View Full Version : Another beheading....I am immune to all of this

02-29-2016, 05:02 PM

A nanny just beheaded a 4-year old and walking around shouting 'Allah Akbar' while holding the kids head.

Here is the video...I didn't even flinch.

Thanks Islam.:rolleyes:


02-29-2016, 05:07 PM

A nanny just beheaded a 4-year old and walking around shouting 'Allah Akbar' while holding the kids head.

Here is the video...I didn't even flinch.

Thanks Islam.:rolleyes:

Why would she be shouting that of all things? :confusedshrug:

02-29-2016, 05:44 PM
Truly foul.

Nick Young
02-29-2016, 05:47 PM
All Abrahamic Religions are shit tbh.
Jews started the whole business. read the old Testament( Torah) and the Talmud. Especially the Talmud is ****ing insane.
Then they started Christianity to make Europeans into cucks and destroy the Roman Empire and now 2000 years later they finally succeeded. and Islam is just another deathcult coming from that Abrahamic filth that could be used to get people to start retarded wars and kill or torture each other. its ****ing insane if you really think about it. Jews think they are G-ds chosen people and need to rule the world, Christians destroyed ancient knowledge in the middle ages and are now super cucks ( turn the other cheek) and Islam is another dumb death cult were the followers think retaliating to bad treatment is going to Jihad.:biggums:
Please let us all know what is "insane" about the Talmud?:confusedshrug: