View Full Version : 1987 Magic Johnson vs 2016 Steph Curry

02-28-2016, 04:26 PM
Which is the better PG? I always thought Magic had the greatest season ever for a PG in '87, but Curry so far this year is obviously making a case for the best season ever for a PG.

Young X
02-28-2016, 04:40 PM
Apples and oranges. Magic was an actual PG. He didn't go around jacking up long 3's and 20+ shots a game he was a maestro who constantly set his teammates up. Curry should be compared to guys like Wade and Kobe before someone like Magic.

02-28-2016, 04:43 PM
What do we call a PG who average less than 7 apg? A shooting guard.

Seriously, only reason he is listed as a SG is his height.

Magic was a great scorer in 87 and the floor general. Give me the greatest point guard of all time, Magic.

02-28-2016, 04:45 PM
What do we call a PG who average less than 7 apg? A shooting guard.

Seriously, only reason he is listed as a SG is his height.

Magic was a great scorer in 87 and the floor general. Give me the greatest point guard of all time, Magic.

not true.

02-28-2016, 04:46 PM
Apples and oranges. Magic was an actual PG. He didn't go around jacking up long 3's and 20+ shots a game he was a maestro who constantly set his teammates up. Curry should be compared to guys like Wade and Kobe before someone like Magic.

You are so wrong.

Curry might shoot and score like no one else in the league, but he's a true point guard. He runs the offense and he makes everyone else better.

How many dimes did he drop against OKC that his teammates blow? I counted at least 5 easy layups, which would have given him 11 assists for the game, along with 46 points.

02-28-2016, 04:47 PM
magic was a ball hog, he needed to have the ball in his hands to be effective. curry plays within the offense and still dominates. magic was a nice player but he was a mediocre shooter from range which is what matters in todays game. magic = great player in his era curry = great player in any era.

02-28-2016, 04:50 PM
What do we call a PG who average less than 7 apg? A shooting guard.

Seriously, only reason he is listed as a SG is his height.

Magic was a great scorer in 87 and the floor general. Give me the greatest point guard of all time, Magic.

Curry is a very good passer, he's has seasons where he has averaged 8 apg, but because of the evolution of Draymond Green the Warriors like to use him as the facilitator. I'm pretty sure if Draymond was out of the picture you would see Curry average around 7-8 apg.

02-28-2016, 04:50 PM
magic was a ball hog, he needed to have the ball in his hands to be effective. curry plays within the offense and still dominates. magic was a nice player but he was a mediocre shooter from range which is what matters in todays game. magic = great player in his era curry = great player in any era.

Both Magic and Curry would be great in any era.

Young X
02-28-2016, 04:53 PM
You are so wrong.

Curry might shoot and score like no one else in the league, but he's a true point guard. He runs the offense and he makes everyone else better.

How many dimes did he drop against OKC that his teammates blow? I counted at least 5 easy layups, which would have given him 11 assists for the game, along with 46 points.This happens with EVERY playmaker. Their teammates blow easy baskets and cause them turnovers. It happens.

When I watch Curry play, he's much more focused on jacking up 3's than setting up his teammates. There's way too many possessions where he doesn't even think about passing the ball.

02-28-2016, 04:57 PM
This happens with EVERY playmaker. Their teammates blow easy baskets and cause them turnovers. It happens.

When I watch Curry play, he's much more focused on jacking up 3's than setting up his teammates. There's way too many possessions where he doesn't even think about passing the ball.
What percentage is he shooting from 3?

02-28-2016, 04:58 PM
What percentage is he shooting from 3?

47%. Insane.

02-28-2016, 05:33 PM
47%. Insane.
Great thread and a difficult choice. I'd have to go with Magic because of his court vision and pass first approach, but Curry is just unbelievable. Just my opinion but I always thought Oscar's 2nd season was the best stat line ever for a PG of 30.8 points and 11.4 assists and 12.5 rebounds. What do you think?

02-28-2016, 07:33 PM
Curry is easily better. Dude is anchoring a better offense than Magic ever did and it's not close. He also obliterates Magic as a scorer and shooter and his efficiency is in another universe.

02-28-2016, 07:37 PM
Curry is easily better. Dude is anchoring a better offense than Magic ever did and it's not close. He also obliterates Magic as a scorer and shooter and his efficiency is in another universe.

This is what bothers me with the whole Curry thing. Sure, he is amazing, the GOAT shooter, he is having an insane year. But he is getting a lil bit overrated by some. I mean, easily better than Magic? No one in the history of the game was easily better than Magic. Not even Jordan.

02-28-2016, 07:47 PM
It depends.

Where does Magic's season rank in terms of PER?

02-28-2016, 07:47 PM
You're right. That was hyperbole. I still think Curry has been more impressive, but obviously he has to keep it up for the rest of the reg season and playoffs.

02-28-2016, 07:55 PM
Two part question for anyone, but I don't expect anyone but a handful of people on this site to be able to answer...

Part 1:
Prior to Lebron James, was efficiency a strong metric in determining how good a player was? I just don't remember that, ever, being part of the discussion for AI or Kobe, much less earlier athletes like Jordan, Magic, Bird, Doc, West, Baylor, Cousy, etc.

Part 2:
We saw with Wilt that one player can choose to focus on any area and improve, greatly, upon that. Do you believe that the same could hold true for efficiency? As in... Curry may be the most efficient scorer ever right now (I'm not sure, and don't care to look it up) but is it fair to argue that if efficiency was not a goal of prior generations, but we could go back and change that, that their efficiency would go up?

02-28-2016, 07:59 PM
You're right. That was hyperbole.


02-28-2016, 09:09 PM
magic won 5 titles
curry has 1

magic !5 beat s:biggums: 1 everytime!

02-28-2016, 09:58 PM
Give me Magic, for now.

I don't know why people going nuts even before playoffs.
People couldn't have talked enough about Durant in 2013-14 season. Claimed he's reached the top level by a SF. Compared him to Jordan in terms of offensive capabilities. And then?

At least wait until 2nd round of playoffs is over.

02-28-2016, 10:35 PM
magic won 5 titles
curry has 1

magic !5 beat s:biggums: 1 everytime!
Funny how the ring argument has been soooo quiet lately. I didn't think the prison of the moment thing would override the ring argument but it most certainly has of late.

02-28-2016, 10:42 PM
Funny how the ring argument has been soooo quiet lately. I didn't think the prison of the moment thing would override the ring argument but it most certainly has of late.

What has being a better basketball player at a point in time have to do with winning rings?

Jerry West is a better SG in any season compared to Andre Igoudala, ring or not. Same way Charles Barkley is better than Chris Bosh in any of his seasons.

02-28-2016, 11:18 PM
What has being a better basketball player at a point in time have to do with winning rings?

Jerry West is a better SG in any season compared to Andre Igoudala, ring or not. Same way Charles Barkley is better than Chris Bosh in any of his seasons.
I was never a ring argument guy. You never see me making that argument. But it comes up a lot. Rarely do people compare great years unless its a ring year. Happens all the time here. If Karl Malone won a ring he's mentioned much more than he does now.

02-28-2016, 11:19 PM
Two part question for anyone, but I don't expect anyone but a handful of people on this site to be able to answer...

Part 1:
Prior to Lebron James, was efficiency a strong metric in determining how good a player was? I just don't remember that, ever, being part of the discussion for AI or Kobe, much less earlier athletes like Jordan, Magic, Bird, Doc, West, Baylor, Cousy, etc.

Part 2:
We saw with Wilt that one player can choose to focus on any area and improve, greatly, upon that. Do you believe that the same could hold true for efficiency? As in... Curry may be the most efficient scorer ever right now (I'm not sure, and don't care to look it up) but is it fair to argue that if efficiency was not a goal of prior generations, but we could go back and change that, that their efficiency would go up?
It's not Lebron that caused this. It's the moneyball revolution in stats that caused this first in baseball and then later in basketball. Lebron just happen to come up at this time.

You had a sense that efficiency was important but you didn't have the terminology for it. However, nobody who knew the game thought that "ball hogs" or "chuckers" were good players.
(http://www.complex.com/sports/2014/02/biggest-ball-hogs-nba-history/) These guys could win you games when hot, but just as often they would shoot you out of games. After Bird and Magic came into the league, the idea of the guy who score the most points is the best player started to die.

I also do think that older players could have improved their efficiency with the modern star focus. Players today have folks telling them, "you know from 15 feet on the right side, you hit 6% more shots than from 15 feet on the left side."

So the player either practices his left side shot, or take more from the right side.

02-28-2016, 11:28 PM
Curry is easily better. Dude is anchoring a better offense than Magic ever did and it's not close. He also obliterates Magic as a scorer and shooter and his efficiency is in another universe.


