View Full Version : Do you think Lebron knew?

02-10-2016, 11:23 AM

Do you think he knew at this point he was witnessing a player that would surpass him? Do you think he knew a player with a swag so funky at 0:22 would beat him in the NBA finals?

Do you think he knew he was witnessing the GOAT at this point as he watched on?

He Strong
02-10-2016, 11:31 AM
Don't think he knew.

02-10-2016, 11:32 AM
I personally never thought Curry would be THIS good in the NBA, but watching him @ Davidson was unreal. The hype dude received his last March Madness is something I don't think I've seen another college kid play with. Just anticipating the next 40 bomb was one of my favorite experiences watching college ball.

And yeah, he made LeBron James a stan. :oldlol:

02-10-2016, 11:33 AM
Weak troll

02-10-2016, 11:35 AM
What I am certain of is that Curry didn't knew he was about to get dry humped by an over-excited teammate at 0:25 (https://youtu.be/RzAoxWEj8kY?t=24s) of that video.

02-10-2016, 11:38 AM
no. lebron is delusional. he labeled himself as a king

02-10-2016, 11:53 AM
no. lebron is delusional. he labeled himself as a king

King of knocking the Bulls out of the playoffs

02-10-2016, 11:59 AM
I don't know, but if he did than he's better than 99% of all these other scouts and GM's. And then I guess we know what he will be doing after he retires.

02-10-2016, 12:03 PM
Bran couldn't even post up 180 pound Curry in the finals...he knew something was up.

And when Curry shook him out of his shoes...stepped back...and nailed that meme in his face, he had to know for sure.

02-10-2016, 12:07 PM
King of knocking the Bulls out of the playoffs

Oh shit.


02-10-2016, 01:53 PM

Lebron, Wade and Bosh PRAISE Stephen Curry

:eek: :eek:

02-10-2016, 01:56 PM
I don't know, but if he did than he's better than 99% of all these other scouts and GM's. And then I guess we know what he will be doing after he retires.

Why would he need to take a job as a scout?

He Strong
02-10-2016, 01:59 PM
King of knocking the Bulls out of the playoffs

02-10-2016, 05:15 PM
Do u people realize lebron has been great for 12 years Curry has been great for 2 years and is on a great TEAM that fits perfectly. He would have to have another 8-10 years at similar level to this year to be in all time conversation with Lebron. In other words never happening.

02-10-2016, 10:00 PM

Lebron, Wade and Bosh PRAISE Stephen Curry

:eek: :eek:

Notice how Wade and Bron have sunglasses on like douches, while Curry and Bosh are the two normal, down to earth guys.

Just an observation since Wade is my favourite player, but sheesh, when did the sunglasses indoors thing become a thing?

02-10-2016, 10:10 PM
Bran couldn't even post up 180 pound Curry in the finals...he knew something was up.

And when Curry shook him out of his shoes...stepped back...and nailed that meme in his face, he had to know for sure.

and the face he had after the curry steal. he knew right then and there that he has no chance of winning another ring

02-10-2016, 10:11 PM
King of knocking the Bulls out of the playoffs

02-11-2016, 12:05 AM
Weak troll


La Frescobaldi
02-11-2016, 12:38 AM
Notice how Wade and Bron have sunglasses on like douches, while Curry and Bosh are the two normal, down to earth guys.

Just an observation since Wade is my favourite player, but sheesh, when did the sunglasses indoors thing become a thing?
In the '50s.

02-11-2016, 12:39 AM
and the face he had after the curry steal. he knew right then and there that he has no chance of winning another ring
Pretty much.

02-11-2016, 12:42 AM
I think bran always knew he had a LeTinypeepee.. But then the whole world saw it ( magnified on tv ) and he shrunk and his opponent won FMVP:oldlol:

02-11-2016, 12:51 AM
Do u people realize lebron has been great for 12 years Curry has been great for 2 years and is on a great TEAM that fits perfectly. He would have to have another 8-10 years at similar level to this year to be in all time conversation with Lebron. In other words never happening.

lol NOW you want to bring up the team aspect you pathetic stan

Curry's on pace to have a better individual RS than peak Bran and is on pace to win b2b MVPs and another NBA Championship.

he's already so high all-time after 1 winning season, this Warriors team will be on top of the West for the next 3-4 yrs...he could have as many rings as Bran after this season already with 2 MVPs :oldlol:

can't use the team argument because Lebron ditched his hometown to collude with 2 all-star starters in his conference (3rd best SG all-time and a 20/10 PF) to win his two titles.

Curry's numbers in last year's Finals are better than all of Lebron's except for 2014, when Bran lost in one of the most one-sided Finals series ever.

02-11-2016, 12:58 AM
lol NOW you want to bring up the team aspect you pathetic stan

Curry's on pace to have a better individual RS than peak Bran and is on pace to win b2b MVPs and another NBA Championship.

he's already so high all-time after 1 winning season, this Warriors team will be on top of the West for the next 3-4 yrs...he could have as many rings as Bran after this season already with 2 MVPs :oldlol:

can't use the team argument because Lebron ditched his hometown to collude with 2 all-star starters in his conference (3rd best SG all-time and a 20/10 PF) to win his two titles.

Curry's numbers in last year's Finals are better than all of Lebron's except for 2014, when Bran lost in one of the most one-sided Finals series ever.


02-11-2016, 01:03 AM

:lol :lol GTFO here u meme:lol :lol

02-11-2016, 01:42 AM
Op has been having very alpha posts recently

02-11-2016, 03:04 AM
I feel worse for Durant. He was #2 for years, just waiting for Bran to leave his peak so he could take that #1 spot. Then Curry swoops in and takes over the league :lol

It's like getting to know this girl who has a boyfriend. She has sent you some romantic signals...she's interested. You feel like you've become somewhat close with her. She even gives you a handy..a positive sign you think. You want to get serious with her, but you have to wait for her to break up with her bf. She finally does, so it's all you. You just gotta seal the deal...but then some other dude comes from out of nowhere and takes her, leaving you wondering what the **** happened. You try to play it off...meh, plenty of fish in the sea. But deep down, you're embarrassed. You just let some guy win over the woman you were interested in. What a ****ing ***** you must be :roll: Not only that, but now the girl who you thought had feelings for you looks at you with indifference, and you have to see her every day because she's a coworker. Whatever though. You take the L as gracefully as possible. You don't send her any texts, you don't "share your feelings" with her. You just try to move on...but your mind won't let you. You thought you had a real connection with her.

Already in a state of depression, your condition only worsens, even though you're an ungrateful **** and there are people dealing with far more real, honest to god issues. Meanwhile, you're throwing a pity party for yourself. It's hard to fall asleep at night due to lurking thoughts of your failures, and when you finally do, it's hard to get out of bed because you know you're just about to waste another day, even though you're in your early 20's, prime of your life. Sure, you make some money, enough to support yourself (barely), but at the same time, you're not shit. You're on a treadmill...you're moving but you're not going anywhere. You're sliding down a slope while your peers march upward.

At first glance, you seem like a relatively normal person. Kind of quiet, but occasionally cracks a decent joke. But nobody has an idea how much pain you feel. You don't remotely consider suicide to be an option, but there are some nights where part of you hopes you don't wake up. You want to live though, because hey, maybe things will be better one day.

Then you open ISH and see that Kobe is ranked 12th on ESPN's list, Lebron 3rd :biggums: Brian Windhorst is a fat bozo. What does this guy know about basketball, huh? The most exercise this guy gets is walking to the concession stand. Has he even gotten a 1-on-1 interview with Bran yet, or even just a brief chat? 12 years following this guy like a creepy stalker, and nothing. Come on Bran, throw him a bone. Don't blame him though. Dude is probably a bit disturbed by him. Did you know his mother was Lebron's sex ed teacher? Little piece of trivia for you.



But yeah, Curry is pretty good.

02-11-2016, 03:33 AM

02-11-2016, 03:35 AM
Already in a state of depression, your condition only worsens, even though you're an ungrateful **** and there are people dealing with far more real, honest to god issues. Meanwhile, you're throwing a pity party for yourself. It's hard to fall asleep at night due to lurking thoughts of your failures, and when you finally do, it's hard to get out of bed because you know you're just about to waste another day, even though you're in your early 20's, prime of your life. Sure, you make some money, enough to support yourself (barely), but at the same time, you're not shit. You're on a treadmill...you're moving but you're not going anywhere. You're sliding down a slope while your peers march upward.

You need to stop projecting


I don't like talking about my feelings and shit in real life, so I'm just venting here. ISH will probably roast me, but you're not telling me anything I don't already know.

I feel empty all the time now. Almost every morning I wake up and wonder what the point is anymore because I'm so ashamed of my own existence. My only "social interaction" these days is at work. I've lost almost every friend I've ever had. Nobody respects me, and why should they? I haven't accomplished jack shit in life.

I haven't felt true happiness since I was a kid. I don't know know how to get out of this shit.

I don't even sleep well anymore. I just lie awake thinking about my failures until I pass out from exhaustion.

02-11-2016, 04:45 AM
The salt in this thread.

Stocks are skyrocketing because of it.

Knoe Itawl
02-11-2016, 10:51 AM
Wow, feel kinda bad for Heaven. Forget about the kobe stan vs logical people thing, depression is not an easy thing. I truly hope that you eventually find peace. I will say that it seems like a disturbing number of the more extreme Kobe stans have shown some kind of emotional issues - kenneth,jabbar, heaven, stalker and on and on. Could it be that there is a correlation between devoting so much energy to glorifying a celebrity? Especially one with as questionable a character as Kobe? I can easily see that a lot of these people, already prone to bouts of depression, manic episodes, etc., try to live vicariously though their idol - it helps take away some of the pain to feel like you have someone to root for, someone to ride for. Someone that you can feel like it's just you and your fellow stans against the world for.

Man, I've actually started to have a bit of sympathy and sadness for some of these characters. The worshipping Kobe facade is hiding the deep turmoil within. I may have to change the way I look at them :(

03-16-2016, 08:14 AM
The gap has only widened since this thread was made.

Im Still Ballin
03-16-2016, 08:15 AM
Just wait til Chill Mode is turned off

03-16-2016, 08:23 AM

Do you think he knew at this point he was witnessing a player that would surpass him? Do you think he knew a player with a swag so funky at 0:22 would beat him in the NBA finals?

Do you think he knew he was witnessing the GOAT at this point as he watched on?
Did any of the pro scouts know/see this?

LBJ is a player not a scout, tho i likes to think of himself as a GM

03-16-2016, 08:37 AM
Lebron had a great run. it's curry's league now, no shame in that. All of the greats had to pass the torch, well maybe except for bulls MJ :oldlol: