View Full Version : Repubs of ISH-Do you love America?

Nick Young
02-16-2016, 02:38 AM
Republican voters of ISH-Do you love America?:confusedshrug:

02-16-2016, 03:06 AM
Absolutely I do

Patrick Chewing
02-16-2016, 03:36 AM
I would die for her.

02-16-2016, 04:01 AM
I would die for her.

That's great news because she would benefit from your immediate demise

Nick Young
02-16-2016, 04:09 AM
So far 2 yays for the Repubs.

In the Dems poll, zero responses so far:

Patrick Chewing
02-16-2016, 10:09 AM
That's great news because she would benefit from your immediate demise

LOL no she wouldn't. I probably pay more in taxes than a few of you worthless turds combined.

02-16-2016, 10:29 AM

02-16-2016, 11:34 AM
Thats odd because they are always talking about how shitty america is and that they want to make it "great again"

02-16-2016, 12:07 PM
extreme right-winger here

i love its giving white hearted people

i love its inventors and scientist for helping humanity

i hate the 1% blood suckers -bankers/zionist lobby/arm industry that hijacked America.


02-16-2016, 08:05 PM
Thats odd because they are always talking about how shitty america is and that they want to make it "great again"
Doesn't mean I don't love it.

One extreme or the other I guess, right?

02-16-2016, 08:23 PM
extreme right-winger here

i love its giving white hearted people

i love its inventors and scientist for helping humanity

i hate the 1% blood suckers -bankers/zionist lobby/arm industry that hijacked America.


White people are cool

02-16-2016, 08:32 PM
That's great news because she would benefit from your immediate demise

02-16-2016, 10:09 PM
Life long conservative here.

Yes and no.

Yes because it's the greatest country on earth and the last beacon for all that is good in this world...

No because America isn't the same country my parents grew up in. America is changing and frankly, not for the better. The government wants to take our God given right to own guns.

The people of the US are different too, no longer is the glorious White Race in charge. America is becoming a Thirld World hell hole with some many mongrels invading our nation. We now have to capitulate to the Muslim hordes when this nation was founded by White Christians. We permit babies to be murdered everyday, we let f*ggots stain the holy institution of marriage and we now let people choose if they want to be a woman or a man instead of letting God choose our gender, by you know, giving us a dick or a ******, SJWs running amok. What in God's name happened to us???

We voted a n*gger twice as POTUS, we're about to either vote for a feminazi lesbian, a communist k*ke or one of two sp*cs running as Republicans FFS :mad:

If Trump doesn't win and puts things back in order again, I'm moving to Canada. Either that or I'm joining a right wing paramilitary group and we'll take our country back by whatever means necessary.

For the sake of your poll, put my in as NO unless the Donald gets elected dictator of the USA.


Typical libs.

Going to yuuge extremes.

02-16-2016, 10:20 PM

02-16-2016, 10:47 PM
Life long conservative here, so right I hated Reagan for letting illegals have amnesty in 1986 :facepalm I'm a Barry Goldwater conservative...

Yes and no.

Yes because it's still the greatest country on earth even as the libtards try to destroy her and it's the last beacon for all that is good in this world...

No because America isn't the same country my parents grew up in. America is changing and frankly, not for the better. The government wants to take our God given right to own guns.

The people of the US are different too, no longer is the glorious White Race in charge. America is becoming a Thirld World hell hole with so many mongrels invading our nation. We now have to capitulate to the Muslim hordes when this nation was founded by White Christians. We permit babies to be murdered everyday, we let f*ggots stain the holy institution of marriage and we now let people choose if they want to be a woman or a man instead of letting God choose our gender, by you know, giving us a dick or a vag*na, SJWs running amok. What in God's name happened to us???

We voted for a n*gger twice as POTUS, we're about to either vote for a feminazi lesbian, a communist k*ke or one of two sp*cs running as Republicans FFS :mad:

If Trump doesn't win and puts things back in order again, I'm moving to Canada. Either that or I'm joining a right wing paramilitary group and we'll take our country back by whatever means necessary.

For the sake of your poll, put my in as NO unless the Donald gets elected dictator of the USA.

Quoted for accuracy. :cheers: