View Full Version : I want Curry to surpass Jordan & Kobe and I'm a fan of all 3.

02-10-2016, 11:59 AM
Curry off the court is just so much nicer and like-able than both MJ and Kobe. I stanned Jordan as a very young child during his 2nd 3 peat. I wasn't cognizant of his personality due to my youth. I pretty much grew up with Kobe. From childhood to adulthood. I was aware of his terrible personality but I kind of just ignored it. I admired his work ethic and dedication. Curry also has comparable work ethic and dedication like MJ and Kobe. The key difference is how he treats others. I thought being a jerk was in some ways essential to being a great leader. A leader should be respected or maybe even feared rather than loved. However, Curry is proving that a leader can be respected and loved by his teammates. Curry beating the Bulls record will be a great thing. Most athletes aren't role models but Curry is a great role model for young children.

02-10-2016, 12:12 PM
I like Jordan and think he is the GOAT. However I was rooting against the Bulls during their last 3 Finals. I would have liked to have seen the Jazz or Suns beat them.

It is true Jordan was a bit rough. Not as bad as Kobe though. I think Curry has a legit chance to be seen as greater than Kobe. I hope it happens. I don't see him reaching Jordan heights though.

02-10-2016, 12:31 PM
I can see Curry's personality changing after he gets his third ring, but it won't be as bad as Jordan's brutal behavior off the court.

Do I see Curry evolving into someone like Jordan and Pippen who would take turns ****ing Madonna in her gaping asshole when she came to town? No, but his attitude will change once he makes the top 10 list and starts to move up it, assuming that happens.

02-10-2016, 12:54 PM
Magic had all those redeeming qualities. :confusedshrug: I get that Jordan is always the standard, but mentioning Kobe is weird. His leadership has always been garbage, and being a "team player" isn't exactly a part of his vocabulary.

02-10-2016, 01:08 PM
Curry is not going to be the one that passes Jordan... People need to get that out of their heads.

But I do understand your point OP, Curry seems like a nice guy...And I probably would of taken out Jordans Knees had he did some of the shit I've heard him doing to me

That being said I do think Curry is laying a blueprint for someone to pass him in the future. Imagine a player about as athletic as Jordan, same body, same ferocity on the court, and a similar playing style overall....But, add what Curry has been doing in there. Mix Jordans abilities, with Currys handles/ability to create space, along with the range...Even if that mold of a player is put into a Kobe Esque body, that would give Jordan a run for his money IMO.

But, even if this imaginary player does pass him in terms of play he'll have to win as many rings unfortunately. Which we all know is mostly a matter of circumstance with franchise decisions, teammate play, coaching ability, health of everyone, and your own play

Mass Debator
02-10-2016, 01:09 PM
I don't want Curry sniffing the top 10 until he shaves off that ugly ass goatee...or at least trim it like it once was.