View Full Version : Overall, has Angela Merkel been great for Germany?

03-01-2016, 01:34 PM
Or did she ruin all the great job that former leaders such as Adennauer and Kohl did? How do you rate her 11 years as the leader for Germany overall?

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 01:36 PM
No, Merkel destroyed the country and Germany is currently on the brink of collapse due to her idiotic immigration policy.

The government is currently on a witchhunt to track down the police who leaked the info about the New Years rape of Cologne.

Cultural Marxism destroys society.

Never forget people-Merkel is a hardcore commie whose own father defected from West Germany so that his family could be raised in East Germany. Do you think Merk's commie nature disappeared when she became Chancellor? :lol


03-01-2016, 01:38 PM
She was doing well before Syrian refugees.

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 01:40 PM
She was doing well before Syrian refugees.
Did she not also lead the EU to the brink of collapse? :confusedshrug:

03-01-2016, 02:18 PM
She has a 54% (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/angela-merkel/12179648/Angela-Merkel-stages-a-remarkable-comeback-among-German-citizens.html) approval rating. That's a very impressive number for a sitting president/chancellor. Makes sense considering that Germany is one of the few World powers that isn't melting down economically right now.

Looks like rumors of her demise and the cuckening were greatly exaggerated.

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 02:24 PM
Europe on the verge of collapse: Soros

Billionaire financier George Soros has warned that the European Union is on the "verge of collapse" over the migrant crisis and is in "danger of kicking the ball further up the hill" in its management of the issue which has seen more than a million migrants and refugees arrive in the region in 2015.

In an interview with the New York Review of Books, Soros added that the German Chancellor Angela Merkel is key to solving the crisis.

Merkel led Europe's response to the migrant crisis, opening Germany to the refugees that had travelled from the Middle East, in particular Syria, to try and find a new home in Europe. The decision by the German leader marked a sea-change in her policy. In the interview, Soros said he welcomed Merkel's move.

"There is plenty to be nervous about," the financier said.

"As she (Merkel) correctly predicted, the EU is on the verge of collapse. The Greek crisis taught the European authorities the art of muddling through one crisis after another. This practice is popularly known as kicking the can down the road, although it would be more accurate to describe it as kicking a ball uphill so that it keeps rolling back down."

"Merkel correctly foresaw the potential of the migration crisis to destroy the European Union. What was a prediction has become the reality. The European Union badly needs fixing. This is a fact but it is not irreversible. And the people who can stop Merkel's dire prediction from coming true are actually the German people. "

"Now it's time for Germans to decide: Do they want to accept the responsibilities and the liabilities involved in being the dominant power in Europe?"


03-01-2016, 02:39 PM
More doom and gloom prophecies. The EU (especially Greece) was having issues LONG before the migrant issue arose. Meanwhile, in reality...

Germany a few days ago posted its largest budget surplus since the Berlin Wall fell (http://www.thelocal.de/20160223/germany-records-highest-budget-surplus-since-reunification). Now wonder her popularity is on the rise.

This is during a time when Russia, China, and other World powers are going down the drain economically. The U.S. also just overtook France as Germany's biggest trade partner.

What a time. :applause:

03-01-2016, 02:42 PM
Germany has been great under her, all you need do is see if Nick Young is against her.

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 02:42 PM
Meanwhile, in real life:

Refugees buying one-way tickets home after finding Germany intolerable

With a one-way ticket home to Iraq in his hands and seven months' worth of frustration over intransigent German bureaucracy in his heart, Gazwan Abdulhasen Abdulla gave up on his dreams of a better life in Europe.

Homesick and eager to be back with his wife and four small children in Basra, Abdulla was giving up his refugee status as he boarded a crowded Iraqi Airways flight from Berlin's Tegel Airport to Baghdad that would whisk him and 150 other disillusioned former refugees back home in five hours.

He had scraped together his last $325 for the flight to Iraq — a small fraction of the money he had paid to smugglers last summer to get to Germany by foot, bus and boat through Turkey, Greece, the Balkans and Austria.

But now, after more than 1.1 million refugees from troubled lands such as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan have trekked into Germany over the last 13 months, a small but growing number are heading home.

The reasons are myriad, but include overcrowded refugee centers, exasperating bureaucracy, unfamiliar German food, a lack of jobs and a spreading sense of resentment from Germans who fear their country is being overrun by Muslims.

Many refugees say they are now happy to trade a cold, heartless and lonely life in one of Europe's richest countries for the violence, insecurity and poverty back home. And they say they have realized, rather belatedly, that smugglers had sold them a pack of lies about big houses, well-paying jobs and the life of luxury they would find in Germany.

"I wanted to live in peace with my family as far away from war as possible," said Abdulla, a 37-year-old who had worked as a truck driver in Iraq. "But what I've seen in Europe is not what I dreamed about. It's not what [the smugglers] told me it would be.

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"The food was terrible, so disgusting that not even animals should be fed it. They made us sleep in these cold, empty buildings and when someone said they were sick, they just ignored us. You could feel it everywhere that Germans looked down at us like we were bums. I miss my family and can't wait to get home."

Abdulla, like many of the refugees, had come to Germany on his own and figured his family could follow. But the German government, fearful that the number of refugees could increase fourfold if families were reunited, temporarily suspended the rules last year that allowed refugees to send for their family members.

Now it could take two to five years or more before their families might be allowed to move to Germany — an intolerable wait that is one of the main reasons that hundreds, perhaps thousands, of refugees are giving up on Germany every week, even as up to 3,000 arrive every day.

The Iraqi Embassy in Berlin has issued more than 1,500 one-way travel documents for Iraqi refugees giving up on Germany in the last three months.

"There are a lot of Iraqis going home, but more and more Syrians are also coming in here to buy airplane tickets to fly back home," said Alaa Hadrous, 24, who came to Germany from Iraq as a child and now operates the Golf Reisen travel office next to a refugee center in the heart of Berlin.

"They see the Arabic writing on my storefront window and come in saying they want to go home," he said. "There are a lot of really sad stories."

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Hadrous sees masses of exhausted refugees camped on the street in front of his shop at night — new arrivals who are sometimes forced to wait overnight for their asylum applications to be processed so that they can go to a shelter.

"It's really upsetting to me whenever I see little children outside freezing in the cold," he said, adding that he has often ended up sheltering such shivering families with small children in his small apartment nearby for the night. He said he noticed an increase late last year in the number of refugees coming to him for one-way tickets home.

"They started coming into my store," he said. "They've given up on Germany, even though some have only been here for a few weeks. They had the wrong idea and wrong expectations about Germany. People in Iraq told them they could live a carefree life in Germany."

A Syrian man, who gave only his first name, Abed, had just bought a one-way ticket to Lebanon after spending four weeks in Germany. He said life on his own in Germany was a lot harder than he expected and it was depressing when he found out his wife and daughter weren't allowed to join him.

"I miss my family a lot," he said. "I'd rather take a chance and risk dying with them in Syria than being in Germany without them."

The government's office for migration and refugees reported that 37,220 refugees obtained government financial aid to return to their home countries in 2015. Most of those were from countries in the Balkans and had little chance of being granted asylum. Only 724 of about 122,000 refugees from Iraq went home last year with German government assistance.

The migration agency points out, however, that it doesn't have a complete overview because many refugees pay for their own trips home.

"The numbers of refugees wanting to go home is growing every week — once they discover they can't bring their families here, they give up on Germany," said Ardalan Hassan, the head of the Dania Travel Agency in the Wedding district of Berlin.

"They thought they'd be warmly welcomed in Germany," he said. "Some thought they'd get a lot of money, that the state would give them big houses to live in.... It's only after they get here that they see how poor their prospects to earn a living are."

Hassan said that he tries to tell Iraqis to stay home in the first place, that life in Germany isn't as easy as they think. "But no one believes me," he said. "They have to see it themselves to believe how difficult it is here."

The increase in the number of refugees returning home could offer some unexpected relief to Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has come under attack for her open-door policies.

Merkel has also subtly changed her message to the refugees from one of welcome in September 2015 — her immortal words of "We can do it" — to a more standoffish view in February.

"We expect that you'll go back to Syria once there's peace there and Islamic State has been defeated," Merkel said. "We expect you'll go back to your homes."

That might not be as far-fetched as it sounds. Germany allowed in 350,000 refugees from the Balkan wars in the early 1990s. By 1998, after the wars had ended, about 70% had returned, voluntarily or otherwise, to Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Albania and Slovenia.

Ahmed, a 24-year-old from Irbil, Iraq, came to Germany hoping to study engineering. But after eight months waiting in vain for his asylum request to be processed, he gave up and flew home in mid-February.

"We came here to Germany to live free but we're not free here," he said before he left. "We've got more freedom at home in Iraq than here.... I'm tired of being treated like an animal, of living in a giant room with hundreds of others and getting horrible food and having to take cold showers. I can't wait to get home."


03-01-2016, 02:46 PM
Meanwhile, in real life

Dude you have no clue of what real life is, you're a clueless dumb idiot, who are wrong in basically every notion of life. Have you ever posted something here that wasn't immediately ridicule and proven not to be true?

One would think that even someone as dumb as you, could start to notice the obvious pattern by now.

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 02:47 PM

Dude you have no clue of what real life is, you're a clueless dumb idiot, who are wrong in basically every notion of life. Have you ever posted something here that wasn't immediately ridicule and proven not to be true?

One would think that even someone as dumb as you, could start to notice the obvious pattern by now.
Is English your first language? What are you studying in grad school? :confusedshrug:

03-01-2016, 02:50 PM
Is English your first language? What are you studying in grad school? :confusedshrug:
Is your sister your mom? Honest question. Do you have any physical deficiency alongside you low IQ due to the inbreeding?

03-01-2016, 02:51 PM
Meanwhile, in real life:


So some refugees went home after not liking the living conditions and the Neo Nazis? Wow. That really has something to do with what we were discussing somehow. :confusedshrug:

03-01-2016, 03:17 PM
So some refugees went home after not liking the living conditions and the Neo Nazis? Wow. That really has something to do with what we were discussing somehow. :confusedshrug:
People who go back home because they don't like the food are not "refugees".

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 03:18 PM
People who go back home because they don't like the food are not "refugees".
free food.

03-01-2016, 03:27 PM
People who go back home because they don't like the food are not "refugees".

Refugees these days are bougie as shit.


Only the finest. Nothing less.

03-01-2016, 05:02 PM
No, she's been awful. The idea she deserves credit for the artificial weakness of the German currency created by the asymmetrical imbalances of the euro system is laughable. Then if you add the fact German exports have been booming because the euro directly caters to their interests, at the expense of creating a moral hazard in the periphery states (who buy up German exports with artificially cheap credit loans, often leant by German banks :oldlol:), giving her credit for such "success," is again, hilarious. People like Don are really exposing their economic illiteracy here. Germany will always be an economic powerhouse: it is in its nature.

Not to mention her treatment of the euro crisis has already resulted in bad blood between European countries that supposedly share an "identity"--so much so that the Greeks have been calling them nazis--dat European solidarity. Well played Merkel. Now she's pissed off all the Central European states by her idiotic "all refugees welcome" stance, and by trying to force quotas down their throats. It's like she thinks she's the Emperor of Europe or something.

And let's not forget the German role in encouraging and aiding the crisis in Ukraine.

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 05:07 PM
No, she's been awful. The idea she deserves credit for the artificial weakness of the German currency created by the asymmetrical imbalances of the euro system is laughable. Then if you add the fact German exports have been booming because the euro directly caters to their interests, at the expense of creating a moral hazard in the periphery states (who buy up German exports with artificially cheap credit loans, often leant by German banks :oldlol:), giving her credit for such "success," is again, hilarious. People like Don are really exposing their economic illiteracy here. Germany will always be an economic powerhouse: it is in its nature.

Not to mention her treatment of the euro crisis has already resulted in bad blood between European countries that supposedly share an "identity"--so much so that the Greeks have been calling them nazis--dat European solidarity. Well played Merkel. Now she's pissed off all the Central European states by her idiotic "all refugees welcome" stance, and by trying to force quotas down their throats. It's like she thinks she's the Emperor of Europe or something.

And let's not forget the German role in encouraging and aiding the crisis in Ukraine.
Europe-just another region of the world absolutely decimated by Cultural Marxism.

It failed in Cuba. It failed in the USSR. It failed in Cambodia. It failed in China. It failed in Vietnam. and now it is causing the EU and Sweden to collapse.

