View Full Version : remember when golden state fans boo'd their owner for trading ellis

01-28-2016, 05:49 PM
And rick barry told them to shut the f*ck up



Well.. in hindsight.. do golden state warrior fans owe him a city wide revolving public blow job train?

That one move completely changed the warriors from montas team into currys team and sent them on the path to becoming possibly the greatest team ever

Holy **** watching that video almost makes me wonder why fans like that deserve a franchise

Ive hated laker management for a while. But thr lakers arent my home town team. Im a kobe fan. Thats all...

However when it comes to home teams like the senators, redblacks and even fellow canadian teams like the blue jays. Theres an undying loyalty that goes beyond fickle fandom.. theres blind faith and pride involved. You have to support your home teams no matter what. Because they can pick up and go. Then all the time youve invested is lost forever..

I used to love the expos. But the french are ignorant f*ggots and never wanna cheer for anyone ir anything that isnt 100% french canadian. So their team moved to washington.

Never boo your home team. Golden state fans should be ashamed of themselves

01-28-2016, 05:55 PM
Remember back in 2006 or 2007 when staples centre booed kobe after he'd talked shit in the media about the franchise and the owners and talked about wanting a trade? Lakers fans never deserved him I guess?

Edit still some links floating around about it:




01-28-2016, 06:00 PM
Remember back in 2006 or 2007 when staples centre booed kobe after he'd talked shit in the media about the franchise and the owners and talked about wanting a trade? Lakers fans never deserved him I guess?

Edit still some links floating around about it:




Remember EVERY ARENA chants MVP for Kobe? Yes I do remember btch

01-28-2016, 06:02 PM
Remember EVERY ARENA chants MVP for Kobe? Yes I do remember btch
Sorry but that's not what the thread is about? The thread is a bout calling out a fanbase for booing their own team and saying as a result they don't deserve a franchise. Lakers fans have done the same thing yet OP conveniently ignores it and acts like it never happened. He's just looking for a way to take a shot at warriors and curry. I'm not taking a shot at Kobe, he's an all time great and fans were justified in being upset with how he acted at that point but OP is a douche for ignoring it.

01-28-2016, 06:14 PM
Warriors have some of the best fans in the league. Even through 30 years of mediocrity, Bay Area fans continued to support the Warriors franchise. The booing that day was a culmination of the fans frustration being communicated to the new Owners. You have to remember that most Bay Area fans at the time didn't want Lacobe to buy the team, they wanted their hometown Billionaire, and owner of the Arena, Larry Ellison to purchase the team. Instead, some investment group from Boston got the team, and then traded away one of the fan favorites.

As a Warriors fan, I thought the timing was bad, but I understood why they were booing, and it wasn't just because of the Monta Ellis trade. Warriors fans wanted the new Owner to know that they weren't happy, with ANYTHING, and that their patience was wearing thin.

01-28-2016, 06:19 PM
Warriors have some of the best fans in the league. Even through 30 years of mediocrity, Bay Area fans continued to support the Warriors franchise. The booing that day was a culmination of the fans frustration being communicated to the new Owners. You have to remember that most Bay Area fans at the time didn't want Lacobe to buy the team, they wanted their hometown Billionaire, and owner of the Arena, Larry Ellison to purchase the team. Instead, some investment group from Boston got the team, and then traded away one of the fan favorites.

As a Warriors fan, I thought the timing was bad, but I understood why they were booing, and it wasn't just because of the Monta Ellis trade. Warriors fans wanted the new Owner to know that they weren't happy, with ANYTHING, and that their patience was wearing thin.

Yep that was the result of suffering through Rowell and Cohan regime and years of instability and outright sucking. One good year in how many? LOL yeah they got booed. Fans were sending a message and they heard it loud and clear. Get this ship right or else. :oldlol:

01-28-2016, 06:21 PM
remember when the first round of the playoffs use to be the best 3 out of 5?

01-28-2016, 06:24 PM
Remember when certain folk weren't allowed on golf courses? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

01-28-2016, 06:28 PM
remember when the first round of the playoffs use to be the best 3 out of 5? Haha I was just thinking about that today.

01-28-2016, 06:31 PM
Remember EVERY ARENA chants MVP for Kobe? Yes I do remember btch
You sound FURIOUS. :oldlol:

Are you going to be okay?

Gus Hemmingway
01-28-2016, 06:50 PM
You sound FURIOUS. :oldlol:

Are you going to be okay?

Total meltdown:roll: :roll:

Stay winning

01-28-2016, 06:58 PM
Remember back in 2006 or 2007 when staples centre booed kobe after he'd talked shit in the media about the franchise and the owners and talked about wanting a trade? Lakers fans never deserved him I guess?

Edit still some links floating around about it:



Yoooo why you gotta do him like that? :roll:

01-28-2016, 07:04 PM
And rick barry told them to shut the f*ck up



Well.. in hindsight.. do golden state warrior fans owe him a city wide revolving public blow job train?

That one move completely changed the warriors from montas team into currys team and sent them on the path to becoming possibly the greatest team ever

Holy **** watching that video almost makes me wonder why fans like that deserve a franchise

Ive hated laker management for a while. But thr lakers arent my home town team. Im a kobe fan. Thats all...

However when it comes to home teams like the senators, redblacks and even fellow canadian teams like the blue jays. Theres an undying loyalty that goes beyond fickle fandom.. theres blind faith and pride involved. You have to support your home teams no matter what. Because they can pick up and go. Then all the time youve invested is lost forever..

I used to love the expos. But the french are ignorant f*ggots and never wanna cheer for anyone ir anything that isnt 100% french canadian. So their team moved to washington.

Never boo your home team. Golden state fans should be ashamed of themselves

People booing him were wrong to do it.

But let us put it in context. Chris Cohan the the former owner who ran the team into the ground had just sold the team earlier that year and casual fans had no idea who Lacob was yet and what his goals were for the team. Also at that point Monta was the best player on our team. The final point was that most casual fans had no idea who bogut was. They just knew that he was some injured guy who we just traded our best player for . It was definitely a low point for the organization, and one I was ashamed of as it happened, those points don't excuse booing when honoring one of the greatest players of the franchise though. But those were the circumstances that led to it.

01-28-2016, 07:29 PM
Hell, I would've boo'd if I were there too :confusedshrug:

01-28-2016, 07:32 PM
I remember sitting at a GS/Mavs game in 2013/14 and hearing the home fans hurling abuse at Klay Thompson all game. Poor kid was only averagin 18per while shooting 42% from 3.

01-28-2016, 07:34 PM
it's called loyalty and exactly what players should want from their fans.

01-28-2016, 07:44 PM
Hell, I would've boo'd if I were there too :confusedshrug: TBH, I was happy to trade Monta with his bad attitude. Just didn't want Bogut. He really pissed me off with Mopedgate and then what he said when Steph was drafted. Ugh. Bye Monta. Still got a soft spot for him in some kind of way. Happy he's still playing but I'm glad he's gone from the Warriors.

01-28-2016, 08:02 PM
Well.. in hindsight.. do golden state warrior fans owe him a city wide revolving public blow job train?

Might be overwhelming for those 4inch peckered Asians.

01-28-2016, 08:44 PM
They bood because he was the leasing scorer on the team at the time and the thought of an oft injured Bogut in return didnt sound good. That and the fact that Lacob was already talking about moving the team while the team wasnt playing well. He had a blueprint its just the fans didnt know it yet.