View Full Version : When white people become a minority in America...

Nick Young
02-17-2016, 03:05 PM
When white people become a minority population in America, will they be granted access to minority privilege and benefit from affirmative action policy?

02-17-2016, 03:06 PM
No. Asians are a minority and I dont believe they benefit from those things.

02-17-2016, 03:09 PM
No, they'll all start immigrating to Mexico, which will be completely empty.

02-17-2016, 03:09 PM
No. Asians are a minority and I dont believe they benefit from those things.

we dont have to because we're not lazy and stupid. cant say the same for black and/or white people. The yellow nation will rise.

02-17-2016, 03:12 PM
we dont have to because we're not lazy and stupid. cant say the same for black and/or white people. The yellow nation will rise.
So, why does Asia suck so bad? Isn't Asia full of Asians? :confusedshrug:

Nick Young
02-17-2016, 03:14 PM
we dont have to because we're not lazy and stupid. cant say the same for black and/or white people. The yellow nation will rise.
Asians are one of the most oppressed races in America, and suffering from institutional racism-and yet you rarely ever hear them complain compared to other races, and they continue to get shit done at a high level.

How do Asians in America not get pissed off at the discrimination against them?

It's stupid, because they are so successful, laws were created to try to hold Asian people back. If I was Asian I'd be pissed as **** and try to lead a Martin Luther King Jr style movement against racism to asians.

Lakers Legend#32
02-17-2016, 03:14 PM
I'll be LMAO

02-17-2016, 03:43 PM
Asians are great because they don't complain about crap and their parents encourage them to work hard and these kids become lawyers, doctors and business people while others are encouraged to leech off America.

It's pretty crazy.

As an American, I want American citizens to succeed and help this country.

You don't see Blacks and Mexicans becoming the lawyers and doctors of this country.

Town's Town
02-17-2016, 03:47 PM
When white people become a minority population in America, will they be granted access to minority privilege and benefit from affirmative action policy?
White people are still in power.

Town's Town
02-17-2016, 03:48 PM
Asians are great because they don't complain about crap and their parents encourage them to work hard and these kids become lawyers, doctors and business people while others are encouraged to leech off America.

It's pretty crazy.

As an American, I want American citizens to succeed and help this country.

You don't see Blacks and Mexicans becoming the lawyers and doctors of this country.
There are a ton of Muslim doctors though and you still hate them :confusedshrug:

02-17-2016, 03:49 PM
Even if there's just 1 white guy left he's still gonna be running shit and opressing people. Hatred greed blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Proud of my heritage
:roll: Sounds like a funny idea for a movie.

Nick Young
02-17-2016, 04:33 PM
Asians are great because they don't complain about crap and their parents encourage them to work hard and these kids become lawyers, doctors and business people while others are encouraged to leech off America.

It's pretty crazy.

As an American, I want American citizens to succeed and help this country.

You don't see Blacks and Mexicans becoming the lawyers and doctors of this country.
What about Obama?

Nick Young
02-17-2016, 04:34 PM
White people are still in power.
How so? Is that a bad thing?:confusedshrug:

Town's Town
02-17-2016, 04:37 PM
How so? Is that a bad thing?:confusedshrug:
It is already very disproportionate. I highly doubt the moment white people become the minority, they suddenly become the minority in the government, and the rich people that influence the government will also continue to be white.

It could be a bad thing. Hard to say exactly how, but I could see the rich white people controlling the company pissing off the population majority leading to increased issues in the country.

Nick Young
02-17-2016, 04:52 PM
It is already very disproportionate. I highly doubt the moment white people become the minority, they suddenly become the minority in the government, and the rich people that influence the government will also continue to be white.

It could be a bad thing. Hard to say exactly how, but I could see the rich white people controlling the company pissing off the population majority leading to increased issues in the country.
Did rich white people create America and the US constitution?:confusedshrug:

02-17-2016, 04:56 PM

asians catching up...