It would also make the warriors less effective if Curry tried to rondo his way to higher assist averages .. by using draymond as another key facilitator the team unlocks higher level of offensive sophistication.

02-28-2016, 11:40 PM
Two part question for anyone, but I don't expect anyone but a handful of people on this site to be able to answer...

Part 1:
Prior to Lebron James, was efficiency a strong metric in determining how good a player was? I just don't remember that, ever, being part of the discussion for AI or Kobe, much less earlier athletes like Jordan, Magic, Bird, Doc, West, Baylor, Cousy, etc.

Part 2:
We saw with Wilt that one player can choose to focus on any area and improve, greatly, upon that. Do you believe that the same could hold true for efficiency? As in... Curry may be the most efficient scorer ever right now (I'm not sure, and don't care to look it up) but is it fair to argue that if efficiency was not a goal of prior generations, but we could go back and change that, that their efficiency would go up?

1. Smart people, in one way or another, have always cared about efficiency. Phil Jackson always used to say the first thing he looked at after a game was field goal percentage. It depends on the player in question...nobody was talking about Bill Russell's field goal percentage, i'd imagine, for obvious reasons. But comparing Iverson to Kobe to Curry...regardless of era...people would be talking about efficiency.

Now, you hear it more now, because of the nature of the game and the type of players in question.

Efficiency simply is going to matter more for a Curry, Harden, Durant...etc....than dominant two way bigs.

2. Perhaps if older players cared more about efficiency they could have improved, but I don't think there would be transformations. Efficiency is just a measure of how you score...I seriously doubt players in the past were just far more capable of missing less shots if they just focused on it more. You'd see some variations, but not wide sweeping changes.

Take Iverson...I don't think there is a version of Iverson that could be far more efficient than he was. It was his game...he didn't have the skillset to be a highly efficient player imo.

02-28-2016, 11:49 PM
If Curry maintains this level of play into the playoffs/Finals, he'd get the nod from me. He won't have much room for error though, Magic averaged 22/8/12 on 54% through the '87 playoffs, and put up 26/8/13 on 54% in the Finals, simply phenomenal numbers

02-29-2016, 12:36 AM
Curry is easily better. Dude is anchoring a better offense than Magic ever did and it's not close. He also obliterates Magic as a scorer and shooter and his efficiency is in another universe.

You guys get carried away with efficiency. Its never has been a primary stat of greats. This board, minus myself, never mentions that Magic was the most efficient top ten GOAT by quite a margin. It never comes up as an item when talking about the top ten GOAT's here or comparing them to each other. It comes up plenty when talking about lesser players. Nobody else here can even lie and say "yea, I bring it up when comparing the top ten GOATS."

Back to the topic at hand, Green really anchors that offense and its hard to say which offense was better between GSW and Magic's best. In general the Lakers had a more balanced attack with more players scoring consistently all over the court and shooting a higher percentage from the field. GSW obviously is a better long range shooting team. TS% careerwise they Magic and Curry are very close. Curry 613 TS% to Magic's 609%.

The team comparison in the years mentioned.

LA.... FG 516%
GSW FG 488%

LA ...ORTG 116.6
GSW ORTG 114.4

LA... EFG 528%
GSW EFG 563%

The differences really being in the style of the ages. For myself, I like the Lakers versatility a little better but board loves shooters.

02-29-2016, 12:41 AM
You guys get carried away with efficiency. Its never has been a primary stat of greats. This board, minus myself, never mentions that Magic was the most efficient top ten GOAT by quite a margin. It never comes up as an item when talking about the top ten GOAT's here or comparing them to each other. It comes up plenty when talking about lesser players. Nobody else here can even lie and say "yea, I bring it up when comparing the top ten GOATS."

Back to the topic at hand, Green really anchors that offense and its hard to say which offense was better between GSW and Magic's best. In general the Lakers had a more balanced attack with more players scoring consistently all over the court and shooting a higher percentage from the field. GSW obviously is a better long range shooting team. TS% careerwise they Magic and Curry are very close. Curry 613 TS% to Magic's 609%.

The team comparison in the years mentioned.

LA.... FG 516%
GSW FG 488%

LA ...ORTG 116.6
GSW ORTG 114.4

LA... EFG 528%
GSW EFG 563%

The differences really being in the style of the ages. For myself, I like the Lakers versatility a little better but board loves shooters.

Current Curry is at near 69% TS last time I checked...it's not about career. It's about how steph is playing right now vs how good Magic was in 87.

