View Full Version : Nearly 20% of Trump Supporters Think Freeing the Slaves Was a Bad Idea

Knoe Itawl
02-25-2016, 12:17 PM
This explains the U2K, Akrazotil, etc. contingency :oldlol:


Not really surprising, of course. As I pointed out before, Trump can basically go against everything the Republican party supposedly stands for (has supported abortion, universal healthcare, called the Iraq war a mistake based on a lie, insulted a "war hero", etc. etc.) yet is still the overwhelming front runner because his base understand that his calls to "make America great again", lying about seeing "thousands" of Muslims celebrate after 9/11, tweeting out false crime statistics, demonizing Mexican immigrants (when they actually have a lower crime rate than the overall populace, which makes sense when you consider they don't want to get caught and deported) is really his way of playing up to good ol' American racism.

That's why the KKK, white supremacist groups, U2K, Akrazotile, etc. support him. They understand what he's talking about. Going to make sure those darkies know their place, yes sir!

Of course, they're too stupid to understand that he doesn't care about them one bit. He talks a lot, but will continue the same failed "trickle down" nonsense and their lives will not improve one iota (but his billionaire friends will!!) This is an ego driven mission by a megolomaniac who I'm sure is even surprised himself by how stupid his supporters are. This is a guy who is a con artist, and ran a fake "university" ripping off people just like his idiotic supporters.

He even let out some truth recently when he said "I love the uneducated (read, his base)!!!" Of course he does. He knows how easy it is to manipulate these fools.

Im Still Ballin
02-25-2016, 12:28 PM
[QUOTE]The Times found that nearly 20% of Trump supporters did not approve of freeing the slaves, according to a January YouGov/Economist poll that asked respondents if they supported or disapproved of

02-25-2016, 12:38 PM

perfect gif:roll:

02-25-2016, 12:46 PM
I checked out "YouGov/Economist polls

They're easy to access online polls that ANYONE can vote in

I guarantee you a shit load of Bernie people who are young naive whipper snappers and tech savvy posted a lot of votes in this

To make matters even worse

This "article" was written Daniel White, who ironically is a black man

Yep... This is totally legitSo your argument is the writer is a black man, therefore the article is untrue?

Since this black writer is quoting an article by a white person would you agree that your argument falls apart?

Real Men Wear Green
02-25-2016, 12:50 PM
So your argument is the writer is a black man, therefore the article is untrue?

Since this black writer is quoting an article by a white person would you agree that your argument falls apart?
He's another racist Trump supporter so of course he thinks that way.

Knoe Itawl
02-25-2016, 12:50 PM
I checked out "YouGov/Economist polls

They're easy to access online polls that ANYONE can vote in

I guarantee you a shit load of Bernie people who are young naive whipper snappers and tech savvy posted a lot of votes in this

To make matters even worse

This "article" was written Daniel White, who ironically is a black man

Yep... This is totally legit

First of all, you can't guarantee a damn thing. Second of all, way to ignore everything else I wrote. The bottom line is that Trump appeals to a certain segment of the population that wants white America to be dominant over any other group. The irony is that, as pointed out before, a large part of that group (uneducated, middle class whites) are dying out earlier than any other group in any developed nation BECAUSE of the policies of people just like Trump.

The Republican party became experts at diverting attention away from who was REALLY stealing from them, blaming it on blacks, Mexicans, socialists, whomever and focusing people on non issues like gay marriage, abortion, etc. while they picked their pockets.

Now they're looking to Trump to erase all of that, but Trump wants to keep lining his, and the billionaire class' pockets and will do absolutely NOTHING to change this. But he'll put those darkies in their place, and that's what matters!

"If you can convince the lowest white man that he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll even empty his pockets for you."

Lyndon B Johnson

That's what it's all about, and always has been about. Elite whites fleecing their less affluent bretheren and getting them to blame others for it.

Im Still Ballin
02-25-2016, 12:52 PM
A BLACK man called Daniel WHITE


02-25-2016, 12:53 PM
Never seen Trump haters this shook. :roll:

This whole thread is ****ing pathetic. You idiots have nothing on your next president. :lol

02-25-2016, 12:54 PM
Also what do you say about the PPP polls that found
Trump's support in South Carolina is built on a base of voters among whom
religious and racial intolerance pervades. Among the beliefs of his supporters:
-70% think the Confederate flag should still be flying over the State Capital, to
only 20% who agree with it being taken down. In fact 38% of Trump voters say
they wish the South had won the Civil War to only 24% glad the North won and
38% who aren't sure. Overall just 36% of Republican primary voters in the state
are glad the North emerged victorious to 30% for the South, but Trump's the only
one whose supporters actually wish the South had won.
-By an 80/9 spread, Trump voters support his proposed ban on Muslims entering
the United States. In fact 31% would support a ban on homosexuals entering the
United States as well, something no more than 17% of anyone else's voters think
is a good idea. There's also 62/23 support among Trump voters for creating a
national database of Muslims and 40/36 support for shutting down all the
mosques in the United States, something no one else's voters back. Only 44% of
Trump voters think the practice of Islam should even be legal at all in the United
Phone: 888 621-6988
Web: www.publicpolicypolling.com
Email: information@publicpolicypolling.com
States, to 33% who think it should be illegal. To put all the views toward Muslims
in context though, 32% of Trump voters continue to believe the policy of
Japanese internment during World War II was a good one, compared to only 33%
who oppose it and 35% who have no opinion one way or another.

Their methodology is

Public Policy Polling surveyed 897 likely Republican primary voters and 525 Democratic
primary voters on February 14th and 15th. The margin of error is +/-3.3% for the Republicans
and +/-4.3% for the Democrats. 80% of participants, selected through a list based sample,
responded via the phone, while 20% of respondents who did not have landlines conducted the
survey over the internet through an opt-in internet panel.

02-25-2016, 12:58 PM
He's another racist Trump supporter so of course he thinks that way.
Yeah, apparently he's never heard of white people with the last name black.


Im Still Ballin
02-25-2016, 01:01 PM
Called a joke you stool

It's a crappy article anyways

we are talking about internet polls

internet polls

02-25-2016, 01:03 PM
This explains the U2K, Akrazotil, etc. contingency :oldlol:


Not really surprising, of course. As I pointed out before, Trump can basically go against everything the Republican party supposedly stands for (has supported abortion, universal healthcare, called the Iraq war a mistake based on a lie, insulted a "war hero", etc. etc.) yet is still the overwhelming front runner because his base understand that his calls to "make America great again", lying about seeing "thousands" of Muslims celebrate after 9/11, tweeting out false crime statistics, demonizing Mexican immigrants (when they actually have a lower crime rate than the overall populace, which makes sense when you consider they don't want to get caught and deported) is really his way of playing up to good ol' American racism.

That's why the KKK, white supremacist groups, U2K, Akrazotile, etc. support him. They understand what he's talking about. Going to make sure those darkies know their place, yes sir!

Of course, they're too stupid to understand that he doesn't care about them one bit. He talks a lot, but will continue the same failed "trickle down" nonsense and their lives will not improve one iota (but his billionaire friends will!!) This is an ego driven mission by a megolomaniac who I'm sure is even surprised himself by how stupid his supporters are. This is a guy who is a con artist, and ran a fake "university" ripping off people just like his idiotic supporters.

He even let out some truth recently when he said "I love the uneducated (read, his base)!!!" Of course he does. He knows how easy it is to manipulate these fools.

Bring me proof. I'm a trump supporter. I think the views were misrepresented. Nobody said they're unhappy slaves were freed. They probably meant that slavery during the confederation was a profitable thing. It contributed to the economy. That's it.
Stop making junk up. Liberals literally have nothing better to do.

02-25-2016, 01:04 PM
LMAO online poll.

Nearly 20% of ISH think this is a legit article.

02-25-2016, 01:11 PM
Called a joke you stool

It's a crappy article anyways

we are talking about internet polls

internet polls
Explain the PPP polling results.

YouGov is not a simple internet poll but uses a weighted sampling model.

Real Men Wear Green
02-25-2016, 01:13 PM
Bring me proof. I'm a trump supporter. I think the views were misrepresented. Nobody said they're unhappy slaves were freed. They probably meant that slavery during the confederation was a profitable thing. It contributed to the economy. That's it.
Stop making junk up. Liberals literally have nothing better to do.
I appreciate your attempt to justify the justification. Good try, good effort.

02-25-2016, 01:15 PM
I appreciate your attempt to justify the justification. Good try, good effort.
So we'll put him down and glass-half freed kind of guy.

02-25-2016, 01:28 PM
Ah, so what they actually asked them is "do you support the executive action for the emancipation proclamation".

Basically a trick question banking on the fact that some percentage of people won't know what the emancipation proclamation is, will have a knee jerk negative reaction to "executive action" and then they can dishonestly go around saying "some of Trump's supporters think we shouldn't have ended slavery".

This is why the people hate and don't trust the media. Everyone knows they purposely sat in a room and said "how can we word it in a way that will trick people into giving the wrong answer so that we can smear Trump and his supporters".

02-25-2016, 01:30 PM
Ah, so what they actually asked them is "do you support the executive action for the emancipation proclamation". Basically a trick question banking on the fact that some percentage of people won't what the emancipation proclamation is and then they can dishonestly go around saying "some of Trump's supporters think we shouldn't have ended slavery".

This is why the people hate and don't trust the media.

Exactly. Besides it was a different world. Nobody is saying wr want slavery but the slavery institution was good economically for the south. It helped people with the cotton export.
If these liberals actually knew their history it would be a topic. Instead they're sad that they spend half their time bashing conservatives.

And as you said, it's a trick. It's shady and pathetic.

Patrick Chewing
02-25-2016, 01:32 PM
I don't think UK2K has endorsed Trump.

02-25-2016, 01:35 PM
Not knowing what it is almost as alarming though, no?

And it's probably not 20 percent but certainly some of his supporters are like "bummer bout slavery bein over and all"
Prove Prove it. Show me the proof for that last sentence. Prove it instead of making up junk like a idiot. Nobody said ending slavery was bad. Like I said.

02-25-2016, 01:36 PM
This explains the U2K, Akrazotil, etc. contingency :oldlol:


Not really surprising, of course. As I pointed out before, Trump can basically go against everything the Republican party supposedly stands for (has supported abortion, universal healthcare, called the Iraq war a mistake based on a lie, insulted a "war hero", etc. etc.) yet is still the overwhelming front runner because his base understand that his calls to "make America great again", lying about seeing "thousands" of Muslims celebrate after 9/11, tweeting out false crime statistics, demonizing Mexican immigrants (when they actually have a lower crime rate than the overall populace, which makes sense when you consider they don't want to get caught and deported) is really his way of playing up to good ol' American racism.

That's why the KKK, white supremacist groups, U2K, Akrazotile, etc. support him. They understand what he's talking about. Going to make sure those darkies know their place, yes sir!

Of course, they're too stupid to understand that he doesn't care about them one bit. He talks a lot, but will continue the same failed "trickle down" nonsense and their lives will not improve one iota (but his billionaire friends will!!) This is an ego driven mission by a megolomaniac who I'm sure is even surprised himself by how stupid his supporters are. This is a guy who is a con artist, and ran a fake "university" ripping off people just like his idiotic supporters.

He even let out some truth recently when he said "I love the uneducated (read, his base)!!!" Of course he does. He knows how easy it is to manipulate these fools.
I support Trump?

Learn something new every day.

02-25-2016, 01:37 PM
I don't think UK2K has endorsed Trump.
I wasn't aware I had either.

Real Men Wear Green
02-25-2016, 01:38 PM
Ah, so what they actually asked them is "do you support the executive action for the emancipation proclamation".

Basically a trick question banking on the fact that some percentage of people won't know what the emancipation proclamation is, will have a knee jerk negative reaction to "executive action" and then they can dishonestly go around saying "some of Trump's supporters think we shouldn't have ended slavery".

This is why the people hate and don't trust the media. Everyone knows they purposely sat in a room and said "how can we word it in a way that will trick people into giving the wrong answer so that we can smear Trump and his supporters".
If someone actually views slavery as being evil they aren't going to quibble over whether it was an executive action or Congress got to vote. That's ridiculous.

02-25-2016, 01:38 PM
I support Trump?

Learn something new every day.

I don't know who you are but don't feel ashamed. Know what you know and stick with what you believe in. Good on you if you do.

02-25-2016, 01:39 PM
If someone actually views slavery as being evil they aren't going to quibble over whether it was an executive action or Congress got to vote. That's ridiculous.
What does this mean? Do you mind rephrasing?

02-25-2016, 01:41 PM
If someone actually views slavery as being evil they aren't going to quibble over whether it was an executive action or Congress got to vote. That's ridiculous.
The point is those 20% don't know that the emancipation proclamation had anything to do with slavery. Stop playing dumb.

You want to know people's actual opinion, be blunt. Ask "do you agree with the executive action to end slavery?" Don't use "emancipation proclamation" in the hopes that people won't know what it is so you can trick them into giving the wrong answer then gleefully run around saying "Trump supporters are pro slavery".

02-25-2016, 01:43 PM
Time-Life was exposed as a CIA front years ago (by Carl Bernstein in 1977 among others). They have no real credibility whatsoever. LMAO at libtards trying to use this pathetic hit-piece (based on illogical guilt-by-association reasoning) to buttress their irrational Trump hate.

And keep shitting your pants over the Trump phenomenon. :lol

Real Men Wear Green
02-25-2016, 01:43 PM
What does this mean? Do you mind rephrasing?
I wrote it in English. If you can't understand it I don't think writing it over again would help.

02-25-2016, 01:45 PM
Well if we care to think logically

It's safe to assume some hardcore racists probably support slavery

Pretty safe to assume some of these people support trump

Also I believe there have been a handful of times trump has retweeted someone showing support for him that have turned out to be white supremacists

So you have nothing but assumptions? Are you serious or trying to be an idiot?
You cannot prove to me that one trump supporter supported slavery.
Just because we don't want a threat to our nation (the islams) it doesn't mean we have anything against people of color. We love black people. Nobody sees color and being protected or anti trump has nothing to do with racism.

And people tricked into saying they were against the proclamation doesn't mean they were racist. As I said (again you nor any other poster has been able to counter my point) slavery during the 1850's was good for the economy. Stopping it killed te south and our economy's.
For decades.
How do you feel about that? The poverty you see today is a result of stopping the institution in the manner they did. It could have been done better and without stripping the southern states our of their resources and blatantly STEALING.

It winners rewrite history and the Yankees have done just that.

02-25-2016, 01:47 PM
If someone actually views slavery as being evil they aren't going to quibble over whether it was an executive action or Congress got to vote. That's ridiculous.
Then why didn't the question say 'do you view slavery as evil'? That would have gotten the point across, yeah?

They didn't because then their 'statistics' wouldn't match up with what they thought they would.

