View Full Version : Donald Trump positions

01-28-2016, 02:19 AM

Also downloadable in pdf format.

Im Still Ballin
01-28-2016, 02:23 AM
Good ideas, but they'll never pass through the establishment. Nevertheless, better than having someone who'll tell you what you want to hear, rather than what you should here. A bit of chip on the shoulder will do America good. Vote Trump!

01-28-2016, 02:25 AM
I figure I post this because I see a lot of people that argue against him and claim he has not stance.

Hopefully they will read it before spewing all this hate because Fox News is telling them so.

01-28-2016, 02:32 AM
My favorite one and I believe will get the minority voters' support....

Immigration moderation. Before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers. This will help reverse women's plummeting workplace participation rate, grow wages, and allow record immigration levels to subside to more moderate historical averages.

In regards to immigrants sneaking or getting in here....look at Europe's problem right now...here is Trump's proposal.

End welfare abuse. Applicants for entry to the United States should be required to certify that they can pay for their own housing, healthcare and other needs before coming to the U.S.

01-28-2016, 02:40 AM
no chance in the primaries though so this should be renamed 'Donald Trump memes'

01-28-2016, 02:45 AM
vote Trump!

don't allow Muzzies visiting your country!

build a fence against Mexican rapist and let Mexico pay for it!

close parts of the internet! (hopefully not ISH doe)

01-28-2016, 07:43 AM
Trade with China and immigrations are good things for the economy, and people in the US. Tariffs only make goods more expensive for the consumer (you)
Strange then that we have a monetary policy whose adherents keep chirping about consumer prices not rising fast enough.

Personally, i'd rather the government raise more of its revenue by placing tariffs on electronic goods, than taking gigantic chunks out of people's salaries, and depriving them of the fruits of their own industry. I don't see why everyone being able to run around with their own smartphones, using them to complain about how oppressed they are, is of tangible value to anyone. A culture that considers these things to be frivolous luxuries is superior to one that makes them a compulsory necessity (the way we are headed). There's also the benefit of it being far less wasteful than vast webs of income tax regulations, and reducing the dependence on accountants and such.

Economics is derivative anyway; there are many things of much more fundamental importance. It cannot be separated from politics, which cannot be separated from ethics, which, in the end, cannot be separated from theology (and the theological assumptions that form the basis of our law, from which economics is inseperable). The modern obsession with economics, particularly with economic aggregations and so on, is a large part of the problem. What we are really lacking is the education that cultivates good leadership, as we have a system of comprehensive levelling, and thus the domination of squalid oligarchs. America's problems go far deeper than its economic woes; those are simply the symptoms of a much more serious disease.

01-28-2016, 11:41 AM
Trump haters are scared of this thread. The last thing they want to talk about are the actual issues.

They are cradled up next to their Fox News asking the man on TV to tell them that everything is okay, that everyone will be polarized for the rest of eternity. :oldlol:

Mass Debator
01-28-2016, 07:24 PM
Why does a Trump website have a donate section?

01-28-2016, 07:28 PM
Trade with China and immigrations are good things for the economy, and people in the US. Tariffs only make goods more expensive for the consumer (you)

This is not necessarily true. If your only concern is raw production, then sure. If youre seeking to find a balance of quality of life, income equality, allocation of natural resources, immigration can put a strain on all these.

Hell, if "all immigration is good immigration" why dont we just open the borders completely and fill up the US a billion strong like China and India?

Raw production isnt the be all, end all.

01-28-2016, 07:30 PM
Why does a Trump website have a donate section?

why not ? he's self funding but nothing wrong with the common man contributing

Take Your Lumps
01-28-2016, 07:56 PM
Why does he only have 5 positions? Is the site not complete yet? :lol