View Full Version : LeBron going to Miami was healthy for the league + made it entertaining

02-17-2016, 04:30 PM
He chose to be the bad guy. The league was fun. Everyone rooting against Miami. I remember I used to check the scores for games I didn't watch and hope they'd lose.

Now, there's really just no fun at all. We have normal teams, one super powered exciting team everyone including myself is rooting for. But, really, at the end of the day who do we really dislike?

I feel like LeBron should of stayed with Miami, rack up more rings, make the league more competitive, then shut it down with the Cavs towards the very end of his career.

Wade + LeBron, whether you liked them or not was entertaining. The duo was superb.

Just my two cents.

Town's Town
02-17-2016, 04:33 PM
He chose to be the bad guy. The league was fun. Everyone rooting against Miami. I remember I used to check the scores for games I didn't watch and hope they'd lose.

Now, there's really just no fun at all. We have normal teams, one super powered exciting team everyone including myself is rooting for. But, really, at the end of the day who do we really dislike?

I feel like LeBron should of stayed with Miami, rack up more rings, make the league more competitive, then shut it down with the Cavs towards the very end of his career.

Wade + LeBron, whether you liked them or not was entertaining. The duo was superb.

Just my two cents.
He wasn't winning any more with Miami. This is why he left and came back to the Cavs.

02-17-2016, 04:45 PM

The Warriors and Steph Curry are fun as hell. Spurs are still the Spurs. Too bad the Cavs are imploding a bit now.

02-17-2016, 04:47 PM

The Warriors and Steph Curry are fun as hell. Spurs are still the Spurs. Too bad the Cavs are imploding a bit now.
This pretty much. People still root against LeBron and the Cavs similarly to what happened when he was in Miami.

02-17-2016, 05:40 PM
At the end of the day, I dislike Cleveland (with Houston a close second). 3 ex-NY knuckleheads, Max Headroom and I don't care for Love. But the players are so much larger than the teams nowadays; I don't truly hate franchises.

02-17-2016, 05:44 PM
Doesn't make the move any more honorable or manly.

02-17-2016, 05:56 PM
He wasn't winning any more with Miami. This is why he left and came back to the Cavs.

No, he went back to the Cavs because he wanted complete control. That wasn't going to happen in Miami. He basically thought he was a better GM than Riley. If he stayed in Miami, Riley would have made the necessary roster moves to be competetive with the top teams in the west. I have no doubts about that, and core of Lebron, Wade, and Bosh would still have been a top 2 trio in the league.

02-17-2016, 05:57 PM
No, he went back to the Cavs because he wanted complete control. That wasn't going to happen in Miami. He basically thought he was a better GM than Riley. If he stayed in Miami, Riley would have made the necessary roster moves to be competetive with the top teams in the west. I have no doubts about that, and core of Lebron, Wade, and Bosh would still have been a top 2 trio in the league.

This is so spot on.

Future rep :)

02-17-2016, 06:02 PM
Absolutely, like it or not a lot of people who never watched the game or even cared started talking about the NBA. That summer of 2010 was some really good business for the league.

02-17-2016, 06:15 PM
Absolutely, like it or not a lot of people who never watched the game or even cared started talking about the NBA. That summer of 2010 was some really good business for the league.
I agree with this

I love to hate that team. The Cavs are not that unlikable or newsworthy to me.

02-17-2016, 06:25 PM
Adding to some of these points, I think Lebron was tired of being the villain. I'll say this in his defense, if he only cared about racking up titles he would have stayed in Miami. Remember, in the summer of 2014 GS was not yet the juggernaut they have become. The Heat would have probably been title favorites in 2015 (a redemption season). I think Lebron genuinely just wants to win ONE in Cleveland. In his mind it would be more valuable than multiple in Miami, and he's probably right. Where he went wrong was wanting to play GM.

02-17-2016, 06:40 PM
Bosh and Wade were on a steep decline after 2012. There was no reason to stay other than misplaced loyalty.

Riley is a borderline childish control freak who was stubborn and so was LeBron. Neither made any attempt to compromise over the little things they didn't like. What's funny is Heat fans in 2014 would've lost their shit if they knew Riley was risking running LeBron out of town by not wanting to comply to simple, albeit mildly excessive requests.

Free tickets to games, a couple small roster moves like Miller Millers contract? Complete bullshit in the big picture. This is why I don't even think he left because of that. That's sensationalism. People called for Wade's retirement after the 2014 Finals and Bosh was destroyed. LeBron also foreshadowed his return as early as like 2012 and even liked the guy who ran onto the court with that t-shirt. He was always going to Cleveland, it was just a matter of when.

02-17-2016, 06:48 PM
No, he went back to the Cavs because he wanted complete control. That wasn't going to happen in Miami. He basically thought he was a better GM than Riley. If he stayed in Miami, Riley would have made the necessary roster moves to be competetive with the top teams in the west. I have no doubts about that, and core of Lebron, Wade, and Bosh would still have been a top 2 trio in the league.

Definitely. There's been rumors that he wanted to off the coach, Riley wasn't having that. That, and he was feeling home sick. He was tired of being the villain.

That few years he was in Miami, everyone LOVED to hate them. And if you ask me, they did a great job dealing with it. They won, they fought back.

Now, today's league seems boring. Sure, we have a record breaking team in Golden State. Sure, we have break out players. But.. come post-season, who are we truly rooting for? Cavs are now the underdogs technically, and we're forced to either root for LeBron which went against many peoples views years ago, or root for the team we know will win it all, which is no fun.

This also effects fans with teams that struggle the most.

Optimus Prime
02-17-2016, 06:53 PM
No, it really wasn't. It was awful for the league and was the beginning of the NBA's descent into Charmin Beta Softness.

Everybody who is old enough to remember that basketball existed way before 2003 knows this.


02-17-2016, 06:56 PM
Bosh and Wade were on a steep decline after 2012. There was no reason to stay other than misplaced loyalty.

Riley is a borderline childish control freak who was stubborn and so was LeBron. Neither made any attempt to compromise over the little things they didn't like. What's funny is Heat fans in 2014 would've lost their shit if they knew Riley was risking running LeBron out of town by not wanting to comply to simple, albeit mildly excessive requests.

Free tickets to games, a couple small roster moves like Miller Millers contract? Complete bullshit in the big picture. This is why I don't even think he left because of that. That's sensationalism. People called for Wade's retirement after the 2014 Finals and Bosh was destroyed. LeBron also foreshadowed his return as early as like 2012 and even liked the guy who ran onto the court with that t-shirt. He was always going to Cleveland, it was just a matter of when.

Bosh and Wade are still all-star caliber, 20/8, 20/5/5, 20+ PER type players. They are also still solid defenders and have championship experience. Are they the players they once were? No, but as I mentioned before, a Lebron, Wade, Bosh core would still be top 2 trio in the league. Riley would have filled out the roster with the 3&D type players needed to compete with GS and SA.

I do agree that a return to Cleveland seemed inevitable, but I still maintain that the timing of it was more about control than anything. Lebron wanted to run the show, period. Riley may have been stubborn, but he's the GM and he has a proven track record. Let the man do his thing.

Hey Yo
02-17-2016, 07:01 PM
GrapeApe No, he went back to the Cavs because he wanted complete control. That wasn't going to happen in Miami. He basically thought he was a better GM than Riley.
Or maybe he was tired of seeing Wade sit on the bench (missing 58 regular season games from 12-14) while having to carry the load in both the reg and postseasons? (led potseasons in MP, points, TRB, assist)

A better GM than Riley? No offense but what had Pat done in the 15yrs before LeBron signed on? 1 finals appearance with 1 win and ?????????

If he stayed in Miami, Riley would have made the necessary roster moves to be competetive with the top teams in the west. I have no doubts about that, and core of Lebron, Wade, and Bosh would still have been a top 2 trio in the league.
Wade missed 20 games last season and Bosh was shut down because of blood clots. No guarantees that the nec. players are brought in before the season starts. Pat can't foresee what's going to happen to Wade and Bosh's blood clots.

Don't think Miami gets to the Finals last season.

02-17-2016, 07:02 PM
Bosh and Wade are still all-star caliber, 20/8, 20/5/5, 20+ PER type players. They are also still solid defenders and have championship experience. Are they the players they once were? No, but as I mentioned before, a Lebron, Wade, Bosh core would still be top 2 trio in the league. Riley would have filled out the roster with the 3&D type players needed to compete with GS and SA.

I do agree that a return to Cleveland seemed inevitable, but I still maintain that the timing of it was more about control than anything. Lebron wanted to run the show, period. Riley may have been stubborn, but he's the GM and he has a proven track record. Let the man do his thing.

02-17-2016, 07:02 PM
He wasn't winning any more with Miami. This is why he left and came back to the Cavs.

They could have won more championships if he stayed, including last season/Finals... he went 4-2 with scrubs around him (love/irving/varejao etc. injured) against Warriors... surely Miami with Wade/Bosh (+ now White/Deng) would have helped him more, just enough to win perhaps dont you think... and yet again this year have another great shot...

Hey Yo
02-17-2016, 07:05 PM
They could have won more championships if he stayed, including last season/Finals... he went 4-2 with scrubs around him (love/irving/varejao etc. injured) against Warriors... surely Miami with Wade/Bosh (+ now White/Deng) would have helped him more, just enough to win perhaps dont you think... and yet again this year have another great shot...
Bosh was not available for the postseason last year.

02-17-2016, 07:05 PM
They could have won more championships if he stayed, including last season/Finals... he went 4-2 with scrubs around him (love/irving/varejao etc. injured) against Warriors... surely Miami with Wade/Bosh (+ now White/Deng) would have helped him more, just enough to win perhaps dont you think... and yet again this year have another great shot...

he had those guys and 2014 and led his team to the worst beat-down in NBA finals history

but he's winning with them in 2015? Ok Pauk

02-17-2016, 07:12 PM
he had those guys and 2014 and led his team to the worst beat-down in NBA finals history


Anyways, my point is, Heat (if Lebron stayed) / Spurs / Warriors would be the championship favorites, its a 7 game series matchup that would be up for grabs i think, my turn your turn thing, whoever had it going...

02-17-2016, 07:14 PM
Bosh was not available for the postseason last year.
+ Deng was not going to be there if Lebron is there because of money.

02-17-2016, 07:16 PM

yeah, really

The Spurs' 14.5-point margin of victory was the highest in NBA Finals history.


02-17-2016, 07:18 PM
He went to Cleveland because it was a better oppurtunity to ring chase, not because he wanted to be a good guy.

Wade is done, crucial role players like Ray Allen/Battier retired, Bosh has blood clot issues. Miami was done. Look how shitty the team is now and that's with getting lucky in Whiteside/Dragic.

Cleveland had 3 #1 overall picks in 4 years post LeBron. One was Irving(who was now better than Wade), and another was switched for Kevin Love who at the time looked like a better version of Bosh who was younger, superior rebounding, and spacing.

Cleveland also had the ability to get role players that arn't just mid 30s veterans signing on for the minumum in their final years. But actual players like JR Smith, Shumpert, Mosgov, Thompson, Varejao...etc.

LeBron saw Cleveland as a younger/better big three with better/younger roleplayers, and on top of that he thought it would help make him more popular with the "returning home" feelgood story. more positive attention from the media. He doesn't want to be portrayed negatively.

I said it when it happened, and it is still true.

Hey Yo
02-17-2016, 07:20 PM
+ Deng was not going to be there if Lebron is there because of money.
Very true

We all know how fuggin cheap Arison is and avoids lux tax at all costs.

02-17-2016, 07:21 PM
yeah, really


Again, really? Is that your basis? Did you actually watch the games to see why/how that happened? You think that was a bigger beatdown than say... 2007 Finals? :confusedshrug: You Kobetards need to make up your mind.... eye test or stats...

Hey Yo
02-17-2016, 07:28 PM
He went to Cleveland because it was a better oppurtunity to ring chase, not because he wanted to be a good guy.

Wade is done, crucial role players like Ray Allen/Battier retired, Bosh has blood clot issues. Miami was done. Look how shitty the team is now and that's with getting lucky in Whiteside/Dragic.

