View Full Version : next 2 years will be the GOAT time in NBA History to set up a dynasty

02-17-2016, 07:09 PM
With the Cap going up from 60-something million to 90, almost every team will have CAP room.

It's the best time in NBA History to be an elite team. And the worst time in NBA History to be a tanking/cap space team.

EVERYONE will be able to sign the marquee free agents, not just the select 2-3 teams that were able to clear cap room.

Noone is picking the Sixers over the Warriors or Spurs. These teams will be in a position to literally form an all-star team.

The top free agents are going to want to sign with the good organizations. tanking shit teams will be forced to overpay for the 2nd tier free agents that the better teams don't want.

The NBA has never been about parity, but it's about to get A LOT more extreme.

02-17-2016, 07:11 PM
depends. more cap room doesn't necessarily mean more spending value. bigger contracts could just flood the market. guys will want the extra money if teams can give it.