View Full Version : Why Are SJW So Against Free Speech?

02-25-2016, 11:14 PM
Basic Summary

-Ben Shaprio was scheduled to hold a speech at CSULA today.

-Professors, administrators, BLM activists, etc complain that he is (insert every single SJW buzzword possible.)

-CSULA decides to reschedule the event and have him presented with other speakers of conflicting views because afterall Universities today only promote one narrative and any other conflicting narrative should be met with opposition.

-CSULA decides to allow Shapiro to speak.

-Violence, fire alarm being pulled during his speech amongst other tactics deployed to stop a person from presenting his views.




For the actual speech:


SJW "Diversity is the key...only when the diversity fits our viewpoint otherwise shutup."

Nick Young
02-25-2016, 11:17 PM
its insane. The new generation are pro big-brother totalitarian little zealots.

It is the same type of generation that lead to the government system found in the book Fahrenheit 451.

02-25-2016, 11:25 PM
Let us not even start with the comedians that refuse to do shows at college campuses anymore. Even liberal comedians of the likes of Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld refuse to do shows at college campuses.

What is it with this new generation of kids that go out of their way to shut down different viewpoints?

02-25-2016, 11:27 PM
Because they are little whiny totalitarians who think that everything's about them and their feelings. Straight out of the politburo.

02-25-2016, 11:28 PM
Hate speech is not free speech

02-25-2016, 11:29 PM
Social Hero Warriors are scum.

02-25-2016, 11:39 PM
SJWs are just expressing their own freedom of speech. Freedom of speech just means it isn't illegal. SJWs saying they don't want to hear certain speeches doesn't take the legality away for others.

02-25-2016, 11:45 PM
Hate speech is not free speech

Care to explain the "hate"?

02-26-2016, 12:07 AM
Hate speech is not free speech
That's exactly what it is silly boy. The concept of free speech makes no sense if it only applies to things that everyone thinks are ok to say. You wouldn't need a concept to protect popular speech would you?

Direct incitement to violence is the only thing that shouldn't be protected by free speech.

Nick Young
02-26-2016, 12:12 AM
If free speech exists, SJW values cannot progress and will eventually cease to exist, because none of the things they say or theories they hold stand up to any logical scrutiny or questioning.

02-26-2016, 12:17 AM
just remember everyone, i called this shit out years ago and people ignored me and called me dumb

Nick Young
02-26-2016, 12:23 AM
just remember everyone, i called this shit out years ago and people ignored me and called me dumb
I agreed with you, I've been calling this shit out for years, especially since I spent a year in a job surrounded by insane SJWs in every corner.

02-26-2016, 12:27 AM
If free speech exists, SJW values cannot progress and will eventually cease to exist, because none of the things they say or theories they hold stand up to any logical scrutiny or questioning.

You're telling me microagression, macroaggression, cultural appropriation, white privilage, CIS privilage are not infallible concepts?


My $100k degree in gender studies is useless?

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Nick Young
02-26-2016, 12:29 AM
You're telling me microagression, macroaggression, cultural appropriation, white privilage, CIS privilage are not infallible concepts?


My $100k degree in gender studies is useless?

:cry: :cry: :cry:
this man knows what's up.

The gender studies people need these subjective concepts to exist because otherwise they are all out of jobs. What the phuck is a gender studies major going to do if they have no imaginary voodoo patriarchy to fight against and whine about in interviews on CNN and NPR? That's why they have to constantly invent new imaginary bullshit concepts to get offended about, like microaggressions and manspreading and sexist airconditioning.

02-26-2016, 12:32 AM
People who want a lie to go unchallenged do what they can to suppress the truth.

02-26-2016, 12:36 AM
just remember everyone, i called this shit out years ago and people ignored me and called me dumb
I definitely wasn't calling you dumb for that. I wrote my undergrad thesis on the death of free speech in the UK like 4 years ago now :rockon:

02-26-2016, 12:56 AM
this man knows what's up.

The gender studies people need these subjective concepts to exist because otherwise they are all out of jobs. What the phuck is a gender studies major going to do if they have no imaginary voodoo patriarchy to fight against and whine about in interviews on CNN and NPR? That's why they have to constantly invent new imaginary bullshit concepts to get offended about, like microaggressions and manspreading and sexist airconditioning.

I was generally in a good mood tonight until you mentioned the term "sexist airconditioning" and I had to google it to verify it is indeed not something you made up. I hope you realize that I have seen the light and I am not sure how I could of been ignorant for so long?

How have I not seen the evil patriarchy and their sexist tricks? How have I not taken into account my female coworkers plight in the office? It is bad enough they earn 78% of what I make but must they also suffer in the cold while I manspread and let the cool air gently breeze my *****. I will go to sleep tonight knowing some women in some office in the world is cold because of the evil patriarchy that I am apart of. Oh god... **** I did it again. HOw do I know it isn't a goddess? How can I reverse the brainwashing the patriarchy has done to me?



02-26-2016, 01:19 AM
Hate speech is not free speech

Are you retarded?

Patrick Chewing
02-26-2016, 02:42 AM
Hate speech is not free speech

STFU clown.

02-26-2016, 02:57 AM
It's been so long since I took a liberal arts class that I forget how it was like. Surely not as bad as it is now. There were no SJW idiots or at least I don't remember.

I always tried to take a liberal arts class that wasn't too over the top to avoid idiots.

Went back to business school and its all good. There are still liberals in business school but we all had one common ground since we were business students. Be aware of the Marketing students though. Tend to be women who are strong minded business types. Those were outspoken. Other than that its all good.

Kids nowadays are crazy.

02-26-2016, 04:15 AM
Honestly, this is an American society issue. None of this sh!t happens in countries around the world. People are just spoiled in this country. In countries like India, you don't see people rioting and relying on violence over nonsense like this - they fight over bigger fundamental issues such as how to get energy independence, poverty, and corruption.

Why the hell is nobody in this country protesting against corruption or corporations owning the government or Congress stuck in personal political gridlock & refusing to do their job? Where are the big picture protests? People fighting over BLM and ALM? You kidding me? Let's fight corruption and bribery! Folks like Martin Luther King Jr and Abraham Lincoln and George Washington and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and John F Kennedy rolling in their graves right now over what is going on across the country.

Nick Young
02-26-2016, 04:39 AM
Honestly, this is an American society issue. None of this sh!t happens in countries around the world. People are just spoiled in this country. In countries like India, you don't see people rioting and relying on violence over nonsense like this - they fight over bigger fundamental issues such as how to get energy independence, poverty, and corruption.

Why the hell is nobody in this country protesting against corruption or corporations owning the government or Congress stuck in personal political gridlock & refusing to do their job? Where are the big picture protests? People fighting over BLM and ALM? You kidding me? Let's fight corruption and bribery! Folks like Martin Luther King Jr and Abraham Lincoln and George Washington and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and John F Kennedy rolling in their graves right now over what is going on across the country.
Wrong. It is also a UK and Western European issue. You are naive as phuck.

02-26-2016, 04:54 AM
Honestly, this is an American society issue. None of this sh!t happens in countries around the world. People are just spoiled in this country. In countries like India, you don't see people rioting and relying on violence over nonsense like this - they fight over bigger fundamental issues such as how to get energy independence, poverty, and corruption.

Why the hell is nobody in this country protesting against corruption or corporations owning the government or Congress stuck in personal political gridlock & refusing to do their job? Where are the big picture protests? People fighting over BLM and ALM? You kidding me? Let's fight corruption and bribery! Folks like Martin Luther King Jr and Abraham Lincoln and George Washington and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson and John F Kennedy rolling in their graves right now over what is going on across the country.

It happens all over Europe and most likel originated the as it made its way to America and started with the Obama administration.

If you remember one of obamas campaign stops was in Germany. Which American president candidate has ever campaigned overseas to promise to make the world great?

That globalist fool is will be the head of the United Nations. Supposedly that position will be vacant and he has his eyes on it.