View Full Version : Men that care about fashion...

03-03-2016, 04:45 PM

I wear socks with flip flops and I still get head anytime I want it and I have season passes to Disney World.

03-03-2016, 04:50 PM

03-03-2016, 04:51 PM

:cheers: :banana:

03-03-2016, 04:52 PM

I wear socks with flip flops and I still get head anytime I want it and I have season passes to Disney World.


Bosnian Sajo
03-03-2016, 04:54 PM
"AND I have season passes to disney world"

lmfao. Never change, stalker.

03-03-2016, 04:57 PM
Love y'all.

03-03-2016, 05:10 PM
wait don't you make 10 threads a month about how your wife hates you, cheats on you and never puts out? Plus you had to take donations for a trip to disney land. :facepalm

03-03-2016, 05:12 PM
wait don't you make 10 threads a month about how your wife hates you, cheats on you and never puts out? Plus you had to take donations for a trip to disney land. :facepalm

Yep. Now he acts like he is wearing flip flops and can **** all the bishes :lol

03-03-2016, 05:18 PM
I'm from new york, we the type of niggvs to wear timberland boots on water slides

03-03-2016, 06:18 PM
You never specified who you get the head from........

03-03-2016, 06:21 PM
You never specified who you get the head from........
whoever happens to be cheapest

03-03-2016, 06:21 PM
Wearing flip flops is pretty gay.
over here it's normal but we get hot weather and have beaches.

03-03-2016, 06:27 PM
Something along the lines of these types of sandals and it wouldn't be gay.


The common flip flops is like wearing a thong for your feet.

still don't see how wearing a pair of thongs is considered gay when nearly everyone wears them and they are just a pair of foot wear?

03-03-2016, 06:39 PM
:biggums: Bruh. It's gay.
this fool gonna walk around the beach wearing a pair of boots.

03-03-2016, 06:52 PM
We can't all be a fat slob like you.

03-03-2016, 07:08 PM
Even better option! Boots are very good at preventing unwanted sand from coming in.
and when you go for a swim? You remove your boots and sand blows in, then you have wet feet trying to get back in your boots? Thongs are needed here, when the sand/pavement get hot enough to burn your feet they are great to slip on and off at the beach. I wouldn't wear them with socks or outside more than just going out for the mail but i hardly see how they are "gay".

03-03-2016, 07:18 PM
You don't want to swim with your boots?

Are dudes wearing thongs to cover their pelvic area considered gay? Most would say yes. Logistically, thongs that cover your feet should also be considered gay. If you don't consider the former gay, then of course you won't see flip flops as gay.

thongs = flip flops. You wear them on your feet. Your feet do not have genitals on them.

g strings you wear on your genital/sexual region.

If you can't see the difference I'll help find you a good therapist because your normally a decent poster.

03-03-2016, 07:30 PM
stalker trying to justify dressing and looking like a manchild :lol

get yourself cleaned up bruh

03-03-2016, 07:41 PM
Why wear a thong when you can wear normal underwear or boxer briefs? :confusedshrug:

Same thing is applied to flip flop thongs.

not really.

a pair of shoes is totally different to a pair of rubber open top footwear that you can slip on/off and wear in water, wear without socks, not get hot feet etc.

03-03-2016, 07:44 PM
:lol at the thong/flip flop arguments in this thread. Never change ISH <3

03-03-2016, 07:49 PM
The ones I posted has the same purpose as those thongs, but has the added benefit where you can run better/easier with it in case of an attack/impending danger. That's an extra pro even if you wouldn't utilize it as much.
yeah the ones you posted are fine too. but so are regular flip flops. I get people saying it's bad if you are going out or something but saying they are "gay" for going to the beach just makes me think you've never actually been a beach.

03-03-2016, 07:52 PM
I've been to some several times. Beaches suck. Would rather walk back home than spend time there
I'm not a beach fan either but if i go to the beach and am going in the water I'll bring a pair of flip flops.

03-03-2016, 08:17 PM
This explains why your girl looks like she does.

03-03-2016, 08:20 PM

I wear socks with flip flops and I still get head anytime I want it and I have season passes to Disney World.


03-03-2016, 08:23 PM
Dude you don't care about anything. Once you're financially and socially accomplished.... you start thinking about fashion. You never made it past the first step. Of course you don't care about fashion, you don't have any friends or anywhere to go. Plus you're just a ****ing lazy hack, comfort is all you care about. You're a rat.

03-03-2016, 08:25 PM
Dude you don't care about anything. Once you're financially and socially accomplished.... you start thinking about fashion. You never made it past the first step. Of course you don't care about fashion, you don't have any friends or anywhere to go. Plus you're just a ****ing lazy hack, comfort is all you care about. You're a rat.

This is actually true. At some point in your life you have the money to spend on quality over quantity. This happens with food, cars, clothing etc.

03-03-2016, 08:29 PM
OP's effortless success rustling a lot of jimmies :oldlol:

03-03-2016, 08:42 PM
Dude you don't care about anything. Once you're financially and socially accomplished.... you start thinking about fashion. You never made it past the first step. Of course you don't care about fashion, you don't have any friends or anywhere to go. Plus you're just a ****ing lazy hack, comfort is all you care about. You're a rat.
Damn son.

I don't give half a shit about fashion but I support this message

You Cant Ban Me
03-03-2016, 08:46 PM
Dude you don't care about anything. Once you're financially and socially accomplished.... you start thinking about fashion. You never made it past the first step. Of course you don't care about fashion, you don't have any friends or anywhere to go. Plus you're just a ****ing lazy hack, comfort is all you care about. You're a rat.
i dont **** with simon but GOT DAMN! this is either right here..and he called you a rat(basically the lowest form of life) @ the end just for kicks and giggles sheesh :roll:

aye stalker if i was you i wouldnt really post no more in this thread i mean thats if you have any dignity at all

03-03-2016, 10:25 PM
Dude you don't care about anything. Once you're financially and socially accomplished.... you start thinking about fashion. You never made it past the first step. Of course you don't care about fashion, you don't have any friends or anywhere to go. Plus you're just a ****ing lazy hack, comfort is all you care about. You're a rat.


And it's gotten me laid with at least 20 women in my lifetime; I don't know, it's not like I counted. Maybe 30+.

And you're a virgin that has 10 alts on a message board. So there's that.

03-03-2016, 11:11 PM
Dude you don't care about anything. Once you're financially and socially accomplished.... you start thinking about fashion. You never made it past the first step. Of course you don't care about fashion, you don't have any friends or anywhere to go. Plus you're just a ****ing lazy hack, comfort is all you care about. You're a rat.

Damn...even I don't get that vicious with him. :lol

03-03-2016, 11:24 PM
I had my eyebrows shaped up the other day. Where does that rank on the gay scale?
Up there with being the meat in a 4 guys orgy

03-03-2016, 11:42 PM
Damn...even I don't get that vicious with him. :lol

You can't get "vicious" on a message board, dweeb. :lol

My goodness, you must be a hardcore recluse.

03-04-2016, 12:06 AM

03-04-2016, 12:12 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:


Fa ggotforlife stays losing

One of the best posters right now !:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

03-04-2016, 04:03 PM


03-04-2016, 04:28 PM
lol @ the sandal debate.
I have a pair of each and will be packing them both with me on my vacay next month.

03-04-2016, 05:01 PM
If you are a normal guy, women don't care what kind of flip flops you wear. Wear what you want, ISH. :banana:

Good debate though.