View Full Version : Question time with ISH: America...do you think it's the best?

Nick Young
02-16-2016, 04:11 AM
What does the common ISHiot think about the issues that matter?

America...Do you think it's the best?

02-16-2016, 04:12 AM
the best at what

02-16-2016, 04:17 AM

We are no longer the best and haven't been the best for quite some time.

It's been a long time since we won a war. The middle east is in ruins thanks to the idiot politicians.

We spent $400 billion dollar on a new fighter jet that was deemed by test pilots as inferior to the F-22 Raptor. Google F-35 Boondoggle. This was a 10 year in the making project and we either fix the issues of these jets or start from scratch which will put us defenseless when Russia and China are currently building something better.

We're getting killed in education and the liberals want to redistribute the wealth like its going to help us. Think jackass.

Political correctness is killing America.

America was founded by geniuses and being ran by idiots. We need to conserve what is left of America and build it again.

EDIT: 2 TRILLION DOLLARS is going to be wasted in total with that stupid new jet. I will make a thread about this jet. It is quite the read.

Nick Young
02-16-2016, 04:18 AM
The question is open to personal interpretation. Please feel free to also answer this question in whichever way you choose.

02-16-2016, 04:18 AM
Americas claim to being the best is because of it's immense land mass(everyone isn't on top of eachother), the fact that it's surrounded by an ocean on each side making it invadable by foreign forces, and the fact that it's still majority white.

to be honest Canada looks like like a better version of America these days. if you don't mind the cold that is, and I happen to love it.

02-16-2016, 05:01 AM
F35s dont do the same thing as F 22s and theyre much cheaper.

F35 is a failure and they are not cheaper than the F22. This program is the most expensive in the history of our military program.

F35 is a heavy single engine jet that was built for 3 branches of the military. 3 in 1 jet. They found that it was impossible so they had to make 3 different jets for each different branches. Poor aerodynamics.

The jets were deemed slow, can't climb and can't run.

There was a simulated dogfight and the old F16, legendary jet, destroyed it.

The vertical landing and take off is not needed.

This is Russia's 5th generation fighter and the specs on it destroys the F35.

Sukhoi T-50, Russia's new 5th gen fighter that recently debuted while our 5th gen is a lemon.:facepalm

China's 5th and already rumored 6th gen fighters.

So if all hell breaks loose...they have superior fighter jets in the air while we have a weaker jet still in production.:facepalm

We also have a bunch of F22 Raptors laying around broken and the government are already invested in this program. The F22 are grounded and we can't even sell them to other countries due to the technology.:facepalm

Nick Young
02-16-2016, 05:08 AM
It can be argued that America has the best pilots, so it doesn't matter what they are piloting, they will get the job done.

That Chinese thing is in all likelihood quite flimsy and prone to breakdowns. it is Made in China after all (LOL) but forreal they have shoddy standards for important things. It just looks awesome because it's painted black.

The Russian plane ain't shit. if the F35 is really that bad we just switch to F22s and F16s and go kick ass.

America has the best airforce in the world. Do not forget the stealth fighter


We got ships that belong in Star Wars already. If Independence Day aliens attacked, our airforce can probably defeat them at this point.

02-16-2016, 05:14 AM
used to be great, now it's a crime infested second world country with a bad foreign policy

still hosts some of the greatest companies and schools in the world

as for the people, i think the majority are cool, friendly and open, a bit simple-minded but fun and welcoming

(but at the end of the day it's a bit too big of a country to judge like that)

Nick Young
02-16-2016, 05:21 AM
Who do you think is currently the best?

02-16-2016, 05:28 AM
Who do you think is currently the best?

i got Switzerland

it's over-crowded but still great standard of living. i think it's going downhill doe and i'm not a natural pessimist

02-16-2016, 05:52 AM
It was better before it became a money-obsessed and monolithic melting pot, stapled together through military force/government power. But that's just me: i actually like diversity.

02-16-2016, 06:34 AM
It was better before it became a money-obsessed and monolithic melting pot, stapled together through military force/government power. But that's just me: i actually like diversity.
But its been like that longer than you been alive. Unless you are a zombie or Jesus or a zombie Jesus 0.o

02-16-2016, 08:16 AM
we surely are the most well rounded and talented country. let me know where you can go in this world and eat sushi, cantonese, vietnamese, italian, mexican, indian, european and good ole classic american food all in the same place? let me know.

and dont forget, we invented the internet and computer. that pretty much seals the deal. everyone else is leeching off us at this point.

02-16-2016, 08:28 AM
Depends on your criteria. The USA is certainly the most interesting and polarizing nation. We're like the LeBron James of the world.
So America are colluders?

02-16-2016, 08:35 AM
Our diversity is great. Food is great.

Location is fantastic and far from the Muslim terrorists.

Every American's concern today is national security and they are concerned about illegal immigrants. Too many illegal immigrants here and we don't know where they are from.

Mexico is actually ending them to us so we can deal with these people. For example, if we can release our prisoners and send them to Canada.

02-16-2016, 09:47 AM
we surely are the most well rounded and talented country. let me know where you can go in this world and eat sushi, cantonese, vietnamese, italian, mexican, indian, european and good ole classic american food all in the same place? let me know.

and dont forget, we invented the internet and computer. that pretty much seals the deal. everyone else is leeching off us at this point.

Can get all those in Australia.

02-16-2016, 10:40 AM
we surely are the most well rounded and talented country. let me know where you can go in this world and eat sushi, cantonese, vietnamese, italian, mexican, indian, european and good ole classic american food all in the same place? let me know.

and dont forget, we invented the internet and computer. that pretty much seals the deal. everyone else is leeching off us at this point.
Did you just use food an as example of how we're well rounded and talented? Jesus Christ. Fat ass.

02-16-2016, 11:05 AM

02-16-2016, 11:07 AM
Did you just use food an as example of how we're well rounded and talented? Jesus Christ. Fat ass.

im sorry you cannot conceptualize beyond practicality.

02-16-2016, 12:05 PM
People in this country support Trump. I'd say we're far from the best.

02-16-2016, 11:21 PM
A beautiful country and the source of so many great things. Unfortunately a minority has hijacked the power, and has used its power to modeling the society to further their interests.

There was a time when it was a indepent society with a critical spirit, and strong values. Currently I think it has regressed a lot, and the people are extremely submissive and conformist. Like most of the Western world has become a giant golden cage, but a cage and the end of the day.

It's a amazing country tho, but definitely could has been much better.

There is probably around 10 or 12 countries with better quality of life right now.

02-16-2016, 11:37 PM
A beautiful country and the source of so many great things. Unfortunately a minority has hijacked the power, and has used its power to modeling the society to further their interests.

There was a time when it was a indepent society with a critical spirit, and strong values. Currently I think it has regressed a lot, and the people are extremely submissive and conformist. Like most of the Western world has become a giant golden cage, but a cage and the end of the day.

It's a amazing country tho, but definitely could has been much better.

There is probably around 10 or 12 countries with better quality of life right now.

Certain people regardless of race and sex have hijacked this country's power and the term EQUALITY is long gone. People are no longer equals under these certain groups.

The term IDENTITY has replaced equality in which we now identify ourselves to certain groups and these certain groups are to benefit more than other groups.

For example:

-LGBT group...they want their special privileges or what they call rights. Only rights you get are from the Bill of Rights.

-Certain African-American groups want more for themselves than Chinese-Americans or Italian-Americans. Where is the equality? It's about identity.

-Redistribution of the wealth and wanting to raise taxes across the board. I thought we were all equals? IDENTIFY...lower class gets the welfare check but what about the people that barely break the middle class income? No welfare check?...Just a few tax deductions and so forth.

-Immigration...IDENTIFY...SOUTH BORDER OR NORTH BORDER....south border immigrants should get help while north border immigrants can screw themselves.

Equality is now extinct for Identity. Identify and divide.

02-17-2016, 12:27 PM

02-17-2016, 01:02 PM
we surely are the most well rounded and talented country. let me know where you can go in this world and eat sushi, cantonese, vietnamese, italian, mexican, indian, european and good ole classic american food all in the same place? let me know.

and dont forget, we invented the internet and computer. that pretty much seals the deal. everyone else is leeching off us at this point.

Milan, London, Brussels, probably other cities in Europe.

02-17-2016, 01:10 PM
We aren't the best at everything, but generally speaking, yes I do think the US is the best country on Earth.

THAT SAID...there are probably a few places in Europe I would rather live. But that doesn't mean those places are 'better' in general.

The US has the best schools, the best tech, the best medical research, etc etc...but I might rather live off the coast of Italy or in Paris...maybe.

Town's Town
02-17-2016, 02:07 PM
No, there are multiple European countries that are better.