Cleveland had 3 #1 overall picks in 4 years post LeBron. One was Irving(who was now better than Wade), and another was switched for Kevin Love who at the time looked like a better version of Bosh who was younger, superior rebounding, and spacing.

Cleveland also had the ability to get role players that arn't just mid 30s veterans signing on for the minumum in their final years. But actual players like JR Smith, Shumpert, Mosgov, Thompson, Varejao...etc.

LeBron saw Cleveland as a younger/better big three with better/younger roleplayers, and on top of that he thought it would help make him more popular with the "returning home" feelgood story. more positive attention from the media. He doesn't want to be portrayed negatively.

I said it when it happened, and it is still true.
I would agree if those players were already in place but when he said he was signing on with the Cavs....Bennett and Waiters were still on the team plus there was no deal set in stone to move Wiggins for Love. In the end....Minny's the one who had to agree with it which wasn't known until Wiggins was allowed to sign with the Cavs

So basically it was Kyrie, LeBron and a bunch of question marks.

02-17-2016, 07:29 PM
He went to Cleveland because it was a better oppurtunity to ring chase, not because he wanted to be a good guy.

Wade is done, crucial role players like Ray Allen/Battier retired, Bosh has blood clot issues. Miami was done. Look how shitty the team is now and that's with getting lucky in Whiteside/Dragic.

Cleveland had 3 #1 overall picks in 4 years post LeBron. One was Irving(who was now better than Wade), and another was switched for Kevin Love who at the time looked like a better version of Bosh who was younger, superior rebounding, and spacing.

Cleveland also had the ability to get role players that arn't just mid 30s veterans signing on for the minumum in their final years. But actual players like JR Smith, Shumpert, Mosgov, Thompson, Varejao...etc.

LeBron saw Cleveland as a younger/better big three with better/younger roleplayers, and on top of that he thought it would help make him more popular with the "returning home" feelgood story. more positive attention from the media. He doesn't want to be portrayed negatively.

I said it when it happened, and it is still true.

You're factoring in Bosh's blood clots? Nobody could have predicted that. The Heat aren't "shitty" either. They're a game in the loss column out of 3rd in the east, and that's having played a top 10 schedule difficulty. Dragic has largely been a disappointment and the Heat are statistically better when Whiteside is off the court. I'm not sure how that equates to getting "lucky". I also don't see how Wade is done when he's averaging 22/6/5 per-36 with a 21 PER. He's also played in all but 3 games.

Lebron going back to Cleveland had little to do with winning. It was a combination of wanting control, not wanting to be a villain, and partly his dislike for Spo. If he just wanted to rack up titles he would have stayed in Miami and let Riley retool the roster.

02-17-2016, 07:59 PM
You're factoring in Bosh's blood clots? Nobody could have predicted that. The Heat aren't "shitty" either. They're a game in the loss column out of 3rd in the east, and that's having played a top 10 schedule difficulty. Dragic has largely been a disappointment and the Heat are statistically better when Whiteside is off the court. I'm not sure how that equates to getting "lucky". I also don't see how Wade is done when he's averaging 22/6/5 per-36 with a 21 PER. He's also played in all but 3 games.

Lebron going back to Cleveland had little to do with winning. It was a combination of wanting control, not wanting to be a villain, and partly his dislike for Spo. If he just wanted to rack up titles he would have stayed in Miami and let Riley retool the roster.

The Spurs domination of Miami in the 2014 NBA Finals, it was apparant that Miami was on the downfall. It was one of the very worst finals series ever. They had no way to get better, other than add random 30+ year old veterans for the minumum. Add 1 year plus to all their key players and they were only going to get worse.

The Heat absolutely blow and are irrelevant. They will be losing in the first round, or missing the playoffs again.

Wades play is part of why Dragic is a disapointment. Wade has never developed a three point shot, and his explosive decline means in his advanced age he is a poor fit for any team that wants proper spacing. The Heats spacing sucks, they have no shooters to the point where 7 foot Bosh was their best one/taking the teams technical foul shots. :facepalm

No matter how you spin it, Clevelands basketball related assets are superior to Miamis in every way.

02-17-2016, 08:10 PM
The Spurs domination of Miami in the 2014 NBA Finals, it was apparant that Miami was on the downfall. It was one of the very worst finals series ever. They had no way to get better, other than add random 30+ year old veterans for the minumum. Add 1 year plus to all their key players and they were only going to get worse.

The Heat absolutely blow and are irrelevant. They will be losing in the first round, or missing the playoffs again.

Wades play is part of why Dragic is a disapointment. Wade has never developed a three point shot, and his explosive decline means in his advanced age he is a poor fit for any team that wants proper spacing. The Heats spacing sucks, they have no shooters to the point where 7 foot Bosh was their best one/taking the teams technical foul shots. :facepalm

No matter how you spin it, Clevelands basketball related assets are superior to Miamis in every way.
Hey, well said.

Wade is becoming a cancer to Miami the same way Kobe is for the Lakers.

It's funny when Heat homers badmouth LeBron, because it's apparent he was the greatest thing to ever happen to that franchise. Miami fans are among the worst in sports. Bandwagoners to the core, and angry bitter sore losers to the bone.

02-17-2016, 08:12 PM
The 2011-2014 Heat were a great team. I remember everyone wanted them to lose, yet they kept on shitting on the league

02-17-2016, 08:13 PM

The Warriors and Steph Curry are fun as hell. Spurs are still the Spurs. Too bad the Cavs are imploding a bit now.
They are?

02-17-2016, 08:28 PM
Hey, well said.

Wade is becoming a cancer to Miami the same way Kobe is for the Lakers.

It's funny when Heat homers badmouth LeBron, because it's apparent he was the greatest thing to ever happen to that franchise. Miami fans are among the worst in sports. Bandwagoners to the core, and angry bitter sore losers to the bone.

How is Wade a "cancer"? He's having an excellent season and has been one of the most clutch 4th quarter players in the league. His brilliant play at the tail end of their recent brutal road trip basically saved their season, and Whiteside missed 5 of those games. He's also played in all but 3 games. Kobe is a complete narcissist, something Wade is FAR from. Kobe would have never acquiesced in the manner Wade did. No way.

Most Heat fans don't bad moth Lebron at all, and in fact are extremely appreciative of what he did in Miami. He's an all-time great Heat player and deserves to have his jersey retired. You're just making shit up. Oh, and Pat Riley was the greatest thing to happen to the franchise. He made Miami relevant dating back to the 90's. Without Riley there's no Zo, no Hardaway, no Wade, no Lebron, no Bosh, etc.... He is the architect of it all.

02-17-2016, 08:52 PM
They are?

Yeah. They fired the coach, now maybe trading people. It aint gonna be the same team that went to the finals.

02-17-2016, 09:02 PM
Would of been fun to see Lebron in Miami vs the Warriors (assuming that Bosh is healthy in this parallel universe example.) Miami was a much better defensive team and played small ball and would of matched up well against GS.

02-17-2016, 09:13 PM
Disagree. The league is actually more entertaining now than at that time.

Am I the only poster who doesn't take solace in rooting against another team and/or player? I don't cheer for LeBron, but hoping that he loses AND it being a mainstay in your fandom is kinda weird. :lol

02-17-2016, 09:55 PM
He chose to be the bad guy. The league was fun. Everyone rooting against Miami. I remember I used to check the scores for games I didn't watch and hope they'd lose.

Now, there's really just no fun at all. We have normal teams, one super powered exciting team everyone including myself is rooting for. But, really, at the end of the day who do we really dislike?

I feel like LeBron should of stayed with Miami, rack up more rings, make the league more competitive, then shut it down with the Cavs towards the very end of his career.

Wade + LeBron, whether you liked them or not was entertaining. The duo was superb.

Just my two cents.

Wish Wade was healthy the whole time instead of coming in and out. Would have 3peat'd for sure.

02-17-2016, 10:08 PM
Would of been fun to see Lebron in Miami vs the Warriors (assuming that Bosh is healthy in this parallel universe example.) Miami was a much better defensive team and played small ball and would of matched up well against GS.

Would have been an epic series, but I love Miami's chance if everyone's healthy.

