View Full Version : All-time ranking of players based on their average PER during prime

02-29-2016, 01:45 AM
I have compiled a all-time list ranking the players during their prime based on their top 5 PER seasons.

The reasons I chose top 5 seasons because it gives a good sample size which can represent the majority of a player's prime, and it does not take into account player's seasons during early/late careers and injured seasons which can bring down a player's career PER due to longevity or injury.

Majority of these players have already retired, but some of them are still active and just entering their prime, so expect those player's prime PER to move up drastically as time goes by.


02-29-2016, 01:50 AM
Kobe at 24, Hakeem at #23, Bird #19, Magic #18, and Duncan at #15. :oldlol:

What a terrible stat.

02-29-2016, 01:52 AM
Kobe at 24, Hakeem at #23, Bird #19, Magic #18, and Duncan at #15. :oldlol:

What a terrible stat.

This stat measures efficiency, not career accomplishments or other player attributes. Get some education son.

Im Still Ballin
02-29-2016, 02:35 AM
I'm getting excited for the 2016 ISH MVP op. Who are the favorites? After my 5th last year I'm hoping to climb the podium positions.

02-29-2016, 02:42 AM
Wow, Kobe's PER is better than Tmac's!

02-29-2016, 02:46 AM
I have compiled a all-time list ranking the players during their prime based on their top 5 PER seasons.

The reasons I chose top 5 seasons because it gives a good sample size which can represent the majority of a player's prime, and it does not take into account player's seasons during early/late careers and injured seasons which can bring down a player's career PER due to longevity or injury.

Majority of these players have already retired, but some of them are still active and just entering their prime, so expect those player's prime PER to move up drastically as time goes by.


Kobe at 24:cheers: are you dumb as rocks? You actually believe this stat means something?

02-29-2016, 03:00 AM
Advanced stats and regular season MVPs are like kryptonite to Kobe fans.

02-29-2016, 03:05 AM
Advanced stats and regular season MVPs are like kryptonite to Kobe fans.

So arbitrary measures are meaningless? You don't say:oldlol:
Gosh the stupidity of som of these Kobe haters.
Stay saying nothing if you don't know nothin about what your talking about.

Don't bring me no made up stats and assign value to them. Use you're brain for a second. You think if someone approached Kobe and told him "your only 24 in per" Kobe would do anything but laugh?

All the greatest players know the greats.when players call Kobe one of the best ever,, they use they're eyes. They don't need to look at per. Or some made up stats.

02-29-2016, 03:51 AM
Wow, people are such idiots. PER is not the "end-all" stat they make it out to be, it's simply a good measurement of how efficiently a player plays and is good along with other measurements in players' greatness and all-time ranking. People are saying "Kobe is low, this list is BS" and don't even realize that he's ranked 24th out of literally thousands of players which is quite the accomplishment.
And seeing as the vast majority of players on this PER list generally appear on most top 25 lists leads me to believe that there is merit to this stat; just be wise unlike Lakersfamftw, dude is retarded

02-29-2016, 04:03 AM
Wow, people are such idiots. PER is not the "end-all" stat they make it out to be, it's simply a good measurement of how efficiently a player plays and is good along with other measurements in players' greatness and all-time ranking. People are saying "Kobe is low, this list is BS" and don't even realize that he's ranked 24th out of literally thousands of players which is quite the accomplishment.
And seeing as the vast majority of players on this PER list generally appear on most top 25 lists leads me to believe that there is merit to this stat; just be wise unlike Lakersfamftw, dude is retarded

So you think that Kobe is only 24th best of all basketball players who have ever lived:oldlol: and you call me retarded?
Don't say nothing if you don't know nothing queer. You wanna assign value to a made up stats that's fine. Don't attack me. Don't tell me this bs stat tht has Kobe outside the top bracket means shit.

02-29-2016, 04:09 AM
24be bottom of the list per usual, almost ranked the same as his 3pt%:lol

02-29-2016, 04:10 AM
24be bottom of the list per usual, almost ranked the same as his 3pt%:lol

What a stupid contribution to the thread.

02-29-2016, 04:12 AM
So you think that Kobe is only 24th best of all basketball players who have ever lived:oldlol: and you call me retarded?
Don't say nothing if you don't know nothing queer. You wanna assign value to a made up stats that's fine. Don't attack me. Don't tell me this bs stat tht has Kobe outside the top bracket means shit.
I will attack you because you're acting retarded like most Kobe fans on this site. Don't put words in my mouth I never spoke either you freaking queer. Do I think Kobe is the 24th best player ever? No, I have him at #7. Just because Kobe wasn't the best at a specific stat (he wasn't the greatest at any stat) doesn't mean his all time rank is diminished, that's why PER is a tool (one of many) used to measure players' greatness. Was Kobe the most efficient? Absolutely not, but he was VERY efficient, 24th on this list is no joke. And I will assign value to this stat, seeing (as I pointed out but you were too stupid to read or see) that almost every person on that list of supposedly "made-up stats" makes it onto most people's top 25, this showing that there is value in spite of your clueless and knowledgeless comments.
On the off chance that you are religious, this scripture fits you well, Job 38:2 "Who is that who darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?"

brain drain
02-29-2016, 04:28 AM
Give us playoff PERs and you might have something more useful.

02-29-2016, 04:32 AM
This stat measures efficiency, not career accomplishments or other player attributes. Get some education son.

So it tells you nothing about a player's value, impact or ranking it's just a quantitative representation of "efficiency" which is based on arbitrary qualitative values of a compendium of raw stats?

PER is sort of an abstract thing then, a creation, what it really is is BULLSH*T, high-minded pseudointellectual bullsh*t.

I'm a Wade guy, per is very kind to him and I know if it were kind to Kobe these same Kobetards would be invoking it in arguments left and right. That said its a completely meaningless "stat", its tells you nothing.

Ditto for goofy bullcrap like winshares, drafting, vorp and the other assorted never-ending glut of convoluted math nerd mastur bation camouflaged as " statistics ".

02-29-2016, 04:37 AM
So it tells you nothing about a player's value, impact or ranking it's just a quantitative representation of "efficiency" which is based on arbitrary qualitative values of a compendium of raw stats?

PER is sort of an abstract thing then, a creation, what it really is is BULLSH*T, high-minded pseudointellectual bullsh*t.

I'm a Wade guy, per is very kind to him and I know if it were kind to Kobe these same Kobetards would be invoking it in arguments left and right. That said its a completely meaningless "stat", its tells you nothing.

Ditto for goofy bullcrap like winshares, drafting, vorp and the other assorted never-ending glut of convoluted math nerd *********ion camouflaged as " statistics ".

You're right. Nice to see people still appreciate the actual game and not made up stats.

02-29-2016, 09:13 AM
Idk why people are so butthurt about the OP. It's a pretty good way to view how efficient these greats are in their prime. It's not meant to undermine anyone :oldlol:

02-29-2016, 09:33 AM
PER is still just a stat. And stats still don't show the true impact a player has on the game. It's a nice list to look at though.

03-08-2016, 07:25 PM

Round Mound
03-08-2016, 07:52 PM
What about Play-Off: PER

03-08-2016, 08:18 PM
What about Play-Off: PER
Hard to get a good representation of playoff PER during prime due to the small sample size. For 5 seasons of regular season prime you're looking at 410 games of sample size. But for 5 seasons of regular season prime you're just looking at about 30-50 games, and you might not even make the playoffs during your prime (kobe is 2006).

03-08-2016, 08:23 PM
PER is a good measure of all-around efficiency and production, but as with any stat it doesn't tell the whole story. There is no single stat, raw or advanced, that can completely quanitify a player's value on the court. There's too many variables and intangibles that simply cannot be measured.

03-08-2016, 09:51 PM