"We need more Cultural Marxism doe" :hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

03-01-2016, 05:35 PM
No, she's been awful. The idea she deserves credit for the artificial weakness of the German currency created by the asymmetrical imbalances of the euro system is laughable. Then if you add the fact German exports have been booming because the euro directly caters to their interests, at the expense of creating a moral hazard in the periphery states (who buy up German exports with artificially cheap credit loans, often leant by German banks :oldlol:), giving her credit for such "success," is again, hilarious. People like Don are really exposing their economic illiteracy here. Germany will always be an economic powerhouse: it is in its nature.

Not to mention her treatment of the euro crisis has already resulted in bad blood between European countries that supposedly share an "identity"--so much so that the Greeks have been calling them nazis--dat European solidarity. Well played Merkel. Now she's pissed off all the Central European states by her idiotic "all refugees welcome" stance, and by trying to force quotas down their throats. It's like she thinks she's the Emperor of Europe or something.

And let's not forget the German role in encouraging and aiding the crisis in Ukraine.

this! so much this! this this this!

03-01-2016, 05:36 PM
Europe-just another region of the world absolutely decimated by Cultural Marxism.

It failed in Cuba. It failed in the USSR. It failed in Cambodia. It failed in China. It failed in Vietnam. and now it is causing the EU and Sweden to collapse.

"We need more Cultural Marxism doe" :hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

i would be for a new "strong" Europe. Just Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Danmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden.

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 05:45 PM
i would be for a new "strong" Europe. Just Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Danmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden.
Sweden is more cucked than Germany bro. Sweden is literally on the verge of collapse. Finland is not doing much better.

A "strong" Europe would be Non-Cuck Germany, Non-Cuck France, Norway, UK, Non-Cuck Belgium, Poland and Netherlands. Possibly Denmark but they are nearly as cucked as Sweden. Also Luxembourg, for geographic convenience. People talk shit about Poland but it is one of Europe's fastest growing nations and they were standing up against the Cuckening of Europe from the very beginning.

Cut out Iberia, the Balkans, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and the Baltic nations and the EU would be fine IMO.

The uncucking of France, Germany and Belgium may never happen though. The Charlie Hebdo murders and Paris massacre didn't uncuck France and Belgium, so I fear nothing will. I'm including Belgium as it seems to be the base of operations for many of the big Islamist terrorist groups.

03-02-2016, 04:00 AM
People like Don are really exposing their economic illiteracy here. Germany will always be an economic powerhouse: it is in its nature.

what a wise economic analysis :bowdown: it is just in its nature. Nothing anyone can do wrong

all joking aside: Merkel and the grand coalition have done a good job supporting the German "Mittelstand" (SMEs) as well as keeping low tax rates for the big German MNCs. Most institutions that contribute to economic success (education and vocational system, science, labor market regulation, unions) have not gotten any weaker during her reign.

03-02-2016, 10:13 AM
No, she's been awful. The idea she deserves credit for the artificial weakness of the German currency created by the asymmetrical imbalances of the euro system is laughable.

There is no German currency since 2002. :lol
And for argument sake how in hell weak currency is good? Sure you can export more easily, but what about import, won't they be more expensive :roll: oh my

Then if you add the fact German exports have been booming because the euro directly caters to their interests, at the expense of creating a moral hazard in the periphery states (who buy up German exports with artificially cheap credit loans, often leant by German banks :oldlol:), giving her credit for such "success," is again, hilarious.

Exports have no been booming. the article about the Mega budget surplus is Germany's best since 1990, clearly mentions "Positive impulses came primarily from domestic demand"

And apparently before Merkel, periphery states didn't buy German Goods and German banks didn't gave loans, because that's the only reason for her "artificial" success. :roll: The only thing hilarious is how ****ing dumb you are.

Germany will always be an economic powerhouse: it is in its nature.
US will always be an economic powerhouse, but guess what 8 years of Bush did to it. lol What an argument to use against Merkel, i guess when you are dumb as ****, this is the type of shit you have to resort to.

Not to mention her treatment of the euro crisis has already resulted in bad blood between European countries that supposedly share an "identity"--so much so that the Greeks have been calling them nazis

Well i live in a country that in 30 years of democracy, never had surplus, always debt. Half of that time, received uncountable amount of money from Germany. Basically every German citizen was giving part of their money, so that we could build highways and Hospitals, etc, etc. So when the financial crisis of 2008 bankrupt the country, a huge amount of idiots blamed Germany. Why? Well their IQ is really low, like yours.

And let's not forget the German role in encouraging and aiding the crisis in Ukraine.
Sure :rolleyes: She also eats babies for breakfast.

You are nothing but a pathetic dumb ignorant redneck liar right wing chimp.

03-02-2016, 03:30 PM
There is no German currency since 2002. :lol
And for argument sake how in hell weak currency is good? Sure you can export more easily, but what about import, won't they be more expensive :roll: oh my

Exports have no been booming. the article about the Mega budget surplus is Germany's best since 1990, clearly mentions "Positive impulses came primarily from domestic demand"

And apparently before Merkel, periphery states didn't buy German Goods and German banks didn't gave loans, because that's the only reason for her "artificial" success. :roll: The only thing hilarious is how ****ing dumb you are.

US will always be an economic powerhouse, but guess what 8 years of Bush did to it. lol What an argument to use against Merkel, i guess when you are dumb as ****, this is the type of shit you have to resort to.

Well i live in a country that in 30 years of democracy, never had surplus, always debt. Half of that time, received uncountable amount of money from Germany. Basically every German citizen was giving part of their money, so that we could build highways and Hospitals, etc, etc. So when the financial crisis of 2008 bankrupt the country, a huge amount of idiots blamed Germany. Why? Well their IQ is really low, like yours.

Sure :rolleyes: She also eats babies for breakfast.

You are nothing but a pathetic dumb ignorant redneck liar right wing chimp.You really are remarkably dim. And stop stalking me: your endless childish harangues are getting boring as hell. This post is a combination of you saying I said things I didn't say (your inability to read or comprehend anything), and making the most baseless and idiotic of assertions ("positive impulses come from domestic demand" "exports have not been booming"). I know there wasn't a "German" currency, thanks: the German currency is the euro, and as the biggest and most powerful state in the eurozone, the euro directly caters to the interests of Germany, while creating moral hazards for the periphery states. The deutsche mark would be much, much stronger than the euro, and this would massively weaken Germany's export-driven economy.

It's amazing you go on about the budget surplus, without even being aware of the fact it is only the highest (and in absolute terms too) since reunification, and the huge toll that mess took on the German economy. You keep ignoring facts and instead keep parroting baseless assertions:

Consider that Germany, which has a generous social safety net, relatively high wages and just 80 million people, is the world’s second-largest exporting country. The euro has played a significant part in this. German exports have more than doubled since they went on the euro in 1999, going from around 469 billion euros to well over a trillion euros in 2010. The rate of growth was also twice as fast as other nations in the zone. While there is no doubt that the Germans make quality stuff, the reason they are able to export so much at competitive price points is because they are operating with a relatively cheap currency.

Germany’s export engine works two ways. First, it exports more to non-eurozone countries because the exchange rate of the euro is weaker than it would be, all things being equal, if it had stayed on the Deutsche Mark. That’s because the euro encompasses 17 nations, many of which are “weak,” therefore bringing down the value of the currency relative to the dollar and the pound. China gets a lot of flak for artificially manipulating its currency to maintain its exports. Germany doesn’t have to do that – all it needs to do is sit back and watch another weak eurozone nation go down in flames and its exports get more competitive on the world stage.

Take the latest export data out of Germany. Even though the eurozone is in crisis and the region looks to be headed for another recession, German exports in September rose nearly 1% from the previous month to 91.3 billion euros, which is the highest level since records began. In August, when the crisis hit overdrive, exports were up 0.2% from the previous month. Meanwhile, imports into Germany fell 0.8% for September, increasing the nations burgeoning current account surplus. Normally that would cause Germany’s currency to strengthen, but since there was trouble down south, the euro weakened, making German exports even more competitive.

The second way the euro helps Germany is that it has given them a much larger market to dump their goods. Around two-thirds of German exports go to members of the eurozone – that’s just the 17 members part of the common currency, not the 35 that are part of the European Union’s free trade area. The euro makes business much simpler as it eliminates foreign exchange risk. An artificially low euro in Germany means an artificially high euro in weaker countries like Spain and Greece. That means those countries can afford to buy German goods. It’s therefore no wonder why German cars, white goods, electronics and machinery dominate the eurozone.

In Greece, a country that arguably shares much more in common with its Middle Eastern neighbors than its eurozone partners, being on the common currency has been a bit of a curse. With access to new credit lines, the Greek populace and its government went on a spending spree. Much has been discussed about how the Greek bureaucracy paid itself lavish wages. While true, that is just part of the massive sovereign debt bill the country rang up in the past decade. The country also paved lots of roads, constructed new airports, tunneled new subway systems and procured state-of-the-art weapons for its military. Behind most of these projects were German companies.

What’s troubling is that the Greek bureaucracy was persuaded to use German companies, not only because of the quality and the common currency, but also because they were paid off. German companies like Siemens SI 0.00% , Daimler, Deutsche Bahn, and Ferrostaal have been accused of funneling millions of euros to Greek politicians to secure military and civilian government contracts. In one incident, Siemens allegedly paid 100 million euros to Greek officials to secure a contract to upgrade Athens’s telecommunications infrastructure for the 2004 Olympic Games.

Most of the big-ticket projects executed by German companies helped upgrade Greece’s antiquated infrastructure. But there was a reason it was antiquated – Greece is not a rich nation. But with an artificially strong currency and access to cheap debt, the Greeks took the money and ran.

Would you blame them? The strong currency also meant that the Greek economy became totally uncompetitive. Greece’s main exports, like olives, were too expensive to sell abroad. Meanwhile, partying on Greek Island became several times more expensive than partying on a similar one in Turkey. That was fine when the economy was good, but when it seized up, Greece’s tourism industry took a dive.

These are the sort of economic asymmetries created by the foolish experiments of government bureaucrats, most of whom, evidently have no understanding of monetary economics.

So stop being such a stupid c*nt. Germany's "success" is based off making other countries unsuccessful, and then demanding they pay the price for doing what the Germans encouraged them to do.


No amount of hysterical insults flung my way is going to change any of that; keep sucking off the German teet, and praising your German paymasters--tis hilarious.

what a wise economic analysis :bowdown: it is just in its nature. Nothing anyone can do wrong

all joking aside: Merkel and the grand coalition have done a good job supporting the German "Mittelstand" (SMEs) as well as keeping low tax rates for the big German MNCs. Most institutions that contribute to economic success (education and vocational system, science, labor market regulation, unions) have not gotten any weaker during her reign.
Where did I claim that was "economic analysis"--the comments on economics came before that, and you just took one thing I said, and quoted in completely outside of its context. No one said nothing can go wrong either. But Germany has been hampered, deliberately weakened, hamstrung, and decimated--yet it always rises from the ashes to dominate Europe again :lol. National character is a factor, and it plays an important role: tis the same reason German music differs massively from Italian music--the mentality and character is very different.

And yes, the Germans do have a tendency to dominate Europe, either through military or economic means. Large population, industrious, organised, efficient, and so on. They've done it 3 times in the last century now, and they've always been inclined to dominate Europe ever since Bismark. There's a reason many (particularly the French) didn't want Germany to unify again, and that's because it could only make them subordinate to Germany. And it doesn't matter how generous the Germans try to be (as with trying to limit itself through the EU)--the result is always the same: German dominance over continental Europe. This is just how power exerts itself, whether you like it or not, good intentions or bad.

03-02-2016, 04:49 PM
I write and write and write, but the content is ZERO
There was no booming in the exports, they are steadily growing like they have been since 1999 like you said, you basically made my point. The historic surplus was due mostly domestic demand. You said nothing to disprove the contrary. Do you even realize that?

Let me just blow your mind, the value of the euro is the same for the other 18 countries. If the value of the Euro makes it easier to export to Germany, it also makes it easy for the other 18 countries, genius.

Why do you think Greece don't leave the euro, genius? woudn't that make sense? Their currency would be shit, and they would export like crazy. Well because there's the other side of the coin, the imports, they wouldn't be able to buy anything, genius. I point it out that on the previous post, but again you CONTENT ZERO!

Know why Greece bankrupted?

.Government employees have had some of the best worker benefits in Greece. For example, an unmarried daughter used to receive her dead father's pension.

. Some workers received atypical bonuses for showing up to work on time, but these bonuses were paid so workers were not paid higher pensionable salary, "These were bizarre bonuses with bizarre names and misnomers, not because people regularly attended work," Tsoukas said.

. the average Greek man retires at 63 and the average woman at 59. And some police and military workers have retired as early as age 40 or 45, There are also unique benefits for some workers. Female employees of state-owned banks with children under 18 could retire as early 43.

. Greece 2004 Summer Olympics Greece spent nine times as much as Sydney 4 years before

. Absolute failure in collecting taxes

I could go on and on...

Basically Greece built roads and hospitals with Germany money, gave absurd benefits to their citizens that couldn't afford, it cooked their accounts with the help of a US investment bank, not a german one, you ignorant piece of shit, hiding their real deficit to the EU, and instead of using the fact that could get loans as cheap as Germany to make themselfs competitive, it used them in lavish ways.

Let me make you this real simple. it's like John lending money to his addict brother, over and over again, until someday stops lending and sends him to rehab, pretty sure childish John's brother would call him a nazi for that.

The main point, you baseless said Merkel did a awful job, i made fun of your retarded opinion, your response absolute ZERO! A copy&paste on Germany exports growth in the last 15 years! And how Germany destroyed Greece :applause: Euro is artificially low in Germany but artificially high on Spain? :lol and here i thought the euro had the exact same value in Germany in Spain, and here i thought that was the goal of a unified currency. :roll: Shit is just to funny. Great article by Cyrus Sanati. Is that a Greek name?

Germany's "success" is based off making other countries unsuccessful
Sure idiot, that's why it gives massive amounts of money to other countries, helping them to improve their infrastructures. You're ignorance is truly epic.

Paste&copy chimp, you are nothing more.

03-02-2016, 05:24 PM
The euro has played a significant part in this. German exports have more than doubled since they went on the euro in 1999, going from around 469 billion euros to well over a trillion euros in 2010. The rate of growth was also twice as fast as other nations in the zone.

two-thirds of German exports go to other eurozone nations

There's 'been no export boom' doe, and it has nothing to do with the euro :banghead:

You're a delusional ideological fanatic. Get a grip fella. Blue & Orange's retard logic:

Euro is artificially low in Germany but artificially high on Spain? and here i thought the euro had the exact same value in Germany in Spain, and here i thought that was the goal of a unified currency.

Let me just blow your mind, the value of the euro is the same for the other 18 countries. If the value of the Euro makes it easier to export to Germany, it also makes it easy for the other 18 countries, genius.

:roll: - god damn!

You're actually retarded if you can't understand this. Without the euro Germany's currency would be much stronger, and Spain's currency would be much weaker. You need to go back to school because the stuff you write is downright embarrassing.

All the things you accuse Greece of doing would simply not have been possible without the economic distortions of the euro currency, which has been an unmitigated failure overall, though it has massively benefitted Germany. This really isn't very difficult to understand.

03-02-2016, 08:16 PM
You're actually retarded if you can't understand this. Without the euro Germany's currency would be much stronger, and Spain's currency would be much weaker. You need to go back to school because the stuff you write is downright embarrassing.

So because Spain currency would be weaker without euro it makes their current version of Euro "artificially high" while Germany is artificial low?

:lol :roll: :lol

Let me explain this really simple, what if scenarios have no bearing on the value of a currency. 1 euro in spain has the exactly same value of 1 euro in Germany, there's no fact in the world that can change this truth and this reality.

Sorry if you are too dumb to understand something so incredible simple, we are entering lack of grip with reality territory. It's almost unreal how can someone be so retarded. Don't bother going back to school, school can't do anything for you, in fact you are the living proof that no matter how many books one reads, the IQ is immutable.

Dresta is baffled that Germany trades more with close countries. He must thinks the goods are teleported, so no reason to trade with closer countries vs far away countries. #Transportation.costs.went.over.dresta.head.

All the things you accuse Greece of doing would simply not have been possible without the economic distortions of the euro currency, which has been an unmitigated failure overall, though it has massively benefitted Germany. This really isn't very difficult to understand.
Listen retard, i don't accuse Greece of nothing, it's ****ing facts know to everyone. Just google it dipshit.

Greece was a mess before the Euro, they were schedule to enter the EU in 1999, and only entered in 2001, and they only entered in 2001 because they cooked their numbers with the help of Golden Sachs a US company, not a Germany bank. :oldlol:

Again wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

You ignore 90% of what i say, because i virtually destroy you in those 90% and then cherry pick this one thing, you have this one strawman argument, and still i end up destroying you. It's ****ing hilarious.

What a epic beatdown. Let's have some more:


Top Germany exports:
France, UK, US. Those are the peripheral countries Germany is taking advantage of right dumb dresta?

Nazi peripheral countries:
exports 1996 - $16B US dollars, export 2014 - $106B US dollar, a ****ing 562% increase.
exports 1996 - $135B US dollars, export 2014 - $402B US dollar, a ****ing 198% increase.
exports 1996 - $47B US dollars, export 2014 - $299B US dollar, a ****ing 536% increase.
check republic,
exports 1996 - $21B US dollars, export 2014 - $137B US dollar, a ****ing 552% increase.

Should i go on?


Nick Young
03-02-2016, 08:20 PM
So because Spain currency would be weaker without euro it makes their current version of Euro "artificially high" while Germany is artificial low?

:lol :roll: :lol

Let me explain this really simple, what if scenarios have no bearing on the value of a currency. 1 euro in spain has the exactly same value of 1 euro in Germany, there's no fact in the world that can change this truth and this reality.

Sorry if you are too dumb to understand something so incredible simple, we are entering lack of grip with reality territory. It's almost unreal how can someone be so retarded. Don't bother going back to school, school can't do anything for you, in fact you are the living proof that no matter how many books one reads, the IQ is immutable.

Listen retard, i don't accuse Greece of nothing, it's ****ing facts know to everyone. Just google it dipshit.

Greece was a mess before the Euro, they were schedule to enter the EU in 1999, and only entered in 2001, and they only entered in 2001 because they cooked their numbers with the help of Golden Sachs a US company, not a Germany bank. :oldlol:

Again wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

You ignore 90% of what i say, because i virtually destroy you in those 90% and then cherry pick this one thing, you have this one strawman argument, and still i end up destroying you. It's ****ing hilarious.

What a epic beatdown. Let's have some more:


Top Germany exports:
France, UK, US. Those are the peripheral countries Germany is taking advantage of right dumb dresta?

Nazi peripheral countries:
exports 1996 - $16B US dollars, export 2014 - $106B US dollar, a ****ing 562% increase.
exports 1996 - $135B US dollars, export 2014 - $402B US dollar, a ****ing 198% increase.
exports 1996 - $47B US dollars, export 2014 - $299B US dollar, a ****ing 536% increase.
check republic,
exports 1996 - $21B US dollars, export 2014 - $137B US dollar, a ****ing 552% increase.

Should i go on?

Are you really in grad school bro?

Is English your first language?

03-03-2016, 01:54 AM
Germany is a great place except for the refugees.

the more refugees there are, the worst things are.

03-03-2016, 01:57 AM
So because Spain currency would be weaker without euro it makes their current version of Euro "artificially high" while Germany is artificial low?

:lol :roll: :lol

Let me explain this really simple, what if scenarios have no bearing on the value of a currency. 1 euro in spain has the exactly same value of 1 euro in Germany, there's no fact in the world that can change this truth and this reality.

Sorry if you are too dumb to understand something so incredible simple, we are entering lack of grip with reality territory. It's almost unreal how can someone be so retarded. Don't bother going back to school, school can't do anything for you, in fact you are the living proof that no matter how many books one reads, the IQ is immutable.

Dresta is baffled that Germany trades more with close countries. He must thinks the goods are teleported, so no reason to trade with closer countries vs far away countries. #Transportation.costs.went.over.dresta.head.

Listen retard, i don't accuse Greece of nothing, it's ****ing facts know to everyone. Just google it dipshit.

Greece was a mess before the Euro, they were schedule to enter the EU in 1999, and only entered in 2001, and they only entered in 2001 because they cooked their numbers with the help of Golden Sachs a US company, not a Germany bank. :oldlol:

Again wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

You ignore 90% of what i say, because i virtually destroy you in those 90% and then cherry pick this one thing, you have this one strawman argument, and still i end up destroying you. It's ****ing hilarious.

What a epic beatdown. Let's have some more:


Top Germany exports:
France, UK, US. Those are the peripheral countries Germany is taking advantage of right dumb dresta?

Nazi peripheral countries:
exports 1996 - $16B US dollars, export 2014 - $106B US dollar, a ****ing 562% increase.
exports 1996 - $135B US dollars, export 2014 - $402B US dollar, a ****ing 198% increase.
exports 1996 - $47B US dollars, export 2014 - $299B US dollar, a ****ing 536% increase.
check republic,
exports 1996 - $21B US dollars, export 2014 - $137B US dollar, a ****ing 552% increase.

Should i go on?


Please, Hammer... Don't hurt em. :(

03-03-2016, 02:09 AM
So because Spain currency would be weaker without euro it makes their current version of Euro "artificially high" while Germany is artificial low?

:lol :roll: :lol

Let me explain this really simple, what if scenarios have no bearing on the value of a currency. 1 euro in spain has the exactly same value of 1 euro in Germany, there's no fact in the world that can change this truth and this reality.

Sorry if you are too dumb to understand something so incredible simple, we are entering lack of grip with reality territory. It's almost unreal how can someone be so retarded. Don't bother going back to school, school can't do anything for you, in fact you are the living proof that no matter how many books one reads, the IQ is immutable.

Dresta is baffled that Germany trades more with close countries. He must thinks the goods are teleported, so no reason to trade with closer countries vs far away countries. #Transportation.costs.went.over.dresta.head.

Listen retard, i don't accuse Greece of nothing, it's ****ing facts know to everyone. Just google it dipshit.

Greece was a mess before the Euro, they were schedule to enter the EU in 1999, and only entered in 2001, and they only entered in 2001 because they cooked their numbers with the help of Golden Sachs a US company, not a Germany bank. :oldlol:

Again wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

You ignore 90% of what i say, because i virtually destroy you in those 90% and then cherry pick this one thing, you have this one strawman argument, and still i end up destroying you. It's ****ing hilarious.

What a epic beatdown. Let's have some more:


Top Germany exports:
France, UK, US. Those are the peripheral countries Germany is taking advantage of right dumb dresta?

Nazi peripheral countries:
exports 1996 - $16B US dollars, export 2014 - $106B US dollar, a ****ing 562% increase.
exports 1996 - $135B US dollars, export 2014 - $402B US dollar, a ****ing 198% increase.
exports 1996 - $47B US dollars, export 2014 - $299B US dollar, a ****ing 536% increase.
check republic,
exports 1996 - $21B US dollars, export 2014 - $137B US dollar, a ****ing 552% increase.

Should i go on?


03-03-2016, 02:18 AM
So because Spain currency would be weaker without euro it makes their current version of Euro "artificially high" while Germany is artificial low?

:lol :roll: :lol

Let me explain this really simple, what if scenarios have no bearing on the value of a currency. 1 euro in spain has the exactly same value of 1 euro in Germany, there's no fact in the world that can change this truth and this reality.

Sorry if you are too dumb to understand something so incredible simple, we are entering lack of grip with reality territory. It's almost unreal how can someone be so retarded. Don't bother going back to school, school can't do anything for you, in fact you are the living proof that no matter how many books one reads, the IQ is immutable.

Dresta is baffled that Germany trades more with close countries. He must thinks the goods are teleported, so no reason to trade with closer countries vs far away countries. #Transportation.costs.went.over.dresta.head.

Listen retard, i don't accuse Greece of nothing, it's ****ing facts know to everyone. Just google it dipshit.

Greece was a mess before the Euro, they were schedule to enter the EU in 1999, and only entered in 2001, and they only entered in 2001 because they cooked their numbers with the help of Golden Sachs a US company, not a Germany bank. :oldlol:

Again wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

You ignore 90% of what i say, because i virtually destroy you in those 90% and then cherry pick this one thing, you have this one strawman argument, and still i end up destroying you. It's ****ing hilarious.

What a epic beatdown. Let's have some more:


Top Germany exports:
France, UK, US. Those are the peripheral countries Germany is taking advantage of right dumb dresta?

Nazi peripheral countries:
exports 1996 - $16B US dollars, export 2014 - $106B US dollar, a ****ing 562% increase.
exports 1996 - $135B US dollars, export 2014 - $402B US dollar, a ****ing 198% increase.
exports 1996 - $47B US dollars, export 2014 - $299B US dollar, a ****ing 536% increase.
check republic,
exports 1996 - $21B US dollars, export 2014 - $137B US dollar, a ****ing 552% increase.

Should i go on?

Yeah, there's really no point in discussing economics with someone who doesn't understand that Spain would have a much weaker currency than Germany without the euro, and that this gives Germany a huge competitive advantage in exports that it otherwise would not have (while encouraging others to borrow excessively--i.e. a moral hazard, another basic economic concept you can't seem to grasp). Nor do you seem to understand that Greece is a tiny nation, and really not the focus of the export discussion (which applies to all nations, not just Greece, and of course, benefits its trade with the UK, France and the US also, as a weaker currency is wont to do). That's what you call irreparable ignorance: you're either an ideological fanatic, or incredibly stupid, or most likely both. You should just go jump off a cliff or something. There's truly no other way to fix you--anyone else got any idea how to explain these basic concepts to this childish imbecile? Hashtagging and talking about "epic beatdowns" like some kind of 5-year old: Jesus H. Christ! You really need to grow the f*ck up.

03-03-2016, 04:25 AM
I agree that Blue&Orange doesn't seem to have a clue of basic economics. Grab a book, dude! German exports clearly and unequivocally profit from the currency being undervalued in relation to productivity. There's literally no debate around this fact.

On the other hand, Dresta, social science after 1960 seems to have gone entirely above your head. "National character" determining music etc? Boiling down highly complex, contingent processes to "national character" is clearly not an adequate entry point for analysis.

03-03-2016, 09:28 AM
Yeah, there's really no point in discussing economics with someone who doesn't understand that Spain would have a much weaker currency than Germany without the euro, and that this gives Germany a huge competitive advantage in exports that it otherwise would not have (while encouraging others to borrow excessively--i.e. a moral hazard, another basic economic concept you can't seem to grasp). Nor do you seem to understand that Greece is a tiny nation, and really not the focus of the export discussion (which applies to all nations, not just Greece, and of course, benefits its trade with the UK, France and the US also, as a weaker currency is wont to do).
haha you got some Marco Rubio going on here!! Repeating yourself over and over the same exact sentences like a parrot. And i'm the the ideological fanatic? You failed to debate 90% of what i said, because you had no way to spin it and you are calling me ideological fanatic. The 10% you try to spin it, i wrecked you, I used facts after facts you used fantasy and what ifs, you are a dumb retard ignorant redneck brainwashed right winger trash.

How about imports dumbass, third time i'm questioning you? HOW ABOUT THEM IMPORTS WITH A WEAKER CURRENCY? You are a clueless ignorant idiot, a copy&paste chimp, absolutely incapable of own thought, that can only regurgitate articles, words sentences written by people that have the same bias as you.

**** off.


03-03-2016, 09:35 AM
I agree that Blue&Orange doesn't seem to have a clue of basic economics. Grab a book, dude! German exports clearly and unequivocally profit from the currency being undervalued in relation to productivity. There's literally no debate around this fact.
You got fooled by dumbass dresta strawman argument. Dude find me one sentence where i say otherwise. That was not what was being argued and discussed, maybe go back a page or two.

Let me add this, yes theoretically German exports wouldn't be so great with a stronger currency, but you will never know, maybe they would export more to countries with strong currency, but that's not the point. WHAT ABOUT THE IMPORTS? With a stronger currency, in the EU with no trade tariffs, they would buy goods at peanuts price for them. lol

Let me give you a real life example. When the euro was at his best, i went bananas on amazon.uk, even with the cost of transportation, it was so easy to find cheaper things, i saved a lot of money. Now? forget it about.

So let's stop talking about the effects of currency value on exports, and act like imports don't matter, kay? Don't get fooled by the redneck strawman argument.

03-03-2016, 10:04 AM
You got fooled by dumbass dresta strawman argument. Dude find me one sentence where i say otherwise. That was not what was being argued and discussed, maybe go back a page or two.

It's simple: If you don't agree that the Euro helps Germany's and hurts Spain's (and others') competitiveness you are wrong.
It helps European countries with low productivity with import goods short-term, but damages their domestic economy long-term because wages in the export industry are too high. If you reduce wages, people cannot consume. It's a downward spiral.
In Germany the Euro helps the export industry because it keeps prices low, but it hurts consumption because wages don't keep up with rising productivity. This is how Germany's economy can grow, but real wages actually have decreased compared to 20 years ago.

03-03-2016, 11:59 AM
It's simple: If you don't agree that the Euro helps Germany's and hurts Spain's (and others') competitiveness you are wrong.
It helps European countries with low productivity with import goods short-term, but damages their domestic economy long-term because wages in the export industry are too high. If you reduce wages, people cannot consume. It's a downward spiral.

Dude exports are a small fraction of the equation. Show me a country with a weak currency that isn't poor, please! Yes you export more, so what? Now the money you made with more exports, has less value and you have to use more of it to import what you need! I don't have a clue on basic economics but you do?

Do you know what a weak currency can cause? Inflation! Now your weak currency can buy even less goods.

Do you know what a weak currency does? It makes you debt to foreign unbearable, if you think Greece debt is unpayable now, imagine with their shitty drachma, it would be 10x worse.

You might want to inform yourself of what's going on on Venezuela, how their currency is worth basically nothing, how they can't even buy bread and milk. One would think their exports and economy would be booming.

You should inform all the governments of the euro countries how dumb they are, and how you have all figure it out. Call Spain prime minister asap.

In Germany the Euro helps the export industry because it keeps prices low, but it hurts consumption because wages don't keep up with rising productivity. This is how Germany's economy can grow, but real wages actually have decreased compared to 20 years ago.
First of all you are confusing private sector with public sector, Germany don't export, it's private companies that export. Private sector making more money don't automatically entail government raising the wages of cops and teachers.

Second, thanks for proving my point. Real wages in Germany are lower because euro is weaker compared to what a German currency would be. :applause: The other side of the coin. Having less money, means buying less things, means economy shrinks.

But yeah every German citizen in effect paying a tax so that Portugal and Greece and Slovenia, can build highways and Hospitals, stuff like that, it's a moral hazard. :applause:

Can we please now stop with the beatification of exports and act like they are on their own plane of existence?

03-03-2016, 12:36 PM
wow what exactly are you talking about? You're just brabbling all over the place right now.

Show me a country with a weak currency that isn't poor, please! Yes you export more, so what? Now the money you made with more exports, has less value and you have to use more of it to import what you need!

At what point does the money you make from exports lose its value?
You said yourself that Germany has a (relative to their economy) weak currency - they aren't poor. China has an undervalued currency - not poor.

Do you know what a weak currency can cause? Inflation! Now your weak currency can buy even less goods.

A weak currency causes inflation? Or is it the other way around?

First of all you are confusing private sector with public sector, Germany don't export, it's private companies that export. Private sector making more money don't automatically entail government raising the wages of cops and teachers.

I confuse private and public sector? When and where did I even talk about the public sector and where do cops and teachers come into play?

You might want to inform yourself of what's going on on Venezuela, how their currency is worth basically nothing, how they can't even buy bread and milk. One would think their exports and economy would be booming.

When did I every say that all you need to do is devaluate your currency? It's obviously not a good idea if you don't have an industrial base and are reliant on imports. You actually need to have a product you can export, you know? There is a reason why most countries of the Global South have a problem here. Also, Venuzuela is hit more by low oil prices than by a weak currency as of right now...

Second, thanks for proving my point. Real wages in Germany are lower because euro is weaker compared to what a German currency would be. The other side of the coin. Having less money, means buying less things, means economy shrinks.

the economy does not shrink if the export industry grows at a larger rate than production for domestic demand contracts.
Yes, the German worker "suffers" from real wage loss, but in Germany that loss occurs at such a high rate that it isn't as grievous as it is in less productive countries. I'm not saying it's a good thing and there are a lot of economists that say wages should increase to rebalance currency valuation and productivity in Europe, but that's a whole other discussion.

03-03-2016, 03:42 PM
At what point does the money you make from exports lose its value?

The moment your currency is weaker.
You export more because your currency is weaker vs a stronger currency, right? Guess what the money you made exporting, has also has LESS value vs a stronger currency.

You said yourself that Germany has a (relative to their economy) weak currency - they aren't poor. China has an undervalued currency - not poor.

Weak currency is different from weaker currency relative to whatever. Just because Germany has a weaker currency relative to a what-if-deutsche-mark, doesn't mean they now have a weak currency.

A weak currency causes inflation? Or is it the other way around?

Inflation isn't triggered by one simple thing. But it's pretty much known and accepted that devaluation, weak currency, cause inflation. See what happened in Venezuela, basically people are paying a month salary on a 100g of bread.

I confuse private and public sector? When and where did I even talk about the public sector and where do cops and teachers come into play?

Pretty sure it wasn't me that brought German wages into discussion.

the economy does not shrink if the export industry grows at a larger rate than production for domestic demand contracts.
Yeah and the other way around it's also true, the economy does not shrink if production for domestic demand contracts grows at a larger rate than export industry. See what i did? Exports aren't the holy grail.

Yes, the German worker "suffers" from real wage loss, but in Germany that loss occurs at such a high rate that it isn't as grievous as it is in less productive countries. I'm not saying it's a good thing and there are a lot of economists that say wages should increase to rebalance currency valuation and productivity in Europe, but that's a whole other discussion.
Germany introduced minimal wage a year ago. Pretty sure that was a factor for the rise of internal demand, that was one of reasons for their record surplus. I won't be surprised if they raised wages, they can afford and would raise again internal demand.

03-04-2016, 04:30 AM
barely anything you just wrote makes any sense.
Minimum wage is one of the main reasons for Germany's record surplus?
The money you make from exports loses value because the currency is weaker?
How do you determine the strength/weakness of a currency if not in relative terms?
Devaluation doesn't necessarily lead to inflation, especially not if the economy is in recession.
What does have a discussion about wages have to do with the difference of public and private sector? Does the private sector not pay wages?


03-04-2016, 08:57 AM
barely anything you just wrote makes any sense.
Minimum wage is one of the main reasons for Germany's record surplus?
The money you make from exports loses value because the currency is weaker?
How do you determine the strength/weakness of a currency if not in relative terms?
Devaluation doesn't necessarily lead to inflation, especially not if the economy is in recession.
What does have a discussion about wages have to do with the difference of public and private sector? Does the private sector not pay wages?

OMG another ****ing retard. This is unbelievable.

I said it was a factor not the main reason, RETARD! Learn to read, RETARD! By giving more money to people, they spend more money, they buy more, companies sell more,more taxes are collected. The article CLEARLY STAKES that Germany record surplus followed a rise in internal demand. Do you want me to draw a picture RETARD?

Yes RETARD the money you make with exports loses values because the currency is weaker, everything loses value because the currency is weaker, that's the natural effect of a weak currency, it's in the frigging name "WEAK" currency. How can someone be this RETARD? Did you honestly just made that question? Is this real life? How RETARDED can someone be, that points out Germany benefits from a weak currency compared to a stronger what-if-deutsche-mark because it can export more, and then are baffled and can't understand money made on that exports have less value compared to a stronger what-if-deutsche-mark.

Devaluation does no lead to inflation? Maybe in your retarded fabricated reality where all the dumb people live, and eat ice creams every day with their foreheads.

RETARD, you do realize a Government can only raise wages of public workers right? You do realize that it's private companies that exports goods not the Government, right? You do realize that if private German companies exports a lot, it has ABSOLUTLY nothing do with German wages right? Just because Apple has record profits, US citizens wages don't increase, you realize this right? Sure economy doing great, more taxes collected, surplus, you can raise wages of public workers, but hey you can export a lot and have a shitty economy, you realize this right? And you can also raise wages on a shitty economy as means to kickstart economy, you realize this right? There's no direct link between both, you realize this right? You realize it was you that brought German wages when discussing exports right?

Dresta is that you? :roll: You sneaky bastard! Made me waste my time, i thought i was dealing with an intelligent life form and it was you all along.

I agree that Blue&Orange doesn't seem to have a clue of basic economics. Grab a book, dude!
:lol :roll: :lol :roll: :lol

I'm starting to feel i'm on some twilight zone episode, therefore i'm done.

03-04-2016, 09:36 AM

worst poster on ISH by a mile :lol

03-04-2016, 10:54 AM
what a melt-down :oldlol: :oldlol:

"money loses value by exporting even though there is barely any inflation" :confusedshrug:
"raise wages to kickstart an economy" :eek:
"improved productivity and huge profits for exporting industry does not affect wages" :rolleyes:
"talk about minimum wage but then say that government can only raise wages for public servants" :oldlol:
"private companies are not embedded in a complex political network that negotiates wage level" :facepalm