02-25-2016, 01:47 PM
Time-Life was exposed as a CIA front years ago (by Carl Bernstein in 1977 among others). They have no real credibility whatsoever. LMAO at libtards trying to use this pathetic hit-piece (based on illogical guilt-by-association reasoning) to buttress their irrational Trump hate.

And keep shitting your pants over the Trump phenomenon. :lol

I swear they're so pathetic :oldlol:
They've wrecked our country and they won't stop till ever que

Real Men Wear Green
02-25-2016, 01:47 PM
The point is those 20% don't know that the emancipation proclamation had anything to do with slavery. Stop playing dumb.The problem here is that you are dumb, and so are they if they don't know what the Emancipation Proclamation was. The voter laws people have it wrong, we should be taking the right to vote away from the completely ignorant, not those that don't have the right kind of ID.

You want to know people's actual opinion, be blunt. Ask "do you agree with the executive action to end slavery?" Don't use "emancipation proclamation" in the hopes that people won't know what it is so you can trick them into giving the wrong answer then gleefully run around saying "Trump supporters are pro slavery".I mean...who gets through high school and doesn't know what that is? Seriously? Even by the standards of Trump supporters that's extremely ignorant.

02-25-2016, 01:49 PM
Then why didn't the question say 'do you view slavery as evil'? That would have gotten the point across, yeah?

They didn't because then their 'statistics' wouldn't match up with what they thought they would.
How exactly does that moron have green bars. It seems to me that the likes of you and the other guy get picked on by these hardcore liberal Yankee, pro gay folks.
Glad to have proper posters such as yourself take on the good arguments:applause:

02-25-2016, 01:50 PM
The problem here is that you are dumb, and so are they if they don't know what the Emancipation Proclamation was. The voter laws people have it wrong, we should be taking the right to vote away from the completely ignorant, not those that don't have the right kind of ID.

I mean...who gets through high school and doesn't know what that is? Seriously? Even by the standards of Trump supporters that's extremely ignorant.
Probably half this country couldn't put the states in the correct spots.

No, more than half.

The question was worded the way it was intentionally. There's no argument.

02-25-2016, 01:51 PM
The problem here is that you are dumb, and so are they if they don't know what the Emancipation Proclamation was. The voter laws people have it wrong, we should be taking the right to vote away from the completely ignorant, not those that don't have the right kind of ID.

I mean...who gets through high school and doesn't know what that is? Seriously? Even by the standards of Trump supporters that's extremely ignorant.

Whoopdi doo. If a liberal tells you it's sunny tomorrow grab a flashlight cause you're gonna need it.
This is the typical garbage you guys spread. You look up the hardest word in the English theasaurs and use it in a pill just to scew the results when you yourself had no idea what it meant before looking it up :oldlol:
Like they said, why not ask outright.? Clearly?

Real Men Wear Green
02-25-2016, 01:52 PM
Then why didn't the question say 'do you view slavery as evil'? That would have gotten the point across, yeah?

They didn't because then their 'statistics' wouldn't match up with what they thought they would.
This whining over a lack of extremely basic American history has to stop. It's embarrassing.

Real Men Wear Green
02-25-2016, 01:53 PM
Probably half this country couldn't put the states in the correct spots.

No, more than half.

The question was worded the way it was intentionally. There's no argument.
Derp, duh, what's the civil war? This am so hard.

02-25-2016, 01:54 PM
Derp, duh, what's the civil war? This am so hard.

Stop being silly.

Real Men Wear Green
02-25-2016, 01:54 PM
Whoopdi doo. If a liberal tells you it's sunny tomorrow grab a flashlight cause you're gonna need it.
This is the typical garbage you guys spread. You look up the hardest word in the English theasaurs and use it in a pill just to scew the results when you yourself had no idea what it meant before looking it up :oldlol:
Like they said, why not ask outright.? Clearly?
Guys, please stop crying. I'm almost feeling bad for you. Well, no, I'm not, but still, this officially pathetic.

02-25-2016, 01:56 PM
Guys, please stop crying. I'm almost feeling bad for you. Well, no, I'm not, but still, this officially pathetic.

Good defend some muslims. Meanwhile we'll look out for our country. Who's the pathetic one now, que

02-25-2016, 01:56 PM
OP, being a salty ass bitch, really thinks that; being against executive order = being for slavery

Wall soon

02-25-2016, 01:57 PM
OP, being a salty ass bitch, really thinks that; being against executive order = being for slavery

Wall soon

What do you expect from an idiot?

02-25-2016, 02:03 PM
Derp, duh, what's the civil war? This am so hard.

Everyone is a witness to Real Men Wear Green's giant meltdown here. :roll:

RMWG, of all the threads to meltdown over Trump in, why this troll thread? :facepalm

02-25-2016, 02:05 PM
Everyone is a witness to Real Men Wear Green's giant meltdown. :roll:

Of all the threads to meltdown over Trump in RMWG, why this troll thread? :facepalm

:roll: he thinks he's farting in silk, that man:roll:

Real Men Wear Green
02-25-2016, 02:06 PM
Everyone is a witness to Real Men Wear Green's giant meltdown here. :roll:

RMWG, of all the threads to meltdown over Trump, why this troll thread? :facepalm
I don't normally deal with all off this stupidity. It got to me.

