View Full Version : Why do people look down on plumbers/electricians etc. while...

02-27-2016, 07:54 AM
People who are taking a useless degree in university("Spanish litterature", "anthropology", "marketing and communication" or "English" as examples) and have a job that isnt really important to society receive more respect?

Why are you "failed" and "stupid" if you go to a technical school? Many of those jobs that these guys will get are way more important for you and me than a guy sitting in an office all day doing nothing.

Real Men Wear Green
02-27-2016, 08:05 AM
I don't think electricians are looked down on at all.

02-27-2016, 10:39 AM
It's because they do manual labor. Manual labor (plumber, gardener, garbage man) tend to be seen as lower than non-manual labor (salesman, architec) despite higher salary. Except for lawyers, which sometimes are seen as lower than sex offenders.

02-27-2016, 10:52 AM
I had no idea people look down on plumbers and electricians:biggums:

02-27-2016, 10:53 AM
Neither is looked down upon? Only kids under 16 think so.

02-27-2016, 10:57 AM
Who looks down on them?

Guy I know makes $50 an hour

02-27-2016, 11:21 AM
im in blue/white collar work. in the industrial building, their are electrical contractors, network communications, building restorers, and the entire side of the building which is about 5 units is owned by a plumbing company. i respect these people very much and they do more important work than i do. and they make alot of money.

Patrick Chewing
02-27-2016, 11:28 AM
I know where OP is coming from. I have two electricians I contract out for my business and they are a shady bunch.

Only reason I keep them around is because the work they do for me is solid. But let me tell you, they will try to cut corners and cry about not making enough money like you wouldn't believe. Plus, half of these guys never keep their licenses up to date and give you the run around all the time.

02-27-2016, 11:49 AM
I don't think electricians are looked down on at all.

02-27-2016, 11:59 AM
I do not know of one financially struggling licensed tradesman. Skilled trades are excellent career choices if you enjoy them.

02-27-2016, 12:23 PM
I had no idea people look down on plumbers and electricians:biggums:
Me either. Is this real? I thought most people really respect tradesmen. I know I do.

02-27-2016, 01:04 PM
Me either. Is this real? I thought most people really respect tradesmen. I know I do.
To say looking down is exaggeration. Most people don't. It's just these people (mechanics, electricians, plumber, gardener, garbagemen, janitor, etc) often are dirty in visual appearance with non fashionable clothes and boots doing dirty jobs while salesmen and banker and English professors are clean cut with their suits and oxfords. So they're thought of as lower. That's all.

02-27-2016, 01:16 PM
I had no idea people look down on plumbers and electricians:biggums:
Me either.

I wish I knew what they knew. You need it all the time. I mean honestly, unless I'm deathly ill, what good would it be to know what a doctor knows?

02-27-2016, 01:26 PM
Because white collar jobs are views as the endgoal for the middle class. The American dream today consists of going to college and not going to a trade school to learn a real skill.

If any of you have read the book "The Millionaire Next Door" it is well documented that the children of 1st generation that came to this country and set up a successful businesses are poorer in terms of net worth compared to their parents (ie the 2nd generation immigrant who went to school and is a lawyer is relatively poorer compared to his parents.) But it is interesting to note that many of these 1st generation immigrants preferred their children to get a degree as opposed to running the family business because a degree in a "prestigious" field is seen as "success" in today's society.

(Disclaimer this isn't the case for all and there are plenty of low class families that are now in the middle/upper middle class by going to school and getting a higher paying job.)

The point is the market generally determines the salary of workers. We have an abundance of college graduates that can't get a job or a high paying job because there is an oversupply of people in that field. The notion that we need more college graduates is absurd albeit certain fields where H1b1 visa workers are brought into fill these jobs (and even in these circumstances many of these corporations can find American workers but prefer to hire cheaper labor abroad.)

Props to the blue collar workers getting dem checks and **** what those people in a liberal arts degree have to say.

02-27-2016, 01:31 PM
They really arent looked down on in my experience. My stepfather was a master plumber and master electrician and seemed fairly well respected. And he made money. He was making like 40 bucks an hour working for Fluor helping bring power plants online....30 years ago. I know electricians now who are too old to keep doing the work making great money helping young guys get and stay certified. Both jobs are perfectly legit and respectable. And a lot of good ones end up plumbers and electricians in name only because they own the company. Companies that pay good money and put in bids on huge jobs that generate millions of dollars. Imagine how much money is being paid to the companies that won the bids to do plumbing in the new NFL stadium in LA for example.

Nobody with a brain and some experience in the real world is hating on someone with the know how and learning potential of a master plumber or electrician.

02-27-2016, 01:44 PM
I wasn't aware that anyone did, except the very few who sneer idiotically at anyone who didn't go to college. English and Anthropology are also important subjects, so op is talking shit.

02-27-2016, 02:18 PM
When I was in school they were pushing the trades harder then ever, I'd say it's common knowledge now that they do very well for themselves.

02-27-2016, 02:36 PM
They really arent looked down on in my experience. My stepfather was a master plumber and master electrician and seemed fairly well respected. And he made money. He was making like 40 bucks an hour working for Fluor helping bring power plants online....30 years ago. I know electricians now who are too old to keep doing the work making great money helping young guys get and stay certified. Both jobs are perfectly legit and respectable. And a lot of good ones end up plumbers and electricians in name only because they own the company. Companies that pay good money and put in bids on huge jobs that generate millions of dollars. Imagine how much money is being paid to the companies that won the bids to do plumbing in the new NFL stadium in LA for example.

Nobody with a brain and some experience in the real world is hating on someone with the know how and learning potential of a master plumber or electrician.

That is insanely impressive to possess both titles.

02-27-2016, 02:43 PM
Who looks down on Plumbers and Electricians?

Nick Young
02-27-2016, 02:44 PM
I wasn't aware that anyone did, except the very few who sneer idiotically at anyone who didn't go to college. English and Anthropology are also important subjects, so op is talking shit.
Anthropology is not an important subject. There's a reason that universities across the UK and US are shutting down their anthropology departments. Pseudo-science can get ****ed.

02-27-2016, 08:22 PM
Didn't realize people did that. Blue color workers make more $$$ on average.

02-27-2016, 10:13 PM
Only dummies think that way. I work in a hospital and you can see how people try to make themselves feel good by looking down on others. Doctor looks down on nurse. Nurse looks down on technician. Technician than looks down on janitor. It's stupid, but that's how humans are.

02-27-2016, 10:14 PM
Anthropology is not an important subject. There's a reason that universities across the UK and US are shutting down their anthropology departments. Pseudo-science can get ****ed.
Sorry dude, but you don't know what you're talking about. When it comes to understanding human beings and human development some understanding of anthropology is essential. It's not "pseudo-science"--it is based on empiricism, which is the basis of the natural sciences. Just because it is abused by some doesn't make it unscientific.

02-28-2016, 12:50 AM
I think it's their stereotypical persona or mentality that people look down upon moreso than their occupation.

They are pretty simple people and tend to be crass in nature. All they want is beer, a 4 wheel drive, and jetskis.

02-28-2016, 02:52 AM
do grade school kids dream of becoming a plumber someday and cleaning shit pipes for a living?

it's like such a dream job, right