View Full Version : Sleep paralysis is very, very horrible

01-29-2016, 02:09 AM

01-29-2016, 02:22 AM
Ima get a heart attack one of these days after sleep paralysis. It's always tht someone is trying to harm me and i cant move. I try to move using every last bit of strength i have but i cant move.

01-29-2016, 02:27 AM
Ima get a heart attack one of these days after sleep paralysis. It's always tht someone is trying to harm me and i cant move. I try to move using every last bit of strength i have but i cant move.
Lmao it's truly some funny shit. I honestly think the unable to move is our brain taking FULL control over our bodies. The move mechanism being disabled permanently is like a handicap feature.

01-29-2016, 04:28 AM
It gets easier each time.

01-29-2016, 04:31 AM
It gets easier each time.
This aint anaI sex Bro :biggums:

Sleep paralysis is a real problem

01-29-2016, 05:02 AM
This aint anaI sex Bro :biggums:

Sleep paralysis is a real problem
Never had one, doesnt sound fun

01-29-2016, 05:09 AM
I haven't had it in years, but it sucks.

01-29-2016, 05:15 AM
draz, when you wake up tell this mfer jon to stop with his bs. its nit funny and ima give his ass a beatdown

01-29-2016, 09:44 AM
Yeah, I've had it a few times. It's almost always accompanied by an unexplained sense of fear, a fear that someone is watching you or about to harm you and sometimes even hallucinations.

01-29-2016, 09:52 AM
Stop sleeping on your back, or put a ton of pillows behind your head. It works.

Or you can ignore me and keep having your halfway experiences with the other side
I've started using only one pillow instead of two recently.


01-29-2016, 09:59 AM
How come I have never had this?

You Cant Ban Me
01-29-2016, 10:13 AM
How come I have never had this?
you sleep on your stomach or your head is properly elevated at night

01-29-2016, 10:41 AM
My girlfriend gets it all the time, then bitches at me for not waking her up, because in her mind she was yelling at me to help.


01-29-2016, 10:43 AM
you sleep on your stomach or your head is properly elevated at night
I do sleep on my stomach and side


01-29-2016, 10:45 AM
i always


sleep on my side

that's why i haven't experienced sleep paralysis

01-29-2016, 10:46 AM
i always


sleep on my side

that's why i haven't experienced sleep paralysis
Dominant and handsome way too sleep


01-29-2016, 11:06 AM
This aint anaI sex Bro :biggums:

Sleep paralysis is a real problem

01-29-2016, 11:07 AM
Aye Jon square up

01-29-2016, 11:27 AM
Stop sleeping on your back, or put a ton of pillows behind your head. It works.

Or you can ignore me and keep having your halfway experiences with the other side
False. I always sleep on my sides and ive gotten them.

Bosnian Sajo
01-29-2016, 11:41 AM
I've never experienced this shit, and am worried I'm prone to have it happen soon because of that.

01-29-2016, 11:48 AM
I've never experienced this shit, and am worried I'm prone to have it happen soon because of that.
Na you good fam just sleep on your back you'll never experience it

01-29-2016, 12:09 PM
Na you good fam just sleep on your back you'll never experience it
sick ****

01-29-2016, 01:22 PM
Is it weird that I kind of want to get sleep paralysis? Never had it happen and I know I sound like a dick but it seems like an interesting experience.
Not really. I felt the same way at first.

Kinda feel like getting one tonight.

01-29-2016, 01:52 PM
Sleep paralysis isn't that bad. Just don't open your eyes...XD

I'd force myself into sleep paralysis as part of a lucid dreaming technique, would feel cats that weren't in my room run across, and sit on my bed. The bed start to float/shake, door knobs turning/scratching on the door. Someone screaming help etc. But those were "spooky" times...Most as I went over how comfortable each body part was it'd feel like a led blanket slowly raising up my body.

Opened my eyes a few times....Most of the time I saw nothing while not being able to move, other times I saw a black figure standing over me twitching really fast. One time I saw the exorcist from that 60s movie peaking through my window whispering something. Another a beautifully thick black woman taking off her clothes.

