View Full Version : "That wasn't Kobe's team, Derek Fisher was the leader" Magic

02-13-2016, 06:29 AM


02-13-2016, 06:31 AM
the same Fisher who just got fired as a HC for trying to get at his players' girlfriends? He was the veteran presence on those Laker teams in the locker room but it was Kobe's team.

02-13-2016, 06:32 AM
Magic makes it up as he goes along

02-13-2016, 06:32 AM
The 2008-2010 Lakers weren't 1 MVP/2 FMVP Kobe's team? Wtf Magic?

02-13-2016, 06:48 AM
Anyone who takes any of these guys word as gospel is not all there in the head.

Artest saying some guy he played in high school was the best player he played. Magic saying crap like this. Too much stupid and contradicting shit is said by these guys who are constantly in the limelight.

02-13-2016, 06:49 AM
Magic knows about coat tailing alright, he was passing it to Kareem till the dude was 40 years old :lol Didn't win anything after the Cap retired.

02-13-2016, 07:22 AM
The things sometimes Magic says :wtf:

Mr Feeny
02-13-2016, 07:26 AM
the same Fisher who just got fired as a HC for trying to get at his players' girlfriends? He was the veteran presence on those Laker teams in the locker room but it was Kobe's team.

But Fisher was the leader.

5/7 on Kobe's team and then another additional finals appearance while Kobe failed to reach the final without him:(
That's the logic you love to use isn't it? 2/6 and that junk?

Well great Fisher > Kobe
Pippen > kobe

02-13-2016, 08:22 AM
So now Magic don't know sht right? LOL.

02-13-2016, 08:29 AM
ESPN should edit their list and put Derek Fisher 12th instead.

02-13-2016, 08:46 AM
Anyone who takes any of these guys word as gospel is not all there in the head.

Artest saying some guy he played in high school was the best player he played. Magic saying crap like this. Too much stupid and contradicting shit is said by these guys who are constantly in the limelight.
This. Take it with a grain of salt.. I can see why he would think that, but it's still absurd. This is like saying Pippen is the leader of the Bulls because he was the ultimate team guy and was 10times the player Fisher ever was on both ends.

02-13-2016, 08:52 AM
I think it's the same as Draygod is the leader of GSW, Curry is their best player.

But only difference is kobe stole Gasol's Fmvp in 2010, While Curry lost it to Iggy in 2015 fair and square.

02-13-2016, 08:58 AM

02-13-2016, 09:31 AM
Magic is probably the GOAT flip flopper...

put this dude in a room with 10-20 ATG, always one at a time, he'll come out having contradicted himself a dozen times with all the stuff he'll shower praise guys with.

02-13-2016, 09:34 AM
Magic is probably the GOAT flip flopper...

put this dude in a room with 10-20 ATG, always one at a time, he'll come out having contradicted himself a dozen times with all the stuff he'll shower praise guys with.
Word :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Dude can't even make his mind up on which gender he prefers.. flip flopper to the fullest.

02-13-2016, 09:41 AM
This thread is gonna be fun. :oldlol:

02-13-2016, 10:40 AM
hate to say this but magic getting aids totally ruins his credibility

02-13-2016, 10:42 AM
Meh. I don't see the isssue. :confusedshrug: Kobe led them with his play but Fisher was the team captain and vocal leader of those Laker teams.

Mr Feeny
02-13-2016, 10:51 AM
hate to say this but magic getting aids totally ruins his credibility

What does that have to do with anything?:biggums:

02-13-2016, 11:32 AM
Magic is right.

Fisher was the leader. The glue guy. The heart and soul.

02-13-2016, 11:48 AM
IIRC a lot of Lakers/staffers on the 3-peat team said Fisher was the emotional leader, which I get.

But his team? And why would Magic say this specifically? He contradicts himself so many times. :facepalm

02-13-2016, 12:25 PM
Fish was probably hittin Vanessa too. :pimp:

02-13-2016, 12:27 PM
Fish was probably hittin Vanessa too. :pimp:

na, Kobe was smart enough to keep Derek out of his house :oldlol:

02-13-2016, 12:29 PM
ESPN should edit their list and put Derek Fisher 12th instead.

02-13-2016, 12:34 PM
What is wrong with what he said? I believe it. He was the leader of that team the same way Juwan Howard and Udonis Haslem were leaders in Lebron's Miami.
Doesn't make them the best player in the team or anything.

02-13-2016, 12:35 PM
Derek Fisher da real #12

02-13-2016, 12:41 PM
Doesn't sound like he's being mean spirited about it. He's just trying to explain how big of a leader Fisher way. That same day on that same show, the dumbest thing that Magic said that it's ok for Kobe to shoot 6-27, because fans don't care about those misses, they care about those mades. Something to that effect. Normally I would go back to hear the exact quote, but I have to go to work.

02-13-2016, 12:45 PM
Doesn't sound like he's being mean spirited about it. He's just trying to explain how big of a leader Fisher way. That same day on that same show, the dumbest thing that Magic said that it's ok for Kobe to shoot 6-27, because fans don't care about those misses, they care about those mades. Something to that effect. Normally I would go back to hear the exact quote, but I have to go to work.

shitty reasoning but it's not like it matters...Lakers are better off losing games and fans want to see him score, a win-win situation. He also sits out a decent amount of games and has games he only takes maybe 10 shots so the young guys get plenty of opportunities to take shots themselves. Kobe doesn't want to go out averaging 10 ppg on 45% shooting so he chucks away to get his 15-20 a night.

La Frescobaldi
02-13-2016, 12:56 PM
What is wrong with what he said? I believe it. He was the leader of that team the same way Juwan Howard and Udonis Haslem were leaders in Lebron's Miami.
Doesn't make them the best player in the team or anything.

pippen was the leader of the bulls

fisher was the leader of the lakers

wade was the leader of the heat.

all exact same valid points to be made due to the fact the so-called leader of those teams was too unlikeable, spiteful guys to ever lead much of anything.
Right, pauk?

02-13-2016, 01:11 PM
Im amazed people are actually taking this to mean Magic is saying Fisher was somehow the better player. At least that seems to be what some are doing considering they are attacking his credibility and acting like this is an outrage.

Plenty of teams leader isnt the best basketball player. Ever watch the Spurs back in the day? David Robinson wasnt the leader....Avery Johnson was. The word from Boston fans was Antione Walker was the Celtics leader....not Paul Pierce. Joakim Noah has been the Bulls leader at times he wasnt the best player. Jason Kidd was the leader on the Mavs(so said Jason Terry at least) and no doubt on the Knicks. They won 54 games with him and turned back into the Knicks once he left...with pretty much the same team. Doesnt mater he was washed up putting up 6/4. He had a role bigger than his production. Chris Webber is on record saying Doug Christie was the Kings leader and it was him leaving that really ended their chance of ever winning.

It isnt unusual or the least bit disrespectful.

The best player just isnt always gonna be that type. Doesnt make the leaders better at basketball.

02-13-2016, 01:13 PM
Im amazed people are actually taking this to mean Magic is saying Fisher was somehow the better player. At least that seems to be what some are doing considering they are attacking his credibility and acting like this is an outrage.

Plenty of teams leader isnt the best basketball player. Ever watch the Spurs back in the day? David Robinson wasnt the leader....Avery Johnson was. The word from Boston fans was Antione Walker was the Celtics leader....not Paul Pierce. Joakim Noah has been the Bulls leader at times he wasnt the best player. Jason Kidd was the leader on the Mavs(so said Jason Terry at least) and no doubt on the Knicks. They won 54 games with him and turned back into the Knicks once he left...with pretty much the same team. Doesnt mater he was washed up putting up 6/4. He had a role bigger than his production.

It isnt unusual or the least bit disrespectful.

The best player just isnt always gonna be that type. Doesnt make the leaders better at basketball.

He said it was Fisher's team, can you actually buy that? You want to tell me that Kobe and everyone else looked to him to lead them to the title?

Nothing wrong with saying he was the leader and the veteran presence in the locker room but we all know who called the shots when it came to the actual game.

02-13-2016, 01:18 PM
He said it was Fisher's team, can you actually buy that? You want to tell me that Kobe and everyone else looked to him to lead them to the title?

Nothing wrong with saying he was the leader and the veteran presence in the locker room but we all know who called the shots when it came to the actual game.

Kobe was carried by Fisher's leadership...get over it.

02-13-2016, 01:21 PM
I think fans think leadership is something different than players do. Magic isnt saying the other Lakers thought Fisher was the guy to make them win titles. Hes saying hes a leader of men and someone the team relied on. Its entirely possible....if not likely. Who plays basketball better does not decide who 15 guys trust to get them through issues basketball related and otherwise. They are playing games an hour at a time every couple days.

Most of a teams time together is practice....travel...talking....they live together on the road.

The key guy keeping a team together and providing leadership and direction doesnt have to be the best player....because most of being a team isnt playing the games.

02-13-2016, 01:29 PM
I thought it was common knowledge that Fisher was the co-captain with Kobe and was basically the only player that had enough clout in the locker room to "correct" Kobe.

02-13-2016, 01:50 PM
Kobe has always been socially awkward: Not going to teammates weddings after Magic told him he should do those things, the fights (internal and others), despite having great teams in comparison to others, talked down about teammates in a big way, only guy who had others at his position make fun of his attitude at All Star games, has several players that just are out to show out on him on on his goodbye tour, managed to hog the ball when DH wanted the ball more and, in the same season, became an assist man when It was Nash's moment. All time great baller but socially off. Teammates aren't going to him to follow. He and Jordan were greatly self absorbed people.

Did Kobe ever look like the guy who could corral the troops? Even seemed distant with Nash who was as social as they come. I just rarely seen things about him that would seem social at all. It's just not his M.O. And it's no big deal there are very few leaders that really standout in the sport. Ironically, Magic is one of them.

02-13-2016, 01:56 PM
Kobe has always been socially awkward: Not going to teammates weddings after Magic told him he should do those things, the fights (internal and others), despite having great teams in comparison to others, talked down about teammates in a big way, only guy who had others at his position make fun of his attitude at All Star games, has several players that just are out to show out on him on on his goodbye tour, managed to hog the ball when DH wanted the ball more and, in the same season, became an assist man when It was Nash's moment. All time great baller but socially off. Teammates aren't going to him to follow. He and Jordan were greatly self absorbed people.

Did Kobe ever look like the guy who could corral the troops? Even seemed distant with Nash who was as social as they come. I just rarely seen things about him that would seem social at all. It's just not his M.O. And it's no big deal there are very few leaders that really standout in the sport. Ironically, Magic is one of them.

He was quiet for a large part of his career but if you haven't watched Spike Lee's documentary on Kobe during that time period you really should. You couldn't be more wrong about his personality... just because he didn't clown around like Shaq or Magic did doesn't mean he wasn't vocal.


02-13-2016, 02:32 PM
He was quiet for a large part of his career but if you haven't watched Spike Lee's documentary on Kobe during that time period you really should. You couldn't be more wrong about his personality... just because he didn't clown around like Shaq or Magic did doesn't mean he wasn't vocal.

I never said he wasn't vocal. He is socially weird. 85% of what I wrote above I'm describing public record of events that rarely happen to superstar leaders. Are you saying I described it wrong? I could have been much harsher. If Kobe was a good leader he doesn't get into those situations.

Where did you get that Magic clowned around?

02-13-2016, 02:45 PM
Kobe has always been socially awkward: Not going to teammates weddings after Magic told him he should do those things, the fights (internal and others), despite having great teams in comparison to others, talked down about teammates in a big way, only guy who had others at his position make fun of his attitude at All Star games, has several players that just are out to show out on him on on his goodbye tour, managed to hog the ball when DH wanted the ball more and, in the same season, became an assist man when It was Nash's moment. All time great baller but socially off. Teammates aren't going to him to follow. He and Jordan were greatly self absorbed people.

Did Kobe ever look like the guy who could corral the troops? Even seemed distant with Nash who was as social as they come. I just rarely seen things about him that would seem social at all. It's just not his M.O. And it's no big deal there are very few leaders that really standout in the sport. Ironically, Magic is one of them.

Guys really spout so much bullshit effortlessly when it comes to Kobe.

You clearly have no clue what was going down in LA that year. Nash was done the moment Lillard broke his shin in a collision.

02-13-2016, 03:04 PM
Water is wet

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
02-13-2016, 03:07 PM
So now Magic don't know sht right? LOL.
Have u seen Magics analysis on ESPN? Hes legit retarded and his basketball opinions have always been stupid.

02-13-2016, 03:07 PM
Fisher taught Kobe on how to be a womanizer, but Kobe didn't read the memo.

02-13-2016, 03:14 PM

02-13-2016, 03:45 PM
I think Fisher was about the smartest player on the team. But ended his career with some beta off the court moves. Don't go using your kid as a reason to bail.

02-13-2016, 03:48 PM
Magic is right.

Fisher was the leader. The glue guy. The heart and soul.
I can agree with the glue guy, but he wasn't the leader

Hey Yo
02-13-2016, 03:53 PM
Have u seen Magics analysis on ESPN? Hes legit retarded and his basketball opinions have always been stupid.

02-13-2016, 04:07 PM
Guys really spout so much bullshit effortlessly when it comes to Kobe.

You clearly have no clue what was going down in LA that year. Nash was done the moment Lillard broke his shin in a collision.
This is hilarious. You don't even have a clue as to why I mentioned this. Kobe had already distance DH to the point that he wanted out of LA. No big free agent considered the best place to live because of Kobe was a true maniac. After he convinced DH he wasn't going to share the rock, he mysteriously wants to pass and say screw Nash. And here is a guy that never adapted his game in his life. When if he had been a passer from beginning it would enticed Howard and other free agents to LA. But let's not blame the weirdo. You don't have an idea of how strange they thought he was and how self absorbed Kobe was. You don't think other free agents were just watching with a careful eye?

02-13-2016, 04:07 PM
Magic is Mr. Politically Correct.

02-13-2016, 06:33 PM
This is hilarious. You don't even have a clue as to why I mentioned this. Kobe had already distance DH to the point that he wanted out of LA. No big free agent considered the best place to live because of Kobe was a true maniac. After he convinced DH he wasn't going to share the rock, he mysteriously wants to pass and say screw Nash. And here is a guy that never adapted his game in his life. When if he had been a passer from beginning it would enticed Howard and other free agents to LA. But let's not blame the weirdo. You don't have an idea of how strange they thought he was and how self absorbed Kobe was. You don't think other free agents were just watching with a careful eye?

Dwight Howard conspiracies.

Howard was a pain to everyone on the Team. Even Steve Nash who is the most reputable Team guy was clashing with Dwight.

And we all know how stuff is going on down there in Houston these days.

02-13-2016, 06:39 PM
Also when will some of you get over this ESPN deluded notion that Kobe as a player is the reason FAs haven't come to LA. It has nothing to do with tearing his Achilles followed by a string of injuries, or the front office being split between Jeanie and Jim.

You kids need to look beyond the bullshit they feed you down your throat.

02-13-2016, 07:09 PM
Kobe has always been socially awkward: Not going to teammates weddings after Magic told him he should do those things, the fights (internal and others), despite having great teams in comparison to others, talked down about teammates in a big way, only guy who had others at his position make fun of his attitude at All Star games, has several players that just are out to show out on him on on his goodbye tour, managed to hog the ball when DH wanted the ball more and, in the same season, became an assist man when It was Nash's moment. All time great baller but socially off. Teammates aren't going to him to follow. He and Jordan were greatly self absorbed people.

Did Kobe ever look like the guy who could corral the troops? Even seemed distant with Nash who was as social as they come. I just rarely seen things about him that would seem social at all. It's just not his M.O. And it's no big deal there are very few leaders that really standout in the sport. Ironically, Magic is one of them.

Honestly, everything points to him having autistic traits. Just the fact that he doesn't even have a hobby outside of basketball. MJ has golf and cigars. Kobe is 100% obsessed with only basketball...

02-13-2016, 08:33 PM
Dwight Howard conspiracies.

Howard was a pain to everyone on the Team. Even Steve Nash who is the most reputable Team guy was clashing with Dwight.

And we all know how stuff is going on down there in Houston these days.
Nash was at 10 assist per game his first month before Kobe mysteriously decided that he's the point guard after hitting stretches where he was at 24 FGA per game. Even hitting 40FGA. But Nash only had a month to acclimate himself before Kobe out of nowhere decided to ruin his flow after he made sure DH couldn't get one. Socially its weird because what made him do it? **** blocking at extreme professional levels.