02-18-2016, 12:18 AM
The Spurs domination of Miami in the 2014 NBA Finals, it was apparant that Miami was on the downfall. It was one of the very worst finals series ever. They had no way to get better, other than add random 30+ year old veterans for the minumum. Add 1 year plus to all their key players and they were only going to get worse.

The Heat absolutely blow and are irrelevant. They will be losing in the first round, or missing the playoffs again.

Wades play is part of why Dragic is a disapointment. Wade has never developed a three point shot, and his explosive decline means in his advanced age he is a poor fit for any team that wants proper spacing. The Heats spacing sucks, they have no shooters to the point where 7 foot Bosh was their best one/taking the teams technical foul shots. :facepalm

No matter how you spin it, Clevelands basketball related assets are superior to Miamis in every way.
I don't see what Wade has to do with Dragic not being able to hit open 3s. The spacing sucks not because of Wade (we already knew he wasn't going to be a 3 point threat), but because there are no shooters around him, except Bosh, which is hardly ideal. Dragic was supposed to be able to make open 3s, but he really can't; his shooting has been dreadful this season; he's not even getting to the line, and when he does, he can barely even shoot fts. Again, that's on Dragic and Dragic alone.

Wade and Bosh have been far and away Miami's best and most important players this season, and have been responsible for most of their wins.

02-18-2016, 12:28 AM
Dragic was supposed to be able to make open 3s, but he really can't; his shooting has been dreadful this season;

Why did Miami expect him to be a good spot up shooter? Phoenix tried that and it didn't work at all.

02-18-2016, 12:32 AM
Why did Miami expect him to be a good spot up shooter? Phoenix tried that and it didn't work at all.
Not strictly that obviously, but i expected him to be able to knock them down. I'd take his 1.3 makes on 36% he had at Pheonix last season any day of the week--but somehow he's shooting the 3 less, and shooting it worse.

02-18-2016, 04:03 AM
Why did Miami expect him to be a good spot up shooter? Phoenix tried that and it didn't work at all.

It's not just his shooting. He struggles to break down the defense in the half court and he's ineffective off the ball. He's good in PnR's, but Wade is still the Heat's best penetrator and creator. Ideally Wade would be primarily working off the ball, which he excels at, however Dragic's inability to consistently create has at times forced Wade to be a primary ball handler. It's a bit of a paradox, and the Heat's lack of 3 point shooting makes it more problematic.

That being said, Spo's lack of offensive ingenuity isn't doing Dragic any favors. There are probably coaches out their drooling at the idea of having a trio as offensively talented as Wade, Bosh, and Dragic. Spo is simply not capable of implementing an offense that maximizes the strength of his players.

02-18-2016, 04:12 AM
Also, Dragic can play a good two-man game with Bosh, but he doesn't link up with Whiteside well at all.

02-18-2016, 04:21 AM
Adding to some of these points, I think Lebron was tired of being the villain. I'll say this in his defense, if he only cared about racking up titles he would have stayed in Miami. Remember, in the summer of 2014 GS was not yet the juggernaut they have become. The Heat would have probably been title favorites in 2015 (a redemption season). I think Lebron genuinely just wants to win ONE in Cleveland. In his mind it would be more valuable than multiple in Miami, and he's probably right. Where he went wrong was wanting to play GM.


02-18-2016, 04:25 AM
He chose to be the bad guy. The league was fun. Everyone rooting against Miami. I remember I used to check the scores for games I didn't watch and hope they'd lose.

Now, there's really just no fun at all. We have normal teams, one super powered exciting team everyone including myself is rooting for. But, really, at the end of the day who do we really dislike?

I feel like LeBron should of stayed with Miami, rack up more rings, make the league more competitive, then shut it down with the Cavs towards the very end of his career.

Wade + LeBron, whether you liked them or not was entertaining. The duo was superb.

Just my two cents.

no doubt, everybody hated miami at first, but then warmed up to them when they saw how entertaining the heat was......great play all around, alley oops left and right.

but then lebron fukked up and went back to cleveland, now he is hated again because he once again jumped ship when things got a little tough.......if you can call losing in the finals tough

02-18-2016, 04:31 AM
It was epic until 2014 when LeCoast, LeGM, got exposed

Before you Bran stans come at me with 2014 BRAN HAD NO HALP

He picked the team, and he instilled shit leadership within the team with his obvious coasting during the season

Seriously what sane gm picks up Beasley, Oden, and Rashard Lewis? That has Bran written all over it

02-18-2016, 04:34 AM
Their 27 game win streak in 2013 was amazing.