A technique to lucid dream


"WILD, without a shadow of a doubt, is one of the better and most powerful lucid dream induction methods. WILD is basically carrying your awareness from wake state to the dream state. Needless to say it's a difficult task, and beginners have several problems inducing a lucid dream using WILD. Here in this post, I'll describe some tricks, tips and adjustments for a successful WILD.

Note: This is not a WILD tutorial, it is a collection of tricks, tips and adjustments based on my previous experiments and experiences with lucid dreaming and WILD.


Most of beginners try to induce a lucid dream using WILD method when going to bed, most probably you'll never have a lucid dream this way, because dreams are generally formed during the REM phase of sleep (picture), which occurs after 45-180 minutes of sleep. So trying to induce a lucid dream using WILD when going to sleep like is waiting for a bus at the bus stop an hour before the bus arrives. Chances are you'll fall asleep at the bus stop. The proper way of performing WILD is:

Set your alarm clock to wake you up after approximately 5 hours of sleep.
Get up, don't turn on computer or TV (to maintain a good level of melatonin). Read a book, or your dream journal.
After 45-60 minutes, return to your bed. The most vivid dreams will be ready for you.
2: Relaxation

Relaxation is very important in WILD. If you're not properly relaxed, your body will take additional time to fall asleep. Some good relaxation techniques are:

Do stretch exercises during day time.
(when in bed) Imagine yourself floating in zero gravity vacuum.
Imagine yourself moving at the speed of light.
Focus on the part of the body your want to relax, and imagine it releasing it's weight.
Use of relaxation music for stimulating your muscles and brain. Classical, piano, flute, violin and cello recommended.
3: The Hypnagogia

After a few minutes of relaxation, you have to concentrate on your breathing or heartbeat. Within minutes you'll start seeing random patterns of light in the dark of your eyelids, known as hypnagogic imagery. You may also hear sounds, and feel sensations all over you body. It's completely normal, if you panic, chances are you'll wake your physical body and you'll need to start over.

I don't see any hypnagogic imagery, what am I doing wrong?
There are three possible reasons for not seeing hypnagogic imagery: A: Your brain is still not in the REM or pre-REM (NREM 3-2) phase. That means you ignored my first tip. B: Your body is still awake, that means you ignored my second tip. C: You're too alert (or excited) to induce the REM phase and/or deceive your brain to make your body fall asleep.

4: Natural Reflexes

Natural spasms, jerks and reflexes don't usually mess with the WILD. However if you're about to enter the REM, and suddenly you start breathing heavy (because of the excitement or panic), you'll most probably ruin your attempt at WILD. The most challenging reflex for me was the "saliva swallowing reflex". Hundreds of times I was about to enter the final REM, but then I swallowed and returned to the NREM phase. Later I started sleeping on my shoulder instead of back, this pretty much helped the saliva make its way down naturally. The key is not to fight the reflex, but to let it pass. With time and regular practice, you'll gain control over your reflexes too.

5: Stay Awake

If you fall asleep every time performing WILD, try the following methods descried below:

Keep your forearm raised perpendicular to the bed, and the body.
Change your default sleeping position.
Try sleeping on a couch, or on a different bed.
6: Entering The Dream

If you performed all the steps correctly and maintained your awareness to the REM phase, you'll start seeing more complex hypnagogic imagery (usually 3D). Once you start seeing it, do not try to interact with it for a while. After a few minutes, when the imagery gets more stable and clear, imagine yourself (from a first person view) in there, and .. you're there!

7: Sleep Paralysis

If you get caught in a sleep paralysis before/during/after performing WILD, all you have to do is stay calm and concentrate on your breathing. You would not be able to move any part of your body, except eyes (in most cases, a number of muscles can be moved). If you try to move you body, and break the sleep paralysis, you would unintentionally activate the part of your brain responsible for hallucinations. It could be anything, from gorgeous ponies eating your bed sheet, to your brain trolling you hard by making a 3D thriller right there in your bedroom. If you simply concentrate on your breathing, instead of thinking hard about all the horror movies you've seen in past, most likely you won't hallucinate.

