead of taking away middle since he'd rather give away 2 points than 3 against a team like the Spurs or GSW.

Bron has been great on defense this season. Should get all defensive 2nd team at the very least.

http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/yellow-hd/rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/yellow-hd/rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/yellow-hd/rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/yellow-hd/rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif

01-24-2016, 07:16 PM
coach nick is a known lebron hater that nitpicks him on every little thing. I would take this video with a grain of salt.

01-24-2016, 07:20 PM
coach nick is a known lebron hater that nitpicks him on every little thing. I would take this video with a grain of salt.

just shut the **** up already


01-24-2016, 07:22 PM
But yeah, Love and Blatt were 100% the problem. Has nothing to do with your best player visibly choosing to be disengaged at times, completely dismisses the head coach's offense to isoball, and many times plays lackadaisical D and misses rotations. Or that your star PG blows ass defensively, gambles way too often, is painfully inconsistent in controlling tempo and balancing individual scoring vs team offense, etc.

I LOVE that end of the video segment about Blatt's pre-NBA offense. I really wish a young, talented, moldable team like the Timberwolves, Lakers, or my Bucks (when shady ass Kidd bails) hires him so we can see what he's really capable of when his team trusts him and is willing to learn and run the offense and defense he wants to.

why because they white?

01-24-2016, 07:27 PM
LMAO, after watching that video just LOL @ these mental midgets expecting to ever get a chip. Whining about minutes, giving zero effort, yet they expect a new coach to be able to change the attitude of these overgrown fukking babies LMAO.

They are literally the opposite of GSW.

Nick Young
01-24-2016, 07:40 PM
Richard Jefferson and Mo Williams are not known for their mental toughness:lol :lol :lol

01-24-2016, 07:47 PM
Passive-aggressive Lebron...

Mr. Jabbar
01-24-2016, 07:56 PM
why does leBRAN get so physical with every coach? he always bumps them when mad, fkn disrespectful bitch

01-24-2016, 08:02 PM
I dislike LeBron as much as the next sane person, but coach nick is an atrocious "coach" and a joke in the coaching community.

01-24-2016, 08:04 PM
I dislike LeBron as much as the next sane person, but coach nick is an atrocious "coach" and a joke in the coaching community.

Doesn't matter. Did he say something dishonest in the video?

Cali Syndicate
01-24-2016, 08:06 PM
Won't matter the coach, it's always going to be Lebron ball.

Cali Syndicate
01-24-2016, 08:16 PM
I dislike LeBron as much as the next sane person, but coach nick is an atrocious "coach" and a joke in the coaching community.

Similar to Eric Spoelstra, might not be a good coach but he knows his way around video edits used for scouting players. His youtube videos aren't that bad...it's just he's unwatchable sometimes because he speaks with a clear bias against certain players.

01-24-2016, 08:22 PM
Did coach Nick give LeBron lube before posting that?

01-24-2016, 08:31 PM
Lol at the loser ass bron stans. Nothing but child predators

01-24-2016, 09:49 PM
Lebron coasts on defense in the regular season, he's been that way since he came back to cleveland, it wasn't some mutiny, he's just lazy.

A coaches job is to get players to play hard, and if you don't hold everyone accountable they won't play hard for you, that was blatt's failing. He didn't have the personality to get the players to buy in, he's clearly just a difficult guy, maybe that works in Europe, but not in the nba. Even all of the local media didn't like him.

Part of me feels for the guy, because he must have a high basketball iq, he just mishandled players, and wasn't able to connect with them for Bosnia to shine through.

01-24-2016, 09:50 PM
did that dude in OP die? holy shit

01-24-2016, 09:55 PM
But yeah, Love and Blatt were 100% the problem. Has nothing to do with your best player visibly choosing to be disengaged at times, completely dismisses the head coach's offense to isoball, and many times plays lackadaisical D and misses rotations. Or that your star PG blows ass defensively, gambles way too often, is painfully inconsistent in controlling tempo and balancing individual scoring vs team offense, etc.

I LOVE that end of the video segment about Blatt's pre-NBA offense. I really wish a young, talented, moldable team like the Timberwolves, Lakers, or my Bucks (when shady ass Kidd bails) hires him so we can see what he's really capable of when his team trusts him and is willing to learn and run the offense and defense he wants to.

Well that's kinda what the cavs had in mind. Then Lebron agreed to come over in free agency...

01-24-2016, 09:59 PM
Oh no not Coach Nick

that convicted pedophile

01-24-2016, 10:01 PM
Cavs have just like that become the most hated team in the league. Just a lowball garbage team.

01-24-2016, 10:02 PM
Cavs have just like that become the most hated team in the league. Just a lowball garbage team.

it's your Low IQ Clippers.

Mass Debator
01-24-2016, 10:03 PM
Wouldn't surprise me if Lebron is in the works to confiscate this video

01-24-2016, 10:26 PM
Wouldn't surprise me if Lebron is in the works to confiscate this video
Probably trying to get Coach Nick fired as well.
Except that Nick ain't coaching shit. Joke's on you Lebron!

01-25-2016, 08:47 AM
That Blazers game looks pretty damning to me.

01-25-2016, 11:55 AM
Oh no not Coach Nick

that convicted pedophile

Damn, you really get upset whenever someone challenges Bron :lol

01-25-2016, 12:03 PM
Wow a self proclaimed coach Dick video, such a good stuff will definetly watch it!

:roll: :roll:

01-25-2016, 12:03 PM
Probably trying to get Coach Nick fired as well.
Except that Nick ain't coaching shit. Joke's on you Lebron!

Is he good? Can Cavs get him!

01-25-2016, 12:05 PM
Was disappointed....

Video: Coach Nick rips David Blatt.

ISH Thread: Coach Nick rips Lebron a new one.

Fallen Angel
01-25-2016, 01:33 PM
85K views in one day

Lebron and the Cavaliers are back to being the most hated. Funny how they were beloved when Lebron had someone ghost write his little essay about him coming back to Cleveland.

01-25-2016, 02:14 PM
Was disappointed....

Video: Coach Nick rips David Blatt.

ISH Thread: Coach Nick rips Lebron a new one.

Maybe you should actually watch the video.

01-25-2016, 02:53 PM
Maybe you should actually watch the video.
This. He blamed the players (specifically LeBron) much more than Blatt in the video.

01-25-2016, 03:14 PM
Blatt was the wrong guy for that job. Coaches getting fired is not something new or exclusive to Lebron James. A lot of the great ones were coach killers.

01-25-2016, 03:19 PM
The lack of professionalism in LeBron is apparent. What he did to Blatt was worse than anything he's ever been scrutinized for professionally. Just flat out wrong.

01-25-2016, 03:20 PM
Cavs need to hire Nick

01-25-2016, 03:29 PM
The lack of professionalism in LeBron is apparent. What he did to Blatt was worse than anything he's ever been scrutinized for professionally. Just flat out wrong.

01-25-2016, 03:56 PM

Definitely. Nothing was ever wrong with LeBron exercising his free agents right leaving Cleveland the first time, or leaving Miami to return to Cleveland. He isn't entitled to inform either parties of his intentions ahead of time.

But what he did to Blatt? All bad.