View Full Version : KD/AD/Curry, Do they have equal trade value?

02-25-2016, 02:23 AM
would u trade AD for curry?

would u trade KD for curry?

would u trade Curry for AD?

would u trade curry for KD?

Would u trade AD for KD?

would u trade KD for AD?

would u trade any of these for lebron?

02-25-2016, 02:32 AM
Well, Currys contract does not match up with those players

02-25-2016, 02:36 AM
Keep Curry, discard everybody else

02-25-2016, 02:55 AM

02-25-2016, 03:06 AM
AD > Curry >= KD in value imo even assuming KD signs long term.

imo KD is right there with Curry as a talent and I think it's too close to determine who would be the better piece to build around. Golden State has built literally the perfect team both in roster and coaching/system around Curry, KD has an elite teammate but aside from that has a dogshit rest of the roster and dogshit coaching as well. Building from scratch it's a tough call. I do think Curry will age better so that might push it a bit in his favor?

People are super down on AD this year but you have to remember the dude is still 22. There is just so much upside yet to be tapped into, I can't take anybody over him long-term. Especially defensively, dude isn't even remotely close to his ceiling on that end. Curry is GOAT-level right now but he's at the absolute peak of his career imo and even though he doesn't rely too much on athleticism, I do think Curry in his 30s won't be as valuable as AD in a couple years. I just think the 5-6 year age gap matters.

02-25-2016, 03:48 AM
Anthony had one great game and people are all over his nuts again. Yes he has tremendous talent and upside but he hasn't prove shit yet. I'd take proven winner over talents every time of the week.

02-25-2016, 04:18 AM
Considering contract and current production, this is how I see their trade value: Curry > AD >> KD. Curry makes the least and expires in 2017, I think. KD is the highest paid right now and expires this summer. AD starts his new contract next year and has no opt-outs iirc, but will make more than double Curry in '16-'17.

For this year's playoffs, I'd take Curry, KD, and AD, in that order. For the future I'd value AD the most. He needs a real coach (ie a Thibs-type) and a real roster. It would help if his FO made smart decisions concerning roster construction.

Between KD and Curry, I'm not sure who has more trade value long term. My gut instinct is that KD signs a 1+1 this summer, so he'd likely be on the same FA track as Curry. And in that case I think Curry would be the more sought after FA in 2017. So long term value I'd say AD > Curry > KD

02-25-2016, 12:48 PM
2 guys are 27 and elite at their position in their prime and are first ballot HOF

1 guy is 22 and a top 7 PF with the potential and talent to be a HOF.

Davis would have higher value because a good coach can mold the guy into what they want. He's showing he can be a 25PPG scorer and still give you 11-12 rebounds and blocks. We haven't had that since KG and TD.

He's also 22. barring major injury, you haven't seen him peak yet. KD and Curry are about what htey will be and thats scoring machines that are superstars.

Personally, I would take Durant.