The key is to stay calm, and let your brain know, who is the boss!

8: Stabilization

Wouldn't it be frustrating if your lucidity lasted only a minute or two, after almost half an hour of successful WILD induction? You bet. Check out my previous post for dream stabilization.

9: Ending A Dream

It is highly recommended to wake up after 30-40 minutes of dreaming. However if you continue, most probably you'll forget 80% of your dream when you wake up. After waking up, do not go back to sleep for at least 2 hours. If you do, all you would remember is a faint memory of a successful WILD induction.

If WILD didn't work for you, don't lose your hope on lucid dreaming. There are many other methods of lucid dreaming, as powerful as WILD, VILD, is one of them. Check out my previous post on VILD here.

Glad to help. Thanks."

If you're expierencing sleep paralysis/aren't sure if you're dreaming...Start thinking about fresh baked cookies...If you start to smell them, open your "eyes" and you might actually be dreaming. Note, this state of dreaming g is beyond that of normal dreaming...People say its BEYOND real. But you can have a lot of fun with it, even doing it other ways. I've overcome reoccurring nightmares because of lucid dreaming, ran around freely etcetc. Worth any spooky stuff IMO

01-29-2016, 01:54 PM
Is it weird that I kind of want to get sleep paralysis? Never had it happen and I know I sound like a dick but it seems like an interesting experience.
Look it up, you can make yourself expierence it

01-29-2016, 01:54 PM
[QUOTE=jongib369]Sleep paralysis isn't that bad. Just don't open your eyes...XD

I'd force myself into sleep paralysis as part of a lucid dreaming technique, would feel cats that weren't in my room run across, and sit on my bed. The bed start to float/shake, door knobs turning/scratching on the door. Someone screaming help etc. But those were "spooky" times...Most as I went over how comfortable each body part was it'd feel like a led blanket slowly raising up my body.

Opened my eyes a few times....Most of the time I saw nothing while not being able to move, other times I saw a black figure standing over me twitching really fast. One time I saw the exorcist from that 60s movie peaking through my window whispering something. Another a beautifully thick girl black woman taking off her clothes.

A technique to lucid dream


"WILD, without a shadow of a doubt, is one of the better and most powerful lucid dream induction methods. WILD is basically carrying your awareness from wake state to the dream state. Needless to say it's a difficult task, and beginners have several problems inducing a lucid dream using WILD. Here in this post, I'll describe some tricks, tips and adjustments for a successful WILD.

Note: This is not a WILD tutorial, it is a collection of tricks, tips and adjustments based on my previous experiments and experiences with lucid dreaming and WILD.


Most of beginners try to induce a lucid dream using WILD method when going to bed, most probably you'll never have a lucid dream this way, because dreams are generally formed during the REM phase of sleep (picture), which occurs after 45-180 minutes of sleep. So trying to induce a lucid dream using WILD when going to sleep like is waiting for a bus at the bus stop an hour before the bus arrives. Chances are you'll fall asleep at the bus stop. The proper way of performing WILD is:

Set your alarm clock to wake you up after approximately 5 hours of sleep.
Get up, don't turn on computer or TV (to maintain a good level of melatonin). Read a book, or your dream journal.
After 45-60 minutes, return to your bed. The most vivid dreams will be ready for you.
2: Relaxation

Relaxation is very important in WILD. If you're not properly relaxed, your body will take additional time to fall asleep. Some good relaxation techniques are:

Do stretch exercises during day time.
(when in bed) Imagine yourself floating in zero gravity vacuum.
Imagine yourself moving at the speed of light.
Focus on the part of the body your want to relax, and imagine it releasing it's weight.
Use of relaxation music for stimulating your muscles and brain. Classical, piano, flute, violin and cello recommended.
3: The Hypnagogia

After a few minutes of relaxation, you have to concentrate on your breathing or heartbeat. Within minutes you'll start seeing random patterns of light in the dark of your eyelids, known as hypnagogic imagery. You may also hear sounds, and feel sensations all over you body. It's completely normal, if you panic, chances are you'll wake your physical body and you'll need to start over.