I love Magic...have him as the 3rd best player last time I did my list, but current Curry is better. Now, he's got to finish the season out mind you...

You simply don't and seemingly never will understand the power of elite shot making...and what Curry has done this year is take it to a level we've never seen.

And that level trumps any other advantages Magic had imo.

02-29-2016, 01:00 AM
Current Curry is at near 69% TS last time I checked...it's not about career. It's about how steph is playing right now vs how good Magic was in 87.

I couldn't care less. I mentioned that aggression is a far better indicator that TS%. I have always said this and my first whole paragraph is about that. I brought up the career TS% to calm the efficiency argument down.

I love Magic...have him as the 3rd best player last time I did my list, but current Curry is better. Now, he's got to finish the season out mind you...
My recollection says that you didn't see him play. I could be wrong. If so you are just going by efficiency stats, right?

You simply don't and seemingly never will understand the power of elite shot making...and what Curry has done this year is take it to a level we've never seen.
I have a post right now about Curry being unbelievable because of this trait. That he's very different from players like Dirk in that he doesn't get cold. But don't get me wrong, he super great because he stays aggressive.

And that level trumps any other advantages Magic had imo.
That could be true one day in the future. But they are very different if you seen them play. One of Magic's best quality was that you could see how he made others better and more team oriented. Its a team game and if you didn't see him play you can't say what you said with any authority. He hasn't played a playoff game and you rank players much higher in the playoffs than you do the regular season right.

02-29-2016, 01:04 AM
Give me Magic, for now.

I don't know why people going nuts even before playoffs.
People couldn't have talked enough about Durant in 2013-14 season. Claimed he's reached the top level by a SF. Compared him to Jordan in terms of offensive capabilities. And then?

At least wait until 2nd round of playoffs is over.


02-29-2016, 01:13 AM
The 2016 season isn't over yet so how can anyone answer this question? We need to see what he does in the playoffs, where it matters most. But regular season only? Of course Curry.

02-29-2016, 01:16 AM
I couldn't care less. I mentioned that aggression is a far better indicator that TS%. I have always said this and my first whole paragraph is about that. I brought up the career TS% to calm the efficiency argument down.

My recollection says that you didn't see him play. I could be wrong. If so you are just going by efficiency stats, right?

I have a post right now about Curry being unbelievable because of this trait. That he's very different from players like Dirk in that he doesn't get cold. But don't get me wrong, he super great because he stays aggressive.

That could be true one day in the future. But they are very different if you seen them play. One of Magic's best quality was that you could see how he made others better and more team oriented. Its a team game and if you didn't see him play you can't say what you said with any authority. He hasn't played a playoff game and you rank players much higher in the playoffs than you do the regular season right.

I watched Magic's entire career...WTF are you talking about?

You don't need to sell me on Magic...again, I have him as the third best player. His ability to control a game, make teammates better, do whatever was needed in a variety of ways...etc....is virtually unmatched in NBA history outside of maybe a handful of guys.

What Curry is currently doing, if he keeps up this level from start to finish...will trump any season Magic ever had.

Again, Curry has to do it all through the playoffs, but no season Magic ever had would be as good as that.

Curry is more than the best shooter ever. And not enough is made of that to be honest. It's not just that he's the best shooter ever...he's by far the best shooter ever and it's not remotely close.

Curry steps on the court and he outclasses a guy like peak Durant...and it's not particularly close to be honest. That is beyond special...

02-29-2016, 01:22 AM
The 2016 season isn't over yet so how can anyone answer this question? We need to see what he does in the playoffs, where it matters most. But regular season only? Of course Curry.

Of course.

My answer here is the same as it was with Durant.

Show me the playoffs.

But, if we assume this level all the way through? I don't think people understand just how amazing this is.

He's currently the all time leader in PER for a season. Now, think what you want of PER....being the best ever at something like that holds weight.

He'd have the best ws/48 all time.

It's beyond a historic season so far...it's on the short list of best seasons ever if he carries it through.

02-29-2016, 01:24 AM
But what was Magic's PER? Stop dodging.

02-29-2016, 01:30 AM
Of course.

My answer here is the same as it was with Durant.

Show me the playoffs.

But, if we assume this level all the way through? I don't think people understand just how amazing this is.

He's currently the all time leader in PER for a season. Now, think what you want of PER....being the best ever at something like that holds weight.

He'd have the best ws/48 all time.

It's beyond a historic season so far...it's on the short list of best seasons ever if he carries it through.

