View Full Version : Donald Trump Real Estate Portfolio

02-29-2016, 10:37 PM
Damn. Too rich.


I am shocked while looking at his portfolio. The first things listed are the many buildings he owns. Cool. No big deal. It's Trump.

Then you see all the hotels he owns. Wow! More buildings. Ok. Whatever.

Then you browse down to golf courses....:eek:

He is easily worth what he said he's worth.

02-29-2016, 10:39 PM
What a winner.

02-29-2016, 10:40 PM
Yeah but Trump steaks failed so he's a loser.

02-29-2016, 10:46 PM
Damn. Too rich.


I am shocked while looking at his portfolio. The first things listed are the many buildings he owns. Cool. No big deal. It's Trump.

Then you see all the hotels he owns. Wow! More buildings. Ok. Whatever.

Then you browse down to golf courses....:eek:

He is easily worth what he said he's worth.
Hey 9er, how many buildings does he own? And which ones are they?

02-29-2016, 10:48 PM
i read somewhere that if trump just took the money he inherited from his dad and invested into some mtfs, he would end up having more money now than he would if he didnt pursue real estate or any capital ventures.

02-29-2016, 10:52 PM
Yeah but Trump steaks failed so he's a loser.
Pretty much. Real men like real steak

02-29-2016, 10:56 PM
i read somewhere that if trump just took the money he inherited from his dad and invested into some mtfs, he would end up having more money now than he would if he didnt pursue real estate or any capital ventures.

That is what they are saying but then he wouldn't be self-made billionaire.

I think this actually helps Trump because he's has shown he's not some spoiled kid who sat on his dad's money.

He actually used it and made billions with it. He doesn't look like the type that would just sit on the family fortune. He used it.


02-29-2016, 11:00 PM
He is undoubtedly rich, but not as rich as he says he is. He doesn't own or manage most of the buildings in that portfolio; he licenses the Trump brand to appear on them and he gets paid handsomely for that.

The Trump brand name insofar as he's cultivated it into celebrity status and a kind of image is really the one thing business-wise that he has succeeded at. He told the world how fabulously rich and successful he was, blew enough money to present the image sufficiently and built his career as a professional celebrity from there.

02-29-2016, 11:03 PM
wow, no mention of his dad "fred trump" who built the franchise. what a great son.

02-29-2016, 11:05 PM
That is what they are saying but then he wouldn't be self-made billionaire.

I think this actually helps Trump because he's has shown he's not some spoiled kid who sat on his dad's money.

He actually used it and made billions with it. He doesn't look like the type that would just sit on the family fortune. He used it.


he literally inherited around 200 million dollars of real estate and cash. he could have done nothing for 10 years and it would have turned into a billion.

02-29-2016, 11:08 PM
he literally inherited around 200 million dollars of real estate and cash. he could have done nothing for 10 years and it would have turned into a billion.

Yes, which then shows how hard of a worker he is and he's not the type to just chill on his inheritance.

He built American cities with his money.

02-29-2016, 11:11 PM
He is undoubtedly rich, but not as rich as he says he is. He doesn't own or manage most of the buildings in that portfolio; he licenses the Trump brand to appear on them and he gets paid handsomely for that.

The Trump brand name insofar as he's cultivated it into celebrity status and a kind of image is really the one thing business-wise that he has succeeded at. He told the world how fabulously rich and successful he was, blew enough money to present the image sufficiently and built his career as a professional celebrity from there.

Donald Trump is the original 'the man is the brand' type of branding that exists today. Look at Michael Jordan and Lebron James.

He was creating a brand back in the 70's. He was way ahead of his time.

The innovator of this.

02-29-2016, 11:19 PM
He is easily worth what he said he's worth.

Which is why he refuses to release his tax returns. :applause:

Bless Mathews
02-29-2016, 11:22 PM
wow, no mention of his dad "fred trump" who built the franchise. what a great son.

Word up my niggah.

No wonder why op likes trump so much.

He's a daddy's boy living off his daddy.

Lil bitch ass ho.

Just like most rich republicans, didn't do shit but got born into money.

Op is a fucckn fool.

So is trump.

02-29-2016, 11:31 PM
Which is why he refuses to release his tax returns. :applause:

A tax return doesn't show net worth.

They would need Trump Organization's balance sheet.

He did disclose his other financial statements though.

02-29-2016, 11:38 PM
A tax return doesn't show net worth.

They would need Trump Organization's balance sheet.

He did disclose his other financial statements though.