02-17-2016, 04:57 PM
Remember when OP told us how he got bullied by black kids in school, cause whites were the minority in his school? That shit still gives him nightmares :lol

02-17-2016, 05:13 PM
Good lord

Is this avg income?
median family income

02-17-2016, 05:14 PM
Remember when OP told us how he got bullied by black kids in school, cause whites were the minority in his school? That shit still gives him nightmares :lol

02-17-2016, 05:18 PM
Those figures can't be right for many reasons

Or I'm just real dumb and don't understand what I'm looking at
from here:


apparently it is "median family wealth"...not median family income

02-17-2016, 05:21 PM
from here:


apparently it is "median family wealth"...not median family income

Hard to believe most Americans have any wealth. If I had to guess your average American has negative wealth from credit cards, student loans, home mortgages etc

02-17-2016, 05:22 PM
The white median seems pretty high

The black and Hispanic seem incredibly low

I think I only know 1person who makes 130 a year...
offset by all the white billionaires I think...

02-17-2016, 05:23 PM
from here:


apparently it is "median family wealth"...not median family income

In terms of median income, Asians top all the groups:

"Among the race groups, Asian households had the highest median income in 2012 ($68,636). The median income for non-Hispanic White households was $57,009, and it was $33,321 for Black households. For Hispanic households the median income was $39,005," according to the report (the levels were not statistically significant from the 2011 report).

02-17-2016, 05:26 PM
right that graph isn't income...it's just 'wealth'

whatever that means...

I guess like average net worth?

Nick Young
02-17-2016, 05:26 PM
Remember when OP told us how he got bullied by black kids in school, cause whites were the minority in his school? That shit still gives him nightmares :lol
I didn't get bullied, just called white boy all the time by peeps who didn't know me. Not just black kids, latino and asian kids called me white boy all the time too.

If this story is hard for you to believe, you obviously grew up in a place that was majority whitie.

Patrick Chewing
02-17-2016, 05:27 PM
Latino nation taking over.

You white people need to start having more babies.

Abortion is strictly forbidden in several Central and South American cultures. Why do you think Mexicans have so many damn kids?? You go to Walmart and you see 4 or 5 of them just running around and they all look the same.

Patrick Chewing
02-17-2016, 05:29 PM
You white people just looooooove killing babies.

And so do you blacks. Don't think you're excluded.

02-17-2016, 05:37 PM
too many babies at a young age is holding latinos down...you need to kill more tbh

kill more fetuses anyway...not babies

02-17-2016, 05:38 PM
I didn't get bullied, just called white boy all the time by peeps who didn't know me. Not just black kids, latino and asian kids called me white boy all the time too.

If this story is hard for you to believe, you obviously grew up in a place that was majority whitie.
Not according to the thread you made, and no I don't find it hard to believe that you got bullied by minorities, especially considering your posting history. :D

02-17-2016, 05:42 PM
Hard to believe most Americans have any wealth. If I had to guess your average American has negative wealth from credit cards, student loans, home mortgages etc

They don't, that figure is heavily skewed by the super rich--they own 63% of the nation's wealth while only being 5% of the population.

Most non-Hispanic Whites aren't much better off than Blacks and Latinos. Like you said, with debt accumulation, they actually have a negative net worth.

Nick Young
02-17-2016, 05:49 PM
Was def bullied by jew hating egyptian kids. Not so much bullied by non-white people in America as much as it was racism I experienced.

If I was a black kid living in Mississippi and talked about getting called "black boy" all the time by everyone, everyone would call it racism-because it is.

How is a white kid growing up in LA where he was a 15% minority in every school he went to getting called "white boy" all the time not also racism?

Please explain, without using the phrases "institutional power", "white privilege" or "punching up"

02-17-2016, 05:50 PM
The US Latino birthrate was 2.15 in 2013, not much higher than overall national birthrate (1.86). 2.15 is barely a suitable replacement level.

As of 2013, the percentage of children born to Latino parents had fallen for seven years in a row.

We need to stop posting on message boards and start impregnating some women, or we're headed for the same crisis Japan is in:


02-17-2016, 05:57 PM
The US Latino birthrate was 2.15 in 2013, not much higher than overall national birthrate (1.86). 2.15 is barely a suitable replacement level.

As of 2013, the percentage of children born to Latino parents had fallen for seven years in a row.

We need to stop posting on message boards and start impregnating some women, or we're headed for the same crisis Japan is in:


[QUOTE]Secondly, there is an increasing

02-17-2016, 06:01 PM
Tokyo only has 250k babies a year? Jesus...

02-17-2016, 06:47 PM
Tokyo only has 250k babies a year? Jesus...
it's really ****ing sad. I took a class on modern japanese culture like last year when i was still at UC. Apparently they have this modern movement of children just staying at home and not doing anything, and what makes the situation worse is that japanese women are absolutely repulse by these dudes.

The cultural movement is nothing like millennials going back home after college in the US. I mean these dudes are not even trying and they are content, and it is "cool" to do it. Problem is parents in japan are so gddamn busy because of japan's work culture that they jsut don't have time to deal with these shitbags so they just ignore them.

And to make it worse the government are blaming women.

anyways it's a shitfest in Japan. The male are so beta that the women are prolly gonna do the buy a groom shit there. :facepalm

02-17-2016, 06:50 PM
it's really ****ing sad. I took a class on modern japanese culture like last year when i was still at UC. Apparently they have this modern movement of children just staying at home and not doing anything, and what makes the situation worse is that japanese women are absolutely repulse by these dudes.

The cultural movement is nothing like millennials going back home after college in the US. I mean these dudes are not even trying and they are content, and it is "cool" to do it. Problem is parents in japan are so gddamn busy because of japan's work culture that they jsut don't have time to deal with these shitbags so they just ignore them.

And to make it worse the government are blaming women.

anyways it's a shitfest in Japan. The male are so beta that the women are prolly gonna do the buy a groom shit there. :facepalm
I love Asian women I'm about to move to Tokyo

02-17-2016, 07:27 PM
It's not just the men in Japan. The women don't want it either.

It's not like hey I'm going to get Japanese women because the men don't want it.

It's very weird.

You Cant Ban Me
02-17-2016, 07:29 PM
a man can dream...a man can dream

02-17-2016, 07:32 PM
The United States will be screwed if whites are the minority.

I think we will see states separating.

We are living in a successful government entity that whites created.

02-17-2016, 07:35 PM
it's really ****ing sad. I took a class on modern japanese culture like last year when i was still at UC. Apparently they have this modern movement of children just staying at home and not doing anything, and what makes the situation worse is that japanese women are absolutely repulse by these dudes.

The cultural movement is nothing like millennials going back home after college in the US. I mean these dudes are not even trying and they are content, and it is "cool" to do it. Problem is parents in japan are so gddamn busy because of japan's work culture that they jsut don't have time to deal with these shitbags so they just ignore them.

And to make it worse the government are blaming women.

anyways it's a shitfest in Japan. The male are so beta that the women are prolly gonna do the buy a groom shit there. :facepalm

It's because there's not enough jobs there, for young people. Youth male unemployment is a thing all over Europe as well. And the people that do work, are overworked.

Lots of men realize the dating market is shewed unless your some bigshot executive who is going to be able to buy the women tons of shit. In first world nations almost all women expect to be pampered in materialist luxuries. So lots of these guys invest their time and find fulfillment in hobbies instead. This isn't something exclusive to Japan either, it's becoming more common in the West. The only difference is that the West has low IQ third worlders occupying it that will breed even if their on welfare which skew the statistics, while Japan is for japanese only.

Japan doesn't even have low skill jobs such as janitors, because the people are really clean and are taught to clean up after themselves.

02-17-2016, 08:19 PM
[QUOTE]Secondly, there is an increasing

Nick Young
02-17-2016, 08:21 PM
I love Asian women I'm about to move to Tokyo
hopefully you are wealthy and not fat.

if you fulfill both these qualities, you are every japanese girl's dream

02-17-2016, 09:27 PM
hopefully you are wealthy and not fat.

if you fulfill both these qualities, you are every japanese girl's dream
Can I show them pictures of my parents house? Or do I need a fancy apartment in Tokyo for 2 mil. ****ing crazy housing.

Nick Young
02-17-2016, 09:43 PM
Can I show them pictures of my parents house? Or do I need a fancy apartment in Tokyo for 2 mil. ****ing crazy housing.
They will know if you are rich, you don't got to prove yourself to them.

Golddiggas know what to look out for, doesn't matter what part of the world they're from, but wealth and status means even more to Tokyo girls than it does to others.

02-17-2016, 10:17 PM

Yep, that's what i was thinking.

Asians make more money, but whites own more money