View Full Version : If my Hollywood theory ends up being true... here are two possibilities:

Doomsday Dallas
02-14-2016, 10:42 AM
1. Brooklyn Bridge
2. Russian EMP - Foreign Invasion

that's for America... and then eventually...

3. Announcement of ETs.

I can talk days and days on why I think the Brooklyn Bridge is the next target.
I mean,... they basically show it blowing up in every movie. The latest one
is in X-men Apocalypse.

But let me point out something interesting about this Russian EMP attack:

Die Hard 1,2,3 = Building, Airport, NY (all three movies loaded w/ subliminals)

Die Hard 4,5 = Blackout / Russia

There are other indications of Putin & Obama going against each other according
to certain interpretations of Biblical prophecy.... but I already know you guys aren't interested in that topic.

Guess I'll bump this thread up once Obama is out of office.

All I'm saying is... if you want to take a few extra precautions... you might want
to prepare as if our electrical grid goes off-line for awhile.

Doomsday Dallas
02-14-2016, 10:43 AM
This is my Valentines Present to the OTC. :D

hope everyone has a blessed day with someone they love.

Patrick Chewing
02-14-2016, 01:51 PM
I've got plenty of guns and plenty of ammo. I'll be ready when the lights go out.

02-14-2016, 01:55 PM
OP you ever considered suicide?