02-25-2016, 02:06 PM
The problem here is that you are dumb, and so are they if they don't know what the Emancipation Proclamation was. The voter laws people have it wrong, we should be taking the right to vote away from the completely ignorant, not those that don't have the right kind of ID.

I mean...who gets through high school and doesn't know what that is? Seriously? Even by the standards of Trump supporters that's extremely ignorant.
Hillary Clinton doesn't know that the Declaration of Independence and the constitution are different things.

02-25-2016, 02:08 PM
Hillary Clinton doesn't know that the Declaration of Independence and the constitution are different things.Don't expect the democrat to answer.

02-25-2016, 02:08 PM

oh my! :lol :roll:

02-25-2016, 02:08 PM
I swear they're so pathetic :oldlol:
They've wrecked our country and they won't stop till ever que€r, Muslim, and minority take over. We'll done. We'll done .

So you have nothing but assumptions? Are you serious or trying to be an idiot?
You cannot prove to me that one trump supporter supported slavery.
Just because we don't want a threat to our nation (the islams) it doesn't mean we have anything against people of color. We love black people. Nobody sees color and being protected or anti trump has nothing to do with racism.

And people tricked into saying they were against the proclamation doesn't mean they were racist. As I said (again you nor any other poster has been able to counter my point) slavery during the 1850's was good for the economy. Stopping it killed te south and our economy's.
For decades.
How do you feel about that? The poverty you see today is a result of stopping the institution in the manner they did. It could have been done better and without stripping the southern states our of their resources and blatantly STEALING.

It winners rewrite history and the Yankees have done just that.

Good defend some muslims. Meanwhile we'll look out for our country. Who's the pathetic one now, que€r lover?

Do you actually want to reply coherently to a single post I made or just waste everybody's time with nonessential posts?

I said prove to me that Trump. Supporters were racist and you went quiet all of a sudden

It's almost like Poido came back from jail with a new prison body. I swear this place is a goddamn revolving door. :facepalm

02-25-2016, 02:09 PM

oh my! :lol :roll:
Damn. Hillary Clinton is pro black genocide.

02-25-2016, 02:10 PM

oh my! :lol :roll:That don't mean she agree on that view. I guess you already knew that but posted this anyways. Jesus Christ are you bunch predictable.

02-25-2016, 02:11 PM
It's almost like Poido came back from jail with a new prison body. I swear this place is a goddamn revolving door. :facepalm

Do you have anything to say to me you little Mexico boy? Or are you just gonna quote me?

02-25-2016, 02:12 PM
No, I easily could go to twitter and find some who supports both trump and slavery

I just don't care enough to do so for your tired gimmick

Is what I though. Take care now.

02-25-2016, 02:13 PM
No, I easily could go to twitter and find some who supports both trump and slavery

I just don't care enough to do so for your tired gimmick
I could easily find an Obama supporter with a #killallwhitepeople hashtag. It doesn't mean anything. Every politician has some crazy supporters.

02-25-2016, 02:14 PM
When is wall coming?

02-25-2016, 02:15 PM
Do you have anything to say to me you little Mexico boy? Or are you just gonna quote me?

You shut your goddamn mouth, boy.

How's the hairline treating you these days? You still suffering from PTSD because you were clowned by a teenager?

02-25-2016, 02:16 PM
I could easily find an Obama supporter with a #killallwhitepeople hashtag. It doesn't mean anything. Every politician has some crazy supporters.

:applause: :applause: good to have a poster who dont bsck down from these. .:applause:

02-25-2016, 02:17 PM
It's almost like Poido came back from jail with a new prison body. I swear this place is a goddamn revolving door. :facepalm
the australian terrorist has returned. :oldlol:

02-25-2016, 02:18 PM
Derp, duh, what's the civil war? This am so hard.

I agree... America is stupid. Do you have another point or nah?

02-25-2016, 02:18 PM
You shut your goddamn mouth, boy.

How's the hairline treating you these days? You still suffering from PTSD because you were clowned by a teenager?

What in THEE hell are you on about. Little red sauce Mexico boy talking smack. Y'al are the downfall of texas. Y'al are what Trump, fortunately, ain't afraid of calling out. Carry on with your crap. In a years time you'll be headin south where you belong.
Meantime carry on saying things that don't mean nothing.

02-25-2016, 02:21 PM
What in THEE hell are you on about. Little red sauce Mexico boy talking smack. Y'al are the downfall of texas. Y'al are what Trump, fortunately, ain't afraid of calling out. Carry on with your crap. In a years time you'll be headin south where you belong.
Meantime carry on saying things that don't mean nothing.

Just stop, son. :facepalm

I appreciate you trying to change up your posting style a bit. I know you think that makes you clever but c'mon son... This is Dadda you're talking to. You really think I would fall for that?


Y'al? Calling people Yankees like this is the Antebellum South?

You insult my intelligence like this?


02-25-2016, 02:23 PM
Just stop, son. :facepalm

I appreciate you trying to change up your posting style a bit. I know you think that makes you clever but c'mon son... This is Dadda you're talking to. You really think I would fall for that?


Y'al? Calling people Yankees like this is the Antebellum South?

You insult my intelligence like this?


Little Mexico boy has no answers. Either explain what you're saying or don't say nothing. Don't be cryptic. Not surprised that you're defending the Muslims.
Mexicans and Muslims the same to me. Both a nuisance. Both exhibit the same crap. Mexicans don't care if we are under threat. They're loyalty is not to this nation.

02-25-2016, 02:23 PM

I agree... America is stupid. Do you have another point or nah?

Liberals are bringing our numbers down.

02-25-2016, 02:26 PM
Liberals are bringing our numbers down.

Queers are dumb
You and I both know that.

02-25-2016, 02:32 PM
Little Mexico boy has no answers. Either explain what you're saying or don't say nothing. Don't be cryptic.

The South shall rise again y'al. Damn Yankees and their emancipations of the Islams. :rant

Razzie level shit here.

02-25-2016, 02:36 PM
The South shall rise again y'al. Damn Yankees and their emancipations of the Islams. :rant

Razzie level shit here.

You have nothing to say. Keep writing nothin. Stay saying nothin.

02-25-2016, 02:38 PM
You have nothing to say. Keep writing nothin. Stay saying nothin.

Hell of a job the witness protection program is doing. Nice new identity they come up with for you. :yaohappy:

02-25-2016, 02:40 PM
Hell of a job the witness protection program is doing. Nice new identity they come up with for you. :yaohappy:

Again I have no idea what you're talking about. I am not this vince young. I just think that's he's a genius. And y'al are jealous he's outing all the good for nothing members of society :lol

What's with the identity thing you keep hinting ay?

02-25-2016, 02:44 PM
Again I have no idea what you're talking about. I am not this vince young. I just think that's he's a genius. And y'al are jealous he's outing all the good for nothing members of society :lol

What's with the identity thing you keep hinting ay?


F*ck those Islam loving Yankees... Y'al.


02-25-2016, 03:08 PM
Lakersfam is a DonDadda alt

02-25-2016, 03:17 PM

02-25-2016, 03:19 PM
Lakersfam seems like one of those people who tells foreigners to speak English, while being a walking embarrassment to the English language.

02-25-2016, 03:34 PM
This is disingenuous to say the least considering the Emancipation Proclamation didn't actually free any slaves, and was primarily a war-based expediency done to forestall the possibility of European support for the Confederacy (another bit of cunning from Lincoln). The slavery issue is over-emphasised by modern historians, actually far more than it was at the time; there was much sympathy in Britain for the cause of the Confederacy (and Britain was the world leader in the drive for universal emancipation), which could not have been the case if everyone thought it was simply a matter of slavery; this is a modern interpretation, and a modern distortion (and fills the psychological need to view wars as good vs. evil, something which is almost never the case).

Lincoln himself was in favour of gradual emancipation, largely because the entirety of the United States was overwhelming racist at this point in history, and he didn't think throwing millions of former slaves (poorly educated, impoverished, and consigned to just as miserable place in society, free or slave) into a wilderness that resented them would benefit them; there's a reason why free blacks in the North had shorter life-expectancies than slaves in the South, and it's because at least the southerners had a pecuniary interest in keeping their slaves well looked after. In the North, they were also pariahs, but they didn't have the befit of being provided for. Again, simple-minded and ahistorical moral denunciations win the day, showing that the roots of this conflict are very much alive in Americans, North and South. If it wasn't still a living issue then you could look at these things more objectively, rather than descending into moralising histrionics.

It would've made more sense to offer compensation and a gradual path to emancipation rather than fight a war that killed over 600,000 people (mostly poor conscripts, forced to fight against their will; the rich could pay to escape service), and completely devastated half of the country. But the extremists from North and South would not abide this solution, because they were moral absolutists, and had no desire to compromise. It would've cost a lot of money, sure, but far less than the cost of waging the most destructive war in American history.

It cannot be ignored that the Constitution protected slavery (it would never have been ratified if it had not), and that southerners were perfectly entitled to due compensation. Not to mention that the North also benefitted massively from slavery by effectively siphoning wealth away from the South through the utilization of punitive tariffs. (Lincoln's views on the tariff were actually far more offensive to the South than his views on slavery, which were actually quite moderate, in contrast to the likes of Sumner the fanatic, Chase and Seward).

edit: if you're going to ask questions in polls, then you should at least make them honest: something like "do you think slavery should be allowed" would probably get less than 5%, and certainly not 20. The Emancipation Proclamation, more than anything else, is what made the war about slavery, and consigned the South to defeat and near-servitude (and also allowed the white trash to rise to the top through force of numbers), so it's quite understandable why many southerners would disapprove of it.

02-25-2016, 04:01 PM

oh my! :lol :roll:
That's a fake Margaret Sanger quote.

02-25-2016, 04:33 PM
That's a fake Margaret Sanger quote.
Her feelings about black people is well documented.

Knoe Itawl
02-25-2016, 04:40 PM

White supremacists mobilize for Trump!

[B]On Wednesday, David Duke, the white nationalist and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, encouraged his radio show listeners to volunteer for Trump's campaign. "Call Donald Trump

02-25-2016, 04:46 PM
[QUOTE=Knoe Itawl]http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-white-supremacist-sec-primary_us_56cf4437e4b0bf0dab31222f

White supremacists mobilize for Trump!

[B]On Wednesday, David Duke, the white nationalist and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, encouraged his radio show listeners to volunteer for Trump's campaign. "Call Donald Trump

02-25-2016, 04:53 PM

White supremacists mobilize for Trump!

On Wednesday, David Duke, the white nationalist and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, encouraged his radio show listeners to volunteer for Trump's campaign. "Call Donald Trump’s headquarters [and] volunteer," he said on the "David Duke Radio Program." At Trump campaign offices, he said, "you’re gonna meet people who are going to have the same kind of mindset that you have.”

In Minnesota and Vermont, a white supremacist super PAC called the American National Super PAC has begun circulating a robocall in support of Trump.

"The white race is dying out in America and Europe because we are afraid to be called 'racist,' says William Johnson, the leader of the white nationalist American Freedom Party. He goes on to bemoan "gradual genocide against the white race," and how few "schools anymore have beautiful white children as the majority." He signs off by telling recipients, "Don’t vote for a Cuban. Vote for Donald Trump."

:oldlol: at people denying the obvious. Trump has cornered the sh!tkicker racist vote. I mean, look at so many of his supporters on this VERY site! "Duh, I'm not racist, I'm just posting facts. Duh. I mean, I don't post any facts concerning negative things about white people, only blacks and I judge an entire group by the actions of some of it's participants (while doing the exact OPPOSITE for my group) but Duh I'm not racist. Now how about those black killings in Chicago??"


Like these racists?

(hint: that would be a black dude wearing KKK outfits). Democrats being racist again, shocker.

You going to call it both ways or is this just an anti-trump rant? Why aren't you condemning the behavior? Cause you don't give a ****, cause its your side. Your hypocritical, as are many Democrats. It's not your fault, its just the way you were taught.

What's funny is plenty, and I mean plenty, of Democrats were all over this story. Articles were written about it on dozens of websites. When the truth came out, did we ever see an 'Oops we didn't bother to fact check, we just ran with what we thought sounded good'?

Nope. Not a peep. Are you condemning that too? I bet not.

Knoe Itawl
02-25-2016, 05:03 PM
You know you can find articles about white supremacists supporting Obama too? There was even an intercepted KKK letter where they expressed their disappointment he couldn't have a third term, so much more racially polarised had he made America in his first two. Guilt by association is a cheap smear tactic, one that tends only to be applied when it suits a particular agenda.

Give me a break. If you pretend you don't see the difference, then you're being intellectually dishonest. Its' about what Trump has ESPOUSED as well as who is supporting him. A f**** moratorium on Muslims coming into this country??? Demonizing Mexican illegal immigrants as rapists and murders, tweeting out FALSE crime statistics about blacks murdering whites, LYING about thousands of muslims celebrating after 9/11. Just WHO is that type of thing supposed to appeal to? I guess it just so happens that the groups he's painted as a problem are all darkies. Where is he to talk about the crimes whites commit? Be it spree killings, pedophilia, the drug scourge in middle America and the Northern states, etc. Don't think I've seen him tackle those societal ills. Btw, more Americans have been killed by homegrown terrorist groups than Muslim terrorists since 9/11. Somehow I don't think that's something he's going to get into. The Justice Dept warned about the rise of white terrorist groups in this country and the GOP forced them to scuttle the report. Haven't heard about any of that from the Donald.

But when it comes to the problems the darkies cause? Oh he's all over it.


You are more than 7 times as likely to be killed by a right wing extremist than by a Muslim.

I'll tell you why he doesn't harp on those things (actually I think you know why, but you don't want to admit it). It's because it doesn't serve his purpose of manipulating ignorant simpletons who buy his schtick.

Knoe Itawl
02-25-2016, 05:10 PM

Like these racists?

(hint: that would be a black dude wearing KKK outfits). Democrats being racist again, shocker.

You going to call it both ways or is this just an anti-trump rant? Why aren't you condemning the behavior? Cause you don't give a ****, cause its your side. Your hypocritical, as are many Democrats. It's not your fault, its just the way you were taught.

What's funny is plenty, and I mean plenty, of Democrats were all over this story. Articles were written about it on dozens of websites. When the truth came out, did we ever see an 'Oops we didn't bother to fact check, we just ran with what we thought sounded good'?

Nope. Not a peep. Are you condemning that too? I bet not.

My "side" is the human race. I have no particular love for Democrats but when it comes down to it they're 10000 better than the batsh!t insane regressive, racist Republican party. That's for sure. I call out Democrats all the time for their complacency in this country becoming an oligarchy.