I don't see any hypnagogic imagery, what am I doing wrong?
There are three possible reasons for not seeing hypnagogic imagery: A: Your brain is still not in the REM or pre-REM (NREM 3-2) phase. That means you ignored my first tip. B: Your body is still awake, that means you ignored my second tip. C: You're too alert (or excited) to induce the REM phase and/or deceive your brain to make your body fall asleep.

4: Natural Reflexes

Natural spasms, jerks and reflexes don't usually mess with the WILD. However if you're about to enter the REM, and suddenly you start breathing heavy (because of the excitement or panic), you'll most probably ruin your attempt at WILD. The most challenging reflex for me was the "saliva swallowing reflex". Hundreds of times I was about to enter the final REM, but then I swallowed and returned to the NREM phase. Later I started sleeping on my shoulder instead of back, this pretty much helped the saliva make its way down naturally. The key is not to fight the reflex, but to let it pass. With time and regular practice, you'll gain control over your reflexes too.

5: Stay Awake

If you fall asleep every time performing WILD, try the following methods descried below:

Keep your forearm raised perpendicular to the bed, and the body.
Change your default sleeping position.
Try sleeping on a couch, or on a different bed.
6: Entering The Dream

If you performed all the steps correctly and maintained your awareness to the REM phase, you'll start seeing more complex hypnagogic imagery (usually 3D). Once you start seeing it, do not try to interact with it for a while. After a few minutes, when the imagery gets more stable and clear, imagine yourself (from a first person view) in there, and .. you're there!

7: Sleep Paralysis

If you get caught in a sleep paralysis before/during/after performing WILD, all you have to do is stay calm and concentrate on your breathing. You would not be able to move any part of your body, except eyes (in most cases, a number of muscles can be moved). If you try to move you body, and break the sleep paralysis, you would unintentionally activate the part of your brain responsible for hallucinations. It could be anything, from gorgeous ponies eating your bed sheet, to your brain trolling you hard by making a 3D thriller right there in your bedroom. If you simply concentrate on your breathing, instead of thinking hard about all the horror movies you've seen in past, most likely you won't hallucinate.

The key is to stay calm, and let your brain know, who is the boss!

8: Stabilization

Wouldn't it be frustrating if your lucidity lasted only a minute or two, after almost half an hour of successful WILD induction? You bet. Check out my previous post for dream stabilization.

9: Ending A Dream

It is highly recommended to wake up after 30-40 minutes of dreaming. However if you continue, most probably you'll forget 80% of your dream when you wake up. After waking up, do not go back to sleep for at least 2 hours. If you do, all you would remember is a faint memory of a successful WILD induction.

If WILD didn't work for you, don't lose your hope on lucid dreaming. There are many other methods of lucid dreaming, as powerful as WILD, VILD, is one of them. Check out my previous post on VILD here.

Glad to help. Thanks."[/QUOTE
Stop being a dumb b1tch and making those threads. If you want to discuss that sh1t take it elsewhere. This is a damn basketball forum.

01-29-2016, 01:58 PM
Stop being a dumb b1tch and making those threads. If you want to discuss that sh1t take it elsewhere. This is a damn basketball forum

01-29-2016, 01:59 PM
Stop being a dumb b1tch and making those threads. If you want to discuss that sh1t take it elsewhere. This is a damn basketball forum
This is a lucid dreaming technique that encompasses part of the thread title. This isn't Satan bro don't worry

01-29-2016, 02:30 PM
I'm talking about your thread. Why do the fck would you do that? Go to another site if you want to discuss that sh1t.
You do realize I dont actually believe in that right?

01-29-2016, 04:02 PM
its the worst thing ever tbh. i still dont believe its some mind trick either, i think its real and science has come up with a lame as fukk explanation for the supernatural event people swear by.

all i know is i never went to sleep or rather i never 'woke up' after it happened considering i was up for like 2~ days afterwards scared to sleep. it doesn't even make sense how someones brain would randomly for no reason go into some supernatural horror shit when its so far from their mind prior to it occurring :coleman:

01-29-2016, 04:23 PM
its the worst thing ever tbh. i still dont believe its some mind trick either, i think its real and science has come up with a lame as fukk explanation for the supernatural event people swear by.

all i know is i never went to sleep or rather i never 'woke up' after it happened considering i was up for like 2~ days afterwards scared to sleep. it doesn't even make sense how someones brain would randomly for no reason go into some supernatural horror shit when its so far from their mind prior to it occurring :coleman:

your "supernatural" bullshit that you pulled out your ass is more accurate than professional expert scientist's explanation.

01-29-2016, 04:29 PM

your "supernatural" bullshit that you pulled out your ass is more accurate than professional expert scientist's explanation.

you're the type of fgt that would sukk a dikk because a scientist told you it tastes good :coleman:

01-29-2016, 04:32 PM
you're the type of fgt that would sukk a dikk because a scientist told you it tastes good :coleman:
are you autistic?

i feel bad for attacking you now.

01-29-2016, 04:34 PM
or is it adhd?

this one would make a lot of sense.

01-29-2016, 04:37 PM
are you autistic?

i feel bad for attacking you now.

i should become a scientist so u can be my bitch :coleman:

01-29-2016, 04:40 PM
that would be cool

i've never seen a retarded scientist before

01-29-2016, 04:46 PM
that would be cool

i've never seen a retarded scientist before

thats the problem. u have but u'd never know it because ure their bitch nikka :coleman:

01-29-2016, 04:48 PM

i'd actually **** you up irl fam

but i wont

i'm about love not war

01-29-2016, 04:50 PM

i'd actually **** you up irl fam

but i'm about love, not war

this is when u know they've taken the L :roll: :roll: :roll:

this nikka talkin bout beating me up in RL now :oldlol:

u ain't beating anyone but ure dikk bitch :coleman:

01-29-2016, 04:54 PM

you're turning this into the cringe thread now


12-09-2019, 06:09 PM
Had another one a while ago. Shit is intense. I refuse to sleep on my back.

12-09-2019, 08:11 PM
meh, i do that every night

sleep paralysis i mean

12-10-2019, 02:40 PM
Never had one but had a pretty fukked up nightmare a couple of years ago though I knew a female co-worker who used to get them, from her descriptions I pretty much could do well without them.

About my nightmare, I was working the nightshift so this happened during one of my off nights, went to sleep on a Saturday morning around 6 am. Slept on an easy chair right in front of my TV...couple of hours into my sleep around 8ish, felt like I woke up and I for some reason felt the need to get up but as I was getting up I suddenly felt a tremendous electrical shock that lasted like 10 seconds or so. I was like WTF, I must be sitting on some live wire or something and as I bent to check my surroundings, felt another even more intense electrical discharge, I really felt like I was gonna die right then and there :lol

Scariest nightmare I ever had, felt like it was really happening because after that second shock, I finally had awakened and realized I was dreaming. I could only imagine how horrible sleep paralysis must feel, yikes. In Mexico they call it, cuando el muerto se te sube, Which means when the dead gets on top of you because apparently it feels like someone is on top of your chest, can't scream nor move and it feels as if there's a presence in your room watching you :eek: fukk that, lol.

12-10-2019, 02:43 PM
I had it twice, once feeling a spider or something under my skin up my neck and the other with a person, but at least 1 of the 2 times I kind of enjoyed, at least after... probably the person one, cause the spider must have freaked me out way too much.

it was so intense, vivid...

it was an interesting experience

those two times were a long time ago though

12-10-2019, 03:06 PM
Never had this.

I guess because I sleep on my back based on what others have said.

12-10-2019, 03:11 PM
i sleep on my side and i no get this.

Bosnian Sajo
12-10-2019, 03:27 PM
I've never experienced this shit, and am worried I'm prone to have it happen soon because of that.

I've experienced it since this post. I keep my eyes closed, but it's still terrifying. I love it.

One of the experiences was me dreaming about being mugged, and I SEE the person coming at me and open my mouth to scream for help but barely anything is coming out. I try to move but I can't move a muscle...once the person finally makes contact is when I snapped out of sleep.

The reason I say I love it is the sheer relief you get once you wake up, you feel a sense of euphoria knowing it was all in your head. It amazes me more than anything, dreams are a mother ****er.

12-10-2019, 03:52 PM
I've experienced it since this post. I keep my eyes closed, but it's still terrifying. I love it.

One of the experiences was me dreaming about being mugged, and I SEE the person coming at me and open my mouth to scream for help but barely anything is coming out. I try to move but I can't move a muscle...once the person finally makes contact is when I snapped out of sleep.

The reason I say I love it is the sheer relief you get once you wake up, you feel a sense of euphoria knowing it was all in your head. It amazes me more than anything, dreams are a mother ****er.
Maybe it's our body connecting to the supernatural world communicating a way we could have died in another parallel universe

12-10-2019, 04:25 PM
I used to get it regularly when I was younger. It would usually happen when I hadn't had much sleep, like during finals. I guess I kinda grew out of it. Interesting that my daughter used to experience them too but less frequently nowadays.

This aint anaI sex Bro


Bosnian Sajo
12-10-2019, 04:36 PM
How old is your daughter?

12-10-2019, 05:00 PM
How old is your daughter?


Bosnian Sajo
12-10-2019, 05:38 PM

Weird, most people I've spoken to about sleep paralysis say it started for them around that age (14-16, puberty years) and that they didn't have any experience before then. Strange that for her it seems to be the opposite.

12-10-2019, 05:45 PM
i continue to have episodes. i notice that they happen when i sleep on my back, which is why i prefer to sleep on my side, but sometimes (like when i'm drunk), i'll go to sleep on my back and wake up to one of these episodes.

12-10-2019, 05:52 PM
Never had one, doesnt sound fun

It's pretty fun


12-10-2019, 10:57 PM
I get this almost everytime. Just sleep it off nothings bad gonna happen to you. Unless youre a southeast asian like me. Then you might die in your sleep.

12-11-2019, 02:00 AM
No joke I always have nasty sleep paralysis when I go months without smoking marajuana. Its always the same scenario I dream that I am laying down in my bed sleeping and I try so hard to wake up because I know I am paralyzed. I fight to move my body and snap out of the dream... then I always panic because I think I am dead because I am unable to move my body or wake up, and then my breathing stops. I always know when my sleep paralysis is happening or about to happen because I feel a nasty headache when I am in and out of sleep, I wouldnt be so afraid of it happening if it wasnt for the breathing problems I get when I am deep in it

12-11-2019, 02:35 AM
I've had this a few times, but it's been a few years. Scary as fukk. Last few times I recall actually realizing what it was and willing myself to just close my eyes and fall back to sleep. But it's definitely an evil or unpleasant 'presence' in the room.

12-11-2019, 03:16 AM
My girlfriend goes to the toilet. I hear the toilet flush but she does not come back.

I call for her but she does not answer. All of a sudden a small creepy kid 7-8 years old peeks me from behind the wall. I can't ****ing move at all at this point.

Piece of shit kid decides to come at me and tries to grab my face and my arm. At this point my heart rate is at 180, my breathing is out of control, I can hear myself breathing loud, I am aware I am having a nightmare but I simply cannot lift a finger my body is totally shut down like a paraplegic.

Fuuuuck this shit

Bimbo Coles
12-11-2019, 11:38 AM
I don't want to keep looking like a contrarian, but it's the least horrible thing in the world. The first time you will be shocked, sure. But once you find out what it is, the shock will soften with each subsequent occurrence. That's unless you're an amnesiac, which presents you with a real problem. Or you're particularly stupid. Even if I were to go full blown crazy and concede that it is a stable of succubi, so what? There's nothing you can do to them, and, based on my experience, there's nothing they can do to you.

12-11-2019, 12:32 PM
Why was the thread's title changed? #CensorshipBlowsAnElephant

12-11-2019, 08:49 PM
Never had this.

I guess because I sleep on my back based on what others have said.

Sleeping on my back causes it to happen more often for me. At least if I fall asleep that way.

But the thing that causes it the most is simply irregular sleeping patterns. Like if I wake up then go back to sleep a few hours later or in the afternoon.

12-13-2019, 10:58 AM
I actually had it last night, felt a sudden presence in my room then felt like something trying to enter my body, don't really know how to explain it but it wasn't pleasant. My body couldn't move but I tried to fight it and fully wake myself up, I finally did.

08-29-2020, 10:47 PM
I experienced it back in 2005. It was a horrible experience.

08-30-2020, 12:45 AM
I actually had it last night, felt a sudden presence in my room then felt like something trying to enter my body, don't really know how to explain it but it wasn't pleasant. My body couldn't move but I tried to fight it and fully wake myself up, I finally did.

Did you ask your uncle what happened?

08-30-2020, 01:08 AM
Did you ask your uncle what happened?

It happened to be your sister.

08-30-2020, 03:44 AM
Did you ask your uncle what happened?


08-30-2020, 04:47 AM
Did you ask your uncle what happened?



08-30-2020, 10:45 AM
I still get sleep paralysis it is a horrible experience. I kept getting traumatized in it

08-30-2020, 11:29 AM
Did you ask your uncle what happened?

:roll: :roll:

08-30-2020, 06:23 PM
I still haven't had it in years. Anyone that's ever had it, imagine having it, but it lasts for hours. Some people legit have it for hours, not just a few minutes like most people do.

08-30-2020, 06:40 PM
the thing about sleep paralysis is if you're strong enough you can easily break right through it.

i had sleep paralysis one time... but I busted out of that shit like Morpheus breaking out of the chair in the first Matrix

08-31-2020, 06:53 AM
the thing about sleep paralysis is if you're strong enough you can easily break right through it.

i had sleep paralysis one time... but I busted out of that shit like Morpheus breaking out of the chair in the first Matrix


09-19-2020, 06:39 AM
It's scary AF. It's the reason why I don't sleep on my back anymore

09-19-2020, 07:08 AM
That's what many people don't realize. Stop sleeping on your back. It can creep in while sleeping on your side but it's much easier to recognize and break out of before shit gets too weird.

It would be kind of great if these experiences hadn't been studied at length though. Alt right incels would still be thinking literal demons and witches are attacking them instead of the ones in their own rotten minds :oldlol:

09-19-2020, 07:12 AM
That's what many people don't realize. Stop sleeping on your back. It can creep in while sleeping on your side but it's much easier to recognize and break out of before shit gets too weird.

It would be kind of great if these experiences hadn't been studied at length though. Alt right incels would still be thinking literal demons and witches are attacking them instead of the ones in their own rotten minds :oldlol:

I once felt it creeping up when I was sleeping on my side, and then I instantly flinched. The weight feels more heavy on your chest when you sleep on your back

09-19-2020, 07:49 AM
Re: I rather finger my dckhole than get sleep paralysis again
Big lmao to the fcking thread title :lol

09-19-2020, 01:15 PM
It's scary AF. It's the reason why I don't sleep on my back anymore

definitely more prevalent when sleeping on your back

09-21-2020, 09:49 AM
I had this a couple days in a row years ago. Was scary as hell, but from my experience once I got mad at the situation, it ended really quickly.

First couple of times I felt scared and hopeless.. and it seemed to have lasted forever. The last time though, i got pissed at the "presence" holding me down and wanted to beat the shit out of it. it ended right away.

Give that a try next time and let me know if you guys experience the same thing.

09-21-2020, 10:39 AM
I've gotten SP so often that it doesn't really bother me much anymore. It's still unsettling, but I don't feel any sort of "presence" or hallucination. I just feel trapped in my body, and I can feel how stuffed up my nose is when I sleep. It feels like I'm breathing manually during SP.

I have one way I deal with getting out of the paralysis, but it's kind of odd. I try to ***. Seriously. Even if I don't reach climax, it always seem to wake me up. Without that method, I've sometimes had SP that genuinely felt like it lasted for hours, usually when falling asleep.