View Full Version : China Abducting Hong Kong Citizens

02-12-2016, 03:37 PM
Some crazy shit going on in Hong Kong right now. Apparently China has been abducting owners of a bookstore in Hong Kong.

These claims are causing violent riots in Hong Kong.


02-12-2016, 04:31 PM
China is the most dangerous nation on Earth. They have about as much regard for human life as Stalin did.

02-12-2016, 07:09 PM
Hong Kong is trying to resist Mainland China. Hong Kong has been a success story but with China gaining power there, it will go to crap. What a waste. I've been to Hong Kong, cool place.

02-12-2016, 07:24 PM
Yeah I have travelled to Hong Kong three times.

Was an interesting place, guys at the local courts love their basketball. Literally every court is filled all day long, it's crazy how much they love it. I even say a guy in his late 70's playing pick up games. I was truly amazed he could run, let alone still play basketball.

Has some smelly parts, particularly around the market areas, but Wan Chai is a lot of fun. Drinking in the streets, westerners go out and get totalled. Great fun :)

Back on topic, my brother lives there and he said that what the Chinese are trying to do is disgusting. He said he wouldn't discuss it with people at his company, they were just too angry about it.

02-12-2016, 07:37 PM
I haven't read the reports or anything but why would China abduct a few owners of a bookstore? Doesn't seem like it's worth the risk

02-13-2016, 05:29 PM
I haven't read the reports or anything but why would China abduct a few owners of a bookstore? Doesn't seem like it's worth the risk
because the bookstore carried a lot of anti-regime lit.

thing is, i've read that this kind of thing is going on all over china (as it always has), just that hong kong is a lot more known and international than other cities.

EDIT: found you a good article on this. the problem is getting much worse, it seems.

02-13-2016, 05:34 PM
Chinese turned those Hongkong Librarians into lady boys.

02-13-2016, 06:13 PM
Chinese turned those Hongkong Librarians into lady boys.

Pot meet kettle