You know Trump's biographer claimed he was only worth around $250 million in/around 2006? Around the same time the Donald was claiming he was worth $5 billion (and he was in the midst of his 3rd bankruptcy). The Donald sued the biographer for $5 billion. The suit was tossed. Donald took the L.

Last year when the Donald was claiming he was worth $8 billion (later revised to $10 billion), he had to get a loan of $20 million from Carl Ichan to save the Trump Taj Mahal during bankruptcy proceedings. Had to cut a deal with Carl to keep the Trump name on the Casino. It was the second of the Donald casinos that Ichan had to step in and save.

Now why would someone worth $10 billion need a $20 million loan from another billionaire to save his failing company... Only to have to negotiate to keep his name on the marquee while giving up his ownership? :biggums:

That doesn't strike you as odd?

02-29-2016, 11:43 PM
He already released his financials for the Federal Election Campaign Act.

There is nothing to dispute. It's open to the public and I even have a copy of it.

02-29-2016, 11:44 PM
He already released his financials for the Federal Election Campaign Act.

There is nothing to dispute. It's open to the public and I even have a copy of it.
Got a link?

would love to see Trumps big dick worth

02-29-2016, 11:50 PM
He already released his financials for the Federal Election Campaign Act.

There is nothing to dispute. It's open to the public and I even have a copy of it.

He first said he was worth $8 billion, then later revised it to $10 billion. Like he said when he was deposed in the lawsuit I mentioned above, he values his net worth based on how he feels at that particular moment. :lol

And you didn't answer my question... Why would someone worth $10 billion need Carl Icahn to float him $20 million (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-icahn-trumptajmahal-idUSKBN0JW2HO20141218) to keep his casino open? Why would he have to flex his legendary deal making skills to keep his own name on his casino (http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-and-carl-icahn-just-struck-a-deal-to-keep-trumps-name-in-atlantic-city-2015-3)?

^That was from just last year with the Donald claiming he was worth $8-$10 billion... But he needed a $20 mil loan to keep his casino alive and had to strike a deal o keep his name on it? :wtf:

Dude is clearly not worth anything remotely close to what he claims, depending on which estimate of his you believe. That's why he'll never release any tangible financial records.

Carl Icahn owns the Donald. He took Fred Trump's place.

02-29-2016, 11:59 PM
Got a link?

would love to see Trumps big dick worth


You can also see all the shady donations Hilary gets.


03-01-2016, 12:02 AM
Which is why he refuses to release his tax returns. :applause:
This tax expert says the reason Trump will refuse to release his returns is not about net worth (http://www.nationalmemo.com/9-key-points-about-trumps-income-taxes-and-many-more-questions/) it's about using deferred compensation to avoid paying taxes. This is what he thinks we can learn if Trump released his full tax returns.

[QUOTE]How much income tax, if any, Trump has paid over the years, thanks to a special rule enacted by Congress two decades ago that lets full-time real estate professionals live tax-free.

How much NBC paid him for

03-01-2016, 12:04 AM
And on the topic of the Donald's step dad, dude's investment firm just experienced the worst plunge since the last Republican-engineered financial meltdown (http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2016/02/29/carl-icahn-posts-worst-loss-since-2008/81109510/).

That's the dude who literally owns the name Trump and who the Donald wants to send to China to make deals. :roll:

What a time.

03-01-2016, 12:06 AM
Entrepreneurship is a marathon not a sprint, you cannot cherry pick Trump's efforts and go tit for tat, it doesn't work like that, you have to look big picture.

Usually only 1 in 10 ventures succeed, all the brand building entrepreneurs (Richard Branson, trump etc.) have had epic failures, it is par for the course, but they have also had great successes.

03-01-2016, 12:06 AM
This tax expert says the reason Trump will refuse to release his returns is not about net worth (http://www.nationalmemo.com/9-key-points-about-trumps-income-taxes-and-many-more-questions/) it's about using deferred compensation to avoid paying taxes. This is what he thinks we can learn if Trump released his full tax returns.

No doubt. His fabricated net worth is just one of many reasons he won't post his financials. Anyone with even a bit of sense knows the Donald is not worth anything close to what he claims. When Romney spoke about 'bombshells' in the returns, I figured it had to do with cheating on taxes via loopholes/offshore holdings/etc AKA what every wealthy person in America does.

longtime lurker
03-01-2016, 12:13 AM
Too bad he's a compulsive liar


03-01-2016, 12:15 AM
Trump Tower Chicago is one sick building. One of the highest buildings in the world.

Some have this building as his masterpiece.
