View Full Version : Liberals explain why they

03-01-2016, 08:05 PM

After asking (on Twitter, naturally) how many other progressive voters felt the Marcomentum, plenty wrote in to explain why they were jumping into the GOP primary.

"I am a democrat that voted today for Rubio," wrote Caroline Schoenecker, 32, a voter in Arlington, Virginia. "I did not want to miss the opportunity to vote against Trump. After initial analysis, I didn't feel like the race between Clinton and Sanders was close enough, especially in VA. As for Trump, I am horrified with how this man can radically change our country for the worst. Michael Gerson's opinion piece summed up my feelings on the danger of his world view. This is how fascism starts. I have been very open with my fellow democratic friends that today is important, and working to ensure that Trump is less likely to get the nomination is something we can and should do. Watching his antics has moved from a spectator sport to a crisis that requires actions."

Tom Paquin, a Cambridge, Mass. resident, voted for Rubio and provided what "might be the only Republican vote in this part of town.""Given Trump's support in my state among the neanderthals in Western Massachusetts, I doubt it'll make much of a difference, but I'm hopeful enough common-sense conservatives will rally behind the establishment choice, as vague a choice as it is with such a diluted field," said Paquin. A Massachusetts GOP subdivision has been spamming social media with 'Reagan Revolution' propaganda, promoting Trump as their given national candidate. I'd expect that wing will ultimately win out today, since they invoked the 'R' word."

I dont like Trump much either but... his trolling of the political process is hilarious. Democrats are so shook, they're voting Republican.

I'm waiting for the day where he says 'just kidding'.

The amount of hate he gets ALMOST makes me want to vote for him for laughs.

03-01-2016, 08:07 PM
I dont like Trump much either but... his trolling of the political process is hilarious. Democrats are so shook, they're voting Republican.

I'm waiting for the day where he says 'just kidding'.

The amount of hate he gets ALMOST makes me want to vote for him for laughs.
This is hardly a new trend. Limbaugh tried to get Republicans to vote for Clinton in 08 to hurt Obama's campaign.

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 08:08 PM
I dont like Trump much either but... his trolling of the political process is hilarious. Democrats are so shook, they're voting Republican.

I'm waiting for the day where he says 'just kidding'.

The amount of hate he gets ALMOST makes me want to vote for him for laughs.
I don't get why Dems hate Trump so much. They fear him so badly. He's much more socially liberal than Hillary or Bernie. They keep calling him a racist neo-nazi but are unable to supply any thing racist Trump has ever said or done when pressed on the issue to provide quotes and sources to support their accusations.

They are like a brainwashed mass who unquestioningly believe everything Trevor Noah and John Oliver tell them to believe.

03-01-2016, 08:12 PM
I love how the dude calls Republicans neanderthals and it's totally cool. Cause.. the media says it is.

Imagine the reverse.

Amazingly when it's someone you don't like, all of a sudden stopping them from winning an election is a crisis.

03-01-2016, 08:35 PM
Democrats claim that "Rubio is the one republican we're afraid of in the general election". Sure he is.

03-01-2016, 08:40 PM
Those Democrats are doing it all wrong :facepalm

We should be voting for Drumpf, not against him.

Rubio actually has a chance vs Hillary.

Drumpf would get destroyed and take down the GOP with him.

Vote 4 Drumpf!:applause:

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 08:43 PM
Those Democrats are doing it all wrong :facepalm

We should be voting for Drumpf, not against him.

Rubio actually has a chance vs Hillary.

Drumpf would get destroyed and take down the GOP with him.

Vote 4 Drumpf!:applause:
Trump will slaughter Hillbot 3000. All he has to say is he helped sponsor her career, and she wouldn't be there today if it wasn't for his funding-because it's true XD

03-01-2016, 08:46 PM
Those Democrats are doing it all wrong :facepalm

We should be voting for Drumpf, not against him.

Rubio actually has a chance vs Hillary.

Drumpf would get destroyed and take down the GOP with him.

Vote 4 Drumpf!:applause:
Everybody knows that democrats want to face Rubio in the general election. I don't know who you guys think you're fooling.

03-01-2016, 08:48 PM
Trump will slaughter Hillbot 3000. All he has to say is he helped sponsor her career, and she wouldn't be there today if it wasn't for his funding-because it's true XD
This. Trump can just say "I donate the money and give the orders. Hillary and the other puppets beg for the money and take the orders".

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 08:54 PM
The Dems are truly desperate. They know Rubio will roll over and Trump actually has a solid shot. that is the only reason any would vote Rube.

They don't realize that even with their support, Rubio will still lose. He is just so far behind. They are wasting their votes in a desperate hail mary.

Bernie vs Trump is a different story IMO because nice guy Bernie is an easy under dog hero to support against Trump the "1%er", that's an easy narrative the media can push, but unlikable warmonger Wall Street shill Hillary is a different story.

Zach LaVine
03-01-2016, 08:55 PM
He's much more socially liberal than Hillary or Bernie.

How so? Please provide quotes and sources.

03-01-2016, 08:56 PM
Trump will slaughter Hillbot 3000. All he has to say is he helped sponsor her career, and she wouldn't be there today if it wasn't for his funding-because it's true XD

[QUOTE]Clinton, the Democratic front-runner and former New York senator who had some say over policy that could have impacted Trump

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 08:59 PM
How so? Please provide quotes and sources.
Pro-gay marriage, pro-racial equality, pro-abortion, pro-free market, pro-working class :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

03-01-2016, 09:03 PM
Trump will slaughter Hillbot 3000. All he has to say is he helped sponsor her career, and she wouldn't be there today if it wasn't for his funding-because it's true XD
Drumpf is in cahoots with the Clintons :confusedshrug:

We all know that Drumpf and the Clintons go way back. Drumpf really isn't the racist he's being protrayed as. Back in the 90s he refused to run for the Reform Party because David Duke was involved, he called him a bigot and a racist.

It's all role playing, my dude. FOX News and rightwing radio created the dumb supporters Drumpf is attracting. They fill your heads about how blacks, Mexicans, fa*gots, women and muslims are destroying the country.

Then on the behest of Drumpfs good buddy, Bill Clinton, he's playing this rightwing racist buffoon and y'all took it hook, line and sinker :yaohappy:

Drumpf has always been a Democrat, he's liberal on social issues, hell, he even wants government funded healthcare for everyone, can't get more liberal than that.

He started with the anti Mexican illegal immigration rhetoric (in a time when Mexican immigration is actually a net negative, talk about a non issue, lol) and after that he caught fire and all you dummies came out of the woodwork and are now on the cusp of nominating him as the GOP's standard bearer, lmao.

Honestly, I bet the Clintons and Drumpf are shocked it has gotten to this point, I think their real goal was to move the GOP way to the right and embarrass them.

When Drumpf is the nominee, he'll become so outrageous he'll have no shot at the WH because he really doesn't want to be POTUS, he wants to hand the keys over to his good buddies, the Clintons.

In November, the Clintons are back in the WH, the Democrats control the Senate, the GOP is in shambles and Drumpf is the guest of honor in the Lincoln Bedroom whenvever he wants...with a bunch of government contracts going to his companies.

Mission Accomplished :bowdown:

03-01-2016, 09:14 PM
Of course Trump would have to explain why he was donating to Democrats.
You either in denial or really stupid to not see that Drumpf and the Clintons are tight, lol.

Drumpf has always been a Democrat, he's donated to the Clintons numerous times, he invited them to his wedding.

Now he's a conservative and doesn't like the Clintons :yaohappy:

03-01-2016, 09:14 PM
Of course Trump would have to explain why he was donating to Democrats.

that would help him in the general election. he already locked up the gop.

trump winning :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 09:24 PM
Drumpf is in cahoots with the Clintons :confusedshrug:

We all know that Drumpf and the Clintons go way back. Drumpf really isn't the racist he's being protrayed as. Back in the 90s he refused to run for the Reform Party because David Duke was involved, he called him a bigot and a racist.

It's all role playing, my dude. FOX News and rightwing radio created the dumb supporters Drumpf is attracting. They fill your heads about how blacks, Mexicans, fa*gots, women and muslims are destroying the country.

Then on the behest of Drumpfs good buddy, Bill Clinton, he's playing this rightwing racist buffoon and y'all took it hook, line and sinker :yaohappy:

Drumpf has always been a Democrat, he's liberal on social issues, hell, he even wants government funded healthcare for everyone, can't get more liberal than that.

He started with the anti Mexican illegal immigration rhetoric (in a time when Mexican immigration is actually a net negative, talk about a non issue, lol) and after that he caught fire and all you dummies came out of the woodwork and are now on the cusp of nominating him as the GOP's standard bearer, lmao.

Honestly, I bet the Clintons and Drumpf are shocked it has gotten to this point, I think their real goal was to move the GOP way to the right and embarrass them.

When Drumpf is the nominee, he'll become so outrageous he'll have no shot at the WH because he really doesn't want to be POTUS, he wants to hand the keys over to his good buddies, the Clintons.

In November, the Clintons are back in the WH, the Democrats control the Senate, the GOP is in shambles and Drumpf is the guest of honor in the Lincoln Bedroom whenvever he wants...with a bunch of government contracts going to his companies.

Mission Accomplished :bowdown:
You sound desperate and close to meltdown bro, but you're definitely right about the fact that Trump has a career of being against racism, as well as being socially liberal :rockon:

longtime lurker
03-01-2016, 09:42 PM
Drumpf is in cahoots with the Clintons :confusedshrug:

We all know that Drumpf and the Clintons go way back. Drumpf really isn't the racist he's being protrayed as. Back in the 90s he refused to run for the Reform Party because David Duke was involved, he called him a bigot and a racist.

It's all role playing, my dude. FOX News and rightwing radio created the dumb supporters Drumpf is attracting. They fill your heads about how blacks, Mexicans, fa*gots, women and muslims are destroying the country.

Then on the behest of Drumpfs good buddy, Bill Clinton, he's playing this rightwing racist buffoon and y'all took it hook, line and sinker :yaohappy:

Drumpf has always been a Democrat, he's liberal on social issues, hell, he even wants government funded healthcare for everyone, can't get more liberal than that.

He started with the anti Mexican illegal immigration rhetoric (in a time when Mexican immigration is actually a net negative, talk about a non issue, lol) and after that he caught fire and all you dummies came out of the woodwork and are now on the cusp of nominating him as the GOP's standard bearer, lmao.

Honestly, I bet the Clintons and Drumpf are shocked it has gotten to this point, I think their real goal was to move the GOP way to the right and embarrass them.

When Drumpf is the nominee, he'll become so outrageous he'll have no shot at the WH because he really doesn't want to be POTUS, he wants to hand the keys over to his good buddies, the Clintons.

In November, the Clintons are back in the WH, the Democrats control the Senate, the GOP is in shambles and Drumpf is the guest of honor in the Lincoln Bedroom whenvever he wants...with a bunch of government contracts going to his companies.

Mission Accomplished :bowdown:

Could you imagine a sitting President doing this?


Trump would make America a joke again

Nick Young
03-01-2016, 09:59 PM



Nick Young
03-01-2016, 10:29 PM
Dems voting for Rubio plan backfired. Like most things the Dems do, they talked a big game and then ultimately failed to deliver.

Ricky Rubio has fallen.