"The Decision" was an unforgettable moment in NBA history.

It was a great time for the league. LeBron was so hated that fans burned his jersey & the owner wrote a hate letter against him. I don't think we'll see that kind of hate again soon, the league needs it.

02-18-2016, 04:35 AM
No, he went back to the Cavs because he wanted complete control. That wasn't going to happen in Miami. He basically thought he was a better GM than Riley. If he stayed in Miami, Riley would have made the necessary roster moves to be competetive with the top teams in the west. I have no doubts about that, and core of Lebron, Wade, and Bosh would still have been a top 2 trio in the league.

for sure.......remember, not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4........but Lebron bitched out, saw the heat were getting a little older, got scared, saw the cavs had several number 1 picks, then believed he would win in cleveland........he

02-18-2016, 04:41 AM
[QUOTE=tomtucker]for sure.......remember, not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4........but Lebron bitched out, saw the heat were getting a little older, got scared, saw the cavs had several number 1 picks, then believed he would win in cleveland........he

Wade's Rings
02-18-2016, 05:06 AM
This. Anyone with a brain knows it to be the truth. :cheers:

The icing on the cake will be after lebaldo traded away half of there young players, the Heat beat them these playoffs:oldlol:

Outside of my bias/beliefs this is another reason why I wished Bron never joined the Heat. If he didn't sign with Miami he either signs with Cleveland, NY, or the Bulls. There's no way they don't meet IMO and we have Prime Wade vs Prime Bron both not far off their Peaks facing off in the Playoffs. If they meet now, Bron is younger and Wade is past his Prime + Bron has the better team. Would still love for the Heat to beat them and have a faceoff this year.

02-18-2016, 05:08 AM
Lebron colluded to avoid carrying a GOAT load like MJ - old MJ carried a bigger load to win rings in 97' & 98' than prime Lebron carried in 12' & 13':


........................RS......RS 4th.... PO.....PO 4th....Finals.. Finals 4th

JORDAN 1997... 36.0 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Regular%20Season)..... 40.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Regular%20Season&Period=4)..... 37.7 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 46.3 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 40.9 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 50.4 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4&PORound=4) <---- these are links to nba.com data
JORDAN 1998... 36.3 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Regular%20Season)..... 42.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Regular%20Season&Period=4)..... 39.7 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 48.8 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 43.6 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 49.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4&PORound=4)

LEBRON 2012... 34.2 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Regular%20Season)..... 33.8 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Regular%20Season&Period=4)..... 34.5 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 34.9 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 30.0 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 33.3 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4&Period=4)
LEBRON 2013... 32.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Regular%20Season)..... 32.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Regular%20Season&Period=4)..... 30.6 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 36.0 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 29.3 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 39.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4&Period=4)

PROPORTION OF TEAM PTS + AST WHILE PLAYER ON FLOOR (proportion of TO not subtracted)

........................ PO.....PO 4th...Finals.. Finals 4th

JORDAN 1997... 64.0 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 84.5 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 73.6 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 91.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4&PORound=4)
JORDAN 1998... 59.4 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 76.5 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 58.3 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 69.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4&PORound=4)

LEBRON 2012... 69.7 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 63.7 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 72.5 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 62.7 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4&Period=4)
LEBRON 2013... 67.0 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2012-13&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 75.2 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2012-13&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 75.9 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2012-13&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 75.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2012-13&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4&Period=4)


........................ PO.....PO 4th...Finals.. Finals 4th

JORDAN 1997... 40.8 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 51.2 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 53.9 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 48.2 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1996-97&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4&PORound=4)
JORDAN 1998... 38.8 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 52.0 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 41.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 52.4 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/893/stats/usage/?Season=1997-98&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4&PORound=4)

LEBRON 2012... 39.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 31.6 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 39.7 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 34.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2011-12&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4&Period=4)
LEBRON 2013... 38.1 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2012-13&SeasonType=Playoffs)..... 45.7 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2012-13&SeasonType=Playoffs&Period=4)...... 51.9 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2012-13&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4)...... 46.5 (http://stats.nba.com/player/#!/2544/stats/usage/?Season=2012-13&SeasonType=Playoffs&PORound=4&Period=4)

CLIFFS: Old MJ won his LAST 2 championships while carrying a bigger load than prime Lebron carried while winning his ONLY 2 championships.

