View Full Version : Popovich unhappy with Primary results from Tuesday, w/ link

02-10-2016, 09:41 AM

02-10-2016, 09:49 AM
Damn, I thought he was a Hard Line Republican.

02-10-2016, 10:20 AM
Damn, I thought he was a Hard Line Republican.
Trump is anything but a hard line Republican.

02-10-2016, 10:24 AM
Trump is anything but a hard line Republican.

Did you read the article? :rolleyes:

He Strong
02-10-2016, 11:01 AM
Everybody should be shaking their heads to Trump.

02-10-2016, 11:12 AM
Did you read the article? :rolleyes:
Unless you were being sarcastic with your Republican comment, it doesn't change anything, as far as I saw he didn't like Trump winning.

02-10-2016, 11:21 AM
Unless you were being sarcastic with your Republican comment, it doesn't change anything, as far as I saw he didn't like Trump winning.

Ugh, you're dense:

It is likely Popovich was more disgusted with Trump winning, as the Spurs coach had donated to Democrat Barack Obama in the 2012 election.

Hence, my comment.

02-10-2016, 11:22 AM
Damn, I thought he was a Hard Line Republican.

Why? He seems like a genuinely good person.

02-10-2016, 11:23 AM
Ugh, you're dense:

It is likely Popovich was more disgusted with Trump winning, as the Spurs coach had donated to Democrat Barack Obama in the 2012 election.

Hence, my comment.
So you were being sarcastic?

02-10-2016, 11:26 AM
Why? He seems like a genuinely good person.

No idea. He gave me that impression. LOL and there are genuinely good persons who happen to be republican. I know a couple. Not all are the gun touting and bible thumping idiots types.

02-10-2016, 11:26 AM
So you were being sarcastic?



I really thought POP was more conservative than liberal.

02-10-2016, 11:27 AM
Oh yeah, and it's POP. All in caps. He's that great.

02-10-2016, 11:32 AM


I really thought POP was more conservative than liberal.
So my comment still stands, Trump has never been a hard line Republican, just because he is pretending to be one now doesn't change anything.

02-10-2016, 11:42 AM
So my comment still stands, Trump has never been a hard line Republican, just because he is pretending to be one now doesn't change anything.

Pop was told both Bernie and Trump won NH. He never said why he shook his head. Maybe he was rooting for Hilary.

Ne 1
02-10-2016, 11:44 AM
Ironic, New Hampshire whose motto is "Live Free or Die" decided they'd prefer either a fascist demagogue or a socialist career politician to represent them as president. Both Trump and Sanders both essentially support authoritarianism/totalitarianism, both of whom are riding the coattails of populist discontent, on platforms that usurp freedom and liberty.

02-10-2016, 11:55 AM
Ironic, New Hampshire whose motto is "Live Free or Die" decided they'd prefer either a fascist demagogue or a socialist career politician to represent them as president. Both Trump and Sanders both essentially support authoritarianism/totalitarianism, both of whom are riding the coattails of populist discontent, on platforms that usurp freedom and liberty.

Sure, because the establishment candidates have done so much for freedom and liberty.

02-10-2016, 11:55 AM
Pop was told both Bernie and Trump won NH. He never said why he shook his head. Maybe he was rooting for Hilary.
Watch the video carefully, it's just my observation.

02-10-2016, 12:01 PM
democrats are disgusting and racist

in trump we trust! :applause:

02-10-2016, 12:07 PM
Ironic, New Hampshire whose motto is "Live Free or Die" decided they'd prefer either a fascist demagogue or a socialist career politician to represent them as president. Both Trump and Sanders both essentially support authoritarianism/totalitarianism, both of whom are riding the coattails of populist discontent, on platforms that usurp freedom and liberty.

:facepalm What part of Bernie's platform is totalitarianism?

Raising taxes =/= communist dictatorship

especially because we are far, far away from the highest tax rates in our country's history.

02-10-2016, 12:09 PM
^I love when low-info republicans who laud Reagan, talk about high tax rates, and Sanders wanting to tax us into a depression. When all he is proposing is raising taxes BACK TO REAGAN LEVELS on the ultra-wealthy.

Knoe Itawl
02-10-2016, 12:09 PM
No idea. He gave me that impression. LOL and there are genuinely good persons who happen to be republican. I know a couple. Not all are the gun touting and bible thumping idiots types.

They just don't mind going along with them.

