View Full Version : Better representation of Bernie taxes

03-05-2016, 04:22 PM
A month ago, a thread (http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showthread.php?t=398085) was posted on Bernie taxes. Here's the issue: it only focused on your personal taxes perspective without considering the healthcare plan or what your employer contributes to your healthcare plan. This new calculator calculates how much you save and how much your employer saves.


Average american makes 51k as a household.. we plug it in and get..
$ 4,279.50
$ 7,540.00

High average for family of mom/dad/2 kids is 70,800 with parents aged 45-54. plug it in and we get..
$ 3,750.00
$ 6,312.00

All with full insurance and no co-pay or premium or cost for medicine. Under Trump's plan, you get none of this. You would make $2,000 more yearly, but you still pay out of pocket for insurance premium/copay/meds/god forbid surgical operations copay.

Unless if you are top 5%, the benefits are not worth it under Trump's plan.

Top 1% household making over $400,000 yearly:
$ 10,077.00
$ 14,098.00

If you are top 5% household making over $200,000:
$ 341.00
$ 1,698.00

If you are top 10% household making over $150,000:
$ 1,047.00
$ 1,402.00

So, if you're in the other 95% making under $200,000 - Bernie's plan helps you and your employer.

Patrick Chewing
03-05-2016, 04:59 PM
Ted Cruz plan is better:

- Flat tax
- Abolish the IRS

03-05-2016, 05:22 PM
Simpler tax-code and an emphasis on taxing consumption rather than income is where i'd start. Taxing large amounts of income from people who really don't earn that much, can't afford to buy a house, or raise kids, is a disgrace. Declining fertility rates are quite often a consequence of how long it takes people to get ahead and get themselves some financial stability these days. Prudent and sensible people are being robbed of their right to raise children responsibly because of punitive taxation (or having them late, which has pretty large drawbacks also).

I do quite like that tax-plan though. Not at all unreasonable, though not sure how sustainable it is because of the insane amount of debt this country is in, and its consumption-obsessed culture.

03-05-2016, 05:43 PM
which one of these plans involves getting rid of the healthcare tax (penalty) for not having insurance?
All of them. Bernie is for single payer so that will have to come from a tax somewhere or another though

03-05-2016, 05:46 PM
Start over with the tax law. Get rid of all deductions and loopholes and lower taxes for everyone.

03-05-2016, 05:47 PM
as long as i can not have insurance and keep all of my income tax then i'm fine. i'll vote for bernie if he's in favor of that.
Like to live dangerous huh? Who is paying for your bills when you get into a car crash?

03-05-2016, 05:55 PM
as long as i can not have insurance and keep all of my income tax then i'm fine. i'll vote for bernie if he's in favor of that.

Well, if you have Bernie's plan, you would automatically be insured. I dunno how much you make or how much you pay for insurance currently per year. Insert it into the calculator and figure out how much you would save. You will save unless if you make over 200,000 yearly.

03-05-2016, 05:59 PM
the same people paying for stuff now. regular people aren't paying out as much in insurance per month as much as their health fixes cost.

besides, i won't get into a car crash. and if i do, i'll sign a waver that says all of my possessions can be seized if i can't pay for something. i eat well and exercise so i won't have to worry about health problems really.
"Regular people aren't paying out as much in insurance per month as much as their health fixes cost." That's why its called insurance.

The people paying now is us. Somebody has to pay.

Car crash was just an example. People that eat well and exercise have medical problems all the time. I guess I can see the argument of someone having assets not needing insurance. But that depends on your value of assets.

03-05-2016, 06:21 PM
Ted Cruz plan is better:

- Flat tax
- Abolish the IRS

You would lose a big chunk of revenue through taxes. He would need to shred half of the government to make it even work. Then he wants to increase the military spending by 23% (http://reason.com/blog/2016/02/19/ted-cruz-military-spending-and-the-liber). He also wants to go carpet bombing hundreds of miles of ISIS territory.

Cruz said Rubio "knows full well I voted for his amendment to increase military spending to $697 billion."

Where is that money coming from all while shredding taxes big time? Even if you shed half of the government, you are still in the red once you go into his large military spending hike and his warhawk side to directly escalate the situation in the middle-east. As far as his healthcare plan goes, we will be right back to pre-Obamacare with insurance companies doing as they wish and denying as they wish.

03-05-2016, 06:36 PM
so the number in blue on the right at the bottom is how much i save?



which one of these is more important?

The top 2 numbers. They consider the taxes, deductible, healthcare, number of family, etc. The bottom is just for healthcare costs.

So right now, you pay 695 per year for insurance? Employer doesn't contribute? You must have very basic insurance with high copay, low premium. So there is another exception - people who have no insurance and want no insurance. Risky way of living :confusedshrug:

03-19-2016, 09:22 PM

03-20-2016, 01:41 AM
Ted Cruz plan is better:

- Flat tax
- Abolish the IRS

Ted Cruz stole this from Rand Paul.