Agreed. If he keeps this up throughout the playoffs, it trumps Magic's quite handily. But that's a pretty big if. In the playoffs, you only play elite teams, the game slows down, is more physical and most importantly, you can adjust game by game. Everyone knows NBA playoffs is about adjustments. The right adjustments can win or lose a series. We have to see how Curry handles the immense attention he will be getting from teams and how he comes through. Having watched this game for too long, I am taking a wait and see approach instead of annointing him before it happens.

02-29-2016, 01:46 AM
Apples and oranges. Magic was an actual PG. He didn't go around jacking up long 3's and 20+ shots a game he was a maestro who constantly set his teammates up. Curry should be compared to guys like Wade and Kobe before someone like Magic.


02-29-2016, 01:55 AM
I watched Magic's entire career...WTF are you talking about?
Not once have you ever engaged or even brought up his efficiency? Very odd being that you love the stat and here is the top ten GOAT who flaunted your favorite stat. You never ever join any conversation during Magic's tenure. No Bird conversations, is there a reason for this??? I rarely see you comment on things in the 90's. And you're a talkative guy.

You don't need to sell me on Magic...again, I have him as the third best player. His ability to control a game, make teammates better, do whatever was needed in a variety of ways...etc....is virtually unmatched in NBA history outside of maybe a handful of guys.

What Curry is currently doing, if he keeps up this level from start to finish...will trump any season Magic ever had.
It would be Jordan level. But there usually is some adaption going on in the playoffs. I just find it odd that you had Dirk on a 22/7 year surpass a Lebron 27/8/7 in the playoffs because of one bad series, so be it, the finals. But now Curry is trumping an all time great year with an f to the playoffs.

Again, Curry has to do it all through the playoffs, but no season Magic ever had would be as good as that.
Cool, but let that happen.

Curry is more than the best shooter ever. And not enough is made of that to be honest. It's not just that he's the best shooter ever...he's by far the best shooter ever and it's not remotely close.

Curry steps on the court and he outclasses a guy like peak Durant...and it's not particularly close to be honest. That is beyond special...
It was close. I think OKC wins and Durant outscores him if the refs let them play. And it was going that way until Durant fouled out in OT.

02-29-2016, 03:59 AM
Not once have you ever engaged or even brought up his efficiency? Very odd being that you love the stat and here is the top ten GOAT who flaunted your favorite stat. You never ever join any conversation during Magic's tenure. No Bird conversations, is there a reason for this??? I rarely see you comment on things in the 90's. And you're a talkative guy.

It would be Jordan level. But there usually is some adaption going on in the playoffs. I just find it odd that you had Dirk on a 22/7 year surpass a Lebron 27/8/7 in the playoffs because of one bad series, so be it, the finals. But now Curry is trumping an all time great year with an f to the playoffs.

Cool, but let that happen.

It was close. I think OKC wins and Durant outscores him if the refs let them play. And it was going that way until Durant fouled out in OT.

I've had many Magic and Bird and Moses and Hakeem conversations...plenty of Karl Malone conversations.

I'd rather talk more about recent stuff because it's more interesting to me...I've had all the old conversations when I was actually living it.

I have brought up how efficient Magic was, but you aren't realizing the huge difference. You keep thinking that Curry is currently just some super efficient player. That isn't doing justice to what Curry is doing. Curry is literally off the charts in terms of efficiency at this volume...and when you can do it on 3's...and extend the defense to near half court and have maybe the best off ball impact of the era....it's special.

It's special in a way someone like you will never understand.

You'll be stuck scratching your head at how someone that didn't play "old school" is being players that do or did.

I answered the thread...and said I'd need to see the playoffs before I officially say so, but...it's not anything of note at all to claim current Curry is better than Magic was at his best.

Don't think it's clear cut...don't think it's obvious...but that is how good Curry is right now...he's in the conversation this season with the best seasons the best players of all time have ever played.

The eye test, stats, advanced stats, team stats, and team success all show this.

Angel Face
02-29-2016, 04:08 AM
Curry is a SG disguising as PG. Not good comparison

02-29-2016, 04:16 AM
Apples and oranges. Magic was an actual PG.

You will not let this nonsense go will you? Curry is leading his team to 70 something wins and perhaps back to back rings. If he passed more...the Warriors offense...is WORSE. If its being more of a point to make your offense worse....being an "actual" point has no meaning. No positive one at least.

