View Full Version : North Korea: "Nukes need to be ready for use" (CNN)

Doomsday Dallas
03-04-2016, 02:56 AM

Trump's policy is to let China deal with this mess....

There's a lot of people that still defend the decision on going into Iraq. Well,
if the entire reasoning to go into Iraq was because WMDs... why does NK get a free pass?

I mean... look at North Korea 2016 vs. Iraq 2003

We had to fabricate evidence to convince people to invade Iraq... There is no evidence to fabricate with NK. That guy is clearly wanting to start a war.

but all we do is laugh about it... in movies like Team America World Police and The Interview.

03-04-2016, 03:15 AM
Didn't even see Trump's name in the thread title but knew this was going to be pinned on him in some way. Pathetic hater. :lol

03-04-2016, 03:18 AM
Of course they need to be ready for use... what is the point of having them not ready for use? The united states nukes are "ready for use" Israels etc...

North Korea does not have the means to deliver a nuclear payload. Stop being a pvssy fgt


Doomsday Dallas
03-04-2016, 03:24 AM
Didn't even see Trump's name in the thread title but knew this was going to be pinned on him in some way. Pathetic hater. :lol

Well I could care less who's president... either way, whoever's in office won't be the one making decisions. Besides, it's already been decided who will be in office.

Meanwhile... there's still a mad man in North Korea that has about 10 nuclear war heads... and he has absolutely nothing to lose. Dennis Rodman is not a good solution to this problem either... So I'm wondering what the end result is.

It's estimated that he could have 100 nukes by the end of 2020...

Doomsday Dallas
03-04-2016, 03:35 AM
North Korea does not have the means to deliver a nuclear payload.

He's working on it...

He'll eventually have nuclear armed submarines.


Doomsday Dallas
03-04-2016, 03:41 AM
Here's another thread on it...


Politicians and political theorists in the West always state that North Korea is PRChina's problem or PRChina's responsibility.

What if the brethren in Beijing want North Korea to be doing exactly what they are doing? What if Beijing intends to use the NK as the "bad boy" in an opening round to a hot war so they can deny culpability ... something the current regime in Beijing especially enjoys.

03-04-2016, 04:08 AM
Well I could care less who's president... either way, whoever's in office won't be the one making decisions. Besides, it's already been decided who will be in office.

Meanwhile... there's still a mad man in North Korea that has about 10 nuclear war heads... and he has absolutely nothing to lose. Dennis Rodman is not a good solution to this problem either... So I'm wondering what the end result is.

It's estimated that he could have 100 nukes by the end of 2020...
Besides his life and his kingdom...

We've already established that NK doesn't even have the means to attack the US, let alone the motivation, but still you advocate a war against them for... what, just because Iraq got a war under flimsier circumstances?

You are a piece of shit.

Doomsday Dallas
03-04-2016, 04:27 AM
Besides his life and his kingdom...

We've already established that NK doesn't even have the means to attack the US, let alone the motivation, but still you advocate a war against them for... what, just because Iraq got a war under flimsier circumstances?

Was not advocating war... But many people have taken the stance of bombing them before they bomb us... guess that only applies to muslims in the Middle East.

I was making an observation that many people could care less about. And that was my whole point in the OP. Nobody gives a $hit about NK.

He has 10 nukes... but still considered harmless? Yea... that's what everyone keeps saying. This dude should be major concern.

Doomsday Dallas
03-04-2016, 04:32 AM
U.N. Security Council approves tough sanctions on North Korea (CNN)


03-04-2016, 04:32 AM

Trump's policy is to let China deal with this mess....

There's a lot of people that still defend the decision on going into Iraq. Well,
if the entire reasoning to go into Iraq was because WMDs... why does NK get a free pass?

I mean... look at North Korea 2016 vs. Iraq 2003

We had to fabricate evidence to convince people to invade Iraq... There is no evidence to fabricate with NK. That guy is clearly wanting to start a war.

but all we do is laugh about it... in movies like Team America World Police and The Interview.

