View Full Version : Durant would have been a champion by now if not for his

03-05-2016, 07:05 AM
Injury after his mvp season.

It has completely killed his momentum (same thing happened to rose)

2014 he was starting to make his claim as the undisputed best player in the world.

We all knew it was down to him and lebron and in 2015 im pretty sure they would have faced off but that injury slowed the momentum.

I believe that 2015 he wouldve had a dominant peak similar to what we're seeing out of curry right now.

Hes still a really good player but he doesnt have the all time great hall of fame aura about him no more.

03-05-2016, 07:07 AM
Durant would have been a champion by now if he wasn't such a beta

03-05-2016, 10:51 AM
Injury after his mvp season.

It has completely killed his momentum (same thing happened to rose)

2014 he was starting to make his claim as the undisputed best player in the world.

We all knew it was down to him and lebron and in 2015 im pretty sure they would have faced off but that injury slowed the momentum.

I believe that 2015 he wouldve had a dominant peak similar to what we're seeing out of curry right now.

Hes still a really good player but he doesnt have the all time great hall of fame aura about him no more.

Individual momentum does not kill a championship year... a team wins a ring.
If OKC thought he was the answer to a ring , they would be building around him.
Don't see it happening.

03-05-2016, 12:10 PM
'13 westbrook's injury was bigger. that was a much better team. they couldve won it that year.

'14 ibaka's injury in the wcf also really bad. okc has had terrible luck.

03-05-2016, 01:01 PM

03-05-2016, 01:56 PM
WB's 13 injury probably cost them the title...the other stuff is way less than a 50% chance to win the title...so I'd say no.

Also, at some point, we are going to need to see Durant and his Thunder not fall apart for long enough to win 4 series.

I haven't seen it yet...and it doesn't look like Durant is growing much as a player. His late game play and ball stopping and turnovers in tight games look like the player he was 5 years ago to be honest.

Which is still all time great, but he can't be having 9 turnover games against the best teams. You aren't winning anything playing that loose.