Go get some overpassing point and throw him on GS...watch them win 54 games and lose in the second round with a worse offense.

Points exist to implement a coaches gameplan...to dictate tempo and get good shots for the team. Passing up shots you can make at a historic rate...is being a bad point guard.

Curry comes up the floor looking to set someone up....his teams offense suffers. Explain to me why making his teams offense run well....is not the "actual" point guard thing to do. What purpose does a point serve...beyond getting the team good shots? Does that rule not apply when the best shot is your own? If not....how does that make a speck of sense?


Explain that to me.

Why would an "actual" point get his team worse shots....more likely to result in losing?

Are "actual" points complete ****ing morons?

If not...what would an "actual" point do on the Warriors given Currys skillset to work with? What are the odds that "actual" point makes the team worse by doing it? Fairly good id say. Perhaps certain. So why would it be a positive trait exactly?

We trying to have our point run an otherwordly offense that spearheads a dynasty....or are we trying to average 9 assists?

Please let me know why a good...an actual...pointguard....wouldnt do what makes the team most likely to win.

brain drain
02-29-2016, 04:42 AM

A point guard's job is to facilitate his team's scoring. If the best scoring opportunity at a given situation is to shoot the ball himself, he's got to do it.
If the best option for scoring is to pass the ball to a player who passes it to another player, then that's the correct play.

People who get so hung up about apgs /direct assist simply are too narrow-minded to see that that's just one way to facilitate scoring, but not the whole range of options.

And given his options, shooting is a very good decision if you're Steph Curry. And passing to Draymond (which often "only" ends up benig a hockey assist that nobody counts) also is a very good decision.

Insisting to produce direct assists just to produce apg numbers and be a "real floor general" would simply be stupid.

02-29-2016, 04:52 AM
I wish we had ISH in the 70s so I could look up dudes calling out Walt Frazier for 6 assists a game on a title run because hes playing with Bill bradley, Jerry Lucas, and other playmakers who(like the warriors) are racking up 30 assist games as a team with beautiful ball movement while he leads them in scoring. Cut that out....go rack up cheap assists and lose in the ECF Walt. Thats what a real point would do. Pass...and pass and pass...while people worse than you miss shots you can make. Thats a logical thing to do when the goal is a strong offense and victory....

02-29-2016, 06:19 AM
Yeah, this archaic definition of point guard never ceases to bug the shit out of me. The word for word definition of point guard as you type it into google:

the backcourt player who directs the team's offense.

A point guard, like other player positions in basketball, specializes in certain skills. A point guard's job is to create scoring opportunities for his/her team
That's it. The player that runs the team's offense, whatever the hell that offense may be. The guy that takes what the coach draws up and brings it to life on court, and does it consistently.

The Warriors run a high on ball and off ball motion offense centered around Curry's insane gravity as a shotmaker/scorer from long distance. His ability to create off the dribble as well as warp defenses off the ball coming off screens in catch and shoot situations...drives that offense. Just because he isn't pounding the air out of the ball all the time and deliberately not scoring in favor of passing does not mean he is not running an offense...he absolutely is. It just so happens that the type of offense they run is totally unlike the offenses that a generic "traditional" point guard would fit in.

He's still the primary ball handler who is the clear go-to option to create offense out of nothing. He's still one of the if not the best passers on his team who unquestionably makes everyone better around him with his passes. They run a system...that system runs based on Curry...hence he is the one running the system. He is a point guard.

Also, Steph Curry averages ~8 assists a game since breaking out in '13 (and they're not Brandon Knight assists either, he's legitimately a very good playmaker) despite being an otherworldly scoring threat. Where did this idea that he's not setting up his teammates like a PG come from..?

02-29-2016, 06:40 AM
I love AMC, but fans should really take a break from living in a moment. Curry is getting overrated to the extent its ridiculous, some even pick him over MJ, what to speak of Magic :lol

02-29-2016, 06:47 AM
I love AMC, but fans should really take a break from living in a moment. Curry is getting overrated to the extent its ridiculous, some even pick him over MJ, what to speak of Magic :lol

What are you talking about? Alien Made Curry is the greatest athlete to have ever lived.


02-29-2016, 08:04 AM
I love AMC, but fans should really take a break from living in a moment. Curry is getting overrated to the extent its ridiculous, some even pick him over MJ, what to speak of Magic :lol

And you're just some wanker who slurps Jordan with every post.

You're more blinded by Jordan's sack than anyone on here, and more so than any of those praising Curry.