How long are we going to keep the good skinny peeps of North Korea from life, liberty and the American way?

03-04-2016, 09:56 AM
He does NOT want to start a war because there's no way in hell the DPRK wins a war. The Kim family is historically crazy, sure...but they're not suicidal. They got hit with more sanctions, so they're doing their usual song and dance.

03-04-2016, 11:45 AM
Drunk Dennis Rodman will turn out to be the greatest ambassador America has and the World's last safety measure when we learn that Kim Jong getting to suck his d!ck will be the lone action that prevents WWIII.

What. A. Time.

03-04-2016, 12:00 PM
The reason we care little about NK is they aren't a strategic threat to Israel. OP is totally ignorant of zionist control of our foreign policy. Even school textbooks are talking about this now. :lol

Speaking of which, Trump has been the only candidate with the balls to diss Netanyahu in public. Dude will be our most alpha president since Kennedy. :applause:

Doomsday Dallas
03-04-2016, 12:32 PM
The reason we care little about NK is they aren't a strategic threat to Israel. OP is totally ignorant of zionist control of our foreign policy. Even school textbooks are talking about this now. :lol

Speaking of which, Trump has been the only candidate with the balls to diss Netanyahu in public. Dude will be our most alpha president since Kennedy. :applause:

Zionist control is a forbidden subject here in the OTC.

I know everything comes down to Israel.

glad someone pointed this out.

03-04-2016, 12:48 PM
North Korea is a joke dude. Don't let the media convince you otherwise.

03-04-2016, 12:51 PM
There's a lot of people that still defend the decision on going into Iraq. Well,
if the entire reasoning to go into Iraq was because WMDs... why does NK get a free pass?

Because NK doesn't have oil.

Doomsday Dallas
03-11-2016, 06:51 PM
We've already established that NK doesn't even have the means to attack the US, let alone the motivation, but still you advocate a war against them for... what, just because Iraq got a war under flimsier circumstances?

CNN: U.S. says North Korean submarine missing

are you starting to connect the dots?

Doomsday Dallas
03-24-2016, 11:53 PM
link (http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/24/politics/north-korea-miniaturized-nuclear-warhead/index.html)

Intel officials: North Korea 'probably' has miniaturized nuke

Washington (CNN)Some U.S. intelligence analysts now believe that North Korea "probably" possesses a miniaturized nuclear warhead, several U.S. officials told CNN.

The assessment has yet to become a formal consensus view of the U.S. government. But it reveals just how far along many in the U.S. believe the reclusive country has come to gaining a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile that could potentially strike the U.S.

As North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's public rhetoric has escalated in recent weeks, concern has grown inside intelligence circles that he has made progress on several fronts.

"He is determined to prove his doubters wrong," one U.S. official told CNN, even as uncertainty remains about how much progress he has actually made in his quest for nuclear missiles.

Recent photos showing Kim standing next to what the North Koreans claim is a miniaturized nuclear device are still being scrutinized by U.S. analysts for any indication of progress, officials said, declining to provide additional specifics.

U.S. officials who endorse the notion that Kim probably has a nuclear warhead still note that they don't know if the device would actually work. The North Koreans believe it would.

03-24-2016, 11:56 PM

Trump's policy is to let China deal with this mess....

There's a lot of people that still defend the decision on going into Iraq. Well,
if the entire reasoning to go into Iraq was because WMDs... why does NK get a free pass?

I mean... look at North Korea 2016 vs. Iraq 2003

We had to fabricate evidence to convince people to invade Iraq... There is no evidence to fabricate with NK. That guy is clearly wanting to start a war.

but all we do is laugh about it... in movies like Team America World Police and The Interview.

As a conspiracy f*ck you should know that North Korea only exists as an excuse for the US to keep a standing army in Korea and Japan to keep tabs on China.

They have no other use

not a threat