And wtf are you telling me about some false story for? What does that have to do with me? None of that changes the simple fact: Trump is courting the ignorant racist vote. I still don't know if he even believes most of the sh!t he says, or if he's just found out that stupid "conservatives" are easy to manipulate by playing to their latent racism.

02-25-2016, 05:12 PM
Her feelings about black people is well documented.
And yet, folks still feel the need to create fake quotes. In fact, there's a whole cottage industry of fake Margaret Sanger quotes out there. How much of her well-documented feelings, are revisionist, ahistorical or just false?

Wikipedia's section on her views on race make it seem like she was pretty ahead of her time

W. E. B. Du Bois served on the board of Sanger's Harlem clinic.[94]

She collaborated with African-American leaders and professionals who saw a need for birth control in their communities. In 1929, James H. Hubert, a black social worker and leader of New York's Urban League, asked Sanger to open a clinic in Harlem.[95] Sanger secured funding from the Julius Rosenwald Fund and opened the clinic, staffed with black doctors, in 1930. The clinic was directed by a 15-member advisory board consisting of black doctors, nurses, clergy, journalists, and social workers. The clinic was publicized in the African-American press and in black churches, and it received the approval of W. E. B. Du Bois, civil rights legend and author of The Souls Of Black Folk, co-founder of the NAACP and editor of its magazine, Crisis, whom Martin Luther King Jr. would eulogize as "unsurpassed as an intellect."[96][97][98][99] Sanger did not tolerate bigotry among her staff, nor would she tolerate any refusal to work within interracial projects.[100] Sanger's work with minorities earned praise from Martin Luther King, Jr., in his 1966 acceptance speech for the Margaret Sanger award.[101]

From 1939 to 1942 Sanger was an honorary delegate of the Birth Control Federation of America, which included a supervisory role

02-25-2016, 05:29 PM
My "side" is the human race. I have no particular love for Democrats but when it comes down to it they're 10000 better than the batsh!t insane regressive, racist Republican party. That's for sure. I call out Democrats all the time for their complacency in this country becoming an oligarchy.


And wtf are you telling me about some false story for? What does that have to do with me? None of that changes the simple fact: Trump is courting the ignorant racist vote. I still don't know if he even believes most of the sh!t he says, or if he's just found out that stupid "conservatives" are easy to manipulate by playing to their latent racism.

As they stand there in KKK garb in order to incite divisiveness. Makes sense.

Let's try it this way...

Which party wants special privileges for blacks and non-whites?
Which party is upset because they can't exclude a particular race from attending their meetings?
Which party had a sitting Senator, just a few years ago, who was a member of the KKK?

Name calling won't help your cause. Facts help your cause.

Remember that whole 'party of old white people' chant that was so awesome a few years ago... well, I don't hear it anymore. How come? All of a sudden, when Democrats put up zero minorities for the presidential election, suddenly the chants stop. The narrative changes.

Call me racist and bigot and every other word you're told to call me, it won't help you. Its racist to be against affirmative action? I think its racist to tell a particular group of people they can't compete on the same level as everyone else. You think its racist to be against race based scholarships? I think its racist you are telling high school kids they're too stupid to get in without the help. And then, once there, they are set up for failure because they don't belong there. But it makes you feel good inside to 'give them a chance' right?

In my eyes, everyone is equal. You can be a success, or you can be a **** up, regardless of your race. That's how everyone should see it.

02-25-2016, 06:18 PM
Democrats don't have any principles. They just have a strategy, which is to divide people into voting blocs by identity, not ideas.

Democrats aren't against deporting illegals for any reason having anything to do with any kind of principle. It's simply a matter of thinking it will gain them votes from Latinos. Because they completely lack principles, they have no problem bing like " fcuk the law. We want these votes".

They don't worry about consistency. All of their positions have nothing to do with each other and don't stem out of any underlying principle. Everything they do is just an attempt to pander to some identity group. The only single position they have that doesn't directly pander to some identity group is their anti-gun stance.

The democrats are nothing but a power grab party. They have no principles or any ideology of any kind. The only people in their party that have any kind of ideological foundation is the socialist fringe of their party, who as you can see with Bernie, they're openly trying to suppress.

02-25-2016, 06:28 PM
Fvk idealogy

Shit don't play in real life
You can't trust somebody who doesn't believe in anything.

If 3 years from now, 75% of Americans were against gay marriage, do you have any doubt that Hillary Clinton would suddenly be against it too?

02-25-2016, 07:04 PM
Cruz might be the only one I trust in the sense that I think he would stick to his horrible horrible insane shit he says
Cruz can't be trusted because he changes his mind about things and then claims he's always been consistently for his current position.

This is a guy that was in favor of legal status for illegals, tripling the number of foreign worker visas and went down to the border to hand out free toys to illegals. He then claims after Trump drops the anti-illegal bomb that he's always been consistently strong on illegal immigration and now claims that he's tougher on it than Trump.

He never admits to flip flopping. He just claims it never happened. I'd rather trust a Rubio who admits he got it wrong than a liar like Cruz who thinks we're all a bunch of idiots who won't know that he flip flopped.