02-10-2016, 12:10 PM
Sure, because the establishment candidates have done so much for freedom and liberty.Seriously.
Reality check.

The only candidates up there on either side who have a shred of credibility and sensibility are Kasich, Carson, Sanders, and Webb.

Knoe Itawl
02-10-2016, 12:57 PM
:facepalm What part of Bernie's platform is totalitarianism?

Raising taxes =/= communist dictatorship

especially because we are far, far away from the highest tax rates in our country's history.

The amount of brainwashing in this nation is always amazing to me. How anyone can, with a straight face, defend the US being the only industrialized nation that doesn't offer healthcare for it's people is beyond me (especially when much evidence shows that doing so would be cheaper than our current system).

How anyone can defend the fact that CEOs today make 300% more than their workers (as opposed to 30% more in the 70s) is beyond me.

How anyone can defend that over HALF of this nation doesn't have savings is beyond me.

How anyone can defend that the US, unlike numerous other nations, doesn't offer free education is beyond me.

How anyone can defend the rampant cronyism, corporate malfeasance, etc. is beyond me.

How anyone can defend the US having 25% of the world's prisoners is beyond me. More than China with THREE TIMES the population. China the notorious human rights violator btw.

How anyone can defend the richest nation in the history of the world having so many of its citizens in poverty is beyond me

How anyone can STILL defend trickle down economics is beyond me. Despite the fact that it's been proven to be a failed economic system(Reagan's chief economic adviser has disavowed it)

How anyone can defend the gross amount of money put into the military when we spend 25 times more than the next highest country and have a military no one in the world can even begin to content with. The trillions wasted in Iraq that could've gone to education, infrastructure rebuilding, relief for homeowners, etc.

The US regularly ranks much much lower than the Nordic countries whose populations frequently rank towards the top.

I lied. I actually DO know how all of these things are possible.

A. Intentional degradation of the educational system (a stupid population is easier to control)

B. "Wedge" issues that don't affect people's finances but can be used to polarize people while their pockets are being picked (abortion, gay marriage, etc.)

C. Pitting the population against each other, rather than the oligarchy (It's the muslims! It's the blacks! It's the (insert group here)

D. "Think tanks" given millions and millions of dollars to come up with ways to fool the populace and have them willingly hand over their lives and power to their corporate masters.

Aaaaand a lot more, too much to list here.

Thus, a large part of the country who has been suckered into voting against their own interests are now the VERY people whose life exepectancies have dropped immensely. They are essentially killing themselves in middle age because they bought the bullshyt and are now paying for it.

Ne 1
02-10-2016, 01:46 PM
Sure, because the establishment candidates have done so much for freedom and liberty.

Trump is not anti-establishment and will in all uphold the status quo in Washington. Set aside the colorful, politically incorrect rhetoric and witty comebacks just look at the actual policies he espouses. On the Federal Reserve, on war and foreign policy, on civil liberties etc. Donald Trump is no outsider. He is actually an establishment candidate re-packaged to appear more colorful and engaging.

As far as Sanders, I wouldn't say he's establishment, but it's unlikely that he truly believes in government owning the means of production, so he's really not that much different ideologically than other Democrats. He's just selling the same ideas in a different wrapper.

:facepalm What part of Bernie's platform is totalitarianism?

Raising taxes =/= communist dictatorship

Well he identifies as a "democratic socialist," which basically means you get to vote for your overlords. Since he is a democratic socialist, he wouldn't be a "communist dictator", but he does support a HUGE, centralized federal government that is involved in many aspects of people's lives. He has called for totalitarian gun confiscation, he doesn't believe in private property, voluntary exchange, individual responsibility, supply & demand, or even the proper definition of the word "right." Socialists and communists actually hit the same points, with similar solutions in many cases. Extreme asymetric taxation and other losses of individual freedoms.

Probably the biggest hole in his philosophy is that if we give the government more of people's money that the bureaucrats in Washington. will be responsible and do the right thing with it, I just find that difficult to believe.

we are far, far away from the highest tax rates in our country's history.

That's true, but nobody even payed the 90%+ marginal income tax back then because of all the tax deductions available, the top effective rate was far lower. For example, in 1945 the top tax bracket was 94% but it only applied to income over $400K (which would be $2,555,41 today) so of course nobody paid 94% of all of their income, you had a lot more brackets back then and very people few even earned enough income to be in that top bracket.