(btw, regarding the stats that subtract turnovers - the math works out correctly - for instance, if a team has 5 assists and 5 TO's in the 4th quarter, and Lebron has 1 assist and 1 TO, then he had 20% of his team's assists and 20% of their TO's, so it's a wash)

Wade's Rings
02-18-2016, 05:10 AM
3ball is back.

02-18-2016, 06:03 AM
Outside of my bias/beliefs this is another reason why I wished Bron never joined the Heat. If he didn't sign with Miami he either signs with Cleveland, NY, or the Bulls. There's no way they don't meet IMO and we have Prime Wade vs Prime Bron both not far off their Peaks facing off in the Playoffs. If they meet now, Bron is younger and Wade is past his Prime + Bron has the better team. Would still love for the Heat to beat them and have a faceoff this year.
exactly, heat beating the cavs in the playoffs again and again for years to come would the perfect scenario, would be so fukking funny and it would show everyone that it does not pay to act like a bitch.

But life is, as we all know, not fair..... all the injuries to the heat and now the health scare with bosh, makes that scenario not likely to happen........:(

02-18-2016, 06:10 AM
2010 was a hell of an enteraining season. Everybody was talking about it and it made the league very exciting to watch. And like it or not but Wade and Bron were one of those rare duos. These guys just clicked on and off the court. It was clear to see again at the all star game when Wade threw some great alley oops to Bron. I think in 10 years people will appreciate it more than now.

02-18-2016, 06:25 AM
exactly, heat beating the cavs in the playoffs again and again for years to come would the perfect scenario, would be so fukking funny and it would show everyone that it does not pay to act like a bitch.

But life is, as we all know, not fair..... all the injuries to the heat and now the health scare with bosh, makes that scenario not likely to happen........:(

The Heat (assuming Bosh is healthy) actually match up pretty well with the Cavs. It would be a competetive series. I know the league would love to see it happen, and it certainly would have a lot of hype and get good ratings.

02-18-2016, 06:37 AM
Entertaining? Yes, it was entertaining to see Lebron after his legendary collusion with one of the most stacked teams ever choking away the 2011 finals

02-18-2016, 06:44 AM
2010 was a hell of an enteraining season. Everybody was talking about it and it made the league very exciting to watch. And like it or not but Wade and Bron were one of those rare duos. These guys just clicked on and off the court. It was clear to see again at the all star game when Wade threw some great alley oops to Bron. I think in 10 years people will appreciate it more than now.

.....bron was stupid to go back to cleveland


02-18-2016, 08:39 AM
I agree op it was, anytime the league can get a mainstream spotlight it can't be a bad thing. A major shakeup and him being there called so much media attention. After going back to the cavs the attention and hoopla is much quieter, I'd imagine the Warriors have something to do with that too.

Wade's Rings
02-18-2016, 01:32 PM
exactly, heat beating the cavs in the playoffs again and again for years to come would the perfect scenario, would be so fukking funny and it would show everyone that it does not pay to act like a bitch.

But life is, as we all know, not fair..... all the injuries to the heat and now the health scare with bosh, makes that scenario not likely to happen........:(


02-18-2016, 01:35 PM
How many allstars did lebrons superteam have this season

02-19-2016, 11:23 AM
watching the '16 All star game with bron and wade on the floor was bittersweet

02-19-2016, 12:47 PM
Hey, well said.

Wade is becoming a cancer to Miami the same way Kobe is for the Lakers.

. Miami fans are among the worst in sports. Bandwagoners to the core, and angry bitter sore losers to the bone.

**** of the year poster.....:mad: :mad:

Laker and Heat fans are among the best.....always show up for games even though the team is not that good..........2 of the best places to play ball and